Lowe Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Lowe Surname Name Meaning, Origin, History, & Etymology
This last name, which is found in many European countries (primarily England, Scotland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands) has six origin theories or meanings. First, it is a topographic (geographic) name denoting a person who lived “at the low”, i.e. a hill. In this theory, it derives from the word hlaw or Old English word hlǽw, meaning a prominent small hill, barrow/burial mound, or heap of stones. Second, it may derive from the Old Norse word lagr, meaning short or low, and hence was a nickname given to a person of such stature. Interestingly, one source asserts it was the opposite, and that the nickname was borne by a person who was tall. Third, it may derive from the Norman French word lou, or Old French loup, meaning wolf, and a nickname borne by a person who displayed the attributes (intuitive? intelligent? recluse? ferocious?) of this animal or had physical facial features reminiscent of this animal. Fourth, and similar to the last theory, it may derive from the medieval word lewo, meaning lion, and was a nickname for a person who attributed the features of a lion (ex. brave, regal), which may be related or connected to the Ashkenazi Jewish word leyb and the Lion of Judah (a symbol of the Hebrew tribe of Judah, mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the Torah and Holy Bible). In this case, it is a spelling variant of the German surname Löwe and Loewe. The1857 book Surnames, by Bernard Homer Dixon, states the name is German for lion, deriving from the city of Lowenstein, meaning the Lion’s castle. The Middle High German word is lewe or louqe, and the Old High German word is lewo or louwo. Fifth, the name may be of Scottish ancestry and developed as a shortened or reduced form of the old masculine given person (first) name Lawrence, a name that ultimately derives from the Roman cognomen Laurentius, meaning from Laurentum, a city in ancient Italy, assumed to have derived its name from the laurel branch, a symbol of victory. Sixth, in some cases, it may be a weak spelling variant of the Celtic names Lough or Loch, according to Henry Harrison, in his 1912 book, Surnames of the United Kingdom. One source asserts this family came from Normany to Worcestershire, England after the Norman Invasion of the British Isles of 1066 AD, and that another branch of the family tree was later located in Alderwasley in Derbyshire. The book A Topographical Dictionary of England, written by Samuel Lewis in 1848, states the following: “The Le Foune or Fawne family held lands here in the reign of Henry III, and their heiress intermarried with the Lowes, who obtained a grant of the manor from Henry VIII”.

Spelling Variations
Some spelling variants or names with similar etymologies include Low, Lowes, Lowey, Lowie, Loewe, Louwe, Leeb (German), Lob/Lobe (Alsace, France), Leu, Louw (Dutch), and Lev (Czech).

Eveline M. Lowe
Eveline M. Lowe, Justice of the Peace (1869-1956)

Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Lowe ranks 264th in popularity in the United Status as of the 2000 Census. The name ranks particularly high in the following three states: Tennessee, West Virginia, and Indiana. The surname Lowe frequency/commonness ranks as follows in the British Isles: England (161st), Scotland (378th), Wales (290th), Ireland (719th) and Northern Ireland (842nd). In England, it ranks highest in county Derbyshire. In Scotland, the surname ranks highest in Kinross-shire. In Wales, it ranks highest in Montgomeryshire. In Ireland, it ranks highest in Westmeath. In Northern Ireland, it ranks highest in county Armagh. The name is also present throughout the remainder English speaking world:  Canada (476th), New Zealand (205th), Australia (188th), and South Africa (1,182nd). The 1890 book Homes of Family Names by H.B. Guppy, states the following in regard to this surname: A family of Lowe has been settled in Upton for several hundred years”.

Early Bearers of the Surname
The earliest known bearer of this surname was John le Lu who was documented in the Pipe Rolls of Gloucestershire in 1207 AD. The Hundred Rolls of 1273 AD, a census of Wales and England, known in Latin as Rotuli Hundredorum lists two bearers of this surname: Ralph de la Lowe (county Salop) and Hugh de la Lowe (Herefordshire). A one Crist atte Lowe was recorded in county Somerset in 1327 AD according to Kirby’s Quest. Thomas del, Thomas, and George were all mayors of Macclesfield, Cheshire, England in 1430, 1448, and 1607 AD, respectively.

