Cripps Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Cripps Origin:

England, France

Origins of Cripps:

This interesting and unusual name, has different spelling forms such as Crispe, Chrisp, Crips, Chrippes, and Scripps. It acquires from the Olde English pre 7th Century word “crisp, cryps,” from the Latin word “crispus,” which means wavy or a person who had wavy hair, or from the ancient French word “crespe,” which means waved or crimpy. Crisp may also be a reduce kind of Crispin, a short form of “Crispinus,” the name of the holy fellow of shoe manufacturer who was wounded at Soissons, near the year 285, from the Latin word “crispus” as above. The surname shows in early documentations in the early 11th Century, and other old lists consist of Henry le Cresp, near the year 1200, listed in Early London. Walter Crips was listed in 1273, in the Hundred Rolls of Huntingdonshire and one Richard Crysp was introduced in the Premium Rolls of Worcestershire in 1275. John Marten Cripps (died 1853), was an interesting name heritor, got an education at Cambridge, and he moved to Europe and the Near East.


More common variations are: Chripps, Crippes, Crips, Crpps, Chrippes, Chrippis, Crippes, Crapps, Cripes, Gripps.


The surname Cripps first appeared in Oxfordshire where they were given the lands of Cowley by William, the invader for their help in the war of Hastings in 1066. The source Old English nicknames record the name in the Latin form like Benedictus Crispus near the year 1030 as the first documentation of the family. Almost after two hundred years, Walter Crips was recorded in the origin Early London Names as residing there near the year 1200. After that, the family became well settled in Norfolk, where they are now famous. In Norfolk, the family goes back almost as far as the 14th century. “In 1388, Richard Crispe was a supporter of the residing of Cockthorp, to which he mentioned one of the family. Another Richard Crispe buried in Erenze parish in 1517.” The Hundredorum Rolls of 1273 record the following like Robert le Crespe in Oxfordshire, Thomas le Crespe in Somerset and Gilbert le Crispe in Oxfordshire.

The very first recorded spelling of the family was shown to be that of Benedictus Cripus, dated about 1030, in the “Old English Byanames.” It was during the time of King Canute the Dane, who was known to be the “Ruler of England,” dated 1016-1035. The origin of surnames during this period became a necessity with the introduction of personal taxation.


Many of the people with surname Cripps had moved to Ireland during the 17th century.

United States of America:

Individuals with the surname Cripps settled in the United States in two different centuries respectively in the 17th, and 18th. Some of the people with the name Cripps who settled in the United States in the 17th century included Zachary Cripps, who arrived in Virginia in 1621. Kath Cripps, who landed in Virginia in 1635. Marg Cripps and Mary Cripps, both landed in Virginia in 1650. Math Cripps, who landed in Virginia in 1651

Some of the people with the surname Cripps who settled in the United States in the 18th century included William Cripps, who arrived in Virginia in 1715. Nathaniel Cripps landed in America in 1765


Some of the people with the surname Cripps who settled in Australia in the 19th century included William Cripps, who was an English prisoner from Sussex, who shifted aboard the “Anson” in September 1843, arriving in Van Diemen’s Land, Australia. Charles Cripps arrived in Adelaide, Australia aboard the ship “The Stebonheath” in 1850.

Here is the population distribution of the last name cripps: England 4,598; United States 3,331; Canada 1,402; Australia 1,296; South Africa 493; Wales 271; Scotland 210; New Zealand 175; France 86; Ireland 55.

Notable People:

Andrew Cripps was an Australian leader.

Annabelle Cripps was an outstanding swimmer.

Arthur Shearly Cripps was an Anglican saint and author.

Harry Cripps was a famous football player.

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Notes: (Homestall, co. Sussex; granted 25 July, 1662). Blazon: Or, on a chev. vert five horseshoes ar.
2) Notes: None. Blazon: Same Arms. Crest—An arm in armour embowed, holding a scimetar ppr.
3) Notes: (Cirencester). Blazon: Same Arms. Crest—An ostrich’s head erased, gorged with a ducal coronet, holding a horseshoe in its bill, all ppr.

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