Ballard Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History
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Learn MoreBallard Origin:
Origins of Name:
The surname of Ballard derives from a habitual use of nicknames, and comes from a group of surnames that were created because of this purpose. These nicknames usually were created to give reference to physical characteristics, such as moral characteristics, physical elements of the person’s physique, as well as the habits in the way that one dressed, and their occupation. The surname of Ballard derived from the nickname for someone who was a bald-headed man. This surname of Ballard comes from Middle English descriptive words. The word “balle” or “bal” which described a hairless patch on the skull, and the Anglo-Saxon suffix of “ad” which cannot be precisely translated, because the actual meaning has been lost in translation, and throughout history.
More common variations are: Ballardo, Baillard, Ballardt, Balliard, Ballardi, Ballarrd, Ballared, Ballaard, Baallard
The first recorded spelling of the surname of Ballard was in the country of England in the year of 1196. One person by the name of Peter Ballard was mentioned in a document from Northamptonshipre. This document was named the “Curia Regis Rolls of Northamptonshire. This document was created, ordered, decreed, and written under the reign of one King Richard I, who was known as and commonlt referred to throughout history as “Richard the Lionheart.” King Richard I ruled from the year 1189 to the year 1199. Those who bear this surname of Ballard can be found in the area of Yorkshire County in high concentrations, but has also spread to the city of London, as well as the counties of Kent and Sussex.
In the country of Scotland, those who bear the surname of Ballard can be found in the areas of Lanarkshire, Aberdeenshire, and Kirkcudbrightshire counties.
United States of America:
During the European Migration, settlers across Europe decided to leave their homes, and sought after a better life. This new life was largely available in the United States of America, which at that time was referred to as The New World, or The Colonies, and promised freedom from religious persecution, new fulfilling and largely available work, and land. However, during the long voyages that it took to make it to the United States, the vessels of travel were cramped, allowing for the spread of disease among much of the traveling population. This not only left some travelers deceased en route to their new life, it also caused many of the emigrating passengers to arrive in the New World ailed by disease. Because of this spread of disease, or lack of recording, there are only a few members of the Ballard family who made it to the United States of America, and these settlers who bore this surname came 30 years into the European Migration. The first person to bear the surname of Ballard was William Ballard, who arrived in New England in the year 1633. In the year 1635, Elizabeth Ballard, who was aged twenty-six years, Hester Ballard, who was aged two years, and Jo Ballard, who was aged one year, all arrived in New England. Those who bear the surname of Ballard in the United States of America can be found in the states of California, Oklahoma, New York, North Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas and Illinois.
Here is the population distribution of the last name Ballard:
United States 69,726, England 7,071, Australia 3,105, Afghanistan 1,898, Canada 1,72, South Africa 689, France 686, Philippines 644, Germany 538, Brazil 382
Notable People:
James T. Ballard, who was part of the Republican National Convention and was a delegate from Texas in the year 1928, and was a Republican politician from America
Jasper N. Ballard, who was a Member of the Missouri State Senate in the 16th District, from the year 1895 to the year 1898, and was a politician from America
Jeremiah Ballard (died in 1823) who was the Mayor of Elizabethtown, New Jersey from the year 1822 to the year 1823, and was a politician from America
John Ballard, who was a Member of the New York State Assembly from Onondaga County from the year 1804 to the year 1805, and was a Member of the New York State Senate Western District from the year 1806 to the year 1810, and was a politician from America
John A. Ballard, who was the Mayor of Akron, Ohio from the year 1966 to the year 1967, and was a Republican politician from America
John Reginald Ballard (1893-1949) who was an Investigator, and a Member of the West Virginia Democratic State Executive Committee, from the year 1945 to the year 1949, and was a Democratic politician from America
Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) (Horton, near Canterbury, and Wadhurst, co. Sussex). Sa. a griffin segreant erm. armed and gorged with a crown or, (another, without the crown). Crest—A demi griffin with wings endorsed erm beaked and legged or.
2) (Evesham, co. Worcester). (Greenwich, co. Kent, and Southwell, co. Notts, Visit. Notts 16). Sa. a griffin segreant erm. Crest—A griffin’s head erased erm.
3) Vert a mullet or, betw. three trefoils ar.