Lowe Family Tree & Lowe Genealogy


Low of Sunvale
The lineage of this family traces back to one Simon Low, who arrived in Ireland around 1750. His second son, Peter Low, of Lowtown, Limerick, was a Justice of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant, who in 1811, married Louisa, daughter of Sir Richard Butler, Baronet of Garryhundon and Ballintemple, county Carlow, having had the following issue prior to his 1842 death: John (discussed in detail below), Richard Butler (Captain 53rd Regiment, married Anna Westropp of Mellon, had two sons and three daughters), Henry, Sarah (married William Mussenden of Larchfield), Elizabeth (married Frederick Thomas Jessop of Doory Hall), Louisa (married Thomas Waring of Waringfield), Kate (married Robert Ruttledge of Bloomfield), and Henrietta (married Charles George Mahon of Mount Pleasant).  His first son, John Low, Esquire of Sunvale, county Limerick, Ireland, was a Justice of the Peace, Deputy Lieutenant, High Sheriff, and Barrister-at-Law who was born in 1813. In 1841, he married Sophia Georgiana, daughter of George Mahon of Mount Pleasant and Lady Anne Browne, with whom he had four children as follows: George Peter (1843, Captain of 8th Hussars, graduated from Oriel College Oxford), John Maxwell (Captain in the 46th Regiment), Sophia Georgiana, and Henrietta Catherine (married W.J. Scarlett in 1868, had sons and daughters with him). This family was seated at Sunvale, Kilmallock, county Limerick, Ireland, in the British Isles.

