Hazlewood Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Hazlewood Origin:


Origins of Hazlewood:

It is an English locational surname. It starts from one or all the hamlets called Hazlewood found in the districts of Norfolk, Nottinghamshire, and especially in Yorkshire, where there are, or were in old times, townships in the churches of Skipton and Tadcaster. The old documentations are from Yorkshire, and it was considered that these are related to the estate and palace of Hazlewood, three miles west of Tadcaster. These first documentations dating from the real Census Tax returns of the year 1379 contain one Ricardus de Hesilwode and Robertus de Heselwode, which despite the little differing spellings were considered to be related and may have been father and son and likely kings of the estates of Hazlewood. Most surnames are ‘from’ names. That is to say, surnames were given to people as an easy association after they departed from their original homes and shifted to any other place. It may not be the case with this name, and it is possible that all name owners descended from the original land owners. The name means ‘the hazel wood’ from the Olde English pre 7th-century ‘haesel-woda.’ The name was the first recording in remaining London church records. An example being John Hasylwood, who married Katherine Weste, at the parish St Michael’s, Cornhill, in the year 1553.


More common variations are: Hazzlewood, Heazlewood, Hazelewood, Hazlewowod, Haizlewood, Hazlewod, Hazlwood, Hazelwood, Hazalwood, Hazwlwood.


The origins of the surname Hazlewood appeared in Salop where people held a family seat from old times. Some say better before the invasion of Normans and the entrance of Duke William at Hastings 1066 A.D. The origin of surnames during this period became a necessity with the introduction of personal taxation. It came to be known as Poll Tax in England.


Many of the people with surname Hazlewood had moved to Ireland during the 17th century.

United States of America:

Individuals with the surname Hazlewood landed in the United States in three different centuries respectively in the 17th, 19th, and 20th. Some of the people with the name Hazlewood who arrived in the United States in the 17th century included John Hazlewood, who landed in Virginia in 1654. Bryan Hazlewood, who landed in Virginia in 1662. William Hazlewood, who arrived in Virginia in 1663. George Hazlewood, who came to Virginia in 1683.

People with the surname Hazlewood who landed in the United States in the 19th century included Wm. J. Hazlewood, who settled in America, in 1895.

The following century saw more Hazlewood surnames arrive. Some of the people with the surname Hazlewood who arrived in the United States in the 20th century included Alfred Hazlewood, who landed in America from Devonfort, in 1906. Alfred Hazlewood, who landed in America from Workington, Scotland, in 1907. Walter Hazlewood, who landed in America, in 1907. Lilian Mary Hazlewood, who landed in America from Tottenham, England, in 1907. Sydney Ed Hazlewood, who landed in America from Brixham, England, in 1909.

Here is the population distribution of the last name Hazlewood: United States 2,259; England 1,032; Canada 354; Australia 256; New Zealand 161; France 98; Panama 82; Scotland 66; Wales 56; Guyana 49.

Notable People:

Robert Roy Hazelwood (born March 1938-died April 2016) was an old FBI profiler of sex crimes and considered as the leading expert of profiling sexual predators.

Barton Lee Hazlewood (July 1929–August 2007) was an American country and pop singer, composer, and record producer, most widely known for his work with guitarist Duane Eddy during the late 1950s and singer Nancy Sinatra in the 1960s.

Josh Reginald Hazlewood was born in January in the year 1991 in Tamworth, New South Wales. He is an Australian cricket player who plays for New South Wales and Australia.

Joseph Jeffrey Hazelwood (born September 24, 1946) is an American traveler. He was the commander of Exxon Valdez during its 1989 oil spill.

John Adam Hazelwood (October 1869 – January 1923) was an American advocate and leader.

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

(Belton, co. Rutland). Ar. on a saltire gu. betw. three owls sa. as many lozenges ar. each charged with an erm. spot, on a chief az. three branches of hazel or. Crest—A squirrel sejant az. bezantee, cracking a nut.

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