Johnson Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Meaning, Origin, Etymology
The Johnson surname is one of the most popular surnames worldwide.  It has origins in English, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish cultures meaning the son of John (gracious gift of Jehovah).  English and Scottish: patronymic from the personal name JOHN. As an American family name. Johnson has absorbed patronymics and many other derivatives of this name in continental European languages.  In Hebrew it is Jochnan meaning “God is Gracious” and in Greek it is rendered as Johannes. It was originally pronounced and spelt Jone; v. Jones. This name is highly distributed all around England, but there are fewer instances in the southern counties.  The counties in England with the most Johnsons are Cambridge, Cheshire, Derby, Durham, Lancashire, Leicester and Rutland, Lincoln, Norfolk, Northumberland, Notts, Stafford, Warwick, and York. It is suggested by Lower that this name has often been confounded with the Scottish name of Johnston or Johnstone, which is very common south of the Forth and the Clyde, especially in the border counties of Dumfries and Berwick. This suggestion is probably correct; for, bearing in mind the very extensive interchange of names that has occurred between the two countries, it would otherwise be difficult to explain why the Scottish Johnstons and the English Johnsons should meet abruptly at the border in such numbers. It is evident, therefore, that in the majority of cases Johnston is the Scottish form of Johnson, though a few may have taken the name from parishes in Dumfriesshire, and In some rare cases the name Johnstone may be a local name deriving from places in Staffordshire and Dumfriesshire (the second syllable in this case being Old English).  As the name Johannes crossed national and linguistic borders, it became changed into many local variants. In Germany it became Hans, in Holland Jan, in France Jean, in Ireland Sean (pronounced Shawn), and in Scotland Jock. A few stories that are associated with the surname of Johnson are: The three founders of the firm of Rolls-Royce were the Hon. C.S. Rolls, Mr F. Henry Royce and Mr Claude Johnson. Having at first contemplated calling the car the Rolls-Royce- Johnson, they decided that it somehow lacked zip and the name Johnson was dropped. The 1889  flood in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, ranks amongst the world’s all-time disasters. When the South Fork Dam broke after excessive rain, the 450-acre lake vanished in under 40 minutes as a 70-foot-high wall of water roared through the town at over 15 miles per hour. One in 10 of the citizens (well over 2,000 people) was killed and the town was virtually levelled. Johnstown was rebuilt, but in 1977 a freak storm deposited 9 inches of rain in 8 hours and the Laurel Run dam broke, releasing over 100 million gallons of water with the resultant deaths of 77 people, totally destroyed over 500 houses and caused over $200 million in damage.

Spelling Variations
Johannsen, Johanson, Johnssen, Johnson, Jansen, Johnsson, Jannissen, Johannissen, Johanson, Johnston, Johnson, Joneson, Jonson, Joynson, Johnston or Johnstone,

Early Marriage Records for Johnson
Eliza Johnson married George Nowell October 13, 1693 in Boston, Massachusetts
John Johnson married Bertha Reed April 28, 1657 in Lexington, Massachusetts
John Johnson married Mary A. Downe December 15, 1667 in Warwick, Rhode Island
William Johnson married Elizabeth Bushnell July 2, 1651 in Guilford, Connecticut
Mary Johnson married Robert Puffer 1664 in Boston, Massachusetts
Thomas Johnson married Mary Baker April 1688 in Calvert Co., Maryland
Samuel Johnson married Mary Stevens December 20, 1698 in Boston, Massachusetts
John Johnson married Margaret Cowell August 2, 1693 in Boston, Massachusetts
Joseph Johnson married Elizabeth Blake January 26, 1698 in Middletown, Connecticut
Mary Johnson married Benjamin Miller September 18, 1695 in Woodstock, Connecticut
Hannah Johnson married Samuel Hutchins June 24, 1662 in Andover, Massachusetts
Christopher Johnson married Alyce Jackson September 18, 1560 in St. Botolph Aldgate, London, England
Phillipus Johnson married Isabellam Dande February 13, 1560 in Hurworth-On-Tees, Durham, England
Willmus Johnson married Alicia Butterfield August 22, 1546 in Wensley, York, England
John Johnson married Agnes Phillips February 16, 1559 in Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Richard Johnson married Margarett August 21, 1547 in Farnworth, Near Prescot, Lancashire, England
William Johnson married Isbell Pyckering February 28, 1550 in Aldringham, Suffolk, England
Doratye Johnson maried John Lanam 1553 in St. Marin, Lincoln, England
Margerie Johnson married Christopher Soerbye October 29, 1542 in Saint Nicholas Acon, London,England
Richus Johnson married Elizabetha Pinder 1542 in Alford, Lincoln, England
Thomas Johnson married Elyzabz Telzerson May 9, 1557 in Stainton In Cleveland, York, England

Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Johnson  ranks 163rd  in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 3,357,804 people carry the Johnson surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states: Texas, California, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, and Minnesota.   It ranks highest in the following countries: United States (2,293,849), Nigeria (262,522), England (191,412), Togo (91,328), Sierra Leone (79,984), Canada (79,512).

Early Bearers of Surname
Wautier Jonessone, in the charters known as the “Calendar of Documents”, which relate to the government of Scotland in 1296,
William Johnson and Robert Johanson were recorded in the 1379 Poll Tax rolls of Yorkshire
John Jonessone, which was dated 1287, in the register known as the “Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds”, for the county of Surrey
William Jonessone, merchant of Aberdeen, complained that his goods shipped in a Flemish vessel had been arrested at Grymesby in 1368
John Johnson (filz Johan), a Scot going abroad, had protection through England in 1371
Adam Jonesson, a Scots prisoner of war, was discharged from Newgate prison in 1375
Richard Johanson, servant of the duke of Albany had safe conduct into England in 1401
Johan Joneson the same in 1422 (ibid., 195,227, 584,914).
Malcolm Jonis was one of the prominent men of Orkney in 1427 (Oppressions p. 108)
William Johannis (the Latin genitive) witnessed a Montrose charter of 1430 (REB., II, 34)
The garden of Paulus Johannis in Glasgow is referred to in 1454 (LCD., p. 176)
Alexander Johnson of Aberdeen received letters of denisation in England, 1480 (Bain, IV, 1465)
Sir Nicholays Johannis, perpetual chaplain of the altar of Holy Cross, Brechin, 1493, appears in the same document as Sir Nicholas Johnson (REB., II. 137)
Thomas Jonsoun was burgess of Ayr in 1503 (Friars Ayr, p. 70)
Robert Johns, Somerset, 1 Edward III: Kirby’s Quest.
Johannes Webster, 1379: Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
Willelmus Joneson, 1379:Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
Willelmus Johnson, 1379:Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
Robertus Johanson,Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
Juliana Jonesson, 1379: Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
Ricardus Joneson, 1379: Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
Robertas Jonson, 1379:Poll Tax of Yorkshire.
Lewis Johns, prebendary of St. David’s, 1486: History and Ant. St. David’s.
Evan, s. Evangeliste Johnson: St. Michael, Cornhill. Baptised in 1583
Lewis Johnes, Monmouthshire: Register of the University of Oxford, 1600
William Johnes, Montgomeryshire: Register of the University of Oxford, 1600

