Savage Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (co. Chester, 6 Henry VII.). Ar. two cotises dancettee sa. (another has the tinctures reversed).
2) (cos. Essex and Oxford). Ar. on a fess az. betw. two pheons of the second three roses or.
3) (co. Kent). Erm. on a chief az. three lions ramp. ar.
4) (London). Ar. on a fess az. betw. two pheons sa. three roses or.
5) (co. Sussex). Az. a chev. betw. three leopards’ faces ar.
6) (Sir Thomas Savage, knighted 31 Oct. 1601, by Charles, Lord Mountjoy, Lord Deputy of Ireland). Ar. six lions ramp. three, two, and one, a label of three points gu.
7) (Valentine Savage, Esq., of the city of Dublin, Deputy Clerk of the Crown temp. Charles II., m. Mary, dau. of Thomas Houghton, Esq., of Ballyanne, co. Wexford; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1670). (Reban, co. Kildare; Sir Arthur Savage, Knt., a Privy Councillor in Ireland temp. James I. and Charles I.; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1626, of his dau. Elizabeth, wife of Sir James Carrol, Mayor of Dublin). Ar. six lions ramp. three, two, and one sa.
8) (Tatchbroke and Barford. co. Warwick; Robert Savage, a.d. 1574, son of Thomas Savage, of Barford, and grandson of William Savage, of Tatchbroke). (Clanfield, co. Oxford; Walter Savage, Visit. Oxon, 1574, second son of Thomas Savage, of Barford, co. Warwick, m. Anne, dau. of Michael Fox, of Chacombe, co. Northants). Ar. on a fess az. betw. three pheons sa. as many roses or.
9) (Earl Rivers, extinct 1728; descended from John Savage, Esq., of Clifton, co. Chester, sprung from Savage, of Steinesbie, co. Derby, m. temp. Edward III., Margaret, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Daniers, Knt., of Bradley, co. Chester, with whom he obtained the manor of Clifton; eighth in descent from him was Sir John Savage, created a bart. 1611, whose son, Sir Thomas Savage, second bart., was created Viscount Savage 1626. lie m. Elizabeth D’Arcy, dau. of Thomas, third Lord D’Arcy, of Chiche, who was created, 1626, Viscount Colchester and Earl Rivers, with special remainder to his son-in-law, Sir Thomas Savage). Motto—A te pro te. Ar. six lions ramp. three, two, and one sa. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion’s gamb erect sa. Supporters—Dexter, a falcon or, belled of the last; sinister, a unicorn ar.
10) (Rock Savage and Clifton, co. Chester). Motto—Ware the horn. This was discarded for the ancient bearing temp. Henry VIII. Ar. six lioncels ramp. sa. N.B.—This is the ancient coat of the Savages. Sir John Savage. Knt., having inherited Clifton through his mother, Margaret, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Daniers, obtained, 3 Henry V., a grant of the arms of that family, viz., Ar. four fusils in pale sa. Crest—A unicorn’s head erased ar.
11) (Castleton, co. Derby). Ar. a pale fusily sa. a crescent for diff. Crest—A unicorn’s head ar. erased gu.
12) (Hart Street, City of London). Ar. on a fess az. betw. two pheons sa. three roses or. Crest—Two arms embowed in armour ppr. issuing out of an Eastern crown or, supporting a pheon sa.
13) (Portaferry, co. Down; an ancient Norman family established in Ireland under Sir John de Courcy, a.d. 1177. Andrew Savage, Esq., of Portaferry, representative of this family, on inheriting the fortune of his maternal grand-uncle, assumed the surname and arms of Nugent, by royal licence, in 1812). Motto—Fortia atque fidelis. (Knockadoo, co. Sligo; a branch of Savage, of Portaferry; descended from Hugh Savage, Esq., of the city of Dublin, third son of John Savage, Esq., of Ballyvarley, co. Devon, great-grandson of Rowland Savage, Esq., of the Little Ards, who d. at Portaferry in 1552. The Rev. Robert Savage, of Knockadoo, and Lukesland Home, co. Devon, d. 1841, leaving his sisters his co-heirs). (Ballymadun, co. Dublin; descended through the Knockadoo branch from Savage, of Portaferry; Francis Savage, Esq., of Ballymadun, was eldest son of Rev. Chbistopheb Kingsborocgh Savage, who was eldest son of Francis Savage, Esq., of Knockadoo). Motto—Fortis atque fidelis. Ar. six lions ramp. sa. langued gu. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion’s gamb erect sa.
14) (Ardquin Castle, co. Down, and Lisanoure Castle, co. Antrim; a family coeval with that of Portaferry; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1665; presumed by some authorities to to have branched off at a very early period from that ancient house). Motto—Fortis atque fidelis. Same Arms, an annulet az. for diff. Crest—On waves of the sea a mermaid ppr.
15) (Kilcreen, co. Kilkenny; exemplified to Clayton Bayly, Esq., of Kilcreen, on his assuming, by royal licence, 1837, the surname and arms of Savage in lieu of Bayly, in compliance with the will of his uncle, Francis Savage, Esq., of Hollymount, co. Down). Motto—Fortia atque fidelis. Ar. six lioncels ramp, three, two, and one sa. Crest—Out of waves a mermaid all ppr.
16) (Brodway, co. Worcester, Visit. 1600; and Tidbury co. Gloucester, Visit. 1623). Same Arms. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion’s gamb erect sa.
17) (co. Chester, Visit. 1600; co. Gloucester, Visit. 1620; Tidminton and Powick, co. Worcester, Visit. 1634). Same Arms. Crest—A unicorn’s head erased ar.
18) (Elmley Lovet, co. Worcester, and Highgate, co. Middlesex). Same Arms, a crescent for diff. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a lion’s gamb erect sa. charged with a crescent or.
19) (Bloxworth, co. Dorset). Same Arms, a fleur-de-lis gu. for diff. Crest—A lion’s gamb erect sa. in a ducal coronet or.
20) (Clavering-Savage, Elmley Castle, co. Worcester). Same Arms, on a canton az. a fleur-de-lis of the field. Cresl —A unicorn’s head erased per fess ar. and gu. armed and crined or, in the mouth a fleur-de-lis az.
21) (Midsomer Norton, co. Somerset). Ar. on a pile az. six lions ramp. three, two, and one or. Crest—A unicorn’s head couped at the neck per fess wavy az. and sa. three bendlets ar. armed or, in the mouth a sprig of oak fructed ppr.

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