Lockhart Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Lee, co. Lanark). Old Arms—Az. three boars’ heads erased or.
2) (Lee, co. Lanark). As recorded 1735—Ar. a man’s heart ppr. within a fetterlock sa. on a chief az. three boars’ heads erased of the first. Crest—A boar’s head erased ar. Supporters—Dexter, a man completely armed, the visor of his helmet open, a spear in his dexter hand, and pendent from his neck by a gold chain a heart ppr. Motto—Corda serrata pando.
3) (Count Lockhart-Wishart, 1780). Ar. a heart gu. within a fetterlock sa. on a chief ar. three boars’ heads erased of the first within a bordure of the fourth, charged with five mullets of six points or. Crests—1st: In the centre, two flags parted per fesse ar. and gu. flotant to the dexter and sinister, placed behind a boar’s head erased ppr.; 2nd: On the dexter, on a ducal coronet an eagle displ. reguard.; 3rd: On the sinister, out of a ducal coronet a demi lion holding in the dexter paw a sword. Supporters—As preceding. Motto—Corda serrata pando.
4) (Carnwath, co. Lanark, 1730). Ar. a man’s head ppr. within a fetterlock sa. on a chief az. a boar’s head erased of the first, all within a bordure of the fourth, charged with five stars of the field. Crest—A dexter hand ppr. holding a banner az. charged with a saltire ar. Mottoes (above the crest)—Quid non pro patria; (below the shield) Corda serrata.
5) (Macdonald-Lockhart, of Lee and Carnwath, bart., 1806). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a man’s heart gu. within a fetterlock sa. on a chief az. three boars’ heads erased of the first, for Lockhart; 2nd and 3rd grand quarterings, quarterly, 1st, or, a lion ramp. gu., 2nd, or, a naked arm issuing from the sinister side in fesse ppr. holding a cross crosslet fitchée gu., 3rd, ar. a galley, her oars in action in saltire sa. ensigned gu., 4th, vert a salmon in fesse ar., for Macdonald. Crest—A boar’s head erased ar. Supporters —Dexter, a chevalier armed at all points, his visor up, holding a spear in his hand, a sword by his side, and a gold chain about his neck, thereat a man’s heart pendent gu. ensigned with an imperial crown or, and on his helmet a plume of feathers, the centre gu. the other ar.; sinister, a buck ppr. Mottoes—1st, Lockhart: Corda serrata pando; 2nd, Macdonald: Semper paratus pugnare pro patriâ.
6) (Barr, co. Dumfries). Ar. on a bend sa. three fetterlocks or.
7) (nephew of Barr, 1672). Gu. on a fesse betw. three boars’ heads erased ar. a heart of the field within a fetterlock sa. Crest—A dexter hand holding forth a key bendways ppr. Motto—Corda serrata pando.
8) (Cleghorn, co. Lanark). Az. three boars’ heads erased ar. Crest—A boar’s head erased ar. Supporter— Two wild harts ppr. Motto—Sine labe fides.
9) (Birkhill, co. Lanark). Ar. on a bend betw. three boars’ heads erased az. a man’s heart ppr. within a fetterlock or. Crest—A boar’s head erased ar. Motto—Feroci fortior.
10) (Kirktoun, co. Lanark). Ar. on a chev. betw. three boars’ heads erased az. a man’s heart within a fetterlock or. Crest—A dexter hand holding a boar’s head erased ppr. Motto—Feroci fortior.
11) (Sir William Lockhart, Solicitor-General, 1610). Quarterly, 1st, az. three boars’ heads erased ar., for Lockhart; 2nd, ar. a chev. sa. betw. three boars’heads erased of the first within a bordure gu., for Elphinstone, of Calderhall; 3rd, per pale indented sa. and ar. on a chief of the second a crescent vert betw. two erm. spots, for Henderson, of Fordel; 4th, ar. a cross betw. four mullets az., for Bannatyne, of Corehouse. Crest—A dexter hand holding up a boar’s head erased ppr. Motto—Sine labe tides.

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