History, Genealogy & Ancestry
There are numerous sources on the Johnson surname that contain genealogical information we have chosen just a few to list in this section.
Johnson, Francis Dixon, Esq. of Aykleyheads co. Durham, J.P. and D.L. born 25 DEcember 1800 married 18 January 1838, Agnes Harrison the 3rd daugther of John Greenwood, Esq. of Polefield, co. Lancaster, and by her (who died 22 December 1867) had issue, 1) Francis Dixon born 10 October 1840, late Capt. 45th regt., J.P. co. Durham.  2) Cuthbert Greenwood born 17 February 1842, J.P. co. Durham and N. Riding of York; married 8 February 1856, Maria Grey, eldest daughter of the Rev. John William Smith (formerly Grey; see SMITH of Ryhope), Rector of Dinsdale, co. Durham and has issue, i) Cuthbert Francis born 26 September 1871 ii) Charles William born 22 September 1875.  iii) Anna Grey. 3) Agnes Sara married 8 August 1856, Lieut-Col. Edward Buller Thorp, 89th regt. 4) Katherine Anna. Mr. Johnson who graduated B.A. at St. John’s Coll. Cambridge 1827, was called to the Bar at Gray’s Inn, 1833. Lineage~ This family, long seated at Loup House, co. Durham, is understood to be a branch of the Johnsons of Kibblesworth, in the Palantinate.  Christopher Johnson, younger son of William Johnson of Loup House, and grandson of another William Johnson, of Loup House, who was living 1673, had issue two sons, of whom the elder, William succeeded his uncle, William Johnson at Loup House, and was ancestor of the late Cuthbert Johnson, Esq. of Wallington, co. Berks, and the late Cuthbert William Johnson, Esq., F.R.S., Barrister-at-Law.  The younger, Christopher Johnson, Esq. of Aykeyheads, born 1718 married 27 August 1747, Tabitha, the youngest daughter of George Dixon, Esq. of Aykleyheads (the representative of the ancient family of Dixon, of Ramshaw Hall, co Durham, which had a confirmation of arms, and a grant of a crest thereto by St. George at his Visitation in 1614), and sister and heiress of John Dixon, Esq. of Aykleyheads, and died December 1787, having had issue, 1) George died in infancy.  2) Christopher married but died without issue 1805. 3) John died unmarried 1823. 4) Francis who succeeded to Aykleyheads. 5) Sarah died unmarried at Buxton. 6) Tabitha died unmarried 1786. 7) Mary died unmarried 1826. 8) Margaret died unmarried 1824. 9) Eleanor Elizabeth died unmarried 1839. Francis Johnson, Esq. of Aykleyheads, J.P. and D.L., born 1757, heir to his uncle John Dixon, Esq. of Aykleyheads; married 29 December 1801, Mary Ann the second daughter of the Hon. Richard Hetherington, President of Tortola and the Virgin Islands, and of the Hill, Burton-in-Lonsdale, co. York, and by her, who died 5 April 1851 left issue, 1) Francis Dixon now of Aykleyheads. 2) Anna Elizabeth died unmarried 21 May 1859.  3) Sara Eleanor died unmarried 22 Oct. 1849. Mr. Johnson died 23 April 1838 and was succeeded at Aykleyheads by his only son. Arms~Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per pale sa. and az. a saltire arg. charged with five cocks of the first between three towers, one in chief and two in fess of the third, flames issuing there from ppr. and in base two tilting spears in saltire or, for JOHNSON; 2nd and 3rd, gu., on a bend between six plates, three torteaux, a chief erminois, for DIXON of Ramshaw. Crests~ 1st, An arm embowed in armour firing a pistol all ppr., JOHNSON, 2nd A cubit arm erected vested erminois cuffed arg. in the hand a roundle of the first, DIXON. Motto~ Fortiter et sincere. Seat~ Aykleyheads, Durham.

