Hewlet Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Meaning, Origin, Etymology

The Hulet surname is derived from the personal name of ‘Hugh’ and ‘Hugh-el-ot’, the last two elements of Hugh-el-ot being typical of the medieval period endings of names.  ‘Hugh’ was introduced into Britain by the Normans when they came as the form of ‘Hugo’ which is derived from the Old German ‘hug’ meaning ‘heart’, ‘mind’ or ‘spirit’ and was recorded in 1086 in the Domesday Book as ‘Hugo’, in Huntingdonshire and in Suffolk.  Hulet is derived from a French word which is “Mount” in English but translated into the Walloon language. In Walloon Belgium there is a little mount between Genappe and Nivelles, which in the past was called a “ Huwelencourt”, but now it is called “Hulencourt.”   The ancestors of the Hulet family came to England following the Norman Conquest of 1066 and is based on the Norman personal name of Hugh. When a son of Hugh was baptised their baptismal name became Howlett. The name and it’s various forms gained much popularity after the 14th century because of St. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln.  The first recorded spelling of Hulet is recorded in the records of Bec Abbey in Norfolk in 1248, during the reign of King Henry III (1216-1272) and the records indicate a Agnes Hughelot.

Early Bearers of Surname

  • Agnes Hughelot, which was dated circa 1248, in the Records of Bec Abbey, Norfolk
  • Daniell, s. Thomas Hewlett: St. James, Clerkenwell. 1692. Baptised
  • Daniell, son of Thomas Hewlett, was christened at St. James’s, Clerkenwell, London in 1692
  • Johannes Hughlot, 1379: Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
  • John Huelot (1327, Worcestershire)
  • John Huelot, Cambridgeshire, ibid.
  • Richard Hulot (1275, Suffolk)
  • Thomas Hughelot, Somerset, 1 Edward III: Kirby’s Quest.
  • Walter Howlot (1310, Devonshire)
  • Walter Hughelot, Kent, ibid.
  • Walter Huwelot, Oxfordshire, ibid.
  • William Hughlot, 1313. Writs of Parliament.
  • William Huwelot, Huntingdonshire, 1273. Hundred Rolls.

Spelling Variations
Hewlett, Hulet, Hewlett, Hulett, Howlet, Howlett, Hulit, Huwelet, Hewlot, Hughlett, Hughelot, Hughlot, Huwelot

Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Hulet ranks 206,144th  in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 1,996  people carry the Hulet surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states:  Utah, Washington, California, Michigan, Texas, and Missouri. It ranks highest in the following countries: United States (1,532), Belgium (309), Argentina (81), France (41), and Canada (33).

The last name Hewlett ranks 40,353rd in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 13,139 people carry the Hewlett surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states:  California, Nevada, Texas, Pennsylvania, Florida, and New York. It ranks highest in the following countries:  United States (5,761), England (3,312), Canada (1,172), Australia (898), Ghana (855), New Zealand (463).

The last name Howlett ranks 24,407th in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 22,506 people carry the Howlett surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states:  California, Missouri, Virginia, New York, Texas, and Massachusetts. It ranks highest in the following countries:  England (7,978), United States (7,119), Australia (2,968), Canada (2,249), Northern Ireland (439), New Zealand (341)

