Hill Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Themistokles Von Eckenbrecker, Hills
Painting of People Living by Hills by: Themistokles Von Eckenbrecher

Meaning, Origin, Etymology
English: Location name from Middle English hill, hell, hull ‘hill’ (Old English hyll). English: relationship name; in some cases, possibly, from a personal name Hille, a pet form of some such name as Hilger or Hillary. The surname of Hill is of an Old English, Pre 7th Century origin. One of the possible origins for this surname is that it is a topographical surname. It is important to note that topographical surnames are ones that have been given to people who live on, in, or near a man made or natural feature that is widely visible in an area. The point of the topographical surname is that all people in that town or area know from where this person hails because of this topographical surname. In the case of the surname of Hill, the topographical connotation is that the original bearers of this surname were given it because of their location on or around a hill. This surname comes from the Old English word “hyll” which can be translated to mean “hill.” Another possible derivation of this surname comes from the given baptismal name of “Hille,” which is said to be a nickname in the time. This name itself comes from the Old English “hild” which can be translated to mean “battle,” or “war.” This nickname would have been a direct nickname from the English names of “Hildebrand” or “Hilliard,” and the French “hilaire,” or the Latin “hilaris,” which can be translated to mean “cheerful.” The first recorded spelling of the surname of Hill can be found in the country of England. One person, who was named as Gilbert del Hil, was mentioned in the Pipe Rolls of Norfolk, in the year of 1191. This document was ordered, decreed, and written under the reign of one King Richard I, who was commonly referred to throughout the ages as “The Lionheart.” King Richard I ruled from the year 1189 to the year 1199. Other mentions of the surname of Hill found in England include one William Attehil from Cambridge, who was mentioned in the Subsidy Rolls of Cambridgeshire in the year 1260, and one Thomas del Hill who was recorded in the Poll Tax Rolls of Yorkshire in the year 1379. It is important to note that at this time, topographical surnames often included the preposition “ate” or “del” as the examples previously mentioned. Those who carry the surname of Hill in the country of England can be found in large concentrations in the areas in and around London. This surname of Hill is also commonly found in the counties of Staffordshire, Yorkshire, and Lancashire. In the country of Scotland, there is a small population of those who carry the surname of Hill. The area that has the largest concentration of Scottish citizens who bears this surname of Hill can be found within Lanarkshire county. Throughout the 1600’s, it was common for European citizens to migrate to the United States of America. The living conditions in their home country were less than ideal, and thus they came to The New World seeking a new and improved life. The first person to bear the surname of Hill in the United States of America was one Edward Hill, who landed and settled in the state of Virginia in the year 1623.
Two Hills have been notable Grand Prix drivers: Phil Hill (b. 1927), the first American to win the World Championship (1961), and Graham Hill (1929—75) who took the Indianapolis 500 in his first attempt (1961), won Le Mans in 1962 as well as the Grand Prix Championship; he won the latter again in 1968. Shortly after retiring he died in a plane crash.
Sir Rowland Hill (1795—1879) reorganised the postal system and introduced the penny post (1840), the precursor of all modern postal systems. His first stamp, the famous ‘Penny Black’ with its ‘bun’ outline of Queen Victoria’s head, is now a collectors’ item (an uncancelled specimen in prime condition costs over £2,000). These stamps established a precedent still in force: Britain’s name never appears on her stamps. Later, as Chairman of the London and Brighton Railway, Sir Rowland pioneered both express train service and special excursion fares.
Henry Hill (1809—81), one of Britain’s all-time great punters, also owned an exceptionally successful stable. He won the Derby in 1846, the Two Thousand Guineas in 1850 and the Goodwood Cup in 1856-all races he had bet on heavily: he needed the winnings to offset his heavy losses on the Stock Exchange (£40,000 in one year alone).
Hill’s Equation in physiology is a mathematical formula for the shortening of skeletal muscle when load is increased.
The first Hillman car, then called Hillman-Coatelen, was built in 1907.
Americans Patty and Mildred Hill wrote one of the world’s most popular songs, ‘Happy Birthday to You’ (1896). Not wishing to capitalise on this happy tune, it was not copyrighted until 1936. All royalties go to charity.
Sir Rowland Hill was Lord Mayor of London in 1549.
Largely due to its descriptive nature, Hill is remarkably prevalent both as the name of towns and cities and as a geographical name. The United Kingdom has 38 towns and cities whose names are related, including 4 Hillheads and 3 Hillsides. The number of related towns and cities elsewhere include 7 in Canada, 3 in Australia, 2 in New Zealand, 3 in South Africa and 42 in the United States (including an impressive 14 Hillsboros).

Sir Rowland Hill, Postal Service, Stamp
Sir Rowland Hill (1795-1879), Postal Reformer

Spelling Variations
Haill, Hils, Hilly, Hille, Heill, Hoill, Hillu, Hilli, Hiell, Huill, Hill, Hille, Hyll, Hills

Early Marriage Records for
Prudence Hill married William Sherman January 23, 1638 in Plymouth, Massachusetts
Sarah Hill married Joseph Loomis September 17, 1646 in Windsor, Connecticut
Thomas Hill married Margaret Balie January 4, 1655 in Kent Co., Maryland
John Hill married Elizabeth Strong November 16, 1656 in Boston, Massachusetts
Mary Hill married Thomas Breck February 12, 1657 in Dorchester, Massachusetts
Roger Hill married Mary Crosse November 1, 1658 in Wells, Maine
Hannah Hill married Antipas Boyce January 24, 1659 in Boston, Massachusetts
Ruth Hill married William Augur October 7, 1659 in Malden, Massachusetts
Nathaniel Hill married Elizabeth HOlmes June 21, 1667 in Cambridge, Massachusetts
John Hill married Jane Bushnell April 14, 1670 in Saybrook, Connecticut
William Hill married Margreat Skirme December 11, 1550 in Lugwardine, Hereford, England
Joyce Hill married John Towsie January 28, 1550 in Lugwardine, Hereford, England
Harry Hill married Lettice Schich September 28, 1550 in Saint Mary Magdalene Old Fish Street, London, England
Johana Hill married nicolais Blaykedam October 9, 1550 in Kelsale, Suffolk, England
Dennis Hill married Margaret Satlarson July 21, 1550 in Saint Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, London, England
Edan Hill married Thoms. Beldham November 30, 1550 in Rudgwick, Sussex, England
Margeria Hill married Willus. Lucas June 16, 1550 in Ugborough, Devon, England
Robtus. Hill married Joanna Smyth July 11, 1551 in Ugborough, Devon, England
Tho. Hill married Agnes Bath 1549 in Tydd-St. Mary, Lincoln, England
Margaret Hill married Robert Holme May 5, 1549 in Beeley, Derby, England

Botany, John Hill,
John Hill (1714-1775), British Botanist

Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Hill ranks 674th in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 803,958 people carry the Hill surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states: Texas, California, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Illinois. It ranks highest in the following countries: United States (538,170), England (118,602), Australia (41,726), Canada (32,707), South Africa (12,613) and Germany (10,923).

Early Bearers of Surname
A family of this name as early as 1450 possessed lands at Niddrie in Midlothian, and had the designation of Hill of that Ilk.
Adam de Hill, common councillor in Aberdeen 1435 (Guildry, p. 186)
Alan del Hil, Essex 1273. Hundred Rolls.
Alce Hill, 1539 in IGI (Bampton, Oxon)
Avis Hill, 1615 in PROB 11 (Tangmere, Sussex)
Edmund Hill, 1538 in IGI (Dymock, Gloucs)
Gilbert del Hil, 1191 in Pipe Rolls (Norfolk)
Henry Hill, 1538 in IGI (Pencombe, Herefs)
Henry de la Hille, Devon, Henry III— Edward I: Testa de Nevill, sive Liber Feodorum, temp. Henry III-Edward I.
Johannes atte Hyll’, 1379 in Poll Tax (North Walsham, Norfolk)
Johes Hill, 1513 in PROB 11 (Banbury, Oxon)
John Hill (1589-1657), an English merchant and politician, Member of Parliament for Dorchester (1628-1629)
John Hill, 1539 in IGI (Kidderminster, Worcs)
John Hille, 1457 in PROB 11 (Saint Leonard Shoreditch, Middx)
John of Hille, a native of Scotland, had letters of naturalization in England in 1385 (Bain, IV, 345). John de Hyll was chaplain of St. Giles Church in Edinburgh in 1426 (Egidii, p. 46)
Laurence del Hylle granted a charter in favor of the Carmelites of Aberdeen in 1380 (Friars, 19). Johannes de Hyl in the parish of Fyvy was excommunicated in 1382 (REA., I, p. 165)
Margaret Hill, 1539 in IGI (Ellastone, Staffs)
Ninian Hill was a citizen of Glasgow in 1642 (Retours, Lanark, 206). Hyl 1476.
Ninian Hill, ‘fabro lignario,’ was burgess of Montrose in 1592 (REB., II, 229)
Richard de Hulle (= Hill), ‘a varlette of Scotland,’ who ‘stikked and killed’ Catarine Mortimer, ‘a damoisel of London,’ one of the inmates of the harem of David 11 in 1360 (Neubotle, pref. p. xl). William de Hill was tenant of Telny and Coteland, barony of Abirdoure in Fife in 1376 (RHM., I, p. lxiv)
Richard of Hill was a witness in Aberdeen in 1469 (CRA., p. 406)
Robert Hylle or Hill, 1422 in PROB 11 (Spaxton, Somerset)
Robert de Hyll was a citizen of Brechin in 1447 (REB., II, 68)
Robertas del Hill’, laborer, 1379: Poll Tax of Yorkshire
Roger Hill (1605-1667), of Poundsford, Somerset, an English judge and Member of Parliament; Michael Hill (1672-1699), an English politician, Member of Parliament for Saltash (1692-1695), appointed to the Privy Council
Rogerus filius Hille, 1221 in Curia Regis Rolls (Devon)
Rogerus onthe Hil’, 1377 in Poll Tax (Great Henny and Little Henny, Essex)
Simon Hille, 1273 in Hundred Rolls (Worcs)
Thoma del Hylle, 1379 in Poll Tax (Castle Donington, Leics)
Thomas atte Hul, 1381 in Poll Tax (Hambledon, Surrey)
Thomas del Hill, 1379: Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
Thomas, s. Rycharde Hill: St. James, Clerkenwell. Baptised 1580
Walter de la Hille, Devon, 1273, Hundred Rolls
William attehil, 1260 in Assize Rolls (Cambs)
William de la Hyll, son of Waldeve son of Aldewyn, resigned lands in Mydilham in 1271 (Kelso, 352),
William de le Hille was received to the king of England’s peace (Bain, III, 724) 1321
William o the hil, 1313 in Additional Charters, British Library (Cambs)
William o’ the Hull rendered homage, 1296 (Bain, II, p. 198)