The late Maurice Johnson, Esq. of Ayscough-Fee Hall, co. Lincoln and Blundeston Lodge, Suffolk, J.P., D.L., Major Royal South Lincoln Militia born 24 June 1815; married 1st 26 August 1841, Elizabeth the daughter and heir of Rev. Thomas Mills, Minor Canon of Peterborough, by whom (who died 25 September 1848 aged 26) he had one surviving daughter, 1) Elizabeth Anne born 1 May 1842; married 3 October 1861, John Harry Lee Wingfield, Esq. of Tickeneote Hall, co. Rutland.  Mr. Johnson married 2nd 13 March 1848, Isabella Mary the daughter of Robert Swan, Esq., Registrar of co. Lincoln, and died 8 October 1864, leaving issue, 2) Mary Isabella born 6 December 1848; married 21 April 1870, George Peter Moore, Esq., Lieut. 3rd Dragoon Guards. 3) Frances Alathea born 17 December 1849; died 16 February 16, 1850. 4) Edith Millicent born 9 August 1852. 5) Frances Maud born 25 October 1856. Lineage~This family has been settled at Spalding from an early period.  Willus Johnson de Spalding, as appears by the rolls in the Tower, was appointed assessor of the Poll-ta, co. Lincoln. A.D. 1381. Thomas Johnson, of Althorp and spalding, temp. Richard Lincoln, by a daughter and heir of William Atkirke of Grimbleby, and had issue, John, from whom descended the Johnsons of Aldeborough, whose eventual heiress, Anne, only child of Sir Henry Johnson, M.P. for Aldborough, married Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford; William Henry, from whom the Johnsons of Spalding.  The 2nd son, William Henry Johnson married Eliza de St. Martyn, sister and heir of Geoffery de St. Martyn, Lord of Aunsby, co. Lincoln, and was father of Martin Johnson, Esq. of Sutterton, co. Lincoln, married 29 January 1571, Alice Atkins, by whom (who died April 1591) he had issue, Martyn Johnson, Esq. of Spalding the 4th Attorney-at-Law, born 1589 married 1st 16 February 1609, Ellinor Burton, who died without issue 1609; 2nd Elizabeth who died without issue 1719 and 3rd 11 February 1618 Jane the daughter of George Lynn, Esq. of Southwick Hall, co. Northampton and had issue.  The eldest son, Walter Johnson, Esq. of Spalding, J.P., born 27 January 1620, Capt. of the train-bands commanded by Robert, Earl of Lindsey (1672); married 1st 4 January 1648, Agnes daughter of William Willesby, Esq. of Berquery House, Spalding, by whom (who died 8 April 1658) he had issue, 1) Martyn, of Spalding, Barrister-at-Law, married Mary the daughter and in her issue, heiress of John Lynn, Esq. of Southwick Hall, co. Northampton by Grace his wife, daughter and heir of Rev. Anthony Cade, B.D., and had issue, i) Walter, LL.B., Rector of Redmarshall, co. Durham, married Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Thomas Cox, D.D. and niece of Gen. Sir Adam Williamson, Knt., of Soundherst, Berks, and had issue, a) George B.D., Prebendary of Lincoln, and Vicar of Norton, co. Durham, married Isabella daughter of John Wilson, of Hartlepool, co. Durham and died 1786, leaving issue.  aa) George Francis of Southwick Hall, Major of the Princess of Wales’ or Durham Fencible Light Dragoons who took the name and arms of LYNN by royal license 26 March 1796; married Mary, daughter of Capt. Baron of Durham and died 7 February 1824 leaving one surviving daughter Augusta Lucy died 4 May 1827, aged 16. bb) Walter (Rev.), Vicar of Horsham, Norfolk, married 1807, Lucy Spencer, and died 1809 leaving one son, Walter of Southwick Hall, assumed the surname and arms of LYNN by royal license 26 July 1821 married jane Baker and had a son, Spencer Lynn. cc) Robert of Eastbourne a Commander in the E.I.CO’S maritime service. dd) Elizabeth married Gilbert Crompton, Esq. 2) Mary married 1st John Green Esq. of Dunsby; and 2nd Francis Pilliad, Esq., Capt. Dragoon Guards. Sir Walter Johnson married 2nd Katherine daughter and heir of William Downes, esq. of Debenham, Suffolk; and died 17 November 1692, leaving issue a son, Maurice Johnson, Esq. of Ayscough-Fee Hall, Barrister-at-Law married 1st 20 Sept. 1683 Jane, daughter and co-heir of Francis Johnson, Esq. ofAysough-Fee Hall, son and heir by daughter and co-heir of Sir Richard Ogle, Knight of John Johnson, descended of the Johnsons of Wytham.  Mr. Johnson married 2nd Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir Anthony Oldieild, Bart., and widow of Fabian Phillips, Esq. who died 1724 and 3rd 1726 Anne, widow of William Gonville, Esq., but by neither of these had he any issue. By his 1st wife he left, Maurice, his heir; and John, Barrister-at-Law, of Fulney Hall. He died 8 November 1747 and was succeeded by his elder son, Maurice Johnson, Esq., F.A.A., of Ayscough-Fee Hall, Barrister-at-Law, Founder of the Gents’ Society, Spalding, Deputy Recorder of Stamford, born 19 June 1688; married 5 January 1710, Elizabeth daughter and heir of William Ambler, Esq. of Kirton by Mary his wife, daughter of Sir Edward Gresham, Knight of Titsey, Surrey, by whom (who died Decebmer 1751) he had issue, twenty-six children. He died 6 February 1755, and was succeeded by his elder son, Maurice Johnson, Esq. of Ayscough-Fee Hall, and Stanway Hall, Essex, Col of 1st regt. of Guards, commanded by the Duke of Cumberland, serving at Dettingen and Culloden, married 1st 20 December 1749, Elizabeth daughter of Sir Edward Bellamy, Lord Mayor of London, which lady died without issue 21 October 1752; and 2nd 12 December 1755, Mary Baker, by whom he had issue, 1) Maurice, his heir.  2) Walter Maurice, Lieut. 3rd Dragoon Guards, afterwards Vicar of Weston, married Frances the daughter of George Poley, Esq. of Boxted Hall, Suffolk, and had issue i) George, Lieut. 41st foot, died at Madras s.p. ii) William, M.A., Vicar of Billesbey, d.s.p.; iii) Frances married the Rev. George Osborne, vicar of Stainby, co. Lincoln; iv) Eliza v) Mary Anne. 3) Mary died unmarried 4) Elizabeth married Samuel Dinham, Esq. died without issue. 5) Anne married Fairfax Johnson, Esq. d.s.p. The eldest son, The Rev. Maurice Johnson, D.D., of Ayseough-Fee Hall, Prebendary of Lincoln, Rector of Spalding and Vicar of Moulton, J.P. cos Lincoln and Norfolk married 1787, Ann Elizabeth daughter of Theophilus Buckworth, Esq. of Spalding and died 1834, aged 75, having had issue, 1) Maurice (Rev.), M.A., J.P., vicar of Moulton, Fellow Commoner of St. Johns Coll. cambridge married 1814, Frances, daughter of William Post, Esq. of Hayle Place, Kent; and died December 1820, in the lifetime of his father, leaving by her (who died 26 July 1815) issue, Maurice Johnson, Esq. the late representative. 2) Theophilus Fairfax Johnson, J.P., High Sheriff co. Lincoln 1847 married Millicent Anne daughter and sole heir of Stephen Roger Moore, Esq. who died 29 March 1853 leaving a son Theophilius Maurice Stephen, of Holland House, Spalding, married 1st 18 July 1849, Caroline daughter of Grey Bigge, Es. J.P., of West Broughton House, co. Lancaster who died without issue 16 July 1871, aged 52; and 2nd 23 January 1873, Emily daughter of Calvert Bowyer Vaux, Esq. of Croydon, Surrey, and widow of T.W.C. Williams, Esq. who died without issue. 3) Anne Elizabeth married the Rev. William Moore, D.D., whose three children now living are Edward, M.A., J.P., F.A.S., Canon of Lincoln and Vicar of Spalding; Caroline, married Canon Marsden of Manchester; and Ann Elizabeth married G.A. Moore, Esq., J.P. and D.L. of Holland, co. Lincoln.  Arms~ Or, a water bouget sa. on a chief of the last three annulets or. Crest~ A pair of wings issuing from a ducal coronet ppr. Motto~ Onus sub honore. Seats~ Ayscough-Fee Hall, Spalding; and Blundeston Lodge, Suffolk.