History, Genealogy & Ancestry
Crest – An owl’s head erased and affronted arg; ducally gorged or.   “Family tradition states that “George Hewlett. the first of his name in America, was a judge of the Court under Cromwell’s Commonwealth who refused allegiance to Charles II, and fled to America with his four sons, Daniel, George, Lewis and John.  They settled at Merrick, on the south side of Long Island where Daniel, the eldest son, succeeded to the homestead and left five sons and three daughters. George settled on Great Neck, Long Isalnd and left three sons and five daughters, and John settled at Rockaway and left two sons and four daughters, and from this John are descended all the Hewletts of Long Island.  Another tradition recites that “George Hewlett came to Long Island with his brothers John and Lewis, and settled on Riker’s Island, but were driven away by the Indians to Long Island, where, excepting George all died without issue.” Thompson’s Long Island states he “married the widow of Guisbert Riker,” but of this we can find no proof. There were many Hewletts in the New England Colonies at any early period.  One Thomas went to Ispwich, Mass., with John Winthrop, Jr. in 1633. (Shurtliff’s Mass. Hist. Reeds. pg 103) Another, one William, came to Virginia in 1635, from London. (Hotton’s Original Lists.) In 1664 Gov. Wm. Coddington came from Rhode Island to Monouth County New Jersey bringing with him George Hulate, “then in his employ.” Gov. Coddington returned to Rhode Island and Hulate became one of the early settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey.  In 1675 warrants were issued to proprietors for the location of their lands, and George Hewlett and his wife’s share was 240 acres. (Salter’s Monmouth Co.) Austin’s Gene. Dictionary of Rhode Island states that his wife was Mary, born 1647 the daughter of Robert Taylor of Rhode Island. The New Jersey Archives, Vol. 1 pg. 51 name him on 27 Feb, 1667 as then living in Navesink. By one account he had a daughter Elizabeth who in 1694 married George Allen of Shrewsbury.  We cannot identify him as the first George Hewlett of Long Island but believe him to be a near relative. An early Louis Hewlett came to New Amsterdam from Buckinghamshire, Eng. In 1644 he was ordered by the Dutch to prove that one Jas. Bier was his servant. On 15 Aug 1646 he married Helena Appelgate, widow of Thos. Farrington. This was his 2nd wife. He married 3rd 1648 Marwyn of Eng and had issue Jane who married Adam Mott; John Lewis and George, the latter of whom by the same authority is identified as the first George Hewlett of Hempstead, Long Island who married Mary Bayles.    Jenne Hulet of Buckingham, Eng (prob. daughter of Louis Hulet named above) married 28 July 1647, Adam Maet (Mott) of Essex, England.  George Hewlet of Hempstead, Long Island ancestor the Long Island Hewletts born 1634 died 1722 married 1680, Mary born 1654 died 1733 daughter of John and Rebecca Bayles of Jamaica, Long Island.  She is name in her father’s will dated 18 Oct 1682. He and his wife Mary were buried in the “Old Town Burying Ground” at Hempstead. He first appears in the Hempstead Reeds in 1657 and after held various local offices.  In 1715 he was in Capt. Joshua Cornells Co. of Foot in Queens County. They had issue 1) George died about 1770 married Hannah Smith 2) John died 1717 married Mary Smith 3) Mary died 1744 married Dr. Chas. Peters. 4) Lewis born 1686  5) Daniel born 1689 died 1757 married Sarah born 1697 daughter of Col. John Jackson 6) Elizabeth Hallett. George Hewlett son of George; died about 1770 married Hannah Smith and had issue: 1) George died 1778 married Hannah Emery 2) Hannah born 1712 died 1798 married John C. Toffey born 1705 died 1792  3) Benjamin born 1715 died 1782 married 1737 to Susannah born 1717 died 1802 daughter of Johnathan Whitehead and Sarah Field. 4) Joseph died 1777 married Deborah daughter of John Willets. 5) Phebe born 1721 died 1757 never married. 6) Rebecca 7) Mary born 1725 died 1804 married Oct 9, 1752 to Joseph born 1731 died 1815 the son of Joseph Kissam and Deborah Whitehead   George Hewlett was the Justice of the Peace in 1742.”    ~ Source:  The Jones Family of Long Island: descendants of Major Thomas Jones (1665-1726) and allied families.

