Tomlinson Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Birdford, co. York). Per pale vert and ar. three greyhounds courant in pale counterchanged, collared or. Crest—A savage wreathed about the middle ppr. holding in both hands a spear, headed at each end or.
2) (Huddersfield, co. York). Per pale wavy ar. and vert, three greyhounds courant counterchanged, a chief engr. az. Crest—A savage wreathed about the head and middle ppr. holding with both hands a spear headed at each end or.
3) (Cholmondeley, co. Chester). Per pale wavy ar. and vert three greyhounds courant counterchanged, a chief indented ar.
4) (Leeds and London). Per pale vert and ar. three greyhounds courant in pale counterchanged, on a chief or, a sword gu. and a garb of the first in saltire.
5) (Cliffville, near Newcastle, co. Stafford). Sa. a fess betw. three falcons or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin’s head ar.
6) (co. Durham). Per pale wavy ar. and vert, three lizards in pale counterchanged, a chief indented az.
7) (Thomas Tomlinson, Esq., of the Inner Temple). Ar. three greyhounds courant in pale sa. on a chief engr. az. as many crosses crosslet or. Crest—On a mount vert a savage ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and sa. charged on the breast with a cross crosslet gu. across the sinister shoulder a bear’s skin, and bolding with both hands in bend a spear headed at either end also ppr.
8) (Reg. Ulstcr’a Office). Sa. a fess betw. three falcons rising or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin’s head ar.
9) (Heysham House, co. Lancaster, and Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, London; William Edward Murray Tomlinson, Esq., M.P. for Preston, M.A. Christ Church, Oxford, eldest son of Thomas Tomlinson, Esq., Bencher of the Inner Temple, in the Hall of which Society the Arms are emblazoned. Ar. three greyhounds current in pale sa. on a chief engr. az. three cross crosslets or. Crest—On a mount vert a savage ppr. wreathed about the temples ar. and sa. charged on the breast with a cross crosslet gu. across the sinister shoulder a bearskin, and holding with both hands in bend a spear headed at either end also ppr. Motto—Propositi tenax.

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