JOHNSON, HON. GEORGE RANDALL, of Fitzherbert-terrace, Wellington, and The Arai, Poverty Bay, New Zealand, and. also of Stalham nd Tunstead, co. Norfolk, England, member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand since June, 1872, b. 7tb November, 1833 ; educated at Clare College, Cambridge (B.A. 1857, M.A. 1860), and called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn 1861. He m. lltb March, 1873, Lucy, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Hamilton Russell (late of the 58th Regiment), of Furzebank, Torquay, co. Devon, England, who formerly resided at Maungakure, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, and was for many years a member of the Legislative Council, being for a short time native minister. The Hon. G. B. Johnson has issue, i. Randall, b. 5th August, 1880. I. Beatrice Lucy Randall. II. Constance Emily Randall. in. Agnes Hamilton Randall, iv. Fanny Amelia Randall. Lineage~ This family of Johnson has been established at Stalham and Tunstead for at least three centuries.  James Johnson, Esq. of Stalham and Tunstead. co. Norfolk, m. at Redenhall Church, near Harleston, co. Norfolk, 27th April, 17S6, Sarah, daughter of Daniel Walne, Esq. of Pulham, co. Norfolk. She was b. March, 1758, and d. 184-5. He d. 6th June, 1821, and was buried at Stalham, having had issue, i. Richard (Rev.), eldest son and heir. II. Randall, b. 7th June, 1791. ill. George Baker, b. 17th August, 1795. The eldest son and heir, Rev. Richard Johnson, M.A., rector of Lavenham, co. Suffolk, fellow of Caius College, Cambridge, and of Stalham, co. Norfolk, J.P. for Suffolk, b. 4th March, 1787; m. 1828, Mary Ann, daughter of George Cubitt, Esq. of Catfield Hall, co. Norfolk, J.P. and D.L. She d. June, 1876. He d, 1855, having had issue, I. Richard Cubitt, d. unm., 1851, aged 21. ii. George Randall (Hon.), of whom we treat. in. James Woodbine. See next article. iv. Henry, late of H.M. 45th Regiment, d. unm. I. Fanny, m. Rev. Charles Thomas Jex-Blake, M.A., rector of Lyng, co. Norfolk, and d. leaving issue, one son, Thomas, and six daughters. II. Agnes Sarah, m. Rev. Robert Henry Davies, M.A., incumbent of the Old Church, Chelsea, co. Middlesex, England, and has issue, three sons and four daughters. in. Mary, m. Rev. Robert Rashdall, rector of Teversham, co. Cambridge, both deceased, leaving surviving issue, two sons and one daughter. iv. Charlotte, m. John George Image, late captain 21st Fusiliers, ami has issue, two sons and two daughters. v. Emma, m. Rev. James Gale, vicar of Bardsdale, Westmorland, and has issue, one daughter. vi. Octavia, d. unm. VII. Anna, unm. Arms—Gu., on a saltire, erm., five crosses moline, sa., a chief of the second, charged with three mullets of the third. Crest—A lion ramp, erminois, holding in the dexter paw a mullet as in the arms, the dexter foot resting on a cross moline gu. Motto—Strenue et prospere.

JOHNSON, JAMES WOODBINE, Esq. of  Wairakaia, Gisborne, Poverty Bay, New Zealand, J. P., and captain in the New Zealand Militia, b. 1st January, 1844 ; unm. Lineage and Arms—See preceding article. Residence—Wairakaia, Gisborne, Poverty Bay, New Zealand. Property—At Whepstead Hall; Bricet ; and Wattisham, all co. Suffolk, England.


Horace B. Johnson, mechanic, resident at Fielding, Franklin Township, was born Oct. 20, 1829, in Wilton, Kennebec Co., Maine.  John Johnson, his father, was a ship carpenter, and married Mehitable Dacy. Both parents were natives of the Pine-Tree State, and there they died, the former when Horace was in youth, the latter in 1880.  When Mr. Johnson was 13 years of age, he was apprenticed to a man named Cyrus Dunn, to acquire a knowledge of brick-laying, and remained under his instructions until he reached his majority. He began his independent career by the practice of his trade in Oxford Co., Maine going thence to Lewiston in the same State.  He was married while there to Nancy Nash, who died in 1855, leaving one child, Walter E., who is a resident at Lewiston. After the death of his wife, Mr. Johnson came to Illinois and settled in Franklin Township. He passed some years in working as his trade and is farming, removing eventually to the village of Fielding, where, in 1876, he purchased a sight for his home, consisting of two and a half village lots, on which he erected a pleasant residence.  Since his removal hither he has followed his trade. His marriage to Sarah J. Van Dresser occured in Franklin Township, January 1, 1856, and they had three children. Liona R. is the single survivor. Nancy A. died when four years old. Charles W. died at the age of four months. Mrs. Johnson is the daughter of Gilbert and Nancy Van Dresser. Her parents were natives of Allegany Co., N.Y., and came West in 1845, first locating in Erie Co., Ohio. After a residence there of seven years they removed to Lake County, in the same State, where the father died.  The mother removed with her children in 1853 to Illinois and now resides at St. Charles. Mr. Johnson is a Republican and as officiated 22 years as a Constable. He has also held other local offices in his township.


Joseph A. Johnson is one of the large number of businessmen who came to Joliet from Sweden, and have since become an integral part of the citizenship, joining in movements for the benefit of the city and aiding in the development of local commercial interests.  He was born in Ranqvella, Jonkoping, Sweden, December 6, 1867, a son of John Peter and Eva Johnson, who spent their entire lives in the same province, where the father engaged in farming. Further mention of the family appears elsewhere, in the sketch of Gustav V. Johnson.  Reared on the home farm, the educational advantages received by our subject were such as the local schools afforded. As he studied in school the geography of the world, he formed a resolution to seek a home in the land across the seas, believing that the new world presented greater opportunities for a young man than the old.  In 1886 he came to the United States with his brother, Gustav V., and settled in Joliet, where he followed any occupation whereby he could earn a livelihood. After three years, however, he began to turn his attention to the bricklayer’s trade, which he learned in the works of the Illinois Steel Company. He followed this occupation until 1896 in the employ of others, but during that year he embarked in the stone and brick mason’s business for himself, and has since taken contracts for work of this kind.  Since taking out his naturalization papers Mr. Johnson has voted the Republican ticket. He is a member of the North Star Association and the Swedish Lutheran Church. A man of energy and industry, he is working his way to a position of influence among the people of his own race in Joliet, and has also won the confidence of people of other nationalities by his upright course in life and the energy which he has shown in his business. He was married, in this city, in 1897, to Miss Amanda Abrahamson, who was born in Sweden, and by whom he has a daughter, Sylvia Benbat Margaret.  The family residence is at No. 309 Landau avenue.


Loyalists played a major role in the Mohawk Valley throughout the Revolutionary War. The Johnson family continued to exert influence over most of the Iroquois Confederacy (except for some of the Tuscaroras and about half of the Oneidas) as well as the Scotch Highlander and Irish settlers who lived as tenants on the Royal Grant (Johnson land) and Butlersbury (Butler land). Three loyalist military units were formed by men who had been prominent leaders in the affairs of the Mohawk Valley prior to the American Revolution, namely: Sir John Johnson, John Butler, and Joseph Brant.

Deo regique debeo. I owe duty to God and the king.
Deo regique liber. Free to serve God and the king.
Fugite fures omnes. Fly all ye thieves.
Onus sub honore. There is a burthen to sustain under honour.
Securior qui paratior. The better prepared the more secure.
Servabo fidem. I will keep the faith.
Sol clarior astro. The sun is brighter than a star.
Vicisti et vivimus. Thou hast conquered and we survive.