“An uncle of Deacon Battis, E.A. Jameson, and his friend James Hulett, started for this lake, with a rifle, axe and fish tackle, to spend a time in trouting.  They erected a cabin on the bank of this lake, by putting down posts and rafters, sloping it down to the bank.  They covered it with large strips of hemlock bark, and wove boughs of hemlock into the sides, and made a bed of boughs.  They then made a pile of dry logs in front, to set on fire in the night. After catching fish for their breakfast, they set the log heap on fire and went into their cabin.  Mr. Jameson lay down with his rifle by his side, and was soon sound asleep. Mr. Hulett, with his axe by his side, could not sleep.  He was not used to sleep with bears and catamounts for his neighbors.  In the dead of the night, he heard stealthy steps near the eaves of the shanty.  Soon a huge panther jumped on the roof of the cabin, making the rude structure tremble. ‘Jameson! Jameson! cried Hulett, ‘what on earth is on our cabin?’  Looking up coolly, ‘ Bark,’ he said.  ‘Bark? there is something as heavy as you are just leaped on the roof.’  ‘I guess you have been dreaming.’ ‘I have not been asleep, nor shall I ever be unless it is the final sleep.’ ‘Please be quiet that I may sleep, so as to enjoy the morrow,’ and lay down for it.  While they talked Mr. Panther listened. When all was still he crawled up, and put one huge paw on the top plate. Jameson sprang up, rifle in hand. ‘Goodness!’ said he, ‘it is a huge panther’s claw.’  Hulett was raising his axe in great excitement.  ‘Keep still, keep still!’ said Jameson. While they talked the panther did not move, but as soon as silence reigned, the panther showed he meant business by putting up the other paw, and showing a huge, ugly head.  ‘Keep still, Hulett.’   The light was brilliant, but the panther could not see his game until he brought his head over so that the light made his eyes look like balls of fire.  Hulett could not be held back longer.  He rushed forward with his axe and yelled as loud as he could, ‘Yah! catte, yah!’  The panther leaped to the ground, and with a farewell scream went into the woods; and the two hunters went to stirring up the fire and watching the trees till daylight, and soon left the lake for home, and told the tragic tale.  As they were men of truth no one doubted their veracity. “ ~ Source: The Story of A Pilgrim Family from the Mayflower to the Present Time; with Autobiography, Recollections, Letters, Incidents, and Genealogy of the Author, Rev. John Alden in his 83rd year. Pg. 226-227

Hulet, Charles (1701-1736), actor; played at Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 1722-32, and afterwards at Goodman’s Fields; among his best parts, Macbeath, and Henry VIII (‘Virtue Betrayed’); played Falstaff in ‘Henry IV’ and the ‘Merry Wives.’

Hulett, James (d. 1771), engraver ~ Source:  Dictionary of National Biography, Volumes 1-20, 22 pg. 657

Hulett, John, of (Gloucester Hall,) Oxford University, (gent., aged 21 yrs and 10 months., Dec 15, 1640, son of Mr. James Hulett). Will [10 Evelyn] pr. Feb 8, 1640-41 by brother James.  (Testator’s brother William lives in Ireland) ~ Source: Abstracts of probate acts in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury anno 1641

Schuyler Hulett

Schuyler Hulett born Aug. 24, 1826; married July 31, 1853 Jane Waddell who was born Wooster, Ohio May 4, 1831 and died Jan. 14, 1909.  He died March 16, 1908. Their children: 1) Byron Francis Hulett b. Feb. 6, 1855; married Oct. 10, 1880 to Emma Baer 2) Charles Edward Hulett b. Aug. 28, 1856  3) Emma Percy Hulett, born Feb. 6, 1858 died Apr 19, 1860. 4) Allie Belle Hulett born June 3, 1859 5) Warren Schuyler Hulett born Aug. 13, 1861 married Dec 8, 1887 to Jessie Ann Daniel  5) (Twin) Hattie Hulett born Aug 24, 1864 died Aug 19, 1865 6) (Twin) Fred W. Hulett b. Aug. 24, 1864 7) John Chauncey Hulett, born Sept. 24, 1866 married 1892 to Eva Johnson 9) Arthur Gibbons Hulett born April 23, 1869  10) James B. Cooper Hulett born April 17, 1871 married April 1893 to Laura Williams. Schuyler Hulett, the father of this family was born in Nelson, Portage County, Ohio. His mother died when he was but 2 years old, and his father, Francis Hulett, married 2nd a Miss Brace, and became a convert to Mormonism, and in 1831, followed Joseph Smith to Independence, Missouri and later went to Van Buren County Iowa where he spent the last years of his life.  In 1846 Schuyler Hulett followed the Mormon trail to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. When the Mexican War broke out, he enlisted in Capt. Hunt’s Co. A, Mormon Battalion, Iowa Vols., in which he served until the close of the war. In 1849 he removed to Bloomfield, Iowa, where he worked as a wagon and plow maker, and blacksmith. Later he went westward, and lived for a time in Los Angeles, California and also in Phoenix, Arizona. ~ Source: Barber genealogy in two sections:  Descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Conn 1614-1909

