Hibbert Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Portland Place, London). (Thomas Hibbest, Esq., of Birtles Hall, co. Chester). (Bucknell Manor, co. Oxford). (Chalfont Park, co. Bucks). (Braywick Lodge, co. Berks). Erm. on a bend sa. three crescents ar. Crest—An arm erect couped below the elbow, vested az. cuff erm. hand ppr. grasping a crescent ar.
2) Barry of eight and a pale counterchanged. Crest—A hand holding a millrind ppr.
3) (Holland-Hibbert, Munden House, Watford, co. Herts; exemplified to Arthur Henry Holland, Esq., second son of Sir Henry Thurstan Holland, Bart., upon his assuming, by royal licence, the additional surname of Hibbert). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. on a bend nebuly sa. three crescents ar. in the sinister chief point a cross bottonee fitchee of the second, for Hibbert; 2nd and 3rd, per pale ar. and az. semee-de-lis a lion ramp. guard. counterchanged, debruised by a bendlet engr. gu. Crests—1st, Hibbert: In front of a dexter cubit arm erect ppr. vested az. cuff erm. holding in the hand a crescent ar. a demi catharine wheel also ar.; 2nd, Holland: Out of a crown vallery or, a demi lion guard, per bend ar. and az. charged with a bendlet engr. counterchanged and holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis ar.

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