Kurcz Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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More common variations are: Kuruz, Kuracz, Kurczy, Kurczi, Kurycz, Kurocz, Kurecz, Kuricz, Kurucza, Kuraczi. The surname Kurcz first found in Switzerland, where the family became noted for its many branches within the region. Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were like Johan Kristoffel Kurts, who arrived in New York with his wife and two children in the year 1709. Maria Elisabeth Kurtz arrived in New Jersey in the year 1709.  Johannes Kurtz arrived in Philadelphia in the year 1727.

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

First notation: 1554 W polu czerwonym srebrna litera T wywr”cona, rozdarta i pod rozdarciem przekrzyżowana; z lewej jej strony p”łksiężyc złoty rogami w prawo, z prawej gwiazda złota sześciopromienna. Klejnot: trzy pi”ra strusie.

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