Rev. George Tyler Hewlett

Rev. George Tyler Hewlett lived at Bristol, England. (II) George Tyler (2), son of Rev. George Tyler (1) Hewlett, came from Bristol. England, in 1857, and settled at New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Ann, daughter of Rev. William Bartlett Staddan. of Bristol, England. (Ill) Major George Tyler (3), son of George Tyler (2) Hewlett, was born at New Haven, September ig, 1861. He attended the public schools of his native city. He began his business career as a boy in the employ of Sargeant & Company of New Haven, and for a few years he was with a New York importing house. Since 1883 he has been employed by the board of education and has been its secretary since 1902. He is well known in military circles. lie became a member of the Second Company, Governor’s Foot Guard, May, 1895, and successively attained the rank of corporal, sergeant, fourth, third, second arid first lieutenant, and captain of that ancient and celebrated organization. He was commissioned major in August, 1909. A magnificent military ball in honor of Major Hewlett was given in the armory early in the winter fol lowing. The Governor’s Foot Guard was called into being by the imminence of civil war. Sixty-five gentlemen ”of influence and respectability met at New Haven” December 28, 1774, and signed article of agreement to form the company, meeting thereafter every week and drilling faithfully. A uniform was adopted February 2, 1775, and the Governor’s Second Company of Guards was chartered by the Colonial Assembly, March 2, 1775, being the second corps chartered in Connecticut, and the third in the United States. Benedict Arnold, the same Benedict of infamous memory in later years, was the first captain. When the Lexington alarm came, the company voted to march to Cambridge and offer its services to the patriots’ cause. Rev. Jonathan Edwards addressed the company and a large throng of citizens on the day the company marched away. Captain Arnold had to threaten to use force before the selectmen of the town would deliver the keys of the powder house and allow his men to provide themselves with powder. The people of New Haven were not all of one mind respecting the war. At Cam bridge, Massachusetts, the company was quartered in the fine old mansion of Lieutenant- Governor Oliver, who was a Loyalist, and it being the only company in the American army in uniform, it was assigned to special duties which to the soldier’s eye required a uniform. Arnold was nominally captain until May, 1777. when he was promoted to colonel and later to general. A dozen men from the Guards joined Arnold’s ill-starred expedition against Quebec. Hezekiah Smith succeeded Arnold as captain. The company returned to New Haven and thereafter took orders direct from the governor. During all the history of the organization it has been made up in membership from the most substantial citizens, merchants, manufacturers and professional men, and it has had a long list of distinguished men as officers. In 1809 the Second Company of Governor’s Horse Guard was organized, and since then the older company has been designated as the Foot Guard. The charter was amended in October, 1809, to permit the enlistment of one hundred and eighteen instead of sixty-five men, and making the officers comprise eight corporals, eight sergeants, four lieutenants and a captain. The company was active in the war of 18 12, doing good service during the riots and on the alarm of 1814. It enlisted as Company K, Sixth Connecticut Regiment, in the war of 1861-65, and also enlisted for the Spanish-American war of 1898, but was not mustered into service. Major Hewlett married. December 12, 1883, Nettie Laura Wilson, born November 2, i860, died November 8, 1894, daughter of Granville Wilson, of Fairhaven, Connecticut. Children : George Wilson, born November 27, 1885 ; Samuel Tyler. August 6, 1887 ; Horace Barnes, June 27, 1889; William Staddan. July 10. 1891. The family resides at 443 Edge- wood avenue, New Haven.

Early American Immigration and New World Settlers

  • Elizabeth and John Hewlett, who settled in Maryland in 1774
  • James Hulett, who landed in Virginia in 1657
  • Lawrence Hulett, who arrived in Virginia in 1652
  • Mathew Hewlett, who settled in Boston in 1634
  • Matthew Hewlett, who arrived in New England in 1633
  • Sarah Hulett, who landed in Virginia in 1665
  • William Hulett, aged 19, who arrived in Virginia in 1635

Orate et vigilate. Pray and watch.