Poundisford Lodge

History, Genealogy & Ancestry
Hill, Arthur Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill Salop, b. 1847 ; s. his father 187b.
Lineage—Hugh Hull, of Hull, Salop, m. Eleanor, dau. and co-heir of Hugh Wonkeslow and was grandfather to Griffith Hull, who on. temp. Heney IV., Margaret, sister of Griffith Warren, of Ightfield, Salop, and had a son, Humphrey Hull, alias Hill, of Buntingdale, temp. Henry V and Henry VI. He m. Agnes, dau. and co-heir of John Birch and cousin and heiress of David de Malpas, by whom he had issue, William, his heir; Ralph, ancestor of the Hills of Bletchley and Soulton, and of the Hills of Hawkestone, now represented by Viscount Hill; Thomas, father of William (Rev.), Parson of Stokes; and Rowland (Sir), Lord Mayor of London 1549, d. s. p. The eldest son, William Hill, Esq. of Blore and Court of Hill, m. Magaret, dau. of Thomas Barker, Esq., and had two sons. The elder son, Thomas IIill, Esq. of Hill and Owre, had a son and successor, George Hill, Esq. of Court of Hill, on. A dau. of Ralph Lingen, of Ellesmere, and was s. by bis son, Edmund Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill, on. Miss Joan Collins, and was father of John Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill, who, by Anne his wife had issue a son and heir, Thomas Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill, m. Anne dau. Of Richard Hyde, Esq., and was s. at his death by his son, Humphrey Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill, 34 Elizabeth. He on. Elizabeth, dau. of Humphrey Ludlow, Esq., and was s. by his son, Leonard Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill, on. Catherine, dau. of Fabian Phillips, Esq., and had thirteen children. He d. 5 April, 1642. His eldest son, Thomas Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill, having m. Mary, dau. and heir of William Nesse, Esq. of Alkeston, and had an only son, Nesse, who on. Margaret, dau. of Samuel More, Esq. of Linley, Salop. The 2nd son Leonard Hill, Andrew Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill, b. 1604; m. Lucy dau. Of Somerford Oldfield, Esq. of Somerford, Chester (who d. 5 April, 1692). He d. 5 Oct. 1675, and was s. by his son, Andrew Hill, Esq. of the Court of Hill, b. Jan. 1658-5 on. Anne, dau. of Thomas Powys, Esq. of Henley, Salop, serjeant-at-Law, and sister to Sir Littleton Powys, Baron of the Exchequer. By this lady (who d. 19 Sept. 1725) he had three sons and three daus. Mr. Hill was s. at his demise, 23 Apr. 1708, by his son, Thomas IIill, Esq. of Court of Hill, b. April, 1685; m. Martha, dau. of Edward Hammond, Esq. ; and d. 14 Oct. 1724, leaving issue, Thomas, his heir, bapt. 28 Sept. 1.721 ; Anne, m. Thomas Gataker, Surgeon Extraordinary to King George III.; .and Martha, m. her cousin, Rev. Thomas Rocke, M.A., Rector of Ludlow. The only son and heir, Thomas Hill, Esq. of Court of Hill, M.P. for Leominster, m. 29 Dec. 1757, Lucy, dau. of Francis Rocke, Esq. of Whitton. She d. Feb. 1797; he d. 23 Aug. 1776, leaving two daus. His co-heirs. I) Lucy, b. 1 May, 1862; s. to the estates of Court of Hill, and m. 1st, 2 April, 1780, Thomas Humphrey Lowe, of Bromsgrove, co. Worcester; he d. 10 Nov. 1797, leaving issue, 1) The Very Rev. Thomas Hill Peregrine Fury Lowe, Dean of Exeter, d. 17 Jan. 1861, having m. 24 Feb. 1808, Ellen Lucy, eldest dau. of George Pardoe, Esq. of Nash Court, Salop. 2) Arthur Charles Lowe, late of the Court of Hill, of whom presently. 3) Louisa Elizabeth, m. 12 May, 1827, Admiral Sir Thos. Hastings, K.C.B., of Titley Court, co. Hereford. 4) Harriet, m. 11 May, 1807, Charles Bullock, Esq. of Woodville House, near Bideford, Devon, formerly of Faulkbourn, Essex, Capt. in the East Essex Militia. He d. 21 July, 1842, leaving issue. Mrs. Lowe m. 2ndly, 20 June, 1803, Thomas Fowler, Esq. of Abbey-cwm-hir, co. Radnor; he d. 6 June, 1820; she d. 15 March, 1855, aged 93, leaving by her 2nd husband one dau. Only, 1. Sarah Georgiana, m. 12 June, 1828, Rev. John Durand Baker, M.A., Vicar of Bishop’s Tawton, co. Devon: she d. 7 Jan. 1848; he d. 12 Feb. 1866, leaving issue, i) Anna Maria, b. 1767, m. 9 April, 1787, Theophilus Richard Salwey, Esq. of Lodge, Salop: she d. 12 Aug. 1812; he d. 23 March, 1837, leaving issue. His grandson, Arthur Charles Lowe (afterwards Hill), Esq. of the Court Hill, J.P. and D.L., sometime Col. in the army, and Major H 16th Lancers, b. 30 Aug. 1796; m. 1st, 17 Feb. 1841, Mary, dau. of Benjamin Flounders, Esq. of Culmington, Salop. She d. Without issue, 17 Oct. 1844. He m.2ndly, 8 Sept. 1846, Elizabeth, dau. Of Thomas Baker, Esq. of Ashurst co. Kent (who d. 9 July, 1861) had issue, 1) Arthur Hill, now of the Court of Hill, 2) Mary. 3) Caroline. 4) Alice Constance, The ancient family estate of the Court of Hill being vested in Sol. Lowe, he and his issue were by royal license, bearing date Oct. 1865, authorised to take and use the surname of Hill, in lieu of that of Lowe, and to bear the arms of Hill. He d. 187b. Arms—Erm., on a fess sa. a castle triple-towered arg., a canton gu. Crest—A tower arg. surmounted with a garland of laurel ppr. Motto—Stant colies veteresque campi. Seat—Court of Hill, near Tenbury.

Hill, Francis Henry, Esq. of Graig, co. Cork, and of Mount Southwell, co. Limerick, b. 17 July, 1865, s. his father in the representation of the family 3 Nov. 1877.
Lineage.—The Hills of Doneraile claim descent from the family of Hill, of Little Pipe, co. Stafford. William Hill, Esq. of Fetherstone, near Wolverhampton, m. circa 1610, Miss Judith Taylor, of Winchester, called “The Phoenix,” from her unrivalled loveliness, and by her was father of William Hill, Capt. of cavalry in Cromwell’s army, went to Ireland along with the Parliamentary forces and bore an active part in the campaigns of the Protector (see Smith’s History of Cork, vol. ii., p. 147). He m. circa 1652, Catherine, dau. and sole heiress of the Rev. Henry Coyne, of a Staffordshire family, Vicar of Kilmallock, co. Limerick; and left an only son, William Hill, Esq. of Kilmallock, who m. circa 1686, Anne, dau. of Arundel Coke (or Cooke), Esq. of Bury St. Edmund’s, and by her (who d. 1729) had (with three daus., (Elizabeth, Catherine, and Anne) six sons, 1) William, m. 1718, and d. 1739, leaving an only dau., Margaret, m. Lee, Esq. of co. Clare, but had no issue. 2) Thomas, m. 14 March, 1719, Margaret, dau. of John Davenport, Esq. of Ennis ; and d. 1740, leaving a son, William. 3) Richard, m. Miss Sarah Davenport; and dying 1747, left son, William. 4) Arundel, of whom presently. 5) James, m. Miss Baldwin, of Queen’s Co., and had a dau., Anne, m. Thomas Morton, Esq. of Castletown, Queen’s Co., and d. s. p. At Clonmel in July, 181b. 6) . Samuel, of Pallaskenry, co. Limerick, m. Miss Lucas, of Ballingaddy, co. Clare, sister of the well known Dr. Lucas, M.P. for Dublin, and had an only son, George Hill, of Pallaskenry, m. Agnes, dau. of the Rev. Philip Gayer, of Ballingrane, and by her (who d. 1817) he left at his decease, in 1791,with five daus., 1) Samuel Hill, who went to Harrisburgh, America, 1787 or 1788, and d. There. 2) Thomas, of Mount Pleasant, co. Limerick, m. 1st. Catherine, dau. of Pratt, Esq. of Pallaskenry, by whom he had a dau. Catherine. He m. 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Tydd, Esq. of Cloughjordan, and had further issue, Arundel, of Bolane Cottage, m. Miss Franklin, dau. of the Rev. George Franklin, of Kildimo; Thomas, of Mount Pleasant, m. Miss Hawkshaw; George, of Limerick ; and four daus. 3) William. 4) Arundel, m. Miss Bold, by whom he had a son, in holy orders, resident in America. 5) Richard, m. Miss Watson, of the city of Limerick. 6) Rowland, d. unm. 7 Charles, d. Unm. Mr. Hill’s last will bears date 19′ Dec. 1717. His 4th son, Arundel Hill, Esq. of Doneraile, co. Cork, b. 1694; m. Mary, dau. and sole heir (by his wife, Anne, dau. of the Rev. John Sterne, and granddau. of the Right Rev. Richard Sterne, Archbishop of York) of James Collins, Esq. of Killinure, near Boskil, co. Limerick, by whom (who d. 25 Jan. 1745) he had two sons. He d. 6 Feb. 1780. His elder son, Arundel Hill, Esq. of Doneraile. b. Sept. 1739 ; m. 1st, at Doneraile, 1 Dec. 1769, Mary, dau. of John Crone, Esq., by his wife Sarah, dau. (by Mary, dau. of John St. Leger, Esq. of Doneraile, and sister of Arthur, 1st Viscount Doneraile) of Col. Randolph Gethin, 3rd son of Sir Richard Gethin, Bart, of Gethin’s Grott, co. Cork, by whom (who was buried at Doneraile 6 Nov. 1774) he had, James, his heir, and Arundel. Mr. Hill m. 2ndly, at St. Mary Shandon, Cork, 23 Jan. 1777, Helen, dau. of Garret Nagle, Esq. of Fountainville and Ballyduffe, co. Cork, and by her (who d. 22 May, 1830) had further issue, 1) Arundel, of Cloheen House, co. Cork, J.P. and Lieut.-Col. South Cork Militia, b. 12 Dec. 1777 ; m. 15 April, 1796, Susan, dau. of Capt. Kiggell, 55th regt., and by her (who d. 20 July, 1832, he d. 28 March, 1840, had three daus., 1 Helen, d. unm. at Aix-ln-Chapelle, 1 Aug. 1862; 2 Susan Maria, d. unm. 14 Dec. 1827 ; and 3 Margaret Anne. 2) William, of Donnybrook, b. 12 Dec. 1778 ; m. Eliza, dau. Of Anthony Parker, Esq. of Catslelough and Lansdowne, co. Tipperary; and dying 27 April, 1847, had issue, 1. Arundel, of Donnybrook, b. 1807 ; m. 2 Sept. 1844, Elizabeth Georgina, dau. Of Jonas Stawell, Esq. of Old Court, co. Cork (by his wife, Anna, dau. of the Hon. and Right Rev. William Foster, D.D., Bishop of Clogher, brother of John Lord Oriel and Ferrard), and by her (who d. 1 Sept. 1866); he d. 17 of the same month) had issue, William, d. s. P. 29 April, 1862; Jonas, d. s. p. 3 July, 1875; James, d. s.p. 2 Nov. 1873; and Anne Letitia. 2. William, murdered by the Moors, near Cape Spartcl, on the African shore, 20 March, 1830. 3. James, of Dublin, b. 1817 ; d. unm. 28 Oct. 1864. 4. Alicia, d. unm. 5 July, 1827. 5. Helen, d. unm. 30 Sept. 1830. b. Eliza Emma, d. unm. 30 May. 1829. 7. Anne, m. June 1854, Robert Wilson, Esq. of Richmond, near Monkstown, Dublin. She d. at Bournemouth, 31 March, 1873. 8. Maria, m. 6 April, 1837, the Rev. Mark Clarke, Rector of Shronell, co. Tipperary, who d. at Kilkee, co. Clare, 6 Sept. 1848, and had issue. 3) Thomas (Rev.) M.A., b. 23 Dec. 1779; d. unm. at Tipperary, 21 May, 1813. 4) St. Leger, Capt. 12th Lancers, and previously 3rd Dragoon Guards, b. 8 Sept. 1782; m. Catherine, dau. of the late John Nugent, Esq. (whose sister, Jane Mary Nugent, became the wife of the Statesman, Edmund Burke), by whom (who d. 24 July, 1861 ; he dying at Boulogne, 16 Jan. 1841) he had issue, 1. Arundel Edmund, Capt. 89th regt., killed before Sebastopol, 26 March, 1855. 2. Lucy Nugent, d. unm. At Richmond, Surrey, 15 Sept. 1853. 5) Richard, of Doneraile, J.P., b. 20 Sept. 1791; d. unm. At his residence, Doneraile, 18 Jan. 1S45. 6) Samuel, b. 16 June, 1794; cl. 28 March, 180b. 7) Maria Nagle Hill, b. 20 April, 1781; d. unm. 6 Jan. 1845. 8) Helen, b. 4 Aug. 1786 ; m. 22 Jan. 1816, Matthew Hayman, Esq. of South Abbey, Youghal (see that Family). 9) Lucy Anne, b. 3 Dec. 1787; m. 17 Nov. 1825, Launcelot James Kiggell, Esq. of Birchwood, near Tarbert, co. Limerick ; and d. 17 March, 1844, leaving a son, Launceloc John Kiggell, J.P., Major South Cork Militia, who m. Olivia Emily, only dau. of Edward Brown, Esq. of Wilton House, and has Lancelot Edward, and other issue. 1. Anne, b. 8 March, 1789 ; m. 9 June, 1809, Capt. Henderson Boyle, of the Londonderry Militia ; and d. 8 March, 1836, leaving issue. Mr. Hill d. at Doneraile 17 Oct. 1820, and was s. by his eldest son, James Hill, Esq. of Graig, co. Cork, b. 9 Nov. 1771 ; in. 20 July, 1799, Mary, dau. of Hugh Norcott, Esq. of Cork, and by her (who d. at Youghal, 7 Nov. 1844) had issue, 1) Arundel, of whom presently. 2) Hugh (Sir), late one of the Judges of the Court of Queen’s Bench in England, appointed 1858, retired 1860; m. Audriah, dau. of Holden Webb, Esq. of London, and d. 12 Oct. 1871, having by her (who d. 26 Jan. 1858) had issue, 1. James Eardley, m. May, 1862, Alice Booth, dau. of William Owen, Esq.; she d. 13 Oct. 1865. 2. Holden Donald (Rev.), Vicar of Shustoclc, co. Warwick, m. 1st, 10 Sept. 1858, Bessie, dau. of the Rev. Charles Hargrove, and by her (who d. at Keswick, Cumberland, 23 Aug. 1864) he had three sons. He m. 2ndly, 5 Dec. 1865, Helen Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Draper, Esq. of Kenilworth, and had further issue a son and a dau. 3) James, m. 1st, 13 Oct. 1832, Margaret, dau. of the late John Nugent, Esq. of London, who d. s. p. and 2ndly, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Charles Dean Oliver, Esq. of Rockmills Lodge, co. Cork, by whom he had issue, Sarah, and Catherine, m. 3 May, 1871, John Ross, Esq., and has issue. Mr. James Hill d. in London, 1 June, 1873. 4) William, Canon of Peterborough, and Rector of Polebrook, m. 1st, Dorothea Scott, dau. of Dr. Lorraine, M.D. of Rothesay, Isle of Bute, and by her (who d. 1841) had a son, William Lorraine. He m. 2ndly, Mary, youngest dau. Of Reader Watts, Esq. of Bramblehill, co. Devon. 5) Thomas, d. unm. at Graig, 11 June, 1832. 6) George, LL.D., J.P. for Kent, m. 1st, Anne, eldest dau. of Reader Watts, Esq. of Plymouth, sister of his brother William’s wife, who d. s. P. June, 1859. He m. 2ndly, 26 June, 1860, Fanny, dau. of Emmerson, Esq. of Sandwich, Kent, and d. at Sandwich, 23 March, 1863, leaving a dau., Ethel. 7) Anne, m. Francis Brown, Esq. of Mount Southwell, co. Limerick, and had issue. She d. at Youghal, 13 June, 1869. 8) Mary, m. John Hastings Otway, Esq. of Leeson Street, Dublin, Q.C., Recorder of Belfast, and Assistant-Barrister of co. Antrim, and had issue. 9) Sarah, m. 8 Feb. 1842, George Chatterton, Esq. of Ballinamought, co. Cork, and by him, who d. 17 Feb. 1877, had issue. Mr. Hill d. 24 Sept. 1850, and was s. by his eldest son, Arundel Hill, Esq., of Graig, J.P., b. 18 April, 1801 ; m. 3 Jan. 1828, Thomasine, 4th dau. of the late Sir James Laurence Cotter, of Rockforest, Bart., and by her (who d. At Fermoy 13 Dec. 1873), he had issue, 1) James Laurence, his heir. 2) Arundel (Rev.), M.A., Vicar of Fermoy, b. at Rockforest, 11 Nov. 1830; m. 1st, at St. George’s, Hanover Square, 24 March, 1859, Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Francis Reader, Esq. of Sandwich, Kent, and by her (who d. 23 May, 1861) he had issue, Bertha Fremault. He m. 2ndly, 23 June, 1863, Mary Harriet, dau. of the late Capt. James Aaron Roy, 7th Light Infantry. 3) William George, F.R.C.S., Surgeon of the Royal Navy, b. Nov. 1831; m. at Hova Church, Brighton, 23 April, 1876, Katherine, widow of Col. Howden Briggs, late Bombay Staff Corps, and dau. of the late Gen. Haughton James, Bombay army. Mr. Hill d. at his seat, Graig, 22 July, 1872, and was s. by his eldest son, James Laurence Hill, Esq. of Graig, co. Cork, and of Mount Southwell, co. Limerick, J.P., b. at Rockforest, 14 April, 1829; m. 6 Oct. 1857, his cousin, Mary, only dau. and eventual heiress of Francis Brown, Esq. of Mount Southwell, by whom he had issue, i. Francis Henry, his heir. ii. Anna Thomasine, d. 29 Aug. 1875, aged 17. iii. Mary Norcott He d. at Mount Southwell, 3 Nov. 1877, and was s. by his son, Francis Henry Hill, Esq., now of Graig, co. Cork, and of Mount Southwell, co. Limerick. Arms—Az., a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis or, a canton of the last. Crest—A lion rampant arg. pierced through the breast by a broken spear in bend ppr., the head guttee de sang. Motto—Ne tentes aut peril ce. Seats—Graig, co. Cork; and Mount Southwell, co. Limerick