JOHNSON….crest….Barker’s Grants, Harl. MS. 5816, fo. 60; Stowe MS. 692, fo. 58
JOHNSON….deputy of St. Buttolph’s, Aldersgate Ward, London; arg., a pheon az. betw. three mascles gu., by Segar. Add. MS. 12,225, fo. 63; C. 24 (Visit of Lond., 1634), fo. 84, Her. Coll.; Guil. 374.
JOHNSON….of the Tower….June 1609, by Camden.  Harl. MSS. 1422, fo. 18, 5839, fo. 3, 2275, fo. 90 and 1115, fo. 9; Guil. 339.
JOHNSON….co, Linc. Quarterly; 1 and 4, or, a water bouget sable, on a chief of the last three bezants; 2 and 3 , gu., three fleurs-de-lis in bend arg. betw. two cottises vair. Crest, out of a ducal coronet per pale arg. and azure two wings expanded counterchanged. (“Subscribed by Robert Cooke als Clarenceux roy de Armes to Johnson.) Add. MS. 17,506, fo. 36; see Le Neve’s MS. 258.
JOHNSON, ANN, daughter of Richard, of Hempstead, Essex, ux. Richard Gourney, citizen and Alderm. of London, grant 12 March 1596-97, by Lee. Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 146, fo. 185; Add. MS. 14,295, fo. 11; Stowe MS. 702, fo. 115.
JOHNSON, EDWARD, Tunbridge, Kent, son of James of Lewisham, Kent, and of Joan his wife, daugther and heir of Rob. Cheesman, who married the daughter and heir of….Woodhall and Yaxley; 10 May 1570, by R. Cooke, Clar. Stowe MS. 670.
JOHNSON, JOHN, of Norfolk, now Line….by Cooke, Clar. Stowe MS. 670, fo. 39.
JOHNSON, NICHOLAS, of Milton Bryan, Bedf., and to his brothers.
JOHNSON, FRANCIS and WILLIAM argent, on a pile azure three ounces’ heads erased of the first; 8 May 1632, by R. St. George, Clar. Misc. Gen. et Her., N.S., ii., 121, copy of grant, Brit. Mus.
JOHNSON, RICHARD of Gainsborough, co. Line., confirmed 7 May 1579, by Flower. MS. Ashm. 834, fo. 21, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib.; Guil. 34; Harl. MSS. 6179, fo. 40, and 1115, fo. 65.
JOHNSON, ROBERT, of London son of John, of Goldinton, Bedf. by Camden. Morgan’s Sphere, 118; see Harl. MS. 6140, fo. 61.
JOHNSON, ROBERT, preacher of North Luffenham, Rutland, B.D., founder of grammar schools and hospitals at Oakham and Uppingham; confirmed 23 March 1592-3 by Cooke. Misc. Gen. et Her., N.S., i., 452; Harl. MS. 1359, fo. 122; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 41. John in Stowe MS. 670, fo. 53; Le Neve’s MS. 252.
JOHNSON, ROWLAND, surveyor of the Queen’s works at Berwick, new crest granted 20 or 25 May 1569, by Sir Gilb Dethick, Cooke and Flower. MS. Ashm. 844, fo. 22, copy of grant, Bodleian Lib., and Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 39, fo. 154, and (MS. 145, fo. 22); Harl. MSS. 1441, fo. 75 and 1422, fo. 74; Gail. 388; Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 44, for grant of Coat of Arms from Geo. Bullock, see Brit. Mus., Add. Charter 19,882.
JOHNSON, THOMAS, of Yorks….1563-4, by Flower, Har. MS. 1453, fo. 74.
JOHNSON, CAPT. THOMAS of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk (son of Thomas, 4th time bailiff of Great Yarmouth, and his grandfather James, several times also), 10 Sept. 1660, by Walker.  Sequestered and decimated, Harl. MS. 1172, fo 71 (81); 1085, fo. 42; Harl. MS. 6179, fo. 55.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM, of Ingham, Norfolk, 25th July 1633, in the 9th yeare of o’soveraign lord King Charles, by R. St. George, Clar. (Gu., on a saltire ar. five crosses moline of the field; Crest, a wolf’s head erased per pale crenellee ar. and gu.) Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 114.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM (by Sir C. Barker….Azure, a fesse embattled or between three cocks’ heads erased ar., beaked gu., combed or. Barker’s Grants). Add. MS. 26,702, fo 76; (see Visit of Lond., 1534, Harl. Soc., under Jesson).
JOHNSON, WILLIAM and CHARLES, sons of William, of Willingdaledoe, Essex, crest 20 May 1577, by Cooke. Harl. MS. 1422, fo. 16; copy of grant, Add. MS. 5524, fo. 208.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM (JONSON), of Tunbridge, Kent, confirmed 11 Feb. 1646-47. Harl. MS. 4198, fo. 53.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM, of Bowden Park, Wilts, 26 Dec. 1663. Harl. MS. 1105, fo. 17; Bysshe’s Grants, fo. 4, Her. Coll.

Amy Johnson (1903—41) Famed aviatrix captured the imagination of the nation with her record-breaking solo flight to Australia in 1930-so much so that the song ‘Wonderful Amy, How Can You Blame Me for Loving You?’ was the smash hit of the year.
Anderson Sidney “Andy” Johnson (1952-2018), American NFL football running back for the New England Patriots (1974-1982)
Andrew Johnson (1808-75).  17th President of the United States (1865 to 1869), succeeding to the Presidency upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, was born in Raleigh, Nc, the younger son of Jacob Johnson and Mary (or Polly) McDonough. Little is known of his ancestors.
Dan Johnson (1960-2017), American evangelical pastor, and Republican member of the Kentucky House of Representatives (2017)
Edward Johnson (1598-1672), a colonia chronicler who was baptized at St. George’s parish. Canterbury, England, and emigrated to Boston in 1630
Frank Minis Johnson Jr. (1918-1999), American Federal judge and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Howard Hille Johnson (1846-1913), American blind educator and founder of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind
Imogene Powers Johnson (1930-2018), American billionaire, according to Forbes, she was worth 3.6 billion, widow of Samuel Curtis Johnson
John Arthur Johnson (1878-1946), nicknamed the Galveston Giant, an American boxer, the first African American world heavyweight boxing champion (1908-1915); he was charged violating the Mann Act in 1912, he was granted a presidential pardon by President Donald Trump on May 24, 2018
John Harold Johnson (1918-2005), American businessman, publisher, founder of the Johnson Publishing Company, the first African American to appear on the Forbes 400, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th President, dates his American forebears back seven generations to James Johnston (sic) (b. about 1662) who lived at Currowaugh, Nansemond and Isle of Wight Counties, VA.
Mamie “Peanut” Johnson (1935-2017), American Negro League Baseball player, one of three women, and the first female pitcher, to play
Marmaduke Johnson (d. 1674), a printer who came from England to MA in 1660;
Samuel Johnson (1709—84) took a mere eight years (1747— 55) to write his famous dictionary of the English language.
Sir Nathaniel Johnson (c. 1645-1713), a colonial governor of Carolina, who came from County Durham, England.
William Charles “Bill” Johnson (1960-2018), American Major League Baseball pitcher who played from 1983 to 1984 for the Chicago Cubs

