Dominguez Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Don Manuel Dominguez
Don Manuel Dominguez (1804–1882)

Dominguez Surname Name Meaning, Origin, History, & Etymology
This primarily Spanish last name developed as a patronymic (son of, descendant of) from the personal (first) name Domingo, which is the Spanish form of the name Dominic, which is in turn derived from the Late Latin name Dominicus, meaning “of the Lord”, a name given to a child born on Sunday. Several saints bore this name including Saint Dominic or Santo Domingo (also known as Dominic of Osma, Dominic of Caleruega, Dominic de Guzman, and Domingo Felix de Guzman) who was a Castilian priest and founder of the Dominican Order, born in the Kingdom of Castile in 1170 AD. Spelling variations include Domingues (Portuguese), Domiinguez, and Dominiguez.

Two of the earliest documented bearers of this surname were:
1) Marinha Domingues who was born in Crato e Mártires, Portugal in 1339 AD. She married Alvaro Goncalves Pereira and had a daughter with him named Violante Alvares Pereira
2) Catalina Dominguez who was born in Santa Marta, Reinos de Castilla, Zamora, Espana in 1470 AD. She married Alvaro Perez and had issue with him named Alvaro, Alonso, and Aldonsa

Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Dominguez ranks 334th in popularity in the United Status as of the 2000 Census. The name ranks particularly high in the following five states: New Mexico, Arizona, California, Texas, and Nevada The surname Dominguez ranks in the top 190 names in all of the aforementioned states.

In Spain, the name ranks 23rd. In Portugal, it ranks 1,253rd. The surname Dominguez frequency/commonness ranks as follows in the Latin and South America: Mexico (46th), Honduras (141st), Brazil (1,987th), Puerto Rico (177th), Uruguay (65th), El Salvador (115th), Bolivia (268th), Panama (46th), Ecuador (219th), Chile (311th), Colombia (286th), Peru (185th), Cuba (36th), Venezuela (148th), Guatemala (172nd), Argentina (31st), Paraguay (75th), and the Dominican Republic (69th).

Dominguez Family Tree & Dominguez Genealogy

Some bearers of this surname during the time of the Middle Ages to the early modern period include:
1) Juan Dominguez was born in Coregana, Huelva, Andalucia, Spain sometime between 1475 and 1535 AD. He married Isabel Vasquez and had a son named Juan Barolome Dominguez.
2) Manuel Dominquez who was born between 1732 and 1792 AD and married Maria Heras
3) Antonio Domínguez de Mendoza was born in Virreinato de Nueva, Espana in 1660, married Juana Romero de Pedraza
4) Juan Domínguez Palermo who was born in Palermo, Sicilia, Italy in 1567 AD. He married Maria Isabel Gomez de Satavia and had issue named Isabel and Juana.
5) Juan Dominguez Marin was born in Extremadura, Spain around 1515 AD. He had two issue: Juan Dominguez Marin and Maria Dominguez Marin.
6) Tome Dominquez who was born in Cartagena de Levante, Murcia, Reinos de Castilla in 1560. He married Leonor Gonzalez and had a son named Tome.
7) Francisco Dominquez who was born in 1520 and had a daughter named Leonor Ruiz

Some marriages involving the Dominguez last name include:
1) Jesus Dominguez to Mariquita Romero in Baja California, Mexico in 1881
2) Maria Dolores De Jesus Dominguez married Geronimo Javiel in Yhualapan, Mexico in 1835
3) Ramon Dominguez to Salvatora Gutierres in Baja California, Mexico in 1841
4) Leonardo Dominguez to Jacinta Gutierrez in Fresnillo, Mexico in 1907
5) Maria Dominquez to Alonso Roldan Molinero in Valladoid, Spain in 1593
6) Amaro Dominguez to Ines Garica in Valladoid, Spain in 1639
7) Salbador Dominguez to Maria Montero in Granada, Spain in 1752
8) Vicente Dominguez married Dominga Lazo in Bexar, Texas in 1921
9) Ursula Dominguez married Albert Hernandez in Forsyth, Montana in 1924
10) Daniel M. Dominguez married Virginia F.S. Mathew in St. Joseph, Michigan in 1911

Cruz Dominguez was born in Fresnillo, Zazatecas, Mexico around 1830. In 1848, he married Maria Lucas Campero, daughter of Arcadio Campero and Maria Ancelma Munoz, and had three issue with her as follows: Tomasa, Andrea, and Pedro. His son Pedro Dominguez was born around 1860. He married Francisa Rolodan and had children with her as follows: Jose Rafael, Jose Pedro, Brigida, Jose Concecpcion, Maria, Maria Guadalupe, Tomasa, Ysidra, and Petra. His son, Jose Concepcion Dominguez, was born in Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Mexico in 1886. He married twice while living in New Mexico: Josefina Cifuentes in 1917 and Maria Petra Heredia in 1920. They had several children, including: Alonso, Manuel, Mario, and Maria Concepcion. His son Mario was born in Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua in 1940. Before passing away in 1989, he had several children, including a daughter named Lorena who was born in the 1970s.

