Lovell Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) or Lovet (co. Buckingham). Sa. three square padlocks ar.
2) (London; Thomas Lovell, one of the Queen’s Customers for Wool, Visit. London. 1563, son of Henry Lovell, Esq., of Skelton, co. York). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three foxes’ heads erased gu.
3) (co. Dorset; William Lovell, temp. Henry VII.; his dau. Elizabeth, m. William Bamfield, of Turnworth, co. Dorset; their dau. and heir, Mary Bamfield, in. William Frere, J.P., of Oxford, and d. 1568. Visit. Oxon, 1634). Barry nebulée of six or and gu. in chief three bezants.
4) (co. Worcester; Penn MS.). Ar. a chev. az. betw. three squirrels sejant gu. Crest—A garb vert, banded or.
5) (Terant, co. Dorset). Barry nebulée of six or and gu. on the second five bezants. Crest—A wolf pass. az. bezantée collared and lined or.
6) (Barton and Harling, co. Norfolk). Ar. a chev. az. betw. three squirrels sejant gu. Crest—A peacock’s tail erect ppr. banded with a belt sa. rimmed and buckled ar. the end pendent. Another Crest—A squirrel sejant, cracking a nut.
7) (Chilcote Manor, and Dinder). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three wolves’ heads erased gu. Crest—A talbot courant ar.
8) (co. Oxford). Ar. a lion ramp. az. within an orle of eight crosses crosslet fitchée of the second.
9) (Ballumbie, co. Forfar). Ar. three piles sa. surmounted of a fesse wavy gu.
10) (co. Somerset). Barry wavy of six ar. and gu.
11) or Luvel (co. Somerset). Or, crusily a lion ramp. az.
12) (Laxfield, co. Suffolk; granted 25 June, 1579). Barry nebulée of six or and gu. a bordure az. charged with ten trefoils slipped ar. Crest—A greyhound pass. sa. collared, ringed, and lined or, a cubit arm erect ppr. habited purp. holding the line.
13) (Cole Park, Malmesbury, co. Wilts). Ar. a chev. az. betw. three squirrels gu. each cracking a nut ppr. Crest—A squirrel sejant, cracking a nut ppr.
14) (Skelton, co. York. Visit. 1665; Dugdale). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three wolves’ heads erased gu. Crest—A talbot courant ar.
15) (co. York). Ar. a chev. sa. betw. three lions’ heads gu.
16) (Harleston, co. Northampton, now of cos. Lincoln and Bucks; Mary Lovell, only dau. and heiress of Capt. Samuel Lovell, grandson of Sir Salathiel Lovell, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, 1708, m. 1742, her cousin, Richard Lovell-Badcock, Esq., of Twickenham, and was grandmother of Col. Benjamin Lovell-Badcock, K.H., 15th Dragoons, and of Capt. William Stanhope-Badcock, who both assumed by sign manual in 1840, the name of Lovell only). Or, three bars nebulee gu. Crest—A talbot pass. ar. Motto—Tempus omnia monstrat.
17) Az. a lion ramp. within an orle of fleurs-de-lis or.
18) Ar. a lion ramp. sa. crowned or, a bordure az.
19) Az. on a fesse betw. three crescents ar. a mullet sa.
20) Or (another, ar.) a wolf saliant az. within a bordure engr. sa.
21) (Cole Park, Malmesbury, Wilts. Confirmed to Peter Audley David Arthur Pugh-Lovell, Esq., of Colo Park). 1st and 4th, Lovell: Ar. on a chev. az. betw three squirrels sejant gu. each cracking a nut ppr. a garb or all betw. two flaunches of the second; 2nd and 3rd, Pugh: Or, a lion pass. guard. sa. holding in the dexter forepaw a fleur-de-lis gu., a fleur-de-lis in base, also sa. a chief of the last, thereon two fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crests—A garb fessewise or, thereon a squirrel sejant gu. cracking a nut ppr.; 2nd, Pugh: On a rock ppr. a lion pass. guard. sa. seme de lis, and holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis, or. Motto—Propositi tenax.

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