Highfield House
Highfield House

Lowe of Highfield
This branch of the Lowe family tree traces back to a family long established in county Chester, England who appears to have originally been seated in the eastern part of said county, the name deriving from an old mansion there called The Lowe. The Low genealogy goes all the back to William del Low, who is documented in ancient charters having owned lands in Macclesfield in 1392 AD. He had a son named Thomas who was an Alderman and Mayor of said town and was the brother of Thomas, who died in 1514, leaving a son named Geoffrey. This Geoffrey married Margaret, daughter of Sir Peter Lewgh of Lyme. In turn, his son was Peter del Lowe, who settled in the area of Northwich, Chester. He had three sons: Thomas, William, and Lawrence. Thomas married Joane, daughter of Thomas Fawne, Lord of Alderwasley, Lawrence was the progenitor of the Lowes of Denby and Locke Park, county Derby, and William continued the line for several generations in Chapelry of Witton. Another son, George, left an only daughter and heiress named Margaret, who in 1749, married William Swetenham of Somerford Booths, and held lands in Macclesfield, Pexhall, and Bollington. Another descendant of William was John Lowe of Hartford, Chester, England who was born around 1657. He married a woman named Eleanor and had the following children with her: George (of Hartford, inherited lands at Hartford and Northwich, married Elizabeth Coulthurst, had a son named John who married Mary Eaton and had issue with her named John, Robert, Nathaniel, George, Mary, and Elizabeth), Robert (of Newton Hall, married Eleanor Gerard of Crewood Hall, had sons named John and Samuel), William (died young around 1617), and John. His youngest son, John Lowe, was of The Hulse, Chester, who in 1635, married Ursula, daughter of Ottiwell Broome, of Lostock Graham, and had a son with her named William. William, also of The Hulse, was born around 1638. He in turn had issue, including a son named Joshua. This Joshua Lowe was born in 1660 and in 1692, he married Joane, daughter and co-heiress of Edward Banester, Gentleman of Allostock, and had numerous issue with her, including: William (of the Hulse), Joshua (of Wincham, Chester, married Sarah Willcoxon of Sproston Hall), Edward (inherited his elder brother’s estates), John (of Nether Knutsford, married Mary, daughter of John Twemlow, Gentleman of Arelyd, had a son named John), and Daniel. His youngest son, Reverend Daniel Lowe, educated at the University of Glasgow, Scotland was born in 1696 and settled at Loscoe and later Norton, county Derby, England (modern day United Kingdom and Great Britain). In 1736, he married Elizabeth, daughter of John Mather of Shipley, and fathered seven children with her as follows: Joseph, Daniel (of Aldermanbury), Joshua, William, Hannah, Elizabeth (married Reverend Peter Robinson), and Urith (married Samuel Hardman of Manchester and had issue with her). His eldest son, Joseph Lowe, was an Esquire of Highfield in county Nottingham, Justice of the Peace, and Alderman who was born in August 1737. In 1765, he married Sarah, only daughter and heiress of James Hurst of Hurst and Elizabeth Wilson. He died in 1810 and was succeeded by his only son, Joseph. This Joseph Hurt Lowe, Esq. of Highfield, was born in 1766. In 1788, he married Elizabeth, daughter of George Lagstaffe of Auckland, county Durham, and had five issue with her: Alfred, Sydney (of Beeston), Elizabeth (died in her infancy), Elizabeth (married William Surplice of Woodville), and Sarah Hurst (married Robert Allan Brothers). His eldest son Alfred was an Esquire of Highfield and Justice of the Peace born in August of 1789. In 1812, he married Charlotte Octavia, daughter of Edward Swann of Nottingham, and fathered three sons and two daughters with her as follows: Alfred Hurst (Major of the Royal Sherwood Foresters or Nottinghamshire Militia, married Eleanor May Shepherd of  Cottingham, York, and had issue with her named Alfred Joseph, Edward Robert who died in Lagos, Arthur William, Sydney Armerin, Eleanor Mary Charlotte, Louisa Agnes, and Augusta Eleanor), Edward Joseph (succeeded to the family estates), Arthur Swann Howard (Colonel of the Royal Sherwood Foresters, married Louisa Ruth Harris Courtauld of Gosfield Hall, had sons named Arthur Courtauld Willoughby and Edward Aubrey Courtauld), Charlotte Lavinia (married William Winstaley of Chaigeley Manor, had issue), and Marianna Agnes. His son Edward Joseph, or Joseph Edward Low, Esquire of Highfield House, county Nottingham, was born in 1825 and became a Justice of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant. In 1849, he married Anne, daughter of George Allcock of Nottingham, and had two issue with her: Aldred Edward Lawson (Senior Captain of the Royal Sherwood Forester or Nottinghamshire Regiment, married Gertrude Emily Otter, had issue named Percival Edward Hurst born in 1873 and Gertrude Gwenllyan). He was a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Royal Astronomical, Meteorological, Geological, and Zoological Societies who authored several scientific works. The ancient Lowe Coat of Arms (mistakenly called the Lowe Family Crest) by some: Gules, two wolves passant argent. A more modern version is blazoned as follows: Argent, on a bend engrailed azure three wolves’ heads erased of the first, within a bordure engrailed of the second, quartering Hurst, Wilson, and Smith. Crest: A wolf passant argent collared and chained gules the chain reflexed over the back. This branch of the Lowe family tree was seated at Highfield House, near Nottingham, England.

Lowe of Locko
This family of Denby and Locko was originally from county Chester, and derive from the marriage of Lawrence Lowe, Serjeant-at-Arms, with the heiress of Rosell, county Denby sometime in the 1400s AD. The last male heir of this line was Richard Lowe, Esquire of Locko, who died in 1785, having given his estates to his relative, William Drury, who assumed the surname and arms of Lowe in 1791 in addition to his original last name. William Drury Holden, Esquire, son of Robert Holden of Darley Abbey and Mary Drury-Lowe, was a Justice of the Peace, Deputy Lieutenant, and Esquire born in 1802. He succeeded the Locke estate as heir to his grandfather, William Drury-Lowe, and in consequence assumed the additional surname of Drury-Lowe. In 1827, he married the Honorable Caroline Esther Curzon, youngest daughter of Nathaniel, 2nd Lord of Scarsdale, and had had eight children with her as follows: William Drury Nathaniel (discussed below), Drury Curzon (Captain of the 17th Lancers), Robert Henry (Captain and Brevet-Major Grenadier Guards, married Ellen Senhouse of Netherall), Vincent Francis Keppel, Richard Curzon Sherwin, Felicia, Florence Catherine (married Francis Nicholas Smith). He died in 1877. His son William Drury Nathaniel Drury-Lowe was an Esquire of Locko Park, county Derby, England, as well as a Justice of the Peace and Captain of the 11th Hussars who was born in 1828. In 1876, he married Lucy, eldest daughter of Francis Jack, Viscount Newry, eldest of Francis Jack of Kilmorey. The Lowe Coat of Arms (erroneously referred to as the Lowe Family Crest or Lowe Family Shield by those unfamiliar with heraldry and genealogy) is blazoned as follows: Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Lowe: Azure, a hart trippant argent; 2nd and 3rd, Drury: Argent, on a chief vert two mullets or, each charged with an annulet azure. Crests: 1st, Lowe: A wolf passant argent,; 2nd, Drury: A greyhound courant sable gorged with a plain collar or, and charged with two mullets gold.