Thornton Hall now Thornton College

Hill, Rev. John Richard, of Thornton Hall, co. York, M.A., J.P. and D.L., b. 29 Oct. 1811 ; m. 29 June, 1842, Harriet, dau. of Joseph Robinson Pease, of Hesslewood, East Riding co. Fork, and has had issue, 1) Richard, J.P., b. 14 May, 1843; m. 5 Sept. 1873, Eveseld Ellen, dau. Of the Rev. George Hustler, Vicar of Stilling fleet, York. 2) Arthur (Rev.), b. 25 Aug. 1849. 3) Edward John, b. 9 April, 1855, Lieut. R.N. and Three other sons, who d. in infancy, 7) Anne Eliza, b. 6 Feb. 1865; m. Walter James, 3rd son of William Marshall, Esq. of Patterdale Hall, co. Cumberland, d. 29 Aug. 187b. 8) Mary. 9) Ellen, and Three daus., d. in infancy.
Lineage—Richard Johnson Hill, Esq., d. 1793, leaving by Eliza his wife, dau. of John Johnson, M.D. of Beverley, co. York (who d. 1830), a son, Richard Hill, Esq. of Thornton Hall, co. York, m. Anne. dau. of Rev. John Yarker, of Leyburn Hall, co. York, which lady d. 1815, and left at his decease, 21 Jan. 1855j a dau., Eliza, and a son, the present Rev. John Richard Hill, Esq. of Thornton Hall. Seat—Thornton Hall, Pickering.

Witley Court

Hill, Thomas Rowley, Esq. of Catherine Hill House, Worcester, and of Suckley, co. Worcester, J.P., b. 1 March, 1816 ; High Sheriff eo. Worcester 1870, and M.P. for the City of Worcester 1874 ; m. 1st, 5 June, 1838, Esther, only child of Richard Evans, Esq. of Worcester, which lady d. 5 May, 1839. He m. 2ndly, 26 July, 1842, Mary Hilditch. dau. of Edward Evans, Esq. of Worcester, and by her has issue, i. Thomas William, b. 23 June, 1843; m. 19 April 1864 Bertha, 3rd dau. of James Smith, of Doe Bank House, co Worcester. ii. Alfred Edward, b. 13 May ; d. 26 Aug. 1847. iii. Edward Henry, b. 10 Feb. 1849 ; m. 1 Jan. 1870, Elizabeth Agnes, 2nd dau. of the late William Bailey, Esq. of Cleveland Bassett, near Northampton, i. Mary Evans, m. 19 May, 1874, Rev. R. N. Kane, Rector of Lower Sapey, co. Worcester. ii. Catherine Eliza.
Lineage— Humphrey Hill, of Little Witley, co. Worcester, bapt. there 15 Dec. 1706, son of George Hill of the same place (bapt. at Holt, 1 March, 1686), by Ann his wife, and grandson of Humphrey Hill, also of Little Witley by Katherine his wife, in. twice. By his first wife, Anne, who was father of William, of whom presently, and by his 2nd wife, Anne Hanson, he had George, of Worcester, and other issue. He d. Nov. 1772, and was buried on the 24th of that month at Holt. His son by his first wife, William Hill, sometime of Waresley, and afterwards Stourport, co. Worcester, bapt. at Little Witley, 14 Jan. 1738; m. 31 Jan 1761, Mary, dau. of John Giles, of Hartlebury, and was buried at Lower Milton, 1 July, 1806, leaving a son, William Hill, of Stourport, b.23 Jan. 1762; m. 31 Dec. 1787, Ann, dau. Of George Stedman, Esq. of Eccleshall, of Stafford, and d. 5 Sept. 1815, leaving issue, i. William, whom presently; ii. Robert, d. young; iii. John, d. Unm. iv. Robert, of Stourport, and afterwards of New York America, d. there 22 Dec. 1862, m. Elizabeth Wilcox dau. Of John Yates, of Stourport; v. George, d. in America: leaving issue; i. Anne, m. 1812, George Pearce Baldwin, Stourport ; ii. Mary ; hi. Hannah ; iv. Elizabeth, all d. Young v. Jane, in. 13 Sept. 1827, William Budgett, of Bradford, Wilts, and d. 23 June, 1860. The eldest son, William Hill, Esq. of Stourport and Worcester, F.A.S., 20 Oct. 1788; m. 3 Sept. 1810, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Rowley, Esq. of Stourport ; and d. 24 Sept. 1859, leaving surviving issue, i. Thomas Rowley, now of Catherine HilWIouse, M.P. i. Eliza Maria, m. 13 April, 1843, Joseph Hugh Waters, Es of Manchester, who d. 1873. ii. Celia Jane, in. 13 July, 1845, Thomas Taylor, Esq. Kidderminster. Arms.—Erm., a chevron chequy or and az., in base on mount ppr. a Cornish chough sa. Crest—On a mount vei 1 talbot passant ppr. collared gu., his dexter paw resting on thr annulets interlaced.

Hills, Robert, Esq. of Colne Park, Essex, b. 1849 ; s. his grandfather 187b.
Lineage— Thomas Astle, Keeper of the Records in the •Tower of London, son of Daniel Astley, Esq. (who changed his .name to Astle), and grandson of Thomas Astley, Esq. of Faude, near Tutbury, m. Anna Maria, dau. and heir of the Rev. Philip Morant, of Colchester, and had issue, Thomas, of Gosfield Hall, Essex, b. 20 Jan. 1767, m. and had issue, a son, George, b. 10 Feb. 1806, d. 12 July, 1821, and a dau., Louisa, m. Charles Robert Sperling, Esq. of Etchingham Lodge, Sussex. Philip, of whom presently. Edward, 6 . 4 Nov. 1770; to . 1800, Harriet, dau. of Nathaniel Bateman, of Gloucester; and d. s.p. 2 June, 181b. George, b. 27 Nov. 1773; Rear-Admiral; d. 1813. William, b. 15 Jan. 1776 ; Lieut. E.I.C.S. ; d. 15 July, 1797. Maria, m. the Rev. Matthew Bloxham, of Ide Hill, Kent ; d. 14 March, 1851. Charlotte d. unm. 182b. The 2nd son, Philip Astle, Esq. of Colne Park, Essex, b. 26 Jan. 1768, assumed the surname and arms of Hills, by royal license, 9 _Jan. 1790, in compliance with the will of Michael Robert Hills, Esq. of Colne Park. He m. 15 May, 1794, Frances, dau. of the Rev. Thomas Bankes, of Wimbledon, Surrey, and by her (who was b. 10 Jan. 1770, and d. 12 Jan. 1849) had issue, Robert, his heir. Frances, d. 22 Sept. 184b. Anna Maria, m. Henry Downes, Esq. of Colchester, Capt. R.N. She d. s. p. 1823. Harriet, m. Charles Haselfoot, Esq. of Boreham Manor, 1 I Essex. Eleanor. Charlotte. Emma, m. 3 June, 1862, the Rev. Henry Tufnell Young, 1 of Mallards Court, Stokenchurch, Oxon. i Caroline, m. 22 July, 1842, Charles Meredith, Esq. of Lincoln’s Inn. She d. 25 July, 1857, leaving issue, Henry Robert, b. June, 1854; d. Jan. 1857. Mr. Hills d. 8 April, 1830, and was s. by his only son, Robert Hills. Esq. of Colne Park, Essex, J.P. and D.L., “ High Sheriff 1856, b. 15 Aug. 1796; m. 8 July, 1819, Mary, dau. of James Cole, Esq. of Great Holland, Essex, and had issue, i Robert Astle, b. 2 Oct. 1821 ; m. 22 Oct. 1846; and d. 25 Aug. 1855, leaving issue one son, Robert, now of Colne Park, and two daus. i. Mary Frances, m. 14 May, 1844, the Rev. James Farr Reeve, Rector of Great and Little Thornham, Suffolk. Arms—Quarterly : 1st and 4th, crm., on a fess sa. a castle with turrets ppr., for Hills; 2nd, az., a cinquefoil pierced arm. a label of three points throughout or, for Astle ; 3rd, gu. in a chevron arg. three talbots passant sa., for Morant. Crests—Of Hills, A castle as in the arms; of Astle, On a chapeau gu. Turned up erm. a ducal coronet with cap ppr. I herefrom issuant a plume of five ostrich feathers ppr. Motto 1 -Fide sed cui vide. Seat—Colne Park, near Halstead, Essex.