Howlett, Col. Arthur, C.B., of Foston, co. Lcic, and other descendants of his father John Henry 1874,* Vol. LIX, fol. 56. (Berry’s Suppl.) , , other descendants, of co. Leic. The chevron dillerenced, 1874, Vol. LIX, fol. 58. (Berry’s Suppl.)


  • Alistair Hulett (1951-2010), Scottish acoustic folk singer and revolutionary socialist
  • Alistair Hulett (1951–2010), Scottish singer and socialist
  • Alta M. Hulett (1854–1877), American lawyer
  • Arthur Hewlett, actor
  • Barbara Howlett, Australian fungal plant pathologist
  • David Hewlett, British-born Canadian actor, writer, director and voice actor
  • David J. Howlett, American scholar of religion and contributor to mormonism: A Historical Encyclopedia
  • DeeAndre Hulett (b. 1980), American professional basketball player
  • DeeAndre Hulett (born 1980), American basketball player
  • Donald Hewlett, actor
  • Doug Howlett, NZ rugby player
  • Dr. Barry S. Hewlett, American professor in the Department of Anthropology at Washington State University
  • Elizabeth Howlett, British politician
  • Eric Howlett, American inventor
  • Frank West Hewlett (1913-1983), American journalist and war correspondent during World War II
  • Gary Howlett, Irish international footballer
  • George Addison Hewlett Jr. (1912-1989), American politician from North Carolina, Speaker of the State House (1959)
  • Gordon Howlett Dean, Canadian politician
  • Hilda Hewlett, aviation pioneer, wife of Maurice Hewlett
  • Jack Howlett, British mathematician and computer scientist
  • Jamie Hewlett, comic book artist
  • Jane Howlett, Australian politician
  • Jason Hewlett (b. 1978), American entertainer, impressionist, musician, actor, speaker and author
  • Jeffrey Howlett, Australian architect
  • John H. Hewlett, American politician, Candidate for New York State Assembly from Nassau County 1st District, 1935
  • John Hewlett (1762-1844), English reverend and biblical scholar
  • Justin Hewlett, American Republican politician, Candidate in primary for U.S. Representative from Texas 25th District, 2012
  • Kate Hewlett, actress and David Hewlett’s younger sister
  • Liam Howlett, British musician with The Prodigy
  • Liege Hulett (1838–1928), South African businessman
  • Mark Hewlett, media personality
  • Matthew Hewlett, footballer
  • Maurice Hewlett, author, husband of Hilda Hewlett
  • Michael Howlett, American politician
  • Mike Howlett, British musician and producer
  • Miriam Hewlett, American Democrat politician, Member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1929; Alternate Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1932
  • Otto Hulett (1898–1983), American actor
  • Phil Howlett, Tongan rugby league player
  • Ray L. Hewlett, American Democrat politician, Candidate for Michigan State House of Representatives from Jackson County 1st District, 1932 [3]
  • Richard G. Hewlett, historian
  • Richard Greening Hewlett (1923-2015), American historian, Chief Historian of the United States Atomic Energy Commission
  • Robert Howlett (1831-1858), British photographer
  • Roger Howlett (born 1948), English cricketer
  • Siobhan Hewlett, actress
  • Sir James Liege Hulett (1838-1928), English sugar magnate and philanthropist in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  • Tim Hulett (born 1960), American baseball player
  • Timothy Craig “Tug” Hulett Jr. (b. 1983), American Major League Baseball second baseman
  • Tug Hulett (born 1983), American baseball player
  • Virginia Howlett, Canadian designer and painter
  • H. Hewlett, composer, conductor, and organist
  • William “Bill” Reddington Hewlett (1913-2001), American Engineer and co-founder, with David Packard, of the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP)
  • William Hewlett (regicide)
  • William Redington Hewlett, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard

American Revolution Veterans

  • Austain Hewlet enlisted 8 Jan 1778, Rank of Private
  • Austin Hewlet enlisted Feb 1778, Rank of Private
  • Austin Hewlett enlisted 18 Oct 1778, Rank of Private
  • Austin Hewlett enlisted Dec 1777, Rank of Private
  • Ban Howlett enlisted Oct 1781 in Vermont
  • Daniel Hewlet enlisted 8 Aug 1781 in Vermont, Rank of Corporal
  • Davis Howlett, Rank of Captain
  • Edmund Howlett enlisted 16 Jun 1777 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • Garrett Hewlett enlisted Feb 1778 in Virginia
  • Isaac Howlett enlisted 16 Nov 1778, Rank of Corporal
  • Isaac Howlett, Rank of Sergeant
  • Jno Hewlet enlisted 6 Jun 1775 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • Jno Hewlett enlisted 2 May 1775 in Virginia, Rank of Corporal
  • Jno Hewlett enlisted Mar 1778 in Virginia, Rank of Corporal
  • John Hewlet Junior enlisted 3 Jan 1778 in Massachusetts
  • John Hewlet enlisted 12 Jul 1775 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • John Hewlet enlisted 17 Jul 1778 in Connecticut, Rank of Private
  • John Hewlet enlisted 26 Jun 1779 in Vermont
  • John Hewlett enlisted in Maryland
  • John Hewlett enlisted Apr 1778 in Virginia, Rank of Corporal
  • John Hewlett enlisted Jan 1778 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • John Hewlett enlisted in Connecticut
  • John Howlett enlisted 11 Mar 1777 in Connecticut
  • John Howlett enlisted Aug 1778 in Virginia, Rank of Pate
  • Joseph Hewlet enlisted 10 Nov 1775 in Virginia
  • Parley Howlett enlisted Sep 1782 in Vermont
  • Perley Howlett enlisted Oct 1780 in Vermont
  • Perly Howlett enlisted in Vermont, Rank of Corporal
  • Samuel Hewlet enlisted 21 Nov 1779 in Massachusetts, Rank of Private
  • Samuel Howlett enlisted 1 Jul 1779 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • Seth Hulet enlisted in Connecticut, Rank of Corporal
  • Silvanus Hulet enlisted in Massachusetts, Rank of Private
  • Silvenus Hulet enlisted in Massachusetts, Rank of Private
  • Phinehas Hulet enlisted in Connecticut
  • Seth Hulet enlisted 6 Jul 1775 in Connecticut
  • Shineher Hulet enlisted in Connecticut
  • John Hulet enlisted 12 Feb 1776
  • Jonathan Hulet enlisted Mar 1776 in Massachusetts, Rank of Private
  • Aaron Hulet enlisted 27 Dec 1777 in Connecticut, Rank of Private
  • Elam Hulet enlisted 11 Aug 1777 in Connecticut, Rank of Private
  • Phineas Hulet enlisted 27 Dec 1777 in Connecticut, Rank of Private
  • Charles Hulet enlisted May 1778 in New Jersey, Rank of Drummer
  • Charles Hulet enlisted Jul 1778 in New Jersey, Rank of Corporal
  • Chars Hulet enlisted Oct 1778 in New Jersey, Rank of Don
  • Chars Hulet enlisted Sep 1778 in New Jersey, Rank of Drummer
  • Chas Hulet enlisted Dec 1778 in New Jersey, Rank of DM
  • Francis Hulet enlisted Jul 1778, Rank of Private
  • James Hulet enlisted 12 Jul 1778 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • Phinehas Hulet enlisted 3 Oct 1778 in Connecticut, Rank of Private
  • Thomas Hulet enlisted Mar 1778, Rank of Corporal
  • Willm Hullet enlisted 10 Aug 1778 in Pennsylvania
  • Charles Hulet enlisted Feb 1779 in New Jersey
  • Chars Hulet enlisted 6 Jan 1779 in New Jersey, Rank of Drummer
  • Chars Hulet enlisted 23 May 1779 in New Jersey, Rank of Private
  • Francis Hulet enlisted 1 Jun 1779
  • Jno Hulet enlisted 16 Mar 1779 in Maryland
  • Nehemiah Hulet enlisted 14 Dec 1779 in Connecticut, Rank of Private
  • Phineas Hulet enlisted 5 Jan 1779 in Connecticut, Rank of Private
  • Silvanus Hulet enlisted 5 Aug 1779 in Massachusetts, Rank of Private
  • Stevens Hulet 1 Sep 1779 in Massachusetts, Rank of Private
  • Thomas Hewlet enlisted Nov 1778, Rank of Corporal
  • Thomas Hewlett enlisted Dec 1777, Rank of Corporal
  • Thomas Hewlett enlisted Jan 1778, Rank of Corporal
  • Thomas Hewlett enlisted Nov 1777, Rank of Corporal
  • Vallentine Howlett, Rank of Private
  • William Howlett enlisted 15 Jun 1778 in Vermont, Rank of Corporal
  • Winter Hewlet enlisted Oct 1778 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • Winter Hewlett enlisted Nov 1778 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • Wm Howlett enlisted Sep 1782 in Vermont
  • Yarnett Hewlett enlisted 5 Mar 1778 in Virginia, Rank of Private
  • Yarret Hewlet enlisted 28 Nov 1776 in Virginia