Lieutenant-General Sir Drury Curzon Drury-Lowe (1830-1908)

The lineage or ancestry of this line traces back to William Low of Kirreimuit, who married Janet, daughter of Alexander Morrison of Kirriemuir, and had four issue with her as follows: Sir James, William (of Belbo, married Isabella Sands Alexander, had issue), Mary (married Sir John Leng, Member of Parliament), and Annie (married William Rerrie of Connonsythe). The elder son, Sir James Low, 1st Baronet, was a Deputy Lieutenant, Justice of the Peace, and Lord Provost of Dundee who was born in 1849. He was Knighted in 1895 and made a Baronet in 1908. In May of 1890, he married Katherine Mary Duff, daughter of William Munro of Dundee, and had issue with her: James Morrison (Lieutenant of the Seaforth Highlanders, died in action in 1916), Walter John (2nd Baronet), Katherine Mary, and Emily. He died in 1923 and was succeeded by his only surviving son, Walter. Sir Walter John Morrison-Low, 2nd Baronet, of Kilmarton, county Fife, Scotland, in modern day United Kingdom or Great Britain in the British Isles of Europe, was a Justice of the Peace who was a Major in the army who fought in both World War I and II, having been born in May of 1899. He was educated at Harrow and succeeded his father in 1923, where by deed poll, he assumed the surname of Morrison-Low in place of Low. In September 1924, he married Dorthoy Ruth Quincy, of Inglewood, Kent, and had two sons with her: James Richard (1925) and Colin John (1928). The Low Coat of Arms or armorial (incorrectly called the Low Family Crest)l is blazoned in the medieval European art of heraldry as follows: Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Low, Argent, two wolves counter-passant sable, armed and langued gules, on a chief gules, three fleur-de-lis of the first; 2nd and 3rd, Morrison, Per chevron or and ermine three Saracens’ heads couped at the neck proper, turbaned vert. Crests: An eagle’s head couped between two thistles proper (Low); A Saracen’s head proper, turbaned vert (Morrison). Mottoes: Aspera une juvant; Prudentia praestat.

Baronet Lowe
The lineage or genealogy of this family traces back to William Lowe of Edgbaston, a Solicitor, who married Emma, daughter of William Griffiths of Moseley, and had issue with her. He died in 1892. His eldest son was Sir Francis William Lowe, 1st Baronet, a Member of Parliament, Justice of the Peace for Warwick and Birmingham, and a Deputy Lieutenant of Warwick, who was born in 1852. He was Knighted in 1905 and later created a Baronet in 1918. In 1929, he was sworn to the Privy Council of Great Britain. In 1883, he married Mary, daughter of William Holden of Scarborough, and had four children with her as follows: Sir Francis Gordon (2nd Baronet), Arthur Holden (Berrington, Horsell Rise, Woking, married Evelyn Philpot of Bexhill-on-Sea, had sons named Arthur Brian and John Evelyn), John Claude Malcom (served in World War I, later Minister of Home Security, married Winiefred Olsson, had issue named Anthony John, Pauline Muriel, and Elizabeth Sidney), and Dorothy Mary (married Major Robert Harley Egerton Bennett). He died in 1929 and was succeeded by his eldest son. Sir Francis Gordon Lowe, 2nd Baronet, of Edgbaston, in the city of Birmingham, England, was born in June 1884 and educated at Charterhouse and Clare College Cambridge. He served in World War I in Mesopotamia (Iraq?). He was also the owner of Gordon Lowe Sports International Lawn Tennis player and was also a journalist. He succeeded his father in 1929. In 1914, he first married Margaret, daughter of George Manley Sims, and secondly Dorothy Honor, daughter of Colonel Humphry Stephen Woolryche of Croxley, and had a son named Francis Reginald who was born in February 1831. The Lowe Coat of Arms is blazoned as follows: Erminois on a bend engrailed, plain cotised azure, between two Stafford knots sable three wolves’ heads erased or. Crest: A demi-griffin erminois resting the sinister paw on a Stafford knot sable. Motto: Spes meliora. This family resided on Ember Lane, Esher, county Surrey, England, and Brompton, Arcade, Knightsbridge, England.

