Merrick Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Norcote, co. Middlesex, and London; Christopher Merrick, gent., of Norcote, and John and Robert Merrick, of London, sons of Christopher Merrick, Esq., of Norcote, tbe son of Richard Merrick, co. Gloucester. Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Az. a fess wavy or, in chief two mullets of the last, quartering, 1st, erm. on a chev. az. three lions ramp. ar.; 2nd, per bend az. and sa. three bezants. Crest—A sea lion couchant or, betw. the fins a mullet az.
2) (Bollitree, co. Hereford). Gu. a fesse wavy or, in chief two mullets ar.
3) (Sir Francis Merrick, knighted at Dublin by Robert, Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant, 5 Aug. 1599). Per fess or and sa. two palets counterchanged, on a fess gu. three mullets of the first.
4) (Bodorgan, co. Anglesey; descended from the marriage of Einiawn Sais AP David, Usher of the Palace at Sheen, temp, Henry V. and Henry VI., with Eva, dau. and heiress of Meredydd AP Cadwgan, of Bôdorgan; Einiawn Sais, who derived his descent from Cadaval Ynad, Judge of the Court of Powis, temp. King John, obtained an augmentation to his arms for his services in France; represented by Hetrick, of Bodorgan). Sa. on a chev. ar. betw. three staves raguly or, inflamed ppr. a fleur-de-lis az. betw two Cornish choughs ppr. Creat—On a tower or, a Cornish chough ppr. holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis az.
5) (Prince of Cardigan). Sa. a lion ramp. ar.