American Revolution Veterans
There were just over 8,000 men with the surname of Johnson that served during the American Revolution, below you will find a listing of just a few of these men.
Abel Johnson, Vermont, Rank of Sergeant
Arthur Johnson, Virginia, Rank of Quartermaster Sergeant
Calvin Johnson, Connecicut, Rank of Private
Eliajin Johnson, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Elizabeth Johnson, Massachusetts, Rank of Drum & Fife
George Johnson, Virginia, Rank of Fifer
Gideon Johnson, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Henry Johnson, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Ichabod Johnson, New Jersey, Rank of 4th Sergeant
Israel Johnson, Connecticut, Rank of Private
John Johnson, New Jersey, Rank of Private
Jonathan Johnson, Connecticut, Rank of St. Colonel
Joseph Johnson, Virginia, Rank of Private
Lewis Johnson, New Jersey, Rank of Private
Polez Johnson, Rhode Island, Rank of Private
Robert Johnson, New Jersey, Rank of Private
Seth Johnson, New Jersey, Rank of Captain
Shadreck Johnson, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Shubel Johnson, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Thomas Johnson, Virginia, Rank of Private
Timothy Johnson, New Hampshire, Rank of Private
William Johnson, Virginia, Rank of Captain
Winsor Johnson, New Jersey, Rank of Private

Civil War Veterans
There were over 37,000 men with the surname of Johnson that served in the Civil War.  Below you ill find a list of just a few of these men.
Charles Johnson, 47th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Charles Johnson, Wood’s Regiment, Confederate Cavalry, 1st Mississippi Cavalry, Confederate, Confederate Troops
Cornelius Johnson, 116th Regiment, Ohio Infantry, Union, Ohio
David Johnson, 1st Regiment, Minnesota Heavy Artillery, Union, Minnesota
Edgar Johnson, 7th Regiment, Ohio Infantry, Union, Ohio
Edward Johnson, 55th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, Union, Pennsylvania
Eugene Johnson, 15th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry, Confederate, Mississippi
Frederick Johnson, 12th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry, Union, Massachusetts
James Johnson, 42nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Joe Johnson, 82nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
John Johnson, 67th Regiment, Ohio Infantry, Union, Ohio
Lewis Johnson, 43rd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Luther Johnson, 2nd Regiment, South Carolina Artillery, Confederate, South Carolina
Peter Johnson, 8th Regiment, South Carolina Infantry, Confederate, South Carolina
Samuel Johnson, 41st Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Confederate, Georgia
Swain Johnson, 148th Regiment, Illinois Infantry, Union, Illinois
Wellington Johnson, 82nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
William Johnson, 11th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry, Union, Pennsylvania
William Johnson, 13th Regiment, Texas Volunteers, Confederate, Texas