Sir Francis Lowe
Sir Francis William Lowe, 1st Baronet & MP (1852-1929)

Sir Francis Gordon Lowe
Sir Francis Gordon Lowe, 2nd Baronet & tennis player (1884-1972)

Other Lowe Pedigree & Family Trees
Hans Theobald Lau (born in Sulzthal, Lorraine, Alsace, France in 1680)
Johann Christian Lau (born in Sultzhal, France in 1696, went to colonial America)
Johann Phillip Lau (born in Lembach, France in 1722, went to colonial America with father). He married Maria Magdalena Margreth Gentlzer and had issue with her, including Henrich Lau or Low and Michael Lowe Sr.  His son Michael Lowe “Grand Mickey” was born in Tulpohocken, Pennsylvania in 1771 He married Maria Elisabetha Bordner and had four issue with her: Michael Jr., Phillip, Elizabeth (Shoopman), and Joseph. His son Michael Jr. was born in Smokey Creek, Tennessee in 1795. He married three times (Catherine Massengale, Christine Carroll, and Martha Thompson) and had numerous issue: Elizabeth (Duncan), Sarah (Duncan), Rainey Wells (Duncan), Louisa (Askins), Keziah Rittie Jane (Adkins), Almira Low (Cross), John, Rebecca J. (Hembree), Henry, Joseph, William, Isaac (Union), Columbus, and Phillip. His son Isaac Union Lowe was born in Scott County, Tennessee in 1861. He married Letha Hembree and had three sons with her: Mordecai D., Reuben, and Robert Job. His son Reuben was born in the same county in 1888. He married Bertha Randolph and had the following issue with her: Virgil U., Dorothy Mae (Easter), Retha V. (Kyle), and James Willard Lowe. His son James Willard Lowe was born in Scott County, TV in April 1933. He married Cledeth Irene Francis in Arkansas in 1856, and had a daughter with her named Margaret prior to his 1997 death in Missouri. His daughter was born in the 1960s and married a member of the King family.

Giles Low was born in Boxford, county Suffolk, England in 1566. He married Cicely Firmin and had a son with her named Thomas. This Thomas Low (or Loe or Lowe) was born in Southhampton, England in 1605. He married Margaret Todd in England and later went to colonial America where he married Susanna Stone in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1648. He had the following children: Thomas Jr. Margaret (Davison), Abigail, John, and Sarah (Safford). His son John was born in  England in 1633 and went to Massachusetts with his father. He married three times (Sarah Thorndike, Dorcas, and Elizabeth Spooford) and had three issue: John, Martha, and Hannah (Hadley). His son John Low was born in Ipswich, MA in 1665. He married Anne Burnham and later Joanna Partridge and had the following issue: John Sr., Anna (Dane), Nathaniel, Mary (Lufkin), and Joanna (Springer). His son John was born in the same town in 1691. He married Anna Mary Anable and had the following issue: Lucy (Dane), John Jr., Anna (Dodge), Stephen, Francis, and Martha (Baldwin). His son Jacob Sr. was born in Stratham, New Hampshire around 1718. He married Sarah Folsom and had several children including: Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary (Cram), Anna Nancy (Sayward), Mehitable, Jacob Jr., and Jeremiah. His daughter Mehitable Low or Lowe was born in the same town in 1762. She had a son named Curtus Coe Taylor who was born in 1789 in Effingham, New Hampshire and in turn had a daughter named Rosanna Taylor who was born in Maine in 1809 and died in 1887.

