Cradock Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

Source for 1-10: Burke’s General Armory
1) (Hartforth, co. York). (Woodhouse, co. Leicester). (Quorn Court, co. Leicester). Ar. on a chev. az. three garbs or. Crest—A bear’s head ppr. muzzled gu.
2) (co. Oxford). Ar. three boars’ heads erect and erased sa.
3) (cos. Somerset and Wilts). Ar. on. a chev. az. three garbs or. Crest—A bear’s head erased sa. billettee and muzzled or.
4) or Craddock (Wales). Az. three boars’ heads couped in fesse betw. as many crosses crosslet or. Crest—A horse pass. sa.
5) Az. three boars’ heads couped ar. betw. nine crosses crosslet of the second.
6) or Caradoc (Baron Howden, extinct 1874). Ar. on a chev. az. betw. three boars’ heads ppr. as many garbs or. Crest—A man in a coat of mail with an antique crown of three points or, kneeling on one knee presenting a sword ppr. intended for the representation of Caradoc, the Caractacus of the Romans. Supporters—Two ibises ppr. wings elevated, in the beak an eel also ppr. Motto—Traditus non victus.
7) or Cradocke – Ar. three boars’ heads couped sa.
8) or Cradocke – Ar. on a chev. az. three garbs or, in chief a lion pass. sa.
9) (co. Stafford). Ar. on a fesse az. three garbs or.
10) Caradoc Vreichfras – (Prince of Brecon). Sa. a cher. betw. three spears heads ar. points upwards, embrued ppr.

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