The County Families of the United Kingdom Or, Royal Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland
HILL, VISCOUNT (ROWLAND HILL)-Cr. 1842. Eldest son of the late John Hill, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of Philip Cornish, Esq.; b. 1800; s. his uncle as 2nd Viscount 1842; m. 1832 Anne, dau. of the late Joseph Clegg, Esq. Is Lord-Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of co. Salop, Patron of 2 livings, and Col. N. Salop Yeomanry; formerly an Officer in the Royal Horse Guards; was M.P. for co. Salop 1821–32, and for N. Salop 1832–42. The 1st Viscount, who was Commander-in-Chief 1831–42, was raised to the Peerage with a special remainder to his nephew, the present Lord. —Hawkstone and Hardwicke Grange, Shrewsbury; Carlton, White’s, and Travellers’ Clubs, s.w.; §§ Square, w. Heir, his son Rowland Clegg, a J.P. and D.L. for co. Salop, and Capt. N. Salop Yeomanry Cavalry; late M.P. for N. Salop, formerly in the Guards; b. 1833.
HILL, LORD GEORGE AUGUSTA, of Gweedore, co. Donegal. Fifth son of Arthur, 2nd Marquis of Downshire, by Mary, Baroness Sandys, only dau. of Col. Martin Sandys, and grand-dau. of Arthur, 1st Lord Sandys (ert.); b. 1801 ; m. 1st 1834 Cassandra Jane, dau. of Edward Knight, Esq., of Godmersham Park, Kent (she d. 1842); 2nd 1847 Louisa, dau. of Edward Knight, Esq., and has, with other issue, * Arthur, Capt. Rifle Brigade, b. 1837. Lord G. Hill, who was a Major in the Army, formerly in the Royal Horse Guards Blue, and in the 8th Royal Irish Hussars, was High Sheriff of co. Donegal in 1845, and M.P. for Carrickfergus 1831–2.-Ballyvara House, Gweedore, Ramelton, co. Donegal.
HILL, SIR JOHN, BART. (cr. 1779). Eldest son of the late Sir George Hill, Bart., of St. Columb’s, co. Londonderry, by Elizabeth Sophia, dau. of John Rea, Esq., of St. Columb’s, co. Londonderry; b. 1833; s. as 4th Bart. 1845; m. 1863 Charlotte Isa bella, only dau. of Henry D. Blyth, Esq., of Hamilton Place, London. Is a Magistrate for co. Londonderry (High Sheriff 1869); late Major 19th Hussars; was formerly Capt. in the Indian Army.—St. Columb’s, Londonderry; 7, Hamilton Place, Piccadilly, w. Heir, his son George, b. 1866.
HILL, SIR HUGH, KNT. (cr.1858). Son of the late James Hill, Esq., of Craig, co. Cork, by Mary, dau. of Hugh Norcott, Esq., of Springfield, co. Cork; b. 1802; m. 1831 Audrey Georgiana Anne, dau. of Richard Holden Webb, Esq., of Queen-Anne Street, London, and has, with other issue, * James Eardley, b. 1833; m. 1869 Katharine, 3rd dau. of Henry Draper, Esq. Sir H. Hill, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1821), and practised for some time as a Special Pleader below the Bar, was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple 1841, and afterwards went the Northern Circuit; appointed a Q.C. 1851, a Bencher of the Middle Temple 1852, a Judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench 1858, retired 1861-6, Orford Square, Hyde Park, w.
HILL, SIR ROWLAND, K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. (cr.1860). Third son of the late Thomas Wright Hill, Esq., by Sarah, dau. of William Lea, Esq., of Birmingham ; b. 1795; m. 1827 Caroline, dau. of Joseph Pearson, Esq. Educated at Birmingham ; was appointed Secretary to the “Colonization Commissioners for South Australia’ 1835, to an office in the Treasury 1839, Secretary to the Postmaster-General 1846, Secretary to the General Post Office 1854–64; was formerly Chairman of the Brighton Railway Company; in 1860 received the Order of the Bath (Civil Division) in reward of his services in re forming the Post-Office, and, on his retirement in 1864, a Parliamentary grant of £20,000.—Hampstead Green, Middeser, N.w.; Athenaeum and Reform Clubs, s.w.
HILL, SIR WILLIAM, K.C.S.I. (cr.1867). Son of the late Hon. Daniel Hill, Member of Council in Antigua, by Ann, dau. of the late Anthony Wyke, .; b. 1805; m. 183— Sybella, dau. of Col. George Phillpots, R.E. Entered the military service of the E.I.C. 1821; served at the bombardment of Rangoon, and commanded a contingent during the Indian mutiny 1857; became a Col. in the Army 1859, and retired as Major-Gen. 1862.-Union Club, s.w. ; 18, Dawson Place, Bayswater, w.
HILL, LADY FRANCES CHARLOTTE ARABELLA. Eldest dau. of the late Frederick Lumley Saville, Esq., by Charlotte Mary, dau. of the late Right Rev. George de la Poer Beresford, Lord Bishop of Kilmore, and sister of Richard George, 9th Earl of Scarbrough : m. 1836 Lieut.-Col. Charles John Hill, who was a J.P. and D.L. for Notts, and who d. 1867.-Residence : Tickhill, Rotherham, Yorkshire.
HILL, COL. ARTHUR CHARLES, of Court of Hill, Shropshire. Younger son of the late Thomas Humphrey Lowe, Esq., of Bromsgrove, by Lucy, elder dau. and co-heir of the late Thomas Hill, Esq., of Court of Hill, and brother of the late Very Rev. Thomas Hill Lowe, Dean of Exeter; b. 1796; s. his mother 1846; m. 1st 1841 Mary, dau. of Benjamin Flounders, Esq., of Culmington, co. Salop; 2nd 1846 Caroline, dau. of Thomas Baker, Esq., of Tunbridge Wells; 3rd 1867 Emma, widow of the Rev. Thomas Longworth; he has by his 2nd wife, with other issue, * Arthur Hill, b. 1847. Col. Hill, who was educated at Westminster, is a Magistrate for co. Worcester, a J.P. and D.L. for co. Salop, and a Col. in the Army. He assumed his maternal name of Hill by Royal licence 1865; he was formerly in the 16th Lancers.-Court of Hill, Ludlow.
HILL, ARUNDEL, ESQ., of Cº. co. Cork. Eldest son of the late James Hill, Esq., of Craig, by Mary, dau. of Hugh Norcott, Esq., of Cork; b. 1801; s. 1850; m. 1828 Thomasina, youngest dau. of Sir James Laurence Cotter, Bart., of Rockforest, co. Cork, and has, with other issue, * James Laurence, b. 1829; m. 1857 Mary, dau. of Francis Brown, Esq., of Limerick, and has issue. Mr. Hill is a Magistrate for co. Cork.-Graig, Doneraile.
HILL, CHARLES, ESQ., of West Hoathley, Sussex. Eldest son of the late W. T. Hill, Esq.; b. 1812; m. 1842 Rosa Frances, 2nd dau. of J. Mott, Esq., M.D. Is a Commissioner of Lieutenancy for London, a Magistrate for Middlesex, and F.S.A.; was Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1847–8.-West Hoathley, East Grinstead, Reform Club, s.w.; 25, Hyde Park Square, w.
HILL, CHARLES HENRY, ESQ., of St. John’s, co. Wexford. Eldest son of the late Dr. Charles Hill, of St. John’s, by Mary, dau. of Hugh Howell Farmar, Esq., of Dunsinane, co. Perth; b. 1805; s. 1853. Is a Magistrate for co. Wexford.—St. John’s, Enniscorthy, co. Werford. Heir Pres., his brother Hugh Robert, B.A. of Trinity Coll., Dublin; Rector of Ballybrennan, co. Wexford; b. 1807.
HILL, THE REV. COPINGER, of Buxhall, Suffolk. Eldest son of the late Rev. William Gooch, by Mary, dau. of the Rev. Henry Hill, D.D., Rector and Patron of Buxhall); b. 1799; s. his uncle, the Rev. H. Hill, 1825, when he assumed by Royal licence the name of Hill; m. 1831 Emily, dau. of the Rev. George Pyke, of Baythorn Park, Essex, and has, with other issue, * Henry (Rev.), B.A. of Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge; b. 1834; m. 1862 Ellen, dau. of the late M. Chamley, Esq., of War. cop, co. Westmoreland, and has, with other issue, * Henry Copinger, b. 1865. Mr. Hill, who was educated at C.C.C., Cambridge, of which he was Fellow (B.A. 1822, M.A. 1825), is a Magistrate for Suffolk, Lord of the Manor, Patron, and Rector of Buxhall.–Burhall Rectory, Stowmarket.
HILL, LIEUT.-COL. GEORGE STAVELEY, of Peplow, Shropshire. Eldest son of the late Col. Sir Robert Chambre Hill, C.B., of Prees Hall (brother of Rowland, 1st Viscount Hill, G.C.B.), by Eliza, dau. of the late Henry Lumley Esq.; b. 1801; s. 1860; m. 1832 Jane, dau. of Thomas Borough, Esq. Educated at Rugby; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Salop, Lieut.-Col. in the Army, and Lieut.-Col. N. Shropshire Yeomanry; was formerly Capt. in the Royal Horse Guards Blue.—Peplow Hall, Market Drayton ; Junior United Service Club, s.w. Heir Pres., his brother Alfred, b. 1804.
HILL, HENRY, ESQ., of Dunstall, Staffordshire. Only surviving son of the late Benjamin Hill, Esq., by Elizabeth, dau. of — Bowker, Esq.; b. 179–; m. 1821 Anne, dau. of Luke Staveley, Esq., of Halifax, co. York, and has, with other issue, an only son, * Alexander Staveley, D.C.L., Fellow of St. John’s Coll., Oxford, a Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, M.P. for Coventry; b. 1825; m. 1864 Katharine Florence, eldest dau. of Miles Ponsonby, Esq., of Hale Hall, Cumberland, and by her, who d. 1868, has issue, * Henry Staveley, b. 1865. Mr. Hill is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Stafford, Chairman of the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, and a Banker at Wolverhampton.—Dunstall, Wolverhampton.
HILL, JAMES CHARLES, ESQ., of The Knoll, Abergavenny. Second son of the late Rev. Henry William Hill, Rector of Rock, co. Worcester, by Susannah Still, dau. of Thomas Brettell, Esq., of Summerhill, co. Worcester; b. 1817; m. 1856 Eliza Lucretia, dau. of Henry Crawshay, Esq., of Oaklands Park, co. Gloucester. Educated at Shrewsbury; is a Magistrate for Abergavenny and co. Monmouth, an Ironmaster at Newport, and Capt. Abergavenny Rifle Volunteers. This family is of Worcestershire extraction.—The Knoll, Abergavenny.
HILL, JOHN, ESQ., of Bellaghy, co. Londonderry. Third son of the late Major-Hill, of Bellaghy, by Mabella Norcott, dau. of the late Godfrey Hemsworth, Esq., of Limerick; b. 1804; s. 1847; m. 1823 Mary, eldest dau. of the late Capt. Crawford, of Greenview, Castledausen, co. Derry, and has, with other issue, * Kenrick Jones, Capt. 14th Foot; b. 1829; m. 1862 Bessic, eldest dau. of Charles French, Esq., of Dublin. Mr. Hill is a Magistrate for cos. Antrim and Londonderry.–The Castle, Bellaghy, co. Londonderry.
HILL, JOHN DAVID HAY, ESQ., of Gressenhall, Norfolk. Only son of the late John Hill, Esq., of Gressenhall, by Julia Anna, dau. of Col. Hay, R.A.; b. 1805; m. 1827 Margaret, 2nd dau. of the late John E. Collett, Esq., M.P., and had, with other issue, John David Hay, Consul at Brest; b. 1829; d. 1868, having m. 1857 Catherine Frances, only dau. of Robert Neave, Esq. Mr. Hill, who was educated at Eton and Trinity Hall, Cambridge (LL.B. 1827), is a Magistrate for Norfolk, and joint Lord of the Manor of Gressenhall. —Gressenhall, East Dereham ; 7, Mansfield Street, w.
HILL, THE REV. JOHN RICHARD, of Thornton Dale, Yorkshire. Son of the late Richard Hill, Esq., of Thornton Dale, by Anne, dau. of the Rev. John Yarker, of Leyburn Hall, co. York; b. 1811; m. 1842 Harriet, dau. of Joseph Robinson Pease, Esq., of Hesslewood, co. York, and has, with other issue, * Richard, b. 1843. Mr. Hill, who was educated at University Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1834, M.A. 1850), is a J.P. and D.L. for the N. Riding of Yorkshire, and Patron of Thornton.—Thornton Hall, Pickering.
HILL, JOSEPH, ESQ., of Wollaston, Northamptonshire. Eldest son of the late Charles Hill, Esq., of Wollaston (some time Major in the Northampton Militia), by Mariette Hill, dau. of the late John Berkeley Monck, Esq., M.P., of Coley Park, Berks; b. 1850; s. 1861. Educated at Eton ; is Lord of the Manor of Wollaston. —-Wollaston Hall, Wellingborough.
HILL, MATTHEW DAVENPORT, ESQ., Q.C., of Heath House, Gloucestershire. Eldest son of the late Thomas Wright Hill, of Tottenham, Middlesex, by Sarah, dau. of William Lea, of Birmingham; b. 1792; m. 1819 Margaret, dau. of William Bucknall, and has, with other issue, * Alfred, Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln’s Inn, Registrar in Bankruptcy; b. 1821. Mr. Hill, who was called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn 1819, is a Magistrate for cos. Somerset and Warwick; he received a Patent of Precedence in 1834; appointed Commissioner in Bankruptcy for the Bristol District 1851, and a Commissioner to enquire into the state of the Bankruptcy Laws in 1853; was M.P. for Hull 1832-4; late Recorder of Birmingham.—Heath House, Stapleton, near Bristol.
HILL, MISS, of Castle Bank, Westmoreland. Ann Newell, only child of the late Rev. Hugh Hill, D.D., of Southampton (who d. 1824); s. her cousin, John Hill, Esq., 1861. Is Lady of the Manor and Patron of Asby Winderwarth, Westmoreland.—Castle Bank, Appleby; 16, Phillimore Gardens, w.
HILL, LIEUT.-COL. RICHARD FREDERICK, of Prees, Shropshire. Fourth son of the late John Hill, Esq., of Hawkstone, co. Salop, by Elizabeth Rhodes, dau. of Philip Cornish, Esq., and brother of Rowland, 2nd Viscount Hill; b. 1804; m, 1835 Maria Jane, only dau. of the late Major J. D. Bringhurst, and has, with other issue, * William Frederick, b. 1843; educated at Harrow. Col. Hill is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Salop, a Lieut.-Col. in the Army, retired, and Col. of the Salop Militia. —Prees Hall, Shrewsbury.
HILL, SAMUEL BRODHURST, ESQ., of Bache Hall, Cheshire. Eldest son of the late Robert Brodhurst Hill, Esq., of Bache Hall, by Margaret, dau. of Thomas Pearson, Esq.; b. 1825; s. 1857; m. 1859 Emma, dau. of the Rev. Henry Grylls, Vicar of St. Neot, Cornwall. Educated at Rugby; is Lord of the Manor of Bache. This family, formerly resident in Shropshire, inherited Bache Hall with other estates in Cheshire, the property of James Brodhurst, Esq., early in this century.—Bache Hall, Chester.
HILL. (See under Downshire, Marquis of; Berwick, Lord; and Sandays, Lord.)
HILL-TREVOR, LORD ARTHUR EDWIN, of Brynkinalt, Denbighshire. Third son of Arthur, 3rd Marquis of Downshire, K.P., by Lady Maria Windsor, eldest dau. of Other, 5th Earl of Plymouth; b. 1819; m. 1st 1848 Mary Emily, eldest dau. of the late Sir Richard Sutton, Bart. (she d. 1855); 2nd 1858 Mary Catherine, dau. of the late Hon. and Rev. Alfred Curzon, and sister of Alfred, 4th Lord Scarsdale, and has, by the former, with other issue, * Arthur William, b. 1852. Lord E. Hill-Trevor, who was educated at Eton and Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1841), is a J.P. and D.L. for cos. Denbigh, Down, Notts, and Salop, Lord of the Manor of Brynkinalt, Patron of 1 living, and Major N. Salop Yeomanry Cavalry; he has been M.P. for co. Down since 1845. He assumed the additional name of Trevor on succeeding to the Welsh estates of Arthur, Viscount Dungannon (ert.), 1862.–Brynkinalt, Chirk; Carlton Club, s.w.; 24, Belgrave Square, s.w.