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (New York and Twickenham, co. Middlesex, bart.). ubsequently to this registration, a pedigree of Johnson, Bart., of New York and Twickenham, deducing the family from Thomas O’Neill, called MacShane or Johnson, son of John O’Neill, Esq., of Dungannon, who was grandson of Sir Tiblough O’Neill, was placed on record by Betham, Ulster, in the Office of Arms, Dublin Castle, and the coat of O’Neill was allowed, viz.—Ar. two lions counter-ramp, supporting a dexter hand gu. in chief three estoiles of the last, and in base a salmon n ai ant In water ppr. Crest—An arm gu. encircled with a ducal crown or, the hand grasping a sword ppr. pommel and hilt gold. Motto—Nec aspera terrent. Gu. on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. three escallops of the field. Crest—An arm couped at the elbow erect, holding an arrow ppr. Supporters—Two Indians wreathed about the waist with foliage, quivers over their left shoulders, bows in their exterior hands, and plumes on their heads all ppr. Motto—Deo regique debeo.
2) (Bath, bart.). Mottoes—Above the creat : Vicisti et vivimus: below the shield: Nunquam non paratus. Per pale sa. and az. on a saltire ar. betw. three towers or, fired ppr. one in chief and two in fesse, and two tilting-spears saltirewise in base of the second, five cooks of the first. Crest—A tower ar. on the battlements a cock ppr. Supporters—Dexter, a grenadier habited and accoutred and arma ordered ppr.; sinister, a light-infantry man habited and accoutred and arms trailed ppr. supporting with his exterior hand a flag-staif also ppr. therefrom flowing a banner gu. inscribed “New Ross “in letters of gold.
3) (Milton Bryant, co. Bedford; granted to Nicholas Johnson by St. George, Clarenceux, 1632). Ar. on a pile az. three ounces’ heads erased of the first. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. an ounce’s head erased ar.
4) (Wytham-on-the-Hill, co. Lincoln; descended from Johnson, of Olney, co. Bucks, a branch of Johnson, of Milton Bryant). Motto—Qui vit content tient assez. Ar. on a pile az. three ounces’ heads erased of the field, langued gu., quartering for Robert Johnson, B.D., Archdeacon of Leicester, the founder, in 1548, of the school at Uppingham, and subsequently of that at Oakham: Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three lions’ heads couped gu. langued az. and crowned gold. Crest—On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. an ounce’s head, as in the arms.
5) (Goldington, co. Bedford). Az. a chev. or, in chief two eagles volant, in base a sun of the second.
6) (co. Bedford and London). Az. a chev. betw. three eagles rising or.
7) (Beaconsfield, co. Bucks). Per pale az. and gu. a cross flory or, a chief of the last. Crest—A cubit arm habited or, grasping in the hand ppr. a cross flory of the first.
8) (co. Chester). Quarterly, per fesse indented or and az. in the first quarter an eagle, wings expanded sa. Crest—On a ducal coronet or, an eagle, as in the arms.
9) (co. Chester). Ar. nine pheons meeting in point, six in chief and three in base sa. Crest: An arm in armour, holding in the hand all ppr. an arrow ar. with a pheon’s head or.
10) (Kittlesworth, co. Durham; granted 20 May, 1569). Per pale sa. and az. on a saltire ar. betw. three towers of the last flammant ppr. and two spears saltireways in base or, five cocks of the field. Crest—A dexter arm embowed in armour firing a pistol all ppr.
11) (Worcester; Benjamin Johnson, Sheriff co. Worcester, 1763). Ar. a fess lozengy betw. three lions’ heads erased gu. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a nag’s head sa.
12) (Hanley Castle, co. Worcester; monument, St. Martin’s Church, Worcester, of William Johnson d. 1711, aged 63). Ar. a cross sa. on a chief gu. three cushions or.
13) (Bowden, co. Wilts; from the hatchment of James Johnson, Bishop of Worcester, 1759-74, grandson of George Johnson, a Welsh Judge). Ar. a bend sa. on a chief of the last three cushions of the first. Crest—A goat’s head ar. erased gu. horned sa.
14) (co. Worcester). Az. on a chev. ar. three pheons gu. in dexter chief the sun in splendour ppr.
15) (Twyzell, co.Durham; the last male heir, Michael Johnson, Esq., d. 1714, leaving three daus. and co-heirs, of whom the eldest, Mary, to. first, John Brockholes, Esq., of Claughton, co. Lancaster, by whom she was mother of Catharine, wife of Charles, tenth Duke of Norfolk; and secondly, Richard Jones, Esq., of Caton, co. Lancaster). Sa. on a bend or, betw. two shackleholts ar. three pheons gu. Crest—A leopard’s face per pale az. and sa. bezantée, from the mouth and ears flames of fire ppr. Another Crest—A tiger’s head couped sa. bezantée.
16) (co. Essex). Ar. on a chev. sa. an estoile of sixteen points or, betw. three lions’ heads erased gu.
17) (co. Hants). Erm. on a chief az. three bezants.
18) (Nethercourt and Margate, co. Kent). Quarterly, per fesse indented sa. and or, in the dexter chief quarter a pelican vulning herself of the second.
19) (co. Kent, 1605). Quarterly, az. and gu. over all a cross patonce or, a chief of the last. Crest—An arm erect habited per pale az. and or, holding in the hand ppr. a cross patonce of the second.
20) (granted to-William Johnson, B.D.). Ar. a chev. az. betw. three pheons gu. on a chief of the second an open book, representing the Holy Bible ppr. edged and scaled or, thereon inscribed “Proverbs, chap. xxii. v. 6,” betw. two crosses flory of the last. Crest—A pheon, as in the arms, surmounted by a star of eight points or.
21) (Warrington, co. Lancaster, 1741). Or, a lion pass. reguard. az. on a chief dovetailed vert three acorns slipped and leaved of the first.
22) (Withcot, co. Leicester; granted 1727). Ar. on a bend gu. three pheons or, a canton erm. Crest—A demi griffin gu. collared erm. holding betw. the claws a pheon or.
23) (Gainsborough, co. Lincoln; granted 7 May, 1579). Ar. on a bend sa. three erm. spots of the first. Crest—A leopard pass. guard. sa. plattee and bezantée.
24) (Stamford, co. Lincoln). Ar. three boars’ heads sa. couped gu.
25) (Thwate, co. Lincoln, Blackwall, co. Middlesex, and co. Norfolk). Or, a water bouget sa. on a chief of the second three bezants. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet ppr pale ar. and az. two wings expanded counterchanged.
26) (Ayscoughfee Hall, Spalding, co. Lincoln). Motto—Onus sub honore. Or, a water bouget sa. on a chief of the last three annulets of the first. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, two wings erect sa.
27) (Pinchbeck, co. Lincoln). Ar. a chev. betw. three lions’ heads erased gu. crowned or.
28) (Preston, originally of Walsh Whittle, co. Lancaster). Ar. a lion pass. gu. on a chief or, three acorns slipped vert.
29) (Sarre Court, co. Kent, and Temple Belwood, co. Lincoln; exemplified to John William Denne Johnson, Esq., J.P., son of the Rev. John Denne Hilton, by Elizabeth Frances his wife, sister of Robert Poppewell Johnson, Esq., of Temple Belwood). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a lion pass. gu. on a chief vert three acorns leaved and slipped or, for Johnson; 2nd and 3rd, erm. two bars az. in chief an annulet betw. two saltires of the last, for Hilton. Crests— 1st, Johnson: On a mount vert a wolf pass. sa. in the mouth a branch of woodbine ppr.; 2nd, Hilton: Moses’ head affrontée betw. two bullrushes ppr.
30) (Tower, London; granted June, 1604). Gu. three spears’ heads ar. a chief erm. Crest—A spear’s head ar. betw. two branches of laurel vert, crossing each other over the spear’s head.
31) (London, and co. York, 1634). Az. on a chev. ar. three pheons gu. in the dexter chief quarter a sun or. Crest—A cock ar. combed and wattled or, on the body three guttées de sang.
32) (London; granted to Thomas Johnson, Esq., Lord Mayor of the city 1841). Az. on a chev. ar. three pheons gu. in the dexter chief a sun in splendour ppr. in base two swords, points upwards in saltire, encircled with a double chain all or. Crest—A cock ar. combed and wattled or, standing upon the fasces gold.
33) (London; Her. Coll.). Ar. a pheon az. betw. three mascles gu. Crest—A tiger’s head erminois, maned ar.
34) (London). Erm. on a chev. az. three bezants, a mullet for diff. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet a swan’s neck or.
35) (London). Az. a cross betw. four pheons or.
36) (London). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three lions’ heads erased gu. bezantée an estoile of eight points or.
37) (Long Melford, co. Suffolk; granted 1663). Ar. a bend sa. on a chief gu. three woolpacks or. Crest—A spear or, strap gu. betw. two wings gold.
38) (Bury, Saxmundham, and Bildeston, co. Suffolk). Motto—Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo. Sa. on a fesse betw. two double manacles ar. three pheons gu. on a chief or, a demi lion ramp. betw. two lozenges az. Crest—A leopard’s head erased ppr. collared or.