Early American and New World Settlers
Dorothie Lowe, age 13, came to New England aboard the Truelove in September 1635. Thomas Lowe and his wife had one servant and two slaves, in the town of St. Michael’s, Barbados in 1680.

land grants
land grants to Love’s who served in American Revolution

The book Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers, mentions 16 bearers of this last name:
1) Ambrose Low or Lowe of Hingham, Massachusetts, who in 1688, married Ruth Andrews
2) Andrew Low, New Haven, Connecticut in 1639, married Joan, the widow of Henry Peck, and died in 1670. He had four children.
3) Arthur Lowe or Low of Marshfield, son of John, in 1714, married Elizabeth, likely the daughter of Daniel Crooker, and had three issue with her: Hannah (1717), Elizabeth (1720), and Jeremiah (1735).
4) Francis Low, residence not known, while on the road from Swansey to Boston, was struck and killed by lightning in July 1685.
5) John Low of Boston, 1637, a wheelwright who married Elizabeth, and died in 1653
6) John Low of Sudburg, 1641
7) John Low of Hingham, married, in 1650, Elizabeth, daughter of John Stodder Sr. and September 1659, and later Hannah Lincoln and later Ruth, daughter of Thomas Joy. He had children named John (1655), Elizabeth, and Tabitha.
8) John Low or Lowe of Concord, with wife Lydia, had a son named John in 1661
9) John Low or Lowe of Ipswich, MA, son of Thomas, married Sarah, daughter of John Thorndike
10) John Low or Lowe of Marshfield, married Elizabeth, daughter of Arthur Howland, had issue named Arthur (1665) and Hannah (1670). He was killed by Indians in 1676 at Rehoboth.
11) John Low or Lowe of Warwick, son of Anthony, married 1675, daughter of Zachery Rhoades.
12) Joseph Low or Lowe of Charlestown, a soldier in Moseley’s company who fought in the Battle of Narrangansett in 1675, a town in Rhode Island, a battle in King Philip’s War, also known as The Great Swamp Fight.
13) Richard Low or Lowe of Rye, 1663, one of the first settlers in said locale, was perhaps a merchant of Salem, MA in 1672
14) Robert Low or Low, a vintner (wine server) by occupation in 1649
15) Thomas Low(e) of Ipswich, Massachusetts, 1664, who died in 1677, having sons named Thomas and John, as well as several daughters, whose descendants are said to be numerous.
16) William Low or Lowe of Kettery, a grandjury member in 1662

Other early settlers in colonial America bearing this surname include Jan Bastiansen Lowe (New Netherlands around 1650), Jon Lowe (Virginia 1635), Clemans Lowe (Virginia 1701), Abraham Lowe (Maryland 1716), Henry Lowe Sr. (Maryland 1731), Freiderich Lowe (Pennsylvania 1749), and Johannes Lowe (Pennsylvania 1750).

In Canada, one of the earliest bearers of this last name was John Lowe who came to Nova Scotia in 1749. In Australia, one of the first bearers was George Angell Lowe, a convict from London, who came to New South Wales (then a penal colony) aboard the Albion in 1826. In New Zealand, a family bearing this name came to the city of Wellington in the Bolton in 1840, including A.G., Griffiths, Richard Godfrey, and Ann Lowe.

Early Americans Bearing the Lowe Family Crest
Charles Bolton’s American Armory (1927), Crozier’s General Armory (1904), and Matthew’s American Armoury and Bluebook (1907) do not contain any entries for this surname. This is fairly odd for a name like Lowe that ranks in the top 300 most popular surnames in the United States. It may suggest that more Lowes came in the nineteenth century, when heraldry was less popular, as opposed to the eighteenth century, but this is conjecture on my part.

The Lowe family motto is Spero meliora, which is Latin, meaning “I hope for better things”.