THE HILL FAMILY GENEALOGY by: Lanette Hill (Note: *All dates were transcribed directly from the book if performing research please check them among your own research)
GENERATION 1 The Hill Family History beginnings was in England. The very first record of the family name was found in Worcestershire, which is located in England. The Hill family traces their ancestral roots back to Norman origin before the year 1100. From here they branched and migrated, gaining prosperity as a notable family of England and later other countries. And, yes, there is a Coat of Arms recorded for this family name. However, no claim is made to a royal lineage, to noble blood, or right to bear a coat of arms. If, as a matter of fact, they have a heritage, their right is dormant and barred by inability to connect these early Virginians with their overseas ascendants. They, however, take pardonable pride in having an ancestry of unblemished characters, who were blessed with hearts and minds which commanded esteem, made them the peers, and won for them the friendship and confidence of those of the highest standing in their sections; when were peace-loving, law abiding and God-fearing, industrious, progressive and constructive; who achieved signal successes in every field of endeavor and were potent factors in promoting the general well-being of their followmen, the liberty, stability, civilization and welfare of their country. Many have attained to great eminence in the professions, filled the highest public stations with credit to themselves and to honor and glory of country. The name of Hill was derived from the residence of it’s first bearers. On or near a hill. Hill is the name most used in America today. According to family tradition, positive, persistent and unvarying, the ancestors of Henry Hill, Nansemond, Va. — the branch of the family of which I treat — were Scotch-Irish, from County Down, Ireland. I therefore not a few of the Hills of Ireland. Moses Hill, with a number of other prominent persons, were invited to Ulster, Ireland, to populate and develop it, 1605-1618. Moses Hill had wood land given him, which being thereafter demolished, left a fair and beautiful country, when a later heir of the Hills built Hillsborough . Sir Moses Hill of Hillsboro, d. Feb. 1629, at the age of 76, had the sons Peter and Arthur who afterwards succeeded two sons Francis and Randall. Francis died without male issue and the estate devolved upon his uncle, Arthur Hill of Hillsboro, who during the period of the Irish Rebellion built a fortress at Hillsboro, in recognition of his devotion; this was in 1660 erected into a Royal Garrison and he and his heirs mad Constable of the Castle; died 1663. Some of his sons died young and none were of the names of those that came to America. Moses Hill, went to Ireland 1573. Seats. — Hillsborough Castle and Merlough House, Dumdrum County Down; and East Hampstead Park, Wakingham, Berks. The Marquis of Devonshire. Motto: “Per Deum et Fermen Ostium”. Samuel Hill, an ancestor the Hill family in Ireland, was Treasurer for the County of Buckingham during the time of Oliver Cromwell, 1642. Sir Hugh Hill, son of Rowley, son of John, son of Samuel was created baronet in 1779 and represented the City of Derry in Parliament 1768 to 1795, when he died………
The arms as here presented are taken from Crozier’s General Armory, as brought to Virginia by Col. Humphrey Hill, of King and Queen County, d. 1775, and are described as: “Arms–Azure, on a chevron between three owls argent, three mullets, sable, a bordure ermine.” The arms as given Sir Hugh Hil, bore: “The chevrons, with erminois points instead of mulletss, and were placed between the two are easily attributable to the intermarriages with other families bearing arms of that distinction.” Sir Henry Blyth Hill, 6th Baronet, of St. Columbs, County Londonderry, Captain and Brevet Major late Royal Irish Fusiliers, sometime Governor of Bohrel el Gazol, attached to the Egyptian Army 1898-1908,etc. Lineage– Samuel Hill, first ancestor of the family in Ireland, went from Buckinghamshire to Ireland as Treasurer of that Kingdom under Oliver Cromwell in 1642. John, Samuel, Hugh, etc. Motto “No tentes aut perfice” — “Complete what you attempt,” or “attempt not, or accomplish”. Samuel Hill in Warwick County, Va in 1693, but no further record of him. The Viscount Hill (Sir Rowland Richard Clegg-Hill) of Hawkstone and Hardwicke, Salop, Baron Hill of Almares and Harwicke, in the same County., etc.
Lineage– The residence in the County of Salop, of this distinguished family, can be traced to a period antecedent to the reign of Edward I, but the name, instead of Hill, was formerly spell Hull, or de la Hull — Humphrey Hill, of Buntingale, living tempo Henry V; Ralph, Thomas, Rowland, etc. Motto: “Avancez”. The coat of arms of Col. Humphrey Hill are identical with those of Isaac Hill, of King and Queen County, Va. Edward Hill in Virginia, 1622; d. May 15, 1624. His son and grandson bore the same name. All were Burgesses. Members of Council, and held other prominent offices. The tomb of the third Col. Edward Hill, of “Shirley”, bears the arms: A lion passant Crest; a demi-lion. The tinctures are not designated. The arms of Hill, County of Wexford, Ireland contain a lion passant, with a demi-lion passant for a crest. From the copy of the Raleigh News and Observer, of some years ago, is taken the following: The Hill Family, of Elizabeth and Charles City Counties, Va.: Arms: Gules, two bars, ermine; in chief, a lion passant, argent. Crest: A boar’s head sa; in the mouth of a trefoil slipped, ppr. Motto: “Spe labor levis”. Nathaniel Hill, great-grandfather of the late Nathaniel P. Hill, U.S. Senator from Colorado, was born 1705 in the North of Ireland and about 1730 emigrated to New York and settled on the western frontier of the Scotch-Irish settlements then already established west of the Hudson River. The late Governor of New York, David Hill, of New York, descended from Abram Hill, of County Derry, Ireland, who emigrated to Schenectady, N.Y., where he died 1764. There are fourscore possible coats of arms for the Hill family, one being as follows: Arms: Gules, two bars ermine, in chief a lion pasant, per pale or and argent. The crest is a fleur de lys argent. The Motto which is always an optional matter is “Esse quam videri”. ; literally, “to be rather than to seem”, or freely, “better to be than to seem to be”. “In 1661, the Marquis of Worcester obtained letter patent for a breech-loading gun or pistol. In 1664, Abraham Hill obtained letters patent for a similar invention, viz a new way of making a gun or pistol, the breach whereof rises upon a hindge by a contrivance of a motion from under it, by which it is also let downe againe and bolted fast by one and the same motion.” In “Dic. of Nat’l Biography”, Vol. XXVI, p. 389 we find: Abraham Hill, b. 1635 d. 1721, came of an old family seated at Shilstone in Devonshire; father, Richard Hill, a merchant and alderman of London, was appointed by the Long Parliament treasurer of sequestrations in the summer of 1642 till 1640. At the accession of William and Mary, Abraham Hill became a Commissioner of Trade, and Bishop Tillotsen appointed him Comptroller of Canterbury. He is buried in the Chancel of Sutton Church. He married Anne, daughter of Sir. Bulstrode Whielocke, Knight, had son Richard and daughter Frances.”
Child of The Hill Family History is John Hill b. 1545, England; d. 11 Aug. 1604, Atterclife, Sheffield, Yorkshire England. Generation No. 2 John Hill (The Hill Family History) was born 1545 in England and died 11 Aug. 1604 in Attercliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire England. He married Agnes Jaruishe 18 Oct. 1574 in Kidlington, Oxford, England. She was born 1558 in England. Child of John and Agnes is: John Hill b. 1554 in London, England. Generation No. 3 John Hill (John, The Hill Family History) was born 1554 in London, England. He married Anne Marshall 24 April 1565 in All Hallows, Lombard St., London England. She was born 1545 in London, England. Children of John Hill and Anne Marshall are: 1) Richard Hill b. 1604, London, Greater London, England – Christened Nov. 19, 1605; d. 08 Jan. 1658/59, London, England 2) Abraham Hill b. 1615, Born in England; d. 13 Feb. 1669/70, settled in 1636 in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Generation No. 4 Richard Hill (John, John, The Hill Family History) was born 1604 in London, Greater London, England and died 8 Jan. 1658/59 in London, England. He married Agnes 1629 in London England. She was born 1608 in London, Greater London, England and died 7 Mar. 1658/59. Children of Richard Hill and Agnes are: 1) Ann b. 1630 London England. 2) Thomas Hill b. 1632 London England d. 1719, 2nd Sarg. Enlisted Baltimore, Maryland Revolutionary Service. 3) Richard Hill, b. 14 Sep. 1634 London England. 4) Abraham hill b. 16 Jun. 1635 of London, Greater London, England d. Feb. 1720 Plumstead Bucks, Pennsylvania. 5) Henry Hill b. 18 Feb. 1636, London, England d. 26 Apr. 1638. This Henry Hill is found “coming to America” the New World, February 26 through March 7, 1774 aboard the ship called “Speedwell”. It states that he was age 38, and that he was a carpenter from Westminster, Middlesex. He along with many others on the ship were bound as indentured Servants for four (4) years to go from London to Maryland. 6) William Hill b. 21 Jul. 1639, London England. 7) Peter Hill b. 1641, London England. 8) Sarah Hill b. 20 Nov. 1643 London, England 9) Samuel Hill b. 3 June 1646 London England. Abraham Hill (John, John, The Hill Family History) was born 1615 in England, and died 13 Feb. 1669 in settled in 1636 in Charlestown, Massachusetts. He married Sarah Long bet. 1646-1667, daughter of Robert Long and Sarah Taylor. She was born in of Ruth. Children of Abraham Hill and Sarah Long are: 1) Abraham (Jr.) b. 1 Aug. 1643 Charlestown, Massachusetts d. 23 Oct. 1713, Charlestown, Massachusetts 2) Isaac Hill 3) Zachary Hill 4) Sarah Hill died young 5) Sarah Hill 6) Mary Hill 7) Jacob Hill.

Australian Colonies 1787-1901

Early American Immigration and New World Settlers
Hill Settlers in United States in the 17th, 18th & 19th Century
Edward Hill, who settled in Virginia in 1623
Joan Hill, who immigrated to St. Christopher in 1635
Henry Hill, who settled in Bermuda in 1635
Abraham Hill, who landed in Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1640
Barbery Hill, who landed in Virginia in 1648
Ann Hill, who arrived in Boston, Massachusetts in 1767
Thomas Hill, who landed in North Carolina in 1775
Charles Hill, who arrived in New Hampshire in 1776
Casper Hill, who arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1791
Christopher Hill, who landed in Frederick County, Maryland in 1795
Adam Hill, who landed in Allegany (Allegheny) County, Pennsylvania in 1808
Alexander Hill, aged 23, who arrived in South Carolina in 1812
Anne Hill, who landed in New York, NY in 1816
Adam Hill, who sailed from Ireland to New York in 1816
Arthur Hill, who arrived in Allegany (Allegheny) County, Pennsylvania in 1832
Hill Settlers in Canada in the 18th & 19th Century
Abnel Hill, who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1750
Anthy Hill, who landed in Nova Scotia in 1774
Mr. James Hill U.E. who arrived at Port Roseway [Shelburne], Nova Scotia on October 26, 1783 was passenger number 196 aboard the ship “HMS Clinton”, picked up on September 28, 1783 at Staten Island, New York
Mr. Joseph Hill U.E. who arrived at Port Roseway [Shelburne], Nova Scotia c. 1783 was a passenger aboard the ship “HMS Clinton”
Mr. Nazareth Hill U.E. who settled in Kingston, Ontario c. 1784
Alvin Hill, who arrived in Canada in 1828
Archibald Hill, aged 30, who landed in Saint John, New Brunswick in 1833
Andrew Hill, aged 30, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick aboard the ship “Susan” in 1838
Ms. Francis Hill, aged 20 who emigrated to Canada, arriving at the Grosse Isle Quarantine Station in Quebec aboard the ship “John Munn” departing from the port of Liverpool, England but died on Grosse Isle on September 2nd, 1847
Mrs. Catherine Hill, aged 60 who was emigrating through Grosse Isle Quarantine Station, Quebec aboard the ship “John and Robert” departing 9th June 1847 from Liverpool, England; the ship arrived on 6th August 1847 but she died on board
Hill Settlers in Australia in the 19th Century
John Hill, English convict from Essex, who was transported aboard the “Ann” on August 1809, settling in New South Wales, Australia
Thomas Hill, English convict from Staffordshire, who was transported aboard the “Agamemnon” on April 22, 1820, settling in New South Wales, Australia
John Hill, English convict from Middlesex, who was transported aboard the “Asia” on September 3rd, 1820, settling in New South Wales, Australia
John Hill, English convict from Surrey, who was transported aboard the “Asia” on April 1st, 1822, settling in New South Wales, Australia
Samuel Hill, English convict from Middlesex, who was transported aboard the “Asia” on April 1st, 1822, settling in New South Wales, Australia
Hill Settlers in New Zealand in the 19th Century
George Hill, who landed in Wellington, New Zealand in 1840
George Hill, aged 36, a carpenter, who arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship “Arab” in 1841
Ann Hill, aged 38, who arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship “Arab” in 1841
Jane Hill, aged 13, who arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship “Arab” in 1841
John Hill, aged 11, who arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship “Arab” in 1841

Avancez! Advance!
Candide me fides. You will trust me favourably.
Esse quart i videri. To be rather than seem to be.
Esto. Be it so.
Fidelis. Faithful.
Ne tenta vel perfice. Attempt not or accomplish.
Ne tentes aut perfice. Attempt not or accomplish.
Par negotiis neque supra. Equal to our business and not above it.
Per Deum et ferrum obtinui. By God and my sword have I prevailed.
Qui uti scit ei bona. Be wealth to him who knows how to use it.
Sola nobilitat virtus. Virtue alone ennobles.
Spe labor levis. Hope makes labour light.
Veritas superabit. Truth will conquer.

