Dodd Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Ar. a fesse gu. cotised wavy sa. charged with three crescents or. Crest—A serpent ppr. issuing out of a wheatsheaf or. Motto—In copia cautus. These are mentioned in the will of Dame Isabella Dodd, proved 1722, to have been the arms borne hy her late husband, Sir Samuel Dodd, Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer, and were to be assumed by the husband of any female who by virtue of her will should succeed to certain estates therein mentioned.
2) (Pertsey, co. Salop, 1623). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. two bars wavy sa. all betw. three crescents of the second.
3) (Chlorley). Ar. three flowers az. stalked vert (another coat has a chev. gu. betw. the flowers).
4) (Edge, co. Chester, settled there since the reign of Henry II.; Thomas Crewe Dod, Esq., of Edge, d. 1827, leaving daus. co-heirs). Ancient Arms—Ar. a chev. betw. three Cornish choughs sa. Modern Arms—Ar. on a fess gu. betw. two barrulets wavy sa. three crescents ar. Crest—A serpent vert issuing from and piercing a garb or. Motto—In copia cautus.
5) (Edge, co. Chester, settled there since the reign of Henry II.; Thomas Crewe Dod, Esq., of Edge, d. 1827, leaving daus. co-heirs). Ancient Arms—Ar. a chev. betw. three Cornish choughs sa. Modern Arms—Ar. on a fess gu. betw. two barrulets wavy sa. three crescents ar. Crest—A serpent vert issuing from and piercing a garb or. Motto—In copia cautus.
6) (Wolley-Dod, now of Edge; exemplified to Rev. Charles Wollet, M.A., and Frances Lucy, his wife, dau. of Rev. Pelly Parker, by his wife, Frances Rosamond, dau. and co-heir of Thomas Crewe Dod, Esq., of Edge, on their taking the name of Dod, in addition to and after that of Wolley, by royal licence, in 1868). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a fesse gu. betw. two barrulets wavy sa. three crescents or, and (for distinction) a canton of the second, for Dod; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a chev. vaire or and gu. betw. three maidens’ heads affronts couped at the bust ppr. crined gold, for Wolley. Crests—Dod: A garb ar. banded gu. environed with a snake, the head issuing from the middle of the garb ppr. and (for distinction) a cross crosslet of the second; 2nd, Wolley: A man’s head facing the dexter in chain mail couped at the shoulder ppr. Motto—In copia cautus.
7) (Lower Hall, Broxton, co. Chester, descended from Edge). Same Arms. Crest—A hand erect couped ppr. holding a claw hammer sa.
8) (Cloverly, or Calverhall, co. Salop; the estate acquired by the marriage, in the reign of Henry IV., of Hugo Dod with the dau. and co-heir of Roger de Cloverley). (Drumlease, Knackhrown, and Kingsfort, co. Sligo; descended from Charles Dod, second son of Dod, of Cloverley). Ar. a fesse gu. betw. two cotises wavy sa., quartering Cloverley, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three cyanus flowers slipped ppr. Crest—A serpent vert issuing from and piercing a garb or.
9) (Fun. Ent. of Dr. Roger Dod, Bishop of Meath, d. at Ardbraccan, co. Meath, 27 July, 1608). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a plain fess betw. two cottises wavy gu. three bezants; 2nd, sa. an eagle displ. ar. armed gu.; 3rd, or, a cross pattee fitchee sa. over all a crescent for diff.
10) or Dode, Dodds, or Dogge – Vert three dogfishes ar. Crest—Two hands conjoined, one in armour grasping another ppr. both couped, supporting a branch of palm and a thistle.
11) (co. Hertford). Az. a pale engr. erm. betw. two demi lions or.
12) Erm. a chief chequy or and az.

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