Strutt Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Little Warley Hall, co. Essex, bart., extinct 1648; descended from Godfried Strutz de Hinkelred, Chief of the Swiss Auxiliaries, who obtained a charter of freedom A.D. 1240; Sir Denner Strutt, Knt., of Little Warley, waa created a bart. 1641, left two daus. his co-heirs; Lord Rayleigh descends from his brother). Sa. a chev. ar. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchée or.
2) (Baron Rayleigh). Sa. a chev. ar. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchée or. Crest—A demi lion az. gorged with a mural crown or, holding in the dexter paw a cross crosslet fitchée, and resting the sinister on a shield sa. charged with a chev. ar. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchée or. Supporters—Dexter, a reindeer or, collared and attired sa.; sinister, a monkey ppr. banded about the middle and chained or.
3) (Baron Belper). Per pale sa. and az. two chevronels engr. betw. three crosses crosslet fitchée or. Crest—In front of rays of the sun ppr. a cubit arm erect vested bendy of six or and sa. cuffed ar. in the hand a roll of paper ppr. Supporters—On either side a leopard ppr. gorged with a collar gemel az. therefrom pendent an escutclicon also az. charged with a cross crosslet fitchée or. Motto—Propositi tenax.
4) (Westminster, co. Middlesex; granted 1772). Sa. a chev. erminois betw. three crosses crosslet fitchée or. Crest—A dexter arm embowed erect, couped at the elbow, vested sa. cuffed erminois, charged on the sleeve with a cross crotslct fitchée or, holding in the hand a roll of parchment ppr.