HILL, …. of London, gu., two bars erm. on a chief …. a lion passant or ; Crest, a lion statant or between a pair of wings gu. charged with two bars erin. …. by Camden. Harl. MS. 6095, fo. 25″ ; and Customer of Yarmouth Harl. MS. 1422, fo. 42.
HILL„ Daniel, M.A., Prebend, of Rochester, 5 July 1699, by T. St. George, Gart. and Clar. Grants IV., fo. 295 ; Stowe MS. 693, fo. 5″.
HILL„ Coat quartered by Ro. Bynge, which see, by Cooke. Harl. MS. 1359, fo. 89″; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 35″.
HILL„ Elizabeth, dau. to John Hill and wife to Davy Woodruff of London, gift. . .1561, 3 Q. Eliz. (Harvey’s Grants), Add. MS. 16,940, fo. 19″.
HILL„ Alice, ux. Reginald Corbett, Justice C.B., daughter of HILL, Jane, elder sister of Sir Rowland, and wife of John Gratewood; HILL„ ( Elizabeth, younger sister of Sir Rowland; and wife of John Barker ; 3 Nov. 1562, to the descendants of Jane and Elizabeth. By Harvey. MS. Ashm. 834, fo. 47, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib., and Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 37, fo. 40 ; Grants II., 559 ; Proc. Soc. Antiq., 1897, 2nd S., xvii., p. 350.
HILL„ Humphrey, Sillvington ats Silton, Sakq), by Cooke’s dep^. Stowe MS. 670, fo. 9.
HILL„ John, ats De la Hull, of Little Pype, co. Staff., grant 12 May 1560, by Sir G. Dethick, Gart. MS. Ashm. 858, fo. 116, 117, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib.
HILLS, John, of London, auditor …. by Cooke. Harl. ]ISS. 1422, fo. 42, and 1359, fo. 109, auditor, sa., a chevron betw. three leopards’ faces sable ; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 57.
HILL OR HILLS,, John, of London, gent., 15 JIarch 1586, by Cooke. Harl. MS.1422, fo. 42 ; Stowe IMS. 714, fo. 100, copy of grant, Brit. Mus. ; Harl.MSS. 1422, fo. 42, and 1359, fo. 109 ; Guil. 197, sable, a chevron betw. three cats argt., etc. ; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 30″.
HILL OR HILLLS„ Nicholas, of Bromsgrove, Wore., 10 Aug. 1560, by Sir G. Dethick, Gart. Harl. MSS. 1441, fb. 100, and 5847, fo. 48″, and Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 145, fo. 49″ ; Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 25. HILL OR HILLS„ Richard, of Dorney, Bucks, sa., on a fess arg. betw. three cats of Montaigne (cats-a-mountain) passant or a cross sarcellie betw. two coquilles (cocks) gu., crest ; coat and crest. Barker’s Grants, Harl. MS. 5846, fo. 46 and 47″.
HILL OR HILLS, Richard, of Paxton, Somt, by Cooke. Stowe MS. 670, fo. 26.
HILL OR HILLS, Richard, of Sutton, Surrey, s. of William, by Cooke, 1588. Stowe ]IS. 670, fo. 24**, 25, impaling Morley fo. 24*^, and Onslow fo. 25.
HILL OR HILLS„ Robert, D.l)., s. of Ralph, of Ashbourne, co. Derby, patent Nov. 1615, by Camden. Harl. MSS. 6095, fo. 40, and 1422, fo. 40 ; Guil. 394 ; Le Neve’s MS. 349.
HILL OR HILLS„ Sir Rowland, of London, maior …. coat …. Barker’s Grants, Harl. MS. 5846, fo. 46**, see a giant by Harvey, Clar., 3 Nov. 1562, to the descendants of his sisters Jane, wife of John Gratewood, and Eliz’^ wife of John Barker, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib. ; Grants II., 559. See Jane and £liz‘’‘ Hill above.
HILL, Daniel, Preh. of Rochester, 1699, Vol. IV, fol. 295.
HILL„ Baron BEinviCKE [19 May 1784], of .Shropsh. Supporters, 178 . ., Vol. XV, ful. 309.
HILL„ . . . ., of Bristol, CO. Glouc, and Shrewsbury, Shropsh., [178o] Vol. XVI, fol. 67.
HILL TO MEDLYCOTT, . . . ., of Cockayne, Ruwell and Cottingham, co. Northampton, 180 . ., Vol. XXI, fol. 275.
HILL, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Rowland, K.B. [22 Feb. 1812.] Supporters, 18 . . .,* Vol. XXVII, fol. 18.
HILL„ [Rowland, Baron Hill. Supporters [28 May 1842 (General., New S., XXII, p. 156)].
HILL AFTER NOEL, . . . ., of co. Chester and Shropsh. (See Baron Berwick.) [1824] Vol. XXXIV, fols. 300 and 302.
HILL, Henry, Capt. in the Army, of Knutsford, co. Chester, 18 . . ., Vol. XLIX, fol.” 451.
HILL., [Anne, 2nd Viscountess Hill. Arms of Clegg, 16 Dee. 1844 (General., New S., XXII, p. 156).]
HILL„ . . . ., of Wood Hall, Reddish, CO. Lane., [1856] Vol. LII, fol. 60.
HILL TO SANDYS [11 Feb. 1861, 3rd] Baron Sandys, of co. Glouc, 186 . ., Vol.LIV, fol. 112.
HILL, John Smith, M.A., Cains Coll., Camb., of Wooding, Waktu, Portway, and Orleton, co. Hereford ; and Dinton, Bucks ; and Edward Smith, of the same, 186 . ., Vol. LIV, fol. 128.
HILL-TREVOK, …. [9 Sept. 1862], of co. Nottingham and Ireland, 2nd s. Of the Marquis of Downshike, 186 . ., Vol. LIV, fol. 320.
HILL, Edward Smith, of WooLLahra, co. Cumberland, and Sydney, New South Wales, [1863 ?] Vol. LV, fol. 3.
HILL„ William, of Catherine Hill House, co. Wore. ; and Suckley and Stourport, CO. Wore, [11 Aug. 1864] Vol. LV, fol. 210. (Crisp, IV, p. 107.)
HILL LATE LOWE, Col. Arthur C., of Court Hill, Shropsh., and Bromsgrove, CO. Wore, 186 . ., Vol. LVI, fol. 75.
HILL (CLIFTON AND), of Druid Stoke House, Stoke Bishop, co. Gloue, 186 . ., Vol. LVI, fol. 99.
HILL, . . . ., of Ditton and Britford, Wills. ; and Kingsdown House, Roath, CO. Glamorgan, Wales, 18 . . ., Vol. LVII, fol. 129.
HILL AFTER CLEGG, Viscount Hill, of Shropsh., [17 April 1875 ?] Vol. LIX, fol. 94. _See Geneal., New S., XXII, p. 157.]
HILL, Joseph, of Bradford, co. York, 1877, Vol. LX, fol. 6. (Berry’s Supi)l.)
HILL„ Arthur, of Bruce Grove, Tottenham, London, 1881,* Vol. LXI, fol. 136.
HILL„ Sidney, of Langford House, Churchill, co. Somerset, 1882,* Vol. LXI, fol.” 385. (Berry’s Suppl.)
HILL, Thomas, of The Park, Nottingham, 1888, Vol. LXIV, fol. 196.
HILL„ John (s. of Charles), of Saltburn-by-the-Sea, co. York, 189 . ., Vol. LXXI, fol

anita hill
Anita Faye Hill (born July 30, 1956)

Andy Hill (1962-2016), American politician, Member of the Washington Senate (2011-2016)
Anita Faye Hill (born July 30, 1956) is an American attorney and academic
Bruce Hill (1949-2017), American stock car racing driver
Cleo Hill (1938-2015) who was a former professional basketball player from America
Cleo Hill (1938-2015), American former professional basketball player
E. C. Hill (died in 1979) who was a passenger from Los, Angeles, California who perished in the American Airlines Flight 191 crash in 1979
Garry Alton Hill (1946-2017), American Major League Baseball pitcher who pitched for the Atlanta Braves on June 12, 1969
Gilbert Roland “Gil” Hill (1931-2016), American politician and actor, President of the Detroit City Council, best known for his role as Inspector Todd in the Beverly Hills Cop movie franchise

Gilbert Roland “Gil” Hill (1931-2016)

James Clinkscales Hill (1924-2017), American jurist, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit (1981-1989)
Lauren Hill (1995-2015) who was a freshman basketball player at Mount St. Joseph who suffered from terminal brain cancer, and was a runner-up for the Associated Press Female Athlete of the Year, and who died at the age of 19 due to her illness
Mr. Charles Tilden Hill, who was a First Class Passenger from London, England, who was aboard the RMS Lusitania at the time of the sinking, and escaped the vessel via life boat number 14
Oliver White Hill Sr. (1907-2007), American civil rights attorney from Richmond, Virginia, known for his work against racial discrimination, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Raymond Millous “Ray” Hill (1975-2015) who was who was a football player in both college and professionally from America
Rose Lilian Hill (5 June 1914 – 22 December 2003) was an English actress and operatic soprano, who remains best known for her role as Madame Fanny La Fan in the British television series ‘Allo ‘Allo!.

Rose Hill
Rose Lilian Hill (5 June 1914 – 22 December 2003)

Steven Hill (1922-2016), stage name of Solomon Krakovsky, American actor, perhaps best known for his role as Dan Briggs, on Mission: Impossible (1966–1967)
Travis LaVell Hill (1969-2018), American professional NFL football player for the Cleveland Browns and Carolina Panthers (1993-1995)
Winston Hill (1941-2016) who was a football player in both college and professionally from America, and was an AFL All-Star four separate times, in the years 1964, 1967, 1968 and in 1969
Winston Hill (1941-2016), American college and professional football player, four-times AFL All-Star (1964, 1967, 1968, 1969)

American Revolution Veterans
There were over 14,000 men that served in the American Revolution that carried the Hill surname. Below you will find just a few of these men.
Aaron Hill, South Carolina, Rank of Private
Abraham Hill, Virginia, Rank of Corporal
Andrew Hill, New York Rank of Major
Benoni Hill, New Hampshire, Rank of Fifer
Dan Hill, New Jersey, Rank of Private
David Hill, New York, Rank of Corporal
Ephraim Hill, New Hampshire, Rank of Private
George Hill, Delaware, Rank of Private
Jas. Hill, North Carolina, Rank of Lieutenant
John Hill, Massachusetts, Rank of Corporal
Nicholas Hill, New Hampshire, Rank of Drummer
Phillip Hill, Pennsylvania, Rank of 2nd Lieutenant
Phineas Hill, Vermont, Rank of Private
Samuel Hill, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Squier Hill, Virginia, Rank of Ensign
Thomas Hill, Connecticut, Rank of 1st Lieutenant
Thos Hill, New Jersey, Rank of Private
Timothy Hill, Connecticut, Rank of Sergeant
Uri Hill, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Uriah Hill, New York, Rank of Private
Willie Hill, New Hampshire, Rank of Fifer

Civil War Veterans
There were over 44,000 men that served in the Civil War that carried the Hill surname. Below you will find just a few of these men.
Abner Hill, 83rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Boughton Hill, 59th Regiment, New York Infantry, Union, New York
Cornelius Hill, 11th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, Confederate, North Carolina
Damon Hill, 68th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Edward Hill, 52nd Regiment, Kentucky Infantry, Union, Kentucky
Frederick Hill, 11th Regiment, Texas Cavalry, Confederate, Texas
George Hill, 109th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Hugh Hill, 38th Regiment, Illinois Infantry, Union, Illinois
Icahbod Hill, 46th Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Confederate, Georgia
James Hill, 31st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
King Hill, 32nd Regiment, Maine Infantry, Union, Maine
Lawson Hill, 5th Regiment, South Carolina Infantry, Confederate, South Carolina
Major Hill, 87th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Norman Hill, 100th Regiment, Ohio Infantry, Union, Ohio
Oliver Hill, 2nd Regiment, Texas Cavalry, Confederate, Texas
Peter Hill, 16th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Quincy Hill, 37th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry, Confederate, Tennessee
Reuben Hill, Unassigned Michigan Volunteers, Union, Michigan
Samuel Hill, 45th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Tolbert Hill, 1st Regiment, Maryland Cavalry, Potomac Home Brigade, Union, Maryland
Uriah Hill, Giddin’s Company, North Carolina Detailed and Petitioned Men, Confederate, North Carolina
Virgil Hill, 136th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
William Hill, 22nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry, Union, Pennsylvania
Zachariah Hill, Mallett’s Battalion, North Carolina Camp Guards, Confederate, North Carolina

