Bulkeley Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Bulkeley, co. Chester). Sa. a chev. betw. thiee bulls’ heads cabossed ar.
2) (Eaton, co. Chester, Parwich, co. Derby, and Stanlow, co. Stafford). Sa. two chevronels betw. three bulls’ heads cabossed ar. This coat was allowed by the College of Arms during the existence of the senior male lines, but at a subsequent period the family returned to the more ancient bearing of Bulkeley, of Bulkeley. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull’s head ar. armed of the first. Motto—Nec temere, nec timide.
3) (Viscount Bulkeley, of Cashel). Arms same as Bulkeley, of Bulkeley. Crest and Motto same as last. Supporters—Two bulls ar. armed and unguled or, collared dancettee gu.
4) Williams-Bulkeley – (Penrhyn, co. Carnarvon, bart.). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, sa. a chev. betw. three bulls’ heads cabossed ar. a canton erm., Bulkeley; 2nd and 3rd, gu. a chev. erm. betw. three Saracens’ heads couped at the shoulders ppr., Williams. Crests—Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull’s head ar. horned or, charged with a chev. sa., for Bulkeley; A stag’s head cabossed ar., for Williams. Motto—Nec temere nec timide.
5) Sa. three bulls’ heads couped ar. Crest—A bull’s head couped per pale sa. and ar. attired of the last.
6) (Staffordshire). Sa. three chevronels ar. betw. as many goats’ heads erased of the last.
7) (Wiltshire). Sa. three bulls’ heads cabossed ar.

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