Abelyn Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Meaning, Origin, Etymology
The name Abelyn has a rich and ancient history. It is an Anglo-Saxon name that was originally derived from the given name Appeline. Appeline was a popular girl’s name. “This was the usual English form of Appolonia, a martyr at Alexandria, who, among other tortures, had all her teeth beaten out It was a popular girl’s name, and survived the Reformation.

Spelling Variations
Applin, Appling, Applyn, Abelyn, Aplyon, Aplin

Early Marriage Records
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Popularity & Geographic Distribution
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Early Bearers of Surname
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History, Genealogy & Ancestry
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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Ar. three chess-rooks sa.
2) Ar. on a cross sa. an eagle displ. with two heads or. Crest—On a globe ppr. an eagle wings expanded and inverted gu.

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