MacDowall Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

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Origins of MacDowall:
This notable Scottish clan surname is noted in many forms such as MacDowal, MacDowall, MacDoual, McDugald, McDougal, McDuall, McDill, McDool, and McCool. It is an anglicized form of the Old Gaelic “MacDubhghaill,” a cognomen surname of pre 13th century. The origin is from the male given the name “Dubhghall,” comprised of the components “dubh,” which means black or dark, and “gall,” which means a guest. It said that this frequently was used as a nickname for Scandinavians, and inappropriate to distinguish the darker-haired Danes from fair-haired Norwegians. The McDougall tribe settled from one, Dugall, the eldest son of Somerled of the Islands, a family described by the late Dr. Alexander Carmichael as “one of the most humble and respected families in Scotland.” Early records of the surname contain Robert M’Kowele, Lord of Karsnelohe, Ayrshire in 1370 and Fergus Macdowylle of Roxburghshire in 1374. While, John and Michael McDill were “respited” for murder in 1526. They were Supporters of the famous Lord of Cassilis, who was making an unsuccessful bid for the chair of Scotland. Other records include Ewin M’Dougall of Dunaverty, Argyllshire, in 1647, Francis Thomas McDougall, the Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight, England in 1874, and Sir Patrick Leonard MacDoughall (1819 – 1894), a famous general in the British Army. The first noted spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Duncan MacKowle, the founder of the Priory of Ardchattan. It was dated 1230, in the “Medieval Records of Argyllshire,” during the period of Alexander 11, King of Scotland, 1214 – 1249.
More common variations are: Macdowwall, McDowall, Macdowal, Macdowll, MacDowell, Macdouall, McDowall, McDowll, Macdowl, Macdoll
The surname MacDowall first appeared in Galloway (Gaelic: Gall-ghaidhealaibh), an area of southwestern Scotland, now part of the Council Area of Dumfries and Galloway, that previously consisted of the divisions of Wigtown (West Galloway) and Kirkcudbright (East Galloway), where they held a family seat from old times and their first records developed on the early poll rolls derived by the early Kings of Britain to decide the rate of taxation of their questions.
Many of the people with the surname MacDowall had moved to Ireland during the 17th century.
United States of America:
Some of the people with the name MacDowall, who arrived in the United States in the 19th century included Andrew MacDowall and his Wife settled in Charleston in the year 1821.
Some of the individuals with the surname MacDowall who landed in Australia in the 19th century included Mary MacDowall arrived in Adelaide, Australia aboard the ship “Rajah” in the year 1849.
Some of the population with the surname MacDowall who arrived in New Zealand in the 19th century included William MacDowall, Robert MacDowall, Jessie MacDowall and Clementina MacDowall, all arrived in Wellington, New Zealand aboard the ship “Bengal Merchant” in the year 1840.
Here is the population distribution of the last name MacDowall: United States 257; England 134; Canada 131; Sweden 73; Scotland 39; Australia 39; New Zealand 28; Jersey 2; Ireland 1; Norway 1.
Notable People:
Duncan MacDowall (born 1963), was an old English professional football player.
Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) (impaled by Richard Plunkett, Esq., of Gibstown, temp. James I.). Az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or.
2) (Garthland, co. Wigton). Motto—Vincere vel mori. Az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or. Crest—A lion’s paw erased and erect ppr.
3) (Castle Semple, co. Renfrew, and Garthland, cadet of the last). Motto—Fortis in arduis. As the last, with a crescent of the second in chief for diff. Crest—A lion’s paw erased and erect, and holding a dagger ppr.
4) (London and Scotland, 1680).Motto—Vincam vel moriar. Az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned with an antique crown or, within a bordure chequy of the first and second. Crest—A lion’s gamb erect and erased ppr. holding an olive branch vert.
5) (Logan, co. Wigton). Mottoes—Above the crest: Usurpari nolo; below the shield: Victoria. Az. a lion ramp. ar. gorged with an antique crown or. Crest—A tiger’s head erased, crowned with an imperial crown, with a lion’s paw issuing from a cloud grasping the crown from the tiger’s head ppr. Supporters—Two lions crowned with antique crowns ppr.
6) (Portugal, 1767). Motto—Sic itur ad astra. Az. a lion ramp. ar. gorged with an antique crown or, a bordure counter-compony gu. and of the last. Crest—A lion ramp. holding in his paw a sword erect ppr.
7) (Neilsland, Scotland). Per fesse wavy az. and or. on the first a lion ramp. ar. gorged with an antique crown vert.
8) (Frengh, co. Wigton). Mottoes—Over the crest: Vincet vel mori; under the arms: Pro Deo, Rege, et Patria. Az. a lion ramp. ar. gorged with an antique crown and imperially crowned or. Crest—A lion’s gamb erect and erased. Supporters—Two wild men wreathed about the head and middle with laurel, holding in their hands flaming daggers pointing upward all ppr.
9) (Crichen co. Wigton). Az. a lion ramp. ar. gorged with an antique crown or, on a canton ar. a hart’s head cabossed gu. Crest and Motto, as of Logan.
10) (Culgroat, co. Wigton). Az. a lion ramp. ar. gorged with an antique crown or, within a bordure of the second charged with eight sinister bands couped gu. Crest, as M’Dowall, of Logan.
11) (Stodrig, co. Roxburgh). Motto—Vincere vel mori. Az. a lion ramp. ar. gorged with an open crown or, holding betw. the paws a man’s heart ppr. Crest—A lion’s gamb.
12) (Edinburgh). Motto—Vincere vel mori. Az. a lion ramp. ar. ducally crowned or, on a canton of the second three piles gu. Crest—A demi lion ar. royally crowned or.
13) (an Irish Sept in Ulster, descended of the race of Mac Donnel; Reg. Ulster’s Office). Az. a lion ramp. ar. crowned or, ducally gorged gu. Crest—A lion ramp. or, crowned gu.