Civil War Veterans

  • Aaron Hewlett born 1829 in New York
  • Alfred A. Howlett bor 1821 in New York
  • Algernon C. Hewlett born 1829 in New York
  • Alney Hewlett born 1828 in Kentucky
  • Alvey Hewlett born 1828 in Kentucky
  • Andrew Hewlett born 1833 in New York
  • Andrew Howlett born 1820 in Maryland
  • Andrew Hulet born 1821 in Bay, Michigan
  • Ebenezer Hulet born 1821 in Maine
  • Milo Hulet born 1821 in New York
  • Joseph Hulet born 1822 in Davis, Iowa
  • Abram Hulet born 1823 in New York
  • Asa Hulet born 1823 in Michigan
  • Nehemiah Hulet born 1823 in Washington, New York
  • Rufus K. Hulet born 1826 in Pennsylvania
  • S. Hulet born 1826 in Davis, Iowa
  • Jan Hulet born 1827 in Michigan
  • Uriah Hulet born 1827 in New York
  • John P. Hulet born 1828 in Vermont
  • Johnson R. Hulet born 1828 in Pike, Illinois
  • Thomas Hulet born 1828 in Wyandot, Ohio
  • Robert Hulet born 1829 in Michigan
  • Tomithy E. Hulet born 1829 in New York
  • Abram Hulet born 1830 in New York
  • Orson Hulet born 1831 in Johnson, Kansas
  • Charles Hewlet born 1823 in New York
  • B.S. Hewlett born 1833 in Mecklenburg, Kentucky
  • C.H. Hewlett born 1825 in Kentucky
  • Charles Hewlet born 1843 in New York
  • Charles Hewlett born 1826 in New York
  • Charles Howlett born 1831 in New York
  • Christopher Hewlet born in Brown, Illinois
  • Chs S. Hewlett born 1831 in New York
  • Cornelius Hewlett born 1834 in New York
  • David Howlett born 1819 in New York
  • Dione Hewlett born 1820 in New York
  • Donald A. Hewlett born 1833 in New York
  • Edward J. Howlett born 1826 in Massachusetts
  • Elias Hewlet born 1826 in DeKalb, Illinois
  • Enoch J. Howlett born 1826 in Massachusetts
  • Enos Howlett born 1823 in New Hampshire
  • Ephriam Hewlett born 1832 in Shelby, Indiana
  • F.A. Howlett born 1827 in California
  • F.M. Hewlett born 1824 in Kentucky
  • Francis Hewlett born 1830 in New York
  • George F. Hewlett born 1823 in New York
  • George Hewlett born 1829 in New York
  • George Howlett born 1820 in New York
  • George J. Hewlett born 1830 in New York
  • George W. Hewlett born 1831 in New York
  • Geu C. Howlett born 1827 in Massachusetts
  • Giles S. Hewlet born 1831 in Massachusetts
  • H.L. Hewlett born 1819 in New Jersey
  • Harrison Howlett born 1829 in Bullitt, Kentucky
  • Henry Hewlet born 1841 in New York
  • Henry Hewlet born in Brown, Illinois
  • Henry Hewlett born 1832 in New York
  • Henry J. Hewlett born 1835 in Vermont
  • Henry P. Hewlett born 1834 in New York
  • Henry T. Hewlett born 1827 in New York
  • J.W. Hewlett born 1828 in Mecklenburg, Kentucky
  • J.W. Hewlett born 1828 in Muhlenburg, Kentucky
  • James A. Hewlett born 1835 in New York
  • James A. Howlett born 1827 in Cooper, Missouri
  • James E. Hewlett born 1821 in Missouri
  • James H. Hewlett born 1830 in New York
  • James Hewlet born 1836 in New York
  • James Hewlett born 1824 in New York
  • James Hewlett born 1835 in Baltimore, Maryland
  • James Howlett born 1820 in Kentucky
  • James Howlett born 1832 in Wisconsin
  • James J. Hewlett born 1825 in New York
  • James M. Hewlet born 1842 in connecticut
  • James P. Howlett born 1823 in Sullivan, Indiana
  • John C. Howlett born 1823 in Illinois
  • John H. Howlett born 1828 in New York
  • John Hewlett born 1825 in New York
  • John Hewlett born 1828 in New York
  • John Howlett born 1823 in Indiana
  • John Howlett born 1827 in Wisconsin
  • John M. Hewlett born 1826 in New York
  • Joseph Hewlett born 1828 in New York
  • Maeshall Howlett born 1821 in Walworth, Wisconsin
  • Meritt Hewlett born 1827 in New York
  • Morton Howlett born 1819 in New York
  • Ozra P. Howlett born 1832 in New York
  • P.B. Hewlett born 1819 in California
  • P.L. Howlett born 1818 in Illinois
  • Richard Howlett born 1823 in New York
  • Richard T. Hewlett born 1835 in New York
  • Robert Hewlet born 1830 in New York
  • Robert W. Howlett born 1826 in Pike, Illinois
  • Robt S. Hewlett born 1824 in New York
  • Sam J. Hewlett born 1823 in New York
  • Samuel Hewlett born 1821 in New Jersey
  • Samuel Hewlett born 1827 in Pennsylvania
  • Samuel M. Hewlett born 1835 in New York
  • Silas P. Hewlett born 1819 in New York
  • Stephen C. Howlett born 1826 in Massachusetts
  • T.W. Hewlett born 1824 in Kentucky
  • Thomas Howlett born 1824 in Massachusetts
  • Thomas Howlett born 1826 in Michigan
  • Thos. Hewlett born 1831 in Kentucky
  • Townsend Hewlett born 1829 in Kings, New York
  • W.A. Hewlett born 1824 in Hopkins, Kentucky
  • William Hewlet born 1834 in New York
  • William Howlett born 1822 in Shelby, Iowa
  • William Howlett born 1832 in Wisconsin
  • Wm E. Hewlett born 1827 in New York
  • Wm Hewlett born 1823 in Kentucky
  • Wm Hewlett born 1824 in Pennsylvania
  • Wm Hewlett born 1827 in Ohio, Kentucky
  • Wm L. Howlett born 1827 in Bullitt, Kentucky
  • Wm M. Hewlett born 1829 in New York

