Abela Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Meaning, Origin, Etymology
The Spanish family name Abela is classified as being of habitation origin. Habitation names are those family names which are derived from either the location of the place of residence of the initial bearer or from the name of the town or village from whence he hailed. In some instances, a habitation name refers to a residence which was distinguished by a sign or engraving usually displayed over the door. In this particular instance, the name Abela was taken from the place named Abela, a town in the province of Lugo. The etymology of this name lies in the Galician term “abela” meaning “avelana”, which is the fruit of the “avellano tree”. The family name Abela descended from a Martín Martínez, known as “el abuelo”, in turn a descendant of one Aboacar Ramírez, son of the King Ramiro

Spelling Variations
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Early Marriage Records
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Popularity & Geographic Distribution
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Early Bearers of Surname
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History, Genealogy & Ancestry
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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Sicile – D’azur au chevron d’or acc de trois étoiles du même rangées en chef. Siracusa – D’azzurro e al capriolo d’oro accompagnato in capo da tre stelle di sei raggi dello stesso poste in’fascia e – Source: Rietstap’s Armorial General & Crollalanza
2) Siracusa – alias: D’azzurro e a due fucine di fuoco al naturale. Source: Crollalanza
3) Arma: D’azzuro, allo scaglione di oro, accompagnato da tre stelle di sei raggi dello stesso. Dimora: Siracusa. Nota in Sicilia sin dal sec. XIV, provniente da Malta. Un RADIMONDO fu marescalco del regno di Sicilia, consigliere di Sicilia, consigliere di Re Martino e godi Malta; un Giulio, con privlegio 14 febbraio 1469, ottenne dall’imperatore Federico d’Austria il titolo di cavaliere del S.R.I.; un Paolo Abela e Alagona per la moglie Maria Bonaiuto, 30 ott. 1599, fu barone di Camolio, titolo che, all’abolizione della feudalita, era in potere di Giuseppe Abela e Diamante, per investitura del 4 genn. 1802. Questa famiglia e passata varie volte all’ordine di Malta ed un Giovan Francesco, commendatore di detto ordine, pubblico nel 1647 in Malta un’opera dal titolo: Descrizione di Malta. Source: Spreti

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