Ludlow Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Earl of Ludlow, extinct 1842). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a chev. betw. three foxes’ heads erased sa., for Ludlow; 2nd and 3rd, or, on a chief sa. three crescents of the first, for Preston. Crest—A lion ramp. sa. bezantée. Supporters—Two stags reguard. ppr. Motto—Spero infestis metuo secundis.
2) (co. Gloucester). Or, on a fesse sa. betw. three mullets gu. as many crosses crosslet of the field.
3) (Morehouse, co. Salop). Or, a lion ramp. (another, pass.) sa. armed and langued gu.
4) (co. Salop). Az. three lions pass. in pale ar. (another, two lions pass. guard. ar.).
5) (Wales). Or, a lion ramp. sa. betw. three tor¬teaux.
6) (Hill Deverill, co. Wilts). Ar. a chev. betw. three bears’ heads erased sa. Crest—A demi bear ramp. sa.
7) (Heywood House, co. Wilts). Same Arms. Crest—A lion ramp. Another Crest—A dexter arm embowed in armour, holding in the hand a battle axe all ppr. Motto—Nec temere, nec timide.
8) (co. Wilts). Ar. a fesse betw three horses’ heads erased sa.
9) Or, three lions pass. reguard. az. (another, sa.; another, tinctures reversed).
10) Az. three lions ramp. guard. in pale ar.
11) Ar. a lion ramp. sa. on the shoulder a gutté d’or.
12) Ar. a lion ramp. sa. in the dexter paw a torteau.
13) Gu. a lion pass. and bordure engr. ar.

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