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Sa. on a fesse ar. three roses gu. Crest—On a mount vert, semee of weeds, an oak tree ppr. Source: Burke’s
2) (Dublin; assisted by Carney, Ulster, 1662, to George Hewlett, Lieut, of the City of Dublin Militia, and High Sheriff of the same city). Sa. on a fess betw. three owls’ heads erased and affrontee ar. as many roses gu. Crest—An owl’s head erased and affrontee ar. ducally gorged or. Source: Burke’s
3) (Dublin; assisted by Carney, Ulster, 1662, to George Hewlett, Lieut, of the City of Dublin Militia, and High Sheriff of the same city). Sa. on a fess betw. three owls’ heads erased and affrontee ar. as many roses gu. Crest—An owl’s head erased and affrontee ar. ducally gorged or.. Source: Burke’s
4) (Sydenham, co. Kent; granted 1559). Per chev. or and sa. in chief two triple-towers of the second, in base a ship in full sail of the first. Crest—An owl ar. ducally gorged or, holding in the dexter claw a rose gu. slipped and leaved vert. Source: Burke’s
5) (Major-Gen. Arthcr Howlett, C.B., Madras Army). Sa. on a chev. embattled counter embattled erm. betw. three owls’ heads erased ar. an eastern crown gu. betw. two swords chevronwise ppr. Crest—A cross crosslet sa. betw. two branches of laurel ppr. Motto— Fide et vigilantia. Source: Burke’s

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