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Olneston, co. Gloucester). Az. on a chev. betw. three owls ar. as many mullets sa. a bordure engr. erm.
2) (Marquess of Downshire). Mottoes—Per Deum et ferrum obtinui; and, Ne Tentes aut Perfice. Quarterly, 1st, same Arms, for Hill; 2nd, per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or, for Trevor; 3rd, gu. a cinquefoil or, for Rowe; 4th, ar. a chev. az. betw. three trefoils slipped per pale gu. and vert, also for Rowe. Crest—A reindeer’s head couped gu. attired and plain collared or. Supporters—Dexter, a leopard or, spotted sa. ducally gorged and chained gu.; sinister, a reindeer gu. attired, unguled, and plain collared or.
3) (Buntingdale and Court of Hill, co. Salop; the daus. and co-heirs of the last Thomas Hill, Esq., of Court of Hill, were Lucy, m. first, in 1780, to Thomas Humphrey Lowe, Esq., of Bromsgrove, and secondly, in 1803, to Thomas Fowler, Esq., of Abbey Cwnhir, co. Radnor; and Anna Maria m. in 1787, to Theophilus Richard Salwey, Esq., of the Lodge, co. Salop). Erm. on a fess sa. a tower triple-towered ar.
4) (Viscount Hill). Motto—Avancez. Same Arms. Crest—A tower ar. surmounted with a garland of laurel ppr. Supporters—Dexter, a lion ar. murally crowned or, gorged with a wreath of oak fructed ppr.; sinister, a horse ar. bridled and saddled ppr. murally gorged gu.
5) (Noel-Hill, Baron Berwick). Motto—Qui uti scit, ei bona. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Same Arms, on a canton gu. a martlet or, for Hill; 2nd, or, fretty gu. a canton erm., for Noel; 3rd, or, a chev. betw. three stags’ heads cabossed gu., for Harwood. Crests— 1st, Hill: A stag statant ar.; 2nd, Noel: On the battlements of a tower ppr. a hind statant ar. collared and chained or; 3rd, Harwood: A stag’s head cabossed sa. in the mouth a sprig of oak ppr. Supporters—Dexter, a pegasus ar. gorged with a plain collar sa. thereon a martlet or ; sinister, a stag ar. attired or, gorged with a plain collar sa. thereon a leopard’s face gold, and a chain reflexed over the back also gold.
6) (co. Bedford). (co. Berks). Sa. on a fesse betw. three cats pass. or, as many crosses moline of the field.
7) (co. Berks). Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three ounces pass. guard. or, as many escallops gu.
8) (co. Berks.) Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three cats pass. guard. or, a cross moline betw. two escallops gu. Crest—A goat’s head per pale indented gu. and az. collared and armed or.
9) (Heligan, co. Cornwall, Visit. 1620; Hill’s Court, co. Devon, cos. Hants, Lincoln, and Somerset; the Hills, of Heligan, descended from Sir John Hill, of Kenston, co. Somerset). Gu. a saltire vair betw. four mullets ar. Crest—A demi leopard ar. spotted of all colours, ducally gorged or.
10) (Oliver Hill, of Shilston, co. Devon, and Richard Hill, of Truro, co. Cornwall, sons of Robert Hill, of the former. Visit. Cornwall, 1620). Ar. a chev. betw. three water bougets sa. Crest—A dove ar. in the beak an olive branch vert.
11) (Hillstope, co. Cornwall; William Hill, descended from Robert Hill, of Hill Top, who came into England with the Conqueror. Visit. 1620.) Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three garbs or.
12) (Sir Robert Hill, one of the Judges of the Common Pleas, temp. Henry VI.). Ar. a chev. betw. three water bougets sa. Crest—A. dove ar. in the beak an olive branch vert.
13) (Ashborne, co. Derby; granted 1615). Per chev. ar.and sa. three cinquefoils counterchanged.
14) (Richard Hill, Serjeant to the Cellar to Henry VIII. Visit. Hants, 1634). Gu. a saltire vair betw. four mullets ar.
15) (co. Gloucester). Sa. on a chev. betw. three owls ar. as many mullets pierced gu. a bordure engr. erm.
16) (granted to Capt. Henry Hill, of Knutsford, co. Chester). Motto—Auxilio divino. Az. a chev. paly of six ar. and sa. betw. two horses’ heads erased in chief of the second and in base as many swords in saltire ppr. pommels and hilts or. Crest—Betw. two branches of palm ppr. a boar’s head couped or, in the mouth a trefoil vert.
17) (co. Worcester; granted to William Hill, Esq., F.R.A.S., of Worcester, descended from Humphrey Hill, Esq., of Little Witley, co. Worcester, living 1712. William Hill’s son, by Elizabeth, his wife, dau. of Thomas Rowley, Esq. of Stourport, is Thomas Rowley Hill, Esq., of St. Katherine’s Hill, co. Worcester, M.P., High Sheriff of that county, 1870). Motto—Avancez. Erm. a chev. chequy or and az. in base on a mount vert a Cornish chough ppr. Crest—On a mount in front of a fernbrake ppr. a talbot or, collared az. resting the dexter foot on three annulets interlaced gold.
18) (Hill’s End, co. Hertford, London and Finchley, co. Middlesex). Per chev. embattled ar. and sa. three cinquefoils counterchanged. Crest—On a mount a branch vert, with three cinquefoils ar.
19) (Lewisham, co. Kent). Vert three talbots pass. ar. Crest—A stag’s head erased ppr. holding in the mouth an acorn branch vert, fructed or.
20) (co. Kent). Az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
21) (co. Kent, and London). Sa. a chev. betw. three lions pass. guard. erm.
22) (Wye, co. Kent). Sa. on a fesse betw. three leopards pass. ar. as many escallops gu. Crest—A stag’s head erased ppr.
23) (co. Lincoln). Per chev. ar. and sa. three cinquefoils counterchanged.
24) (Lord Mayor of London, 1484). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three lions pass. guard. ar.
25) Gu. three barrulets erm. in chief a lion pass. guard. or. Crest—A fleur-de-lis az.
26) (Sir Rowland Hill, Lord Mayor of London, 1549, a descendant of Humphrey Hill, of Court of Hill; his niece and co-heiress, Alice Barker, m. Sir Thomas Leigh). Gu. two bars or, on a canton sa. a chev. ar. betw. three pheons of the fourth, charged with a wolf’s head erased betw. two mullets gu.
27) (London, 1616). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three talbots’ heads erased ar. Crest—A talbot’s head erased ar. betw. two laurel branches vert.
28) (London). Ar. an eagle displ. with two heads sa. on a chief of the second three, roses of the first.
29) (London). Az. two bars or, a canton sa.
30) (London). Az. two bars ar. on a canton sa. a chev. betw. three pheons of the second.
31) (London; quartered by Austrey, co. Hunts). Per chev. embattled three cinquefoils counterchanged.
32) (John Hill, gentleman, of London, whose ancestors were of the North. Visit. London, 1568). Sa. a fess erm. betw. two cats-a-mountain pass. guard. ar.
33) (London). Ar. on a chief sa. three roses of the first.
34) (Tuddington, co. Middlesex). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards’ faces ar. Crest—A talbot’s head couped sa. guttee d’eau, gorged with a collar gu. rimmed and studded or.
35) (co. Middlesex, and Bromsgrove, co. Worcester). Erm. a chev. chequy or and sa. Crest—A talbot pass. or, collared gu.
36) (Hales, co. Norfolk). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. per pale or and ar. Crest—A boar’s head and neck sa. in the mouth a broken spear ppr. headed ar.
37) (Yarmouth and Lynn, co. Norfolk). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. or. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a demi lion pass. or, betw. two dragons’ wings expanded of the first, each charged with as many bars of the second.
38) (Silvington, co. Salop). Or, on a chief vert three bulls’ heads couped of the first. Crest—On the horns of a crescent vaire or and az. a bull’s head erased gold.
39) (Parva-Drayton, co. Salop). Az. an eagle displ. ar. over all a bend gu.
40) (Bridgwater, co. Somerset). Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three garbs ar.
41) (Taunton, co. Somerset). (Denham Place, co. Bucks). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three garbs or. Crest—A dove with wings expanded, in the beak an olive branch all ppr.
42) (Pounsford, co. Somerset). Gu. a chev. betw. three garbs or, a bordure ar. Crest—An eagle, wings expanded ppr. in the beak an acorn slipped vert, fructed or.
43) (Taunton, co. Somerset). Gu. a chev. vair betw. three garbs or.
44) Az. three dolphins embowed or, on a chief of the last as many hurts. Crest—A squirrel sejant ar. collared and lined or.
45) (Littlepipe, co. Stafford; granted 1560). (alias Hull). Az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, a canton of the last. Crest—A lion ramp. ar. pierced through the breast with a broken spear in bend ppr. the head guttee de sang.
46) (Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. or. Crest—A boar’s head couped sa. in the mouth an acorn or, leaved vert, another acorn as the last stuck upon the head.
47) Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three cats pass. guard. or, a cross moline betw. two cocks gu. Crest—A buck’s head per pale gu. and az. the nose or, collared of the last.
48) Az. two bars ar. on a quarter sa. a chev. betw. three pheons of the second, charged with a wolf’s head erased betw. two mullets gu. Crest—A wolf’s head erased az. thereon two bars ar. in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert.
49) Erm. a chev. componee ar. and gu. Crest—A talbot pass. ppr. collared gu.
50) Ar. a fesse betw. six martlets gu.
51) Gu. on a chev. engr. erm. betw. three garbs ar. a cinquefoil of the first.
52) Erm. a chev. lozengy gu. and or.
53) Az. a chev. ar. betw. three goats’ heads erased of the second, armed or.
54) Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three lozenges sa.
55) (Dennis Park, co. Stafford, and Blaenavon, co. Monmouth). Motto—Esse quam videri. Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. per pale or and ar. Crest—A fleur-de-lis ar.
56) (Alveston, co. Gloucester). Az. on a chev. betw. three owls ar. three mullets sa. a bordure erm.
57) (co. York). Sa. a chev engr. erm. betw. three leopards’ faces ar. Crest—A talbot’s head and neck couped sa. eared and semee of cinquefoils ar. gorged with a collar gu. edged, ringed, and studded or.
58) (Dilton). Sa. on a chev. engr. erm. betw. in chief two garbs or, and in base on a mount vert a garb, also or, betw. two reaping hooks erect ppr. three palets gu. each charged with an erm. spot of the third. Crest—Upon a mount vert betw. two ears of wheat or, a tower triple-towered ppr. charged with a passion cross or.
59) (Castle-Morton, co. Worcester, Oakhill, co. Hereford, Pepper Hill, co. Salop, and Stallington Hall, co. Stafford; Sarah, only child and heiress of Richard Clarke Hill, Esq., of Stallington Hall, m. 28 Jan. 1835, Sir Smith Child, Bart., of Newfield, co. Stafford, M.P.). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three wild cats pass. guard. ppr. Crest—A hawk ppr. belled or.
60) (Honiley, co. Warwick). Vert six talbots pass. ar.
61) (granted to Edward Smith Hill, Esq.). Motto—Par negotiis neque supra. Gu. a saltire betw. two martlets in pale and as many garbs in fesse or. Crest—A demi leopard ppr. gorged with a collar gemel or, holding betw. the paws a star of eight points or.
62) (John David Hay Hill, Esq., J.P., Gressenhall Hall, co. Norfolk). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. or. Crest—A boar’s head erased ppr. holding in the mouth a trefoil vert. Motto—Spe labor levis.
63) (Henry Edward Hill, Esq., Oxford). Vert three talbots pass. ar. Crest—A buck’s head erased, in the mouth an oak sprig ppr.
64) (Very Rev. John Hill, Dean of Kilmore; Fun. Ent. of his wife, Ulster’s Office, 1634). Vert on a chev. betw. three talbots pass. ar. armed and langued gu. a mullet of the last.
65) (Hacketstown, co. Carlow; granted by Roberts, Ulster, 1648, to Arthur Hill, formerly of Winter’s Park, Oxenhall, co. Gloucester, and descended from Hill, of Hillhouse, in same co.). Sa. on a chev. invected betw. three bears’ heads erased ar. as many pellets. Crest—A greyhound sejant ar. collared az.
66) (Brooke Hall, co. Londonderry, bart.). Motto—Ne tentes aut perfice. Sa. a chev. erminois betw. three leopards’ faces ar. Crest—A talbot’s head couped sa. guttee d’eau, collared gu. studded and ringed or.
67) (St. John’s, co. Wexford). Motto—Candide me fides. Ar. two bars ermines, in chief a lion pass. gu. Crest—A demi lion gu.
68) (Graig, Doneraile, co. Cork; settled there for upwards of two centuries, having been previously of Kilmallock, co. Limerick; granted 1560). Motto—Ne tenta, vel perfice. Az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, a canton of the last. Crest—A lion ramp. ar. pierced through the breast by a broken spear in bend ppr. the head guttee de sang.
69) (Lambhill, Scotland, 1676). Motto—Veritas superabit montes. (Lambhill, Scotland, 1676). Az. a mount or, with the sun arising and appearing over the top in his splendour ppr. Crest—A Bible expanded ppr.
70) (Merrylee, co. Renfrew, 1865). (Merrylee, co. Renfrew, 1865). Same Arms, within a bordure erm. Same Crest and Motto.
71) (James Matthew Hill, Edinburgh and Bengal, 1858). Motto—Esse quam videri. Az. a mount ar. with the sun arising and appearing over the top in his splendour ppr. on a chief or, a wolf’s head erased of the first betw. two eastern crowns gu. Crest—A dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a dagger all ppr.
72) (Joseph Hill, London, 1858). As the last, within a bordure gu. Same Crest and Motto.
73) (Hillsborough, co. Down; Fun. Ent. of Sir Moses or Moyses Hill, Knt., who accompanied the Earl of Essex to Ireland, 1573, ancestor of the Marquess of Downshire, d. Feb. 1629). Sa. on a fess betw. three leopards pass. guard. or, spotted of the field, as many escallops gu.