Early American and New World Settlers
Some of the earliest known bearers of this name to come to the New World include Anton Dominguez who came to the Dominican Republic in 1536, Beatriz Dominguez who came to New Granada in 1557, and Domingo Dominguez who came to Peru in 1579.

Several thousand members of the Dominguez family came to the United States through Ellis Island, during the nineteenth century, including:
1) Jorge Antonio Dominguez came from Cuba in 1874 aboard the City of New York
2) Maria Dominguez came from Spain in 1874 aboard the Columbia
3) Guadaloupe Dominguez came from Ucatan (Yucatan) in 1851 aboard the JW Blodget
4) Frank Dominguez came from Cuba in 1895 aboard the City of Washington
5) Pancho Dominguez came from came from Spain in 1869 aboard the Columbia
6) Manl. Dominguez came from Spain in 1823 aboard the Alcona
7) Aryel Dominguez came from Italy in 1867 aboard the Morro Castle
8) Nicolas Dominguez came from came from Liverpool, England in 1913 aboard the Seguranca
9) Rafael Dominguez came from Venezuela in 1875 aboard the Andes
10) Manuel Dominguez came from Spain in 1867 aboard the Eagle

There are hundreds of notable people with the Dominguez surname. This page will mention a handful. Famous people with this last name include:
1) Alejandro Damián Domínguez (1981) also known as Chori, who was an Argentine football (soccer) player active professionally from 2000-2018 and played for the countries’ National team in 2003
2) José Manuel Martins Dominguez (1974) who was a Portuguese soccer (football) player from Lisbon who played professionally from 1992-2005 for teams such as Benefica, Birmingham City, and Tottenham Hotspur
3) Oralia Domínguez (1925-2013) who was a Mexican operatic mezzo-soprano known for her performances at prominent opera houses around the world, born in San Luis Potosi
4) Leinier Domínguez Pérez (1983) who was a Cuban chess grandmaster born in Havana who ranked 20th in the world in 2017 and competed in the FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) World Cup in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015
5) Matt Pilar Dominguez (1978) who is a former football wide receiver born in Georgetown, Texas who played for the Denver Broncos in the NFL and the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Canadian Football League
6) Jose Alfredo Dominguez (1990) who was a professional baseball pitcher in the MLB from 2013-2016, playing for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Tampa Bay Rays, and San Diego Padres, born in San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic
7) José Antonio Domínguez Bandera (1960) who is a Spanish actor, producer, and singer known for his roles in hit filks such as Assassins, Desperado, and The Mask of Zorro
8) Mario Dominguez (1975) who was a Mexican race car driver born in Mexico City
9) Carlos “Sonny” García Domínguez III (1945) is a Filipino businessman that was CEO of Philippine Airlines and severed in government for several positions including Minister of Natural Resources (1986-1987), Secretary of Agriculture (1987-1989), and 31st Secretary of Finance (2016)
10) Michael Luis Dominguez who served as the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force from 2001-2006, a graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point

Dominguez America Civil War Veterans
There were at least ~56 soldiers with the last name Dominguez who served in the American Civil War:
1) Julio (or Yulio) Dominguez fought for the Union as part of the 1st Regiment New Mexico Infantry
2) Delffido Dominguez fought for the Union as part of the 3rd Regiment New Mexico Mounted Infantry
3) Pedro Dominguez fought for the Union as part of the  3rd Regiment New Mexico Mounted Infantry
4) P.A. Dominguez fought for the Confederacy as part of the 26th Regiment Louisiana Infantry
5) Dolores Dominguez fought for the Union as part of the 1st Battalion California Native Cavalry
6)Hipolite Dominguez fought for the Confederacy as part of the 5th Regiment European Brigade Louisiana Militia Spanish Regiment
7) Antonio Dominguez fought for the Union as part of the 39th Regiment New York Infantry
8) Batildo Dominguez fought for the Union as part of the 3rd Regiment New Mexico Mounted Infantry
9) Louis Dominguez fought for the Union as part of the 95th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry
10) William Jean Dominguez fought for the Confederacy as part of the 26th Regiment Louisiana Infantry

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

St. Dominic
Saint Dominic (1170-1221 AD)

