Marcel Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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One source claims the surname Marcel was first found in Dauphiny or Dauphine, a former province in France. Another source also claims the name is Hungarian as well as French. It derives from the Latin personal name Marcellus, a diminutive of Marcus, a first name born by a missionary to Gaul (the Roman name for France) in the 200s AD who was martyred at Bourges.

There are numerous spelling variations of this last name, including, but not limited to, Marcell, Marcele, Marceles, Marrcels, de Marcel, Marrcel, and Marrcelles. Early settlers to the United States with this surname include Julius Marcel (San Francisco 1851) and a one Mr. Marcel (Philadelphia 1805).

A one Jean dit Dauhpine Marcel (or Marceil or Marcelle) was born in 1753 in either France or St. Charles, Louisiana. He married Marie Charlotte Oubre in 1773. He had four children: Jean Baptiste, Theotista, Nicolas, and Jacques. Jacques was born in 1784 in Point Coupee, Louisiana. Nicolas was born in 1782.

Notable people bearing this surname include: 1) Etienne Marcel (1302-1358) who was Provost of the merchants of Paris under King John II of France, 2) Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973) who was a French philosopher from Paris who was a Christian existentialist, and 3) Jean-Jacques Marcel (1931-2014) who was a French soccer (football) player from Brignoles.

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

Étienne Marcel
Étienne Marcel, provost of the merchants of Paris (c. 1306-1358)
1) Mayorque – Sous un ciel d’azur une mer au naturel surmontée de six étoiles d’argent 1 2 1 et 2 posées au canton dextre du chef; English: Under a sky azure a sea proper, surmounted by six etoiles argent – arranged 1, 2, 1 and 2, placed in the dexter chief canton.
2) Lausanne – D’azur à la bande bretessée d’argent acc de deux haches du même English: Azure a bend embattled [on both sides] argent, accompanied by two axes of the same.
3) Provence – Écartelé d’argent et d’or à la croix de Lorraine de sable brochant sur le tout English: Quarterly argent and or, a cross Lorraine sable, covering overall.
4) Paris – D’azur à trois griffons d’or à la bande losangée d’argent et de gueules English: Azure three griffins or, a bend lozenge argent and gules.
5) Dauphiné – D’or à la bande de gueules ch de trois croissants d’argent English: Or a bend gules, charged with three crescents argent.
6) Belgique, Harlem – (Comm. de M. Benier) – De gueules à cinq losanges d’argent 2 1 et 2 English: Gules with five lozenges argent – arranged 2, 1 and 2.
7) Languedoc – (Arm. gén. de 1696) Antoine , marchand à Uzès. – D’azur à une main dextre d’argent fraisée du même mouvant du bas du flanc senestre tenant une épée d’argent garnie d’or en pal English: Azure with a dexter hand argent, semee of fresiers of the same, coming from the sinister base flank, holding a sword argent, hilt and pommell or palewise.
8) Ile-de-France – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 d’argent à une croix de Lorraine de sable aux 2 et 3 d’or à la bande d’azur ch de trois étoiles du champ English: Quarterly: 1st and 4th argent with a cross Lorraine sable; 2nd and 3rd or a bend azure, charged with three etoiles of the field.
9) dit Lauwereys – P. de Louvain – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 de gueules à cinq losanges d’argent 2 1 et 2 au 2 d’or à trois pals de gueules et un canton d’hermine au 3 de sable à trois fers de moulin d’or English: Quarterly: 1st and 4th gules with five lozenges argent – arranged 2, 1 and 2; 2nd or three palets gules and a canton ermine; 3rd sable three mill rinds or.
Battle of Boyne
Battle of Boyne, 1690, Meath, Ireland

10) de Blain – Provence – Adjonction du nom de Blain en vertu de testament 21 mars 1598) Barons du Poët. Sgrs. de La Batée-Roland, Savasse, Bartrag. Originaire de Montélimar – De gueules à trois bandes d’argent celle du milieu chargée de trois molettes (8) de sable English: Gules three bends argent, that in the middle charged with three mullets of 8 points sable.
11) de Maurepas – Bretagne – Coupé au 1 de gueules à la bande d’azur ch de trois fleurs-de-lis d’or au 2 d’argent à une croix de Lorraine de sable English: Per fess: 1st gules a bend azure, charged with three fleur-de-lys or; 2nd argent with a cross Lorraine sable
12) de Saint-Andéol – Dauphiné, Comtat-Venaissin – D’argent à la bande de gueules ch de trois croissants du champ English: Argent a bend gules, charged with three crescents of the field.
13) (Languedoc, France, afterwards of Waterford, Anthony Marcell, an Officer in the Army of William III., was killed at the battle of the Boyne, 1690, leaving a son Lewis Marcell, who was b. at Uzea, in Languedoc, was naturalized by Act of Parliament 13 Queen Anne, and settled in Waterford. By Magdalen Vignolles, his wife, he leit two sons, who both d.s.p.,and as many daus., Jane Mary, in. Major Henry Conran, and Blandina, m. John Strahan). Az. a chev. ar. betw. in chief a dexter arm in fesse couped below the elbow the hand grasping a dagger point upwards all ppr. and in base a trefoil slipped of the second. Crest—A demi eagle issuant ppr.

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