We have 20 coats of arms for the Lowe surname depicted here. These 20 blazons are from Bernard Burke’s book The General Armory of England, Ireland, and Scotland, which was published in 1848. The bottom of this page contains the blazons, and in many instances contains some historical, geographical, and genealogical about where coat of arms was found and who bore it. People with this last name that bore an Lowe Coat of Arms (or mistakenly called the Lowe Family Crest)
1) John Lowe, of Westminster, an Under-Chamberlain of the Court of Exchequer, 25 May 1694
2) Thomas Lowe of Daisybank and Hordes, county Chester, 3 October 1738
3) Lowe, late Drury, William, of county Derby, 1791
4) Lowe, of Worley, Shropshire, and Claverton, county Somerset, 1804
5) Lowe, of Birmingham, 1809. See Jelf.
6) Lowe, late Holden, William, of county Derby and Nottingham, 1849
7) Low to Hill, of Shropshire, and county Worcestershire, 1866

There are hundreds of notable people with the Lowe surname. This page will mention a handful. Famous people with this last name include: 1) Ann Cole Lowe (1898-1981) who was the one of the first African Americans to become a fashion designer, whose designs were popular with high society, born in Clayton, Alabama, 2) Richard Barrett Lowe (1902-1972) who was the 42nd Governor of American Samoa and the 8th Governor of Guam, born in Madison, South Dakota, 3) Robert Hepler Lowe (1964) who is an American from Charlottesville, Virginia who became a teen idol in the 198-s known for his roles in The Outsiders, Oxford Blues, and St. Elmo’s Fire, later known for his role on the TV sitcom Parks and Recreation, 4) Robert Lincoln “Bobby” Lowe (1865-1951) an American baseball player from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, nicknamed Link, who played in the MLB from 1890-1907 for four different teams including the Detroit Tigers and Pittsburgh Pirates, 5) Arthur Lowe (1915-1982) who was an English actor born in Hayfield, Derbyshire best known for his role as Captain Mainwaring in Dad’s Army, 6) David Perley Lowe (1823-1882) who was a member of the US House of Representatives from Kansas, 7) Kevin Hugh Lowe (1959) who was a professional Canadian hockey player who played for the Edmonton Oilers from 1979 to 1998, born in Lachute, Quebec, 8) Cyril Nelson “Kit” Lowe (1891-1983) who was an English rugby footballer and World War I flying ace, born in Holbeach, Lincolnshire, 9) Air Chief Marshal Sir Douglas Charles Lowe (1922) who was a senior commander in the Royal Air Force in the Second World War, and 10) Rachel Tanya Lowe (1977) who is an English board came developed and fashion designer who was appointed to the Member of the Order of the British Empire in 2009.

Robert Lincoln Lowe
Robert Lincoln Lowe

Sir Hudson Lowe
General Sir Hudson Lowe, Governor of St. Helena & “gaoler” of Napoleon (1769-1844)