1) Andalousie – D’azur à une étoile (6) penchée d’or à la bordure de gueules ch de huit flanchis d’orEnglish: Azure with an etoile of 6 points tilted bendwise or a bordure gules charged with eight saltorels or.
2) Andalousie – D’azur à une fleur-de-lis d’or acc de trois aigles d’argent Cimier la fleur-de-lis Lambrequin d’argent et d’azurEnglish: Azure with a fleur de lys or accompanied by three eagles argent Crest: the fleur de lys Mantling: argent and azure.
3) En la Nobleza ejecutoriada de Navarra se describen las armas de los Domínguez del lugar de Riezu en estos términos: “El escudo es en el cuartel principal un león en campo colorado, y en el de abajo un castillo en campo azul; en otro, igual a este, y en el cuarto, un árbol y un lobo andante atado y atrabesado a dicho árbol, en campo dorado”.Estas noticias permiten organizar dicho escudo de la siguiente manera.Estas armas constan en la ciudad de Segovia – Escudo cuartelado: 1º, de gules, con un león rampante de oro; 2º y 3º, de azur, con un castillo de oro, y 4º, de oro, con un árbol de sinople y un lobo de su color andante atado al tronco del árbol.. English: Quarterly, 1st Gu, lion rampant or, 2nd and 3rd Az., a castle or, 4th Or, in front of a tree vert, a wolf passant ppr. tied to the trunk of a tree.
4) Los de la casa de San Vicente de la Barquera (Cantabria) ostentaron.Estas armas traen los Condes de San Antonio y los de la comarca de Sarria (Lugo). – Escudo cuartelado: 1º y 4º, en campo de plata, tres palos de gules, y 2º y 3º, en campo de azur, tres espadas de plata con la guarnición de oro y las puntas hacia arriba. English: Quaterly 1st and 4th Ar, three pales gu. 2nd and 3rd Az, three swords ar, garnished or, points upward.
5) Otros Domínguez . Estas armas constan en la Casa de la Peña, elevada sobre una gran roca, en la feligresía de San Martín de Manzaneda (Orense), y en el patio del Palacio Episcopal de la ciudad de Cáceres. Dichas armas traen también los de Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz). – En campo de sinople, dos castillos de oro unidos por una cadena del mismo metal y sumados de un águila también de oro, que tiene una garra puesta en cada torre central de los castillos. English: Vert, two castles or., joined by a chain of the same metal (or), accompanied by an eagle also or, which has a claw placed on each cental tower of the castles.
6) Los originarios de Tornavacas (Cáceres), según Vicente de Cadenas – En campo de oro, un brazo armado, de plata, saliendo por el flanco diestro, fileteado de gules y con un árbol, de sinople, empuñado en su mano.. English: Or, an arm in armour ar, fimbriated gu., issuing from dexter flank, holding in a hand a tree vert.
7) Los de Castilla, según Vicente de Cadenas – En campo de oro, una cruz flordelisada, de azur.. English: Or, a cross flory az.
8) Los de San Simón de Ons de Cacheiras (La Coruña) usan – En campo de gules, un brazo naciente del flanco diestro, sosteniendo un escudo, con el que sostiene la acometida de otro brazo amado, naciente del flanco siniestro, que empuña una espada; terrasado de sinople, con cinco cabezas siniestradas. English: Gu., a rising arm of the flank dexter, holding a shield, with which it holds the attack of another embowed arm, issuantt of the sinister flank, that holds a sword; a base vert, with five heads reversed.
9) Los originarios de Villaobispo (León), según Vicente de Cadenas – En campo de azur, un castillo, de oro, con el homenaje cubierto de gules. English: Az, a castle or, the highest tower domed gu.

Michael Luis Dominguez, us air force
Michael Luis Dominguez

10) Los originarios de Almería, según Vicente de Cadenas – En campo de sinople, tres bandas, de oro, cargada cada una de ellas de una punta de lanza, de gules.. English: Vert, three bendlets or, each charged with spearhead gu.
11) Los radicados en Madrid, según Vicente de Cadenas – En plata, cinco veneras, de gules, puestas tres y dos, y en punta, un bezante, de oro, fileteado de azur.. English: Ar, five escallopes gu., arranged 3 and 2, in base a bezant or, fimbriated az.
12) Los radicados en Hornillos (Valladolid) y los extendidos a Madrid y Sevilla y desde aquí a Puerto Rico y Haití, según Vicente de Cadenas – En campo de azur, un castillo, de plata, rodeado de cinco flores de lis, de oro. English: Az, a castle ar, surrounded by five fleur de lys or.
13) En el expediente del Caballero de la Orden de Montesa Manuel Domínguez y Bueno – En campo de sinople, dos torres de oro unidas por una cadena del mismo metal y sumadas de un águila también de oro, que tiene una garra puesta en cada torre. English: Vert, two towers or, joined by a chain of the same accompanied by an eagle also or, which has a claw on each tower.
14) Los radicados en Sevilla, según Vicente de Cadenas – En campo de sinople, dos castillos de oro, almenados y aclarados, de azur, y mazonados, de sable, unidos por una cadena del mismo metal y sumados de un águila también de oro, que tiene una garra puesta en cada torre central de los castillos.. English: Vert, two castles or, crenellated, openings az, masoned sa., joined by a chain of the same metal (or), accompanied by an eagle also or, which has a claw placed on each cental tower of the castles.
15) También se lee que algunos de este patronímico usaron – En campo de azur, una estrella de plata, y bordura de gules, con ocho sotueres de oro.. English: Az, a star ar, bordure gu.charged with eight saltires or.
16) Otros usaron – En campo de azur, una estrella de oro de seis puntas, y bordura de gules, con ocho sotueres de oro.. English: Az, a star of six points or, bordure gu.charged with eight saltires or.
17) Otros – Escudo cortado por una faja de oro: en lo alto, de azur, dos cabezas, de plata, y en lo bajo, de gules, una caldera de sable.. English: Per fess az.and gu, a fess or, in chief two heads ar, in base a cauldron sa.
18) Otros – En campo de gules, seis cruces de Santiago, de gules. English: Gu., six crosses of Santiago gu.

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