39) (Deanery, co. Durham). Motto—Nil admirari. Gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three savages’ heads ppr. as many pheons sa. Crest—A savage’s head, couped at the shoulders, bearded, and wreathed about the temples all ppr.
40) (cos. Northumberland and Durham). Per chev. gu. and sa. on a chev. engr. ar. betw. three men’s heads affrontée ppr. as many pheons sa. Crest—In front of a man’s head affrontée, couped at the shoulder ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and gu. two pheons or.
41) (London). Ar. on a pile az. three wolves’ heads erased of the field.
42) (Limehouse, co. Middlesex). Gu. on a chief indented or, four human hearts of the first, over all on a bend of the second three peas, slipped, stalked, and leaved vert, the pea pendent. Crest—A triangular harrow or.
43) (Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk; granted 10 Sept. 1060). Ar. a fesse embattled counter-embattled betw. three lions’ heads erased gu. ducally crowned or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a leopard’s head and neck gu.
44) (co. Northampton). Az. on a bend raguly betw. two cocks ar. crested and jelloped or, a snake vert.
45) (co. Northumberland). Sa. on a bend betw. two towers ar. three pheons gu. on a chief or, a lion pass. betw. two lozenges az.
46) (Luffenham, co. Rutland; granted 1592). Ar. a chev. betw. three lions’ heads couped gu. ducally crowned or. Crest—A lion’s head couped gu. ducally crowned or betw. two ostrich feathers ar. Another Crest—Out of a ducal coronet ar. a leopard’s head or.
47) (Robert Johnson, B.D., Archdeacon of Leicester, 1591-1625). Same Arms. Crest—A lion’s head couped gu. langued az. ducally crowned or, betw. two ostrich feathers ar.
48) (cos. Stafford and Suffolk). Per bend ar. and sa. three trefoils slipped counterchanged. Crest—On a mount vert an ibex sejant erm. ducally gorged, crined, and tufted or, attired ar.
49) (granted to Rev. Croxton Johnson, Rector of Wilmslow, co. Chester). Motto—Fugite fures omnes. Gu. on a saltire ar. betw. three towers or, fired ppr. one in chief and two in the flanks, and two tilting apears saltireways in base of the second, five game cocks of the first. Crest—A dexter arm embowed in armour firing a pistol all ppr.
50) (Tyldesley, co. Lancaster; Lord Mayor of London, 1545; represented by Ormerod, of Tyldesley). Ar. a saltire sa. on a chief gu. three cushions or. Crest—A spur erect, betw. two wings or, straps and buckles gu.
51) (Runcorn, co. Chester; borne by John Johnson, Esq., son of John Johnson, whose father, Richard, son of Peter Johnson, was son of Richard Johnson, who settled at Higher Runcorn, at an early period). Motto—Servabo fidem. Or, a saltire vair betw. two cocks’ heads erased in pale sa. combed and wattled gu. and two pheons in fesse of the third. Crest—A crescent or, issuant therefrom a pheon, the whole betw. two wings sa.
52) Az. on a bend embattled ar. betw. two cocks of the second, crested and jelloped or, a snake vert. Crest—On a mount vert a talbot couchant ar. collared and chained or.
53) Erm. on a chev. az. three bezants. Crest—Out of a mural coronet gu. a cubit arm erect, vested or, turned up ar. holding in the hand ppr. a scymitar of the third, hilt of the second.
54) Ar. a lion pass. gu. in chief three oak sprigs fructed all ppr. Crest—A wolf pass. holding in the mouth a sprig of woodbine in full blossom all ppr.
55) Per pale or and az. a fesse counterchanged. Crest—A mermaid, holding in the dexter hand a sceptre, and in the sinister a mirror all ppr.
56) (Yaxham and Welborne, co.Norfolk; borne by the Rev. John Barham Johnson, M.A., Rector of Welborne). Gu. on a saltire ar. five crosses moline of the first. Crest—A wolf’s head erased per pale crenellee ar. and gu.
57) (Ulverscroft and Burleigh Field, co. Leicester; George William Lillingston, Esq., of Burleigh Field, only son of Rev. George Lillingston, M.A., Incumbent of Southend, co. Essex, by Barbara Anne, his wife, only dau. of Henry Spooner, Esq., of Gracechurch-street, London, and heiress of her mother, Ann Jane, third dau. of Nathaniel Palmer Johnson, Esq., of Burleigh Field, assumed by royal licence, 22 March, 1859, the surname and arms of Johnson in compliance with the will of his grand-uncle, the Rev. Nathaniel Palmer Johnson, M.A., Rector of Aston-upon-Trent, co. Derby). Ar. two chevronels betw. as many griffins’ heads erased in chief, and a palmer’s scrip in base gu. Crest—A griffin’s head erased per fesse ar. and gu. holding in the beak a palmer’s scrip of the last.
58) (Bowden Park, co. Wilts, 1679). Ar. a bend sa. on a chief of the last three cushions of the first.
59) (Walton House, co. Cumberland). Ar. on a saltire sa. five bezants, on a chief gu. an Eastern crown betw. two woolpacks or. Crest—An estoile within a spur erect betw. two wings elevated or.
60) Sa. on a fesse or, betw. a nag’s head and two buglehorns in chief and another in base ar. garnished of the second, a demi lion ramp. betw. two pheons az.
61) Az. a woolpack ar. (another, ar. on a cross raguly betw. four pheons gu. five bezants; another, ar. a chev. gu. betw. three lions pass. sa.; another, per pale az. and gu. on a chev. ar. betw. three fleurs-de-lis or, as many escallops of the second; another, per bend ar. and sa. three cinquefoils pierced all counterchanged; another, gu. three greyhounds courant in pale ar. collared or; another, gu. on a chief indented or, four body hearts of the field, over all a bend vert; another, az. on a saltire ar. five trefoils slipped vert; another, or, three fusils in fesse sa.; another, az. a fesse engr. erm. betw. three escallops or; another, per pale and per bend or and ar.).
62) (Rockenham, co. Cork; confirmed to Noble Johnson, Esq., of that place, son of William Johnson, Esq., of Rockenham, High Sheriff, co. Cork, 1815, and to the other descendants of his grandfather, Noble Johnson, Esq., Mayor of Cork, 1809). Motto—Nunquam non paratus. Ar. a saltire sa. betw. a lymphad in chief of the second and a tower in base gu. on a chief engr. of the last three cushions or. Crest—On a mural crown ppr. a spur erect or, betw. two wings expanded ar. each charged with an annulet gu.
63) (Reg. Ulster’s Office). gu. on a chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis ar. as many escallops of the field.
64) (granted to Sir William Gilleland Johnson. Knt., Mayor of Belfast, in commemoration of the Queen’s first visit to that town). Motto—Nunquam non paratus. Ar. a saltire sa. betw. in chief a pile chequy or and gu. a chief vair, being part of the arms of Belfast, two sinister hands couped, one in dexter, the other in sinister fess points of the fourth, and in base a cushion of the fourth, thereon the municipal mace of Belfast in fess of the third, on a chief of the fourth a royal crown of England betw. St. George’s and St. Patrick’s ensigns displ. all ppr. Crest—An arm embowed in armour grasping a sword ppr. betw. two wings erect az.
65) (Edinburgh). Motto—Nunquam non paratus. Ar. a saltire sa. betw. an increscent and decrescent in the flanks az. and a palm branch in base vert, on a chief of the second three cushions of the first. Crest—A winged spur ppr.
66) Blazon: The shield is of red bearing three pheons (barbed spear heads) with a chief of ermine (black ermine tails on off-white, simulating the royal fir). Resting on the shield is the old warrior’s helm with its flowing mantle in the colors of the family: red and silver. Surmounting the helm is the family crest: a pair of raven’s wings of sable. Motto: Servabo fidem. (The first of the old family to come to the New World was Captain Edward Johnson, who came from Boston, the colony of Massachusetts, in 1630. He adapted his own arms for the colonial family, and it is included in the select list of the American Armory, and are here given. Other progenitors of the American family include Thomas Johnson, who came to the colony of Maryland in 1700; William Johnson, who came to New York in 1742; and John Johnson, who came to the colony of Pennsylvania in 1765. The American family is on the Roll of Honor of the American Revolution, and plated a significant role in the gaining of the nation’s freedom and in its early development).
67) Per bend sinister Azure and Or., a dragon rampant grasping in his dexter foreclaws Thor’s Hammer all counterchanged. Crest: Issuant from an eastern crown a demi dragon rampant grasping in his dexter foreclaws a ceremonial mace Or. armed, langued and wing-spines Gules. Motto: Nunquam Non Paratus. Assumed by Richard David Johnson on 18 March 2021, England, Registered International Register of Arms 18 Mar 2021 Reg No. 0592 (Vol. 4)


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