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

Edward Joseph Lowe
Edward Joseph Lowe (1825-1900)
1) (Lowe, co. Worcester; Thomas Lowe, Esq., of Lowe, was chief of his family temp. Queen Elizabeth). (Bromsgrove, co. Worcester; Very Rev. Thomas Hill Peregrine Furye Lowe, Dean of Exeter, descended from Lowe, of Lowe, quartering Furye). Or, on a bend cotised sa. three wolves’ heads erased of the field. Crest—A demi griffin ramp. or. Motto—Spero meliora.
2) (Highfield, co. Nottingham; a branch of Lowe, of La Lowe, co. Chester, formerly seated at the Hulse, in that co., now represented by Edward Joseph Lowe, Esq., of Highfield, J.P. and D.L., F.R.S., whose great-grandfather, Joseph Lowe, Esq., of Highfield, m. Sarah, dau. and heir of James Horst, Esq., of Hurst, co. Lancaster, by Elizabeth, his wife, sister and co-heir of Joseph Wilson, Esq., of Rivington Hall, and heiress, through her mother, Margaret, of Benjamin Smyth, of Ashton, temp. Charles I.). Ar. on a bend engr. az. three wolves’ heads erased of the first, within a bordure also engr. of the second. Crest—A wolf pass. ar. collared and chained gu. reflexed over the back. Motto—Innocentia quamvis in agro sanguinis.
3) (Southmills, co. Bedford; Her. Off.) Ar. on a bend az. three wolves’ heads erased of the field. Crest—Out of a mural crown gu. a wolf’s head ar. transfixed with a spear or, armed of the second.
4) (Clifton-Reynes, co. Bucks). Same Arms. Crest—A wolf’s head erased ar.
5) (co. Derby). Gu. a hart trippant ar. Crest—A wolf pass. ar.
6) (Walden, co. Essex; descended from Lowe, co. Worcester). Gu. two wolves pass. ar. Crest—An ermine ppr. collared, ringed, and lined gu. Another Crest—A wolf’s head couped ppr. collared and ringed or.
7) (Bromley, co. Kent; and Lord Mayor of London, 1604). Erm. on a bend engr. az. (another, sa.) three cinquefoils or. Crest—A falcon with wings expanded or.
8) (co. Stafford; granted by Cooke, Clarenceux, 1592). Ar. on a bend cotised az. three lions’ heads erased of the field. Crest—A demi griffin segreant erased ar.
9) (Shrewsbury, co. Salop, and Caine, co. Wilts). Gu. a wolf pass. ar. Crest—An ermine pass. ppr .collared or, lined and ringed gu.
10) (Westminster; granted 1694). Quarterly, erm. and or, over all an eagle displ. with two heads vert. Crest—Two keys in saltire or, interlaced with a chaplet ppr.
11) (New Sarum, co. Wilts). Gu. a wolf preyant ar. Crest—A wolf’s head couped ar. collared or.
12) (co. Worcester). Erm. on a bend az. three cinquefoils or.
13) (Denby and Locko, co. Derby, originally from co. Chester; descended from the marriage, temp. Henry VI., of Lawrence Lowe, Serjeant-at-law, with the heiress of Rosell, of Denby. The last male heir, Richard Lowe, Esq., of Locko, d. in 1785, having bequeathed his estates to his kinsman, William Drury, Esq., who assumed in consequence, in 1791, the additional name and arms of Lowe). (Alderwasley, co. Derby; a younger branch of Lowe, of Denby, descended from Thomas Lowe, who m. temp. Henry VII. the heiress of Fowne, of Alderwasley. The heiress of Lowe, of Alderwasley, m. Hurt). Az. a hart trippant ar. Crest—A wolf pass. ar. The Arms of Drury, borne quarterly, are—Ar. on a chief vert two mullets or, each charged with an annulet az. Crest of Drury—A greyhound courant sa. gorged with a piain collar or, and charged with two mullets of the last.
14) (Court of Hill, co. Salop). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. on a bend sinister cotised sa. three wolves’ heads erased of the field, for Lowe, of Bromsgrove; 2nd and 3rd, erm. on a fesse sa. a castle triple-towered ar., for Hill, of Court of Hill. Crest—A demi griffin ramp. or. Motto—Spero meliora.
15) Gu. a fesse erm. betw. two wolves pass. ar.
Robert Lowe
Robert Lowe, 1st Viscount Sherbrooke, Chancellor of the Exchequer (1811-1892)

16) Ar. on a bend engr. az. three wolves’ heads erased of the first, a bordure also engr. of the second.
17) (Stopford, or Stockport, co. Chester; quartered by Starkey). Gu. a wolf pass. ar. on a bend sa. three wolves’ head erased of the first.
18) (alias Fifield) (Thomas Lowe, Alderman of London, Visit. 1568, fourth in descent from John Fifield, alias Lowe). Per fess vert and ar. a pale counterchanged three acorns or.
19) (George Lowe, Registrar of the Prerogative Court, Ireland; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, of his wife, d. 16 Nov. 1623). Ar. on a bend az. three griffins’ heads erased of the field, an annulet for diff.
20) (Viscount Sherbrooke). Gu. three mullets fessewise ar. pierced of the field betw. two wolves pass. of the second. Crest—In front of a wolf’s head erased ppr. gorged with a collar gemel or, two mullets also or pierced gu. Supporters—On the dexter side a wolf ppr. and on the sinister side a bay horse, earh gorged with a chain and therefrom suspended a portcullis or.

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