Gunning Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Eltham, co. Kent, bart., afterwards of Horton, co. Northampton). Gu. on a fesse erminois betw. three doves ppr. as many crosses formee per pale of the first and az. Crest—A dove holding in the dexter claw a caduceus ppr. Motto—lmperio regit unus aequo. The first bart., as a Knight of the Bath, bore for Supporters—Dexter, a stag ppr. collared pily; sinister, a fox ppr. collared as the dexter. Motto—lmperio regit unus aequo.
2) (Castle Coote, co. Roscommon; derived from the Gunnings, of Kent; the last male heir in the direct line, General John Gunning, left an only dau. and heiress, m. Major James Plunkett. General Gunning’s sisters were— Mary, Countess of Coventry: Elizabeth, Baroness Hamilton, wife successively of the Dukes of Hamilton and Argyll; and Catherine, m. to Robert Travis, Esq.). Gu. on a fesse erm. betw. three doves ar. ducally crowned or, as many crosses pattee of the first.
3) (cos. Kent, Somerset, and Gloucester; the Kentish branch, of which was the Right Rev. Peter Gunning, Bishop of Ely, who d. unm. in 1684; arms on the Bishop’s Tomb in his Cathedral). Gu. on a fesse betw. three doves ar. as many crosses pattee of the field.
4) (Swainswick, co. Somerset; granted 1765). Gu. on a fesse ar. betw. three doves ppr. a barnacle az. betw. two crosses pattee of the field. Crest—An ostrich holding in the beak a horseshoe all ppr. charged on the breast with a cross pattee, as in the arms.
5) (co. Kent). This family originally bore…three billets in fesse…but on 9 May, 1670, the son of Bishop Gunning obtained from Walker a grant of the following: Gu. on a fesse betw. three doves ar. as many crosses pattee of the field. Crest—A dove ar. supporting with the dexter paw a crozier.

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