Trevor Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Tudor Trevor, Lord of Hereford, Whittington, and Both Maelors, Founder of the Tribe of the Marches; this celebrated chieftain, called Trevor from the place of his birth, tvas son of Ynyr ap Cadforch, Lord of Both Maelors, Oswestry, and Whittington, in Powys, one of the Barons of that kingdom, by Rheingar, his wife, dau. and sole heir of Lluddoca ap Caradoc Vreichfras, Lord of Hereford, in South Wales). Per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or.
2) (Brynkynalt, co. Denbigh; John ap Daniel, of ancient Welsh descent, temp. Henry VI., acquired the estate of Brynkynalt, and had five sons: 1) Robert, his successor, whose descendant, Sir John Trevor, Knt., of Brynkynalt, Speaker of the House of Commons, left an only dau. and heir, Ann Trevor, m. Michael Hill, Esq., of Hillsborough, and was mother of Viscount Hillsborough and Viscount Dungannon; 2) Edward, presumed ancestor of Col. Mark Trevor, created Viscount Dungannon 1662; 3) Richard, ancestor of Trevor, of Trevallyn, and Trevor-Hampden, Baron, Trevor, &c.; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1633). Per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion vamp. or.
3) (Viscount Dungannon, extinct 1706; Col. Mark Trevor, who was so fortunate as to wound Oliver Crest Marston Moor, claimed descent from Edward Trevor, Becond son of John ap David Trevor, of Brynkynalt; he was created, 1662, Viscount Dungannon, his eldest dau. Hon. Mary Trevor, m. as second wife, William Hill, Esq., of Hillsborough, and had a son, Marcos Hill, Esq., of Holt Forest, co. Hants, who d.s.p. 1751, and bequeathed his estates to Lord Hillsborough). Same Arms. Crest—A wyvern, wings elevated and tail nowed sa. ducally gorged or. Supporters—Dexter, a lion ermines; sinister, a wolf erm.; both armed and langued gu.
4) (Trevallyn, co. Denbigh; descended from Richard Trevor, third son of John ap David Trevor, of Brynkynalt; Sir Richard Trevor was knighted by Sir William Russell, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 8 May, 1597). Same Arms. Crest: A cockatrice, wings expanded and tail nowed sa. beaked, wattled, and combed ar.
5) (Trevor-Hampden). (Baron Trevor and Viscount Hampden, extinct 1824; Sir Thomas Trevor, brother of John Trevor, Esq., of Trevallyn, co. Denbigh, was appointed Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas on the accession of Queen Anne, and was created Baron Trevor 1711; the fourth baron having succeeded to the estates of Great Hampden under the will of John Hampden, Lord of Great Hampden, he assumed the additional name and arms of Hampden, and was created, 1770, Viscount Hampden; the third viscount d.s.p.) Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a saltire gu. betw. four eagles displ. az., for Hampden; 2nd and 3rd, per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp, or, for Trevor. Crests—1st, Hampden: A talbot pass. erm. gorged with a plain collar and chained gu.; 2nd, Trevor: On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a wyvern rising sa. Supporters—Two wyverns reguard. sa. Motto—Vestigia nulla retrorsum.
6) (Hill-Trevor, Viscount Dungannon, extinct 1862; Arthur Hill, second son of Michael Hill, Esq., of Hillsborough, by Anne his wife, only dau. of Sir John Trevor, Knt., of Brynkynalt, Speaker of the House of Commons, s. to the Trevor estates, and assumed the additional surname of Trevor; he was ercated Viscount Dungannon 1765; the third viscount d. s.p., when the estates devolved on his kinsman, Lord Arthur Edwin Hill, who assumed the name of Trevor). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or, for Trevor; 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a fess ar. betw. three leopards pass. guard. or, npottcd of the field, as many escallops gu., for Hill. Crest—A wyvern sa. Supporters—Two lions ermines, ducally gorged or. Motto—Quid verum atque decens.
7) (Hill-Trevor, Brynkynalt, co. Denbigh; exemplified to Lord Artiidr Edwin Hill, M.P co. Down, second surviving son of Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull, third Marquess of Downshire K.P., on his assuming, by royal license, the additionnl surname of Trevor). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or, for Trevor; 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a fess ar. betw. three leopards pass. guard. or, spotted of the field, as many escallops gu., for Hill. Crest—1st, Trevor: A wyvern sa.; 2nd, Hill: A reindeer’s head couped gu. attired and collared or.
8) (Enfield, co. Middlesex, bart., extinct 1676; Sir Thomas Trevor, Knt., fifth son of John Trevor, Esq., of Trevallin, co. Denbigh, was appointed Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer in England, and d. 1656, leaving an only son, Sir Thomas, Bart., of Enfield, so created 1641, d.s.p.). Per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or.
9) (co. Norfolk). Same Arms and Crest, a mullet gu. for diff.
10) (Ross Trevor, or Rosstrevor, co. Down; Sir Edward Trevor, Knt., a Privy Councillor; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office of his wife, Rose Usher, dau. of Henry, Archbishop of Armagh, d. 31 Oct. 1623). Per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or.
11) (Captain James Trevor; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office of his dau. Mary, wife, first, of Henry Brane, of Trim, second, of William Nugent, of New Haggard, and third, of Christopher Barnewall, of Kilbrew, all in co. Meath, d. 30 June, 1622). Same Arms, the lion charged on the shoulder with a crescent for diff.
12) (Hill-Trevor, Baron Trevor). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, per bend sinister erm. and ermines, a lion ramp. or for Trevor; 2nd and 3rd, sa. on a fesse ar. betw. three leopards pass. guard. or, spotted of the field, as many escallops gu., for Hill. Crests— 1st, Trevor: A wyvern sa.: 2nd, Hill: A reindeer’s head couped gu. attired and collared or.
13) (Reg. Ulster’s Office as the arms of Sir John Trevors). Ar. on a chev. gu. three griffins’ heads erased or, a chief az. charged with as many bezants, a border of the second. Crest—A griffin’s head erased or, holding in the beak a snake ppr.

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