MacDonnell Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Glengarry; descended from Reginald, of Glengarry, son of John, Lord of the Isles, temp. David Bruce; arms confirmed, 1870, to the heir male, Aeneas Ranald Westrop MacDonell). (Lord Macdonell and Arrass). Or, an eagle displ. gu. surmounted by a lymphad sa. sails furled and rigged ppr. in the dexter chief a dexter hand couped of the second, in the sinister a cross crosslet fitchée of the third. Crest—A raven ppr. perched on a rock az., motto over, Cragan an Fhithich. Supporters—Two bears, each having an arrow pierced through the body all ppr. Motto—Per mare, per terras.
2) (Sir John MacDonell, G.C.B., brother of Glengarry, 1856). As Glengarry, within a bordure gu. Same Crest and Motto.
3) (Morar, co. Inverness, 1860). Per chev. or and vert, in dexter chief a dexter hand fessways couped at the wrist gu. in sinister chief a cross crosslet fitchée of the third, and in base a two-headed eagle with wings displ. of the first, surmounted of a galley also of the first, sails furled and rigged sa. Crest—A raven perching on a rock ppr. Mottoes—Over the crest: Faieilleach; below the shield: Per mare, per terras.
4) (Earl of Antrim). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, McDonnell, quarterly, 1st, or, a lion ramp. gu., 2nd, or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fess point out of a cloud ppr. in the hand a cross crosslet fitchee erect az., 3rd, ar. a lymphad, sails furled sa., 4th, per fesse az. and vert a dolphin naiant in fess ppr.; 2nd and 3rd, Kerr, quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. a sun in splendour or, 2nd, gu. on a chev. ar. three mullets of the field, 3rd, sa. on a chev. betw. three unicorns’ heads ar. as many mullets of the field. Crests—1st, McDonnell: A dexter arm embowed fessways, couped at the shoulder, vested or, cuff ar. holding in the hand a cross crosslet fitchée erect az.; 2nd, Kerr: A sun in splendour or. Supporters—Dexter, a savage wreathed about the temples and loins with ivy all ppr.; sinister, a falcon, wings inverted ppr. beaked, membered, and belled or. Motto—Sero sed serio.
5) (Murlough and Kilmore, in Glens of Antrim, of the Clan Ian Vohr; descended from Coll Kittagh, Chief of the Clan Ian Vohr, put to death by Argyll in 1647). Quarterly, 1st, or, a lion ramp. gu.; 2nd, or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fesse point out of a cloud ppr. in the hand a cross crosslet fitchée erect az.; 3rd, ar. a lymphad, sails furled sa.; 4th, per fesse az. and vert a dolphin naiant ppr. Crest—A dexter arm embowed fessewise, at the shoulder, vested or. cuff ar. holding in the hand a cross crosslet fitchée erect az. Motto—Toujours prêt.
6) (Dublin, bart., extinct 1875; Right Hon. Alexander McDonnell, Q.C., of the Murlough family, was created a bart. 1872, in consideration of his long and distinguished career in the public service, d. s. p.). Quarterly, 1st, or, a lion ramp. gu.; 2nd, or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fesse point out of a cloud ppr. in the hand a cross crosslet fitchée erect az.; 3rd, ar. a lymphad sails furled sa.; 4th, per fesse az. and vert a dolphin naiant ppr. on the centre point over all a trefoil slipped also ppr. Crest—A dexter arm emhowed fesseways, vested or, cuffed ar. the hand holding a cross crosslet fitchée erect az. the arm charged with a trefoil slipped ppr. Motto—Toujours prêt.
7) (Moye, co. Antrim, bart., forfeited 1690; Alexander Mac Donnell, ninth son of Sir James McGorley Boye Mac Donnell, brother of Randal, first Earl of Antrim, was created a bart. 1687; Sir Randal Mac Donnell, third bart., adhered to James II., and was attainted). Or, a lion ramp. gu.
8) (Connaught; arms from a monument in MacDonnell’s Chapel, Ross Abbey, co. Galway). Az. an ancient galley, sails set and flags flying ar. betw. in chief a cross calvary on three grieces or, betw. in the dexter an increscent of the second, and in the sinister a dexter hand couped at the wrist apaumée ppr. and in base a salmon naiant also of the second. Crest—A unicorn pass. gu. Motto—His vinces.
9) (confirmed to Rev. Richard Mac Donnell, D.D., Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, and the descendants of his grandfather, Richard Mac Donnell, of Peacockstown, со. Meath). Quarterly, 1st, or, a lion ramp. gu.; 2nd, or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fess point out of a cloud ppr. in the hand a cross crosslet fitchée erect az.; 3rd, ar. a lymphad sails furled sa.; 4th, per fess az. and vert a dolphin naiant in fess ppr. in the centre point over all a cross pattée per fess gu. and erminois. Crest—A dexter arm embowed fessways, vested or, cuffed ar. the hand holding a cross crosslet fltehée erect az. the arm charged with a cross pattée gu Motto—Toujours pret.
10) (Armstrong-MacDonnell; exemplified to William Edward Armstrong, of New Hall and Kilkee, со. Clare, J.P., D.L., third son of William Henry Armstrong М.Р., of Mount Heaton, King’s co., by Bridget, his wife, only dau. of Col. Charles Mac Donnell, M.P., of New Hall and Kilkee, on his assuming by royal licence, 1858, the additional surname and arms of Mac Donnell). Quarterly, 1st and 4th grand quarters, for Mac Donnell, 1st and 4th, or, a lion ramp. gu., 2nd, or, a dexter arm issuant from the sinister fess point out of a cloud ppr. in the hand a cross crosslet fitchée erect az., 3rd, ar. a lymphad, sails furled sa., 4th, per fess az. and vert a fish naiant in fess ppr. on the centre point a crescent gu.; 2nd and 3rd grand quarters, for Armstrong, gu. three dexter arms vambraced and embowed ppr. hands clenched also ppr. in the centre chief point a mullet or. Crests—1st, Mac Donnell: A dexter arm embowed fessways, vested or, cuffed ar. the hand holding a cross crosslet fitchée erect az. the arm charged with a crescent gu.; 2nd, Armstrong: A dexter arm vambraced fessways and embowed ppr. charged with a mullet gu. the hand grasping an armed leg couped at the thigh and bleeding also ppr. Motto—Toujours prêt.