1) (Olneston, co. Gloucester). Az. on a chev. betw. three owls ar. as many mullets sa. a bordure engr. erm.
2) (Marquess of Downshire). Mottoes—Per Deum et ferrum obtinui; and, Ne Tentes aut Perfice. Quarterly, 1st, same Arms, for Hill; 2nd, per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or, for Trevor; 3rd, gu. a cinquefoil or, for Rowe; 4th, ar. a chev. az. betw. three trefoils slipped per pale gu. and vert, also for Rowe. Crest—A reindeer’s head couped gu. attired and plain collared or. Supporters—Dexter, a leopard or, spotted sa. ducally gorged and chained gu.; sinister, a reindeer gu. attired, unguled, and plain collared or.
3) (Buntingdale and Court of Hill, co. Salop; the daus. and co-heirs of the last Thomas Hill, Esq., of Court of Hill, were Lucy, m. first, in 1780, to Thomas Humphrey Lowe, Esq., of Bromsgrove, and secondly, in 1803, to Thomas Fowler, Esq., of Abbey Cwnhir, co. Radnor; and Anna Maria m. in 1787, to Theophilus Richard Salwey, Esq., of the Lodge, co. Salop). Erm. on a fess sa. a tower triple-towered ar.
4) (Viscount Hill). Motto—Avancez. Same Arms. Crest—A tower ar. surmounted with a garland of laurel ppr. Supporters—Dexter, a lion ar. murally crowned or, gorged with a wreath of oak fructed ppr.; sinister, a horse ar. bridled and saddled ppr. murally gorged gu.
5) (Noel-Hill, Baron Berwick). Motto—Qui uti scit, ei bona. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Same Arms, on a canton gu. a martlet or, for Hill; 2nd, or, fretty gu. a canton erm., for Noel; 3rd, or, a chev. betw. three stags’ heads cabossed gu., for Harwood. Crests— 1st, Hill: A stag statant ar.; 2nd, Noel: On the battlements of a tower ppr. a hind statant ar. collared and chained or; 3rd, Harwood: A stag’s head cabossed sa. in the mouth a sprig of oak ppr. Supporters—Dexter, a pegasus ar. gorged with a plain collar sa. thereon a martlet or ; sinister, a stag ar. attired or, gorged with a plain collar sa. thereon a leopard’s face gold, and a chain reflexed over the back also gold.
6) (co. Bedford). (co. Berks). Sa. on a fesse betw. three cats pass. or, as many crosses moline of the field.
7) (co. Berks). Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three ounces pass. guard. or, as many escallops gu.
8) (co. Berks.) Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three cats pass. guard. or, a cross moline betw. two escallops gu. Crest—A goat’s head per pale indented gu. and az. collared and armed or.
9) (Heligan, co. Cornwall, Visit. 1620; Hill’s Court, co. Devon, cos. Hants, Lincoln, and Somerset; the Hills, of Heligan, descended from Sir John Hill, of Kenston, co. Somerset). Gu. a saltire vair betw. four mullets ar. Crest—A demi leopard ar. spotted of all colours, ducally gorged or.
10) (Oliver Hill, of Shilston, co. Devon, and Richard Hill, of Truro, co. Cornwall, sons of Robert Hill, of the former. Visit. Cornwall, 1620). Ar. a chev. betw. three water bougets sa. Crest—A dove ar. in the beak an olive branch vert.
11) (Hillstope, co. Cornwall; William Hill, descended from Robert Hill, of Hill Top, who came into England with the Conqueror. Visit. 1620.) Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three garbs or.
12) (Sir Robert Hill, one of the Judges of the Common Pleas, temp. Henry VI.). Ar. a chev. betw. three water bougets sa. Crest—A. dove ar. in the beak an olive branch vert.
13) (Ashborne, co. Derby; granted 1615). Per chev. ar.and sa. three cinquefoils counterchanged.
14) (Richard Hill, Serjeant to the Cellar to Henry VIII. Visit. Hants, 1634). Gu. a saltire vair betw. four mullets ar.
15) (co. Gloucester). Sa. on a chev. betw. three owls ar. as many mullets pierced gu. a bordure engr. erm.
16) (granted to Capt. Henry Hill, of Knutsford, co. Chester). Motto—Auxilio divino. Az. a chev. paly of six ar. and sa. betw. two horses’ heads erased in chief of the second and in base as many swords in saltire ppr. pommels and hilts or. Crest—Betw. two branches of palm ppr. a boar’s head couped or, in the mouth a trefoil vert.
17) (co. Worcester; granted to William Hill, Esq., F.R.A.S., of Worcester, descended from Humphrey Hill, Esq., of Little Witley, co. Worcester, living 1712. William Hill’s son, by Elizabeth, his wife, dau. of Thomas Rowley, Esq. of Stourport, is Thomas Rowley Hill, Esq., of St. Katherine’s Hill, co. Worcester, M.P., High Sheriff of that county, 1870). Motto—Avancez. Erm. a chev. chequy or and az. in base on a mount vert a Cornish chough ppr. Crest—On a mount in front of a fernbrake ppr. a talbot or, collared az. resting the dexter foot on three annulets interlaced gold.
18) (Hill’s End, co. Hertford, London and Finchley, co. Middlesex). Per chev. embattled ar. and sa. three cinquefoils counterchanged. Crest—On a mount a branch vert, with three cinquefoils ar.
19) (Lewisham, co. Kent). Vert three talbots pass. ar. Crest—A stag’s head erased ppr. holding in the mouth an acorn branch vert, fructed or.
20) (co. Kent). Az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar.
21) (co. Kent, and London). Sa. a chev. betw. three lions pass. guard. erm.
22) (Wye, co. Kent). Sa. on a fesse betw. three leopards pass. ar. as many escallops gu. Crest—A stag’s head erased ppr.
23) (co. Lincoln). Per chev. ar. and sa. three cinquefoils counterchanged.
24) (Lord Mayor of London, 1484). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three lions pass. guard. ar.
25) Gu. three barrulets erm. in chief a lion pass. guard. or. Crest—A fleur-de-lis az.
26) (Sir Rowland Hill, Lord Mayor of London, 1549, a descendant of Humphrey Hill, of Court of Hill; his niece and co-heiress, Alice Barker, m. Sir Thomas Leigh). Gu. two bars or, on a canton sa. a chev. ar. betw. three pheons of the fourth, charged with a wolf’s head erased betw. two mullets gu.
27) (London, 1616). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three talbots’ heads erased ar. Crest—A talbot’s head erased ar. betw. two laurel branches vert.
28) (London). Ar. an eagle displ. with two heads sa. on a chief of the second three, roses of the first.
29) (London). Az. two bars or, a canton sa.
30) (London). Az. two bars ar. on a canton sa. a chev. betw. three pheons of the second.
31) (London; quartered by Austrey, co. Hunts). Per chev. embattled three cinquefoils counterchanged.
32) (John Hill, gentleman, of London, whose ancestors were of the North. Visit. London, 1568). Sa. a fess erm. betw. two cats-a-mountain pass. guard. ar.
33) (London). Ar. on a chief sa. three roses of the first.
34) (Tuddington, co. Middlesex). Sa. a chev. erm. betw. three leopards’ faces ar. Crest—A talbot’s head couped sa. guttee d’eau, gorged with a collar gu. rimmed and studded or.
35) (co. Middlesex, and Bromsgrove, co. Worcester). Erm. a chev. chequy or and sa. Crest—A talbot pass. or, collared gu.
36) (Hales, co. Norfolk). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. per pale or and ar. Crest—A boar’s head and neck sa. in the mouth a broken spear ppr. headed ar.
37) (Yarmouth and Lynn, co. Norfolk). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. or. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a demi lion pass. or, betw. two dragons’ wings expanded of the first, each charged with as many bars of the second.
38) (Silvington, co. Salop). Or, on a chief vert three bulls’ heads couped of the first. Crest—On the horns of a crescent vaire or and az. a bull’s head erased gold.
39) (Parva-Drayton, co. Salop). Az. an eagle displ. ar. over all a bend gu.
40) (Bridgwater, co. Somerset). Gu. a chev. engr. betw. three garbs ar.
41) (Taunton, co. Somerset). (Denham Place, co. Bucks). Gu. a chev. erm. betw. three garbs or. Crest—A dove with wings expanded, in the beak an olive branch all ppr.
42) (Pounsford, co. Somerset). Gu. a chev. betw. three garbs or, a bordure ar. Crest—An eagle, wings expanded ppr. in the beak an acorn slipped vert, fructed or.
43) (Taunton, co. Somerset). Gu. a chev. vair betw. three garbs or.
44) Az. three dolphins embowed or, on a chief of the last as many hurts. Crest—A squirrel sejant ar. collared and lined or.
45) (Littlepipe, co. Stafford; granted 1560). (alias Hull). Az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, a canton of the last. Crest—A lion ramp. ar. pierced through the breast with a broken spear in bend ppr. the head guttee de sang.
46) (Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. or. Crest—A boar’s head couped sa. in the mouth an acorn or, leaved vert, another acorn as the last stuck upon the head.
47) Sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three cats pass. guard. or, a cross moline betw. two cocks gu. Crest—A buck’s head per pale gu. and az. the nose or, collared of the last.
48) Az. two bars ar. on a quarter sa. a chev. betw. three pheons of the second, charged with a wolf’s head erased betw. two mullets gu. Crest—A wolf’s head erased az. thereon two bars ar. in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert.
49) Erm. a chev. componee ar. and gu. Crest—A talbot pass. ppr. collared gu.
50) Ar. a fesse betw. six martlets gu.
51) Gu. on a chev. engr. erm. betw. three garbs ar. a cinquefoil of the first.
52) Erm. a chev. lozengy gu. and or.
53) Az. a chev. ar. betw. three goats’ heads erased of the second, armed or.
54) Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three lozenges sa.
55) (Dennis Park, co. Stafford, and Blaenavon, co. Monmouth). Motto—Esse quam videri. Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. per pale or and ar. Crest—A fleur-de-lis ar.
56) (Alveston, co. Gloucester). Az. on a chev. betw. three owls ar. three mullets sa. a bordure erm.
57) (co. York). Sa. a chev engr. erm. betw. three leopards’ faces ar. Crest—A talbot’s head and neck couped sa. eared and semee of cinquefoils ar. gorged with a collar gu. edged, ringed, and studded or.
58) (Dilton). Sa. on a chev. engr. erm. betw. in chief two garbs or, and in base on a mount vert a garb, also or, betw. two reaping hooks erect ppr. three palets gu. each charged with an erm. spot of the third. Crest—Upon a mount vert betw. two ears of wheat or, a tower triple-towered ppr. charged with a passion cross or.
59) (Castle-Morton, co. Worcester, Oakhill, co. Hereford, Pepper Hill, co. Salop, and Stallington Hall, co. Stafford; Sarah, only child and heiress of Richard Clarke Hill, Esq., of Stallington Hall, m. 28 Jan. 1835, Sir Smith Child, Bart., of Newfield, co. Stafford, M.P.). Sa. a chev. or, betw. three wild cats pass. guard. ppr. Crest—A hawk ppr. belled or.
60) (Honiley, co. Warwick). Vert six talbots pass. ar.
61) (granted to Edward Smith Hill, Esq.). Motto—Par negotiis neque supra. Gu. a saltire betw. two martlets in pale and as many garbs in fesse or. Crest—A demi leopard ppr. gorged with a collar gemel or, holding betw. the paws a star of eight points or.
62) (John David Hay Hill, Esq., J.P., Gressenhall Hall, co. Norfolk). Gu. two bars erm. in chief a lion pass. or. Crest—A boar’s head erased ppr. holding in the mouth a trefoil vert. Motto—Spe labor levis.
63) (Henry Edward Hill, Esq., Oxford). Vert three talbots pass. ar. Crest—A buck’s head erased, in the mouth an oak sprig ppr.
64) (Very Rev. John Hill, Dean of Kilmore; Fun. Ent. of his wife, Ulster’s Office, 1634). Vert on a chev. betw. three talbots pass. ar. armed and langued gu. a mullet of the last.
65) (Hacketstown, co. Carlow; granted by Roberts, Ulster, 1648, to Arthur Hill, formerly of Winter’s Park, Oxenhall, co. Gloucester, and descended from Hill, of Hillhouse, in same co.). Sa. on a chev. invected betw. three bears’ heads erased ar. as many pellets. Crest—A greyhound sejant ar. collared az.
66) (Brooke Hall, co. Londonderry, bart.). Motto—Ne tentes aut perfice. Sa. a chev. erminois betw. three leopards’ faces ar. Crest—A talbot’s head couped sa. guttee d’eau, collared gu. studded and ringed or.
67) (St. John’s, co. Wexford). Motto—Candide me fides. Ar. two bars ermines, in chief a lion pass. gu. Crest—A demi lion gu.
68) (Graig, Doneraile, co. Cork; settled there for upwards of two centuries, having been previously of Kilmallock, co. Limerick; granted 1560). Motto—Ne tenta, vel perfice. Az. a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, a canton of the last. Crest—A lion ramp. ar. pierced through the breast by a broken spear in bend ppr. the head guttee de sang.
69) (Lambhill, Scotland, 1676). Motto—Veritas superabit montes. (Lambhill, Scotland, 1676). Az. a mount or, with the sun arising and appearing over the top in his splendour ppr. Crest—A Bible expanded ppr.
70) (Merrylee, co. Renfrew, 1865). (Merrylee, co. Renfrew, 1865). Same Arms, within a bordure erm. Same Crest and Motto.
71) (James Matthew Hill, Edinburgh and Bengal, 1858). Motto—Esse quam videri. Az. a mount ar. with the sun arising and appearing over the top in his splendour ppr. on a chief or, a wolf’s head erased of the first betw. two eastern crowns gu. Crest—A dexter arm in armour embowed, the hand grasping a dagger all ppr.
72) (Joseph Hill, London, 1858). As the last, within a bordure gu. Same Crest and Motto.
73) (Hillsborough, co. Down; Fun. Ent. of Sir Moses or Moyses Hill, Knt., who accompanied the Earl of Essex to Ireland, 1573, ancestor of the Marquess of Downshire, d. Feb. 1629). Sa. on a fess betw. three leopards pass. guard. or, spotted of the field, as many escallops gu.

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