Vernon Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Feudal Baron of Shipbrook, co. Chester; founded by Richard DE Vernon, said to be a son of William Vernon, of Vernon Castle, in Normandy, who came to England with William I., and was one of the barons created by Hugh Lupus, Earl of the co. Palatine of Chester; his descendant, Richard de Vernon, Baron of Shipbrook tanp. King John, had two sons: 1) Warine; 2) Sir William, ancestor of Vernon, of Haddon; Vernon, Bart., of Hodnet, extinct; Vernon, Lord Vernon, Vernon, of Clontarf, &c. Warine de Vernon, the eldest son, s. as Baron of Shipbrook, and had two sons: 1) Warine, last feudal Baron of Shipbrook, who left three daus. co-heirs; 2) Ralph, ancestor of Vernon, of Haslington and Vernon, Earl of Shipbrook). Ancient Arms—Or, a fess az. Later Arms—Or, on a fess az. three garbs of the field. Crest—A demi Ceres affrontée ppr. vested vert, holding three ears of wheat over her left, shoulder or, and in her right hand a sickle ppr. handle or.
2) (Haslington, co. Chester). Or, on a fess az. three garbs of the field. Crest—A demi Ceres affrontée ppr. vested az. in the dexter hand a sickle and in the sinister a garb or, wreathed about the temples with wheat gold.
3) (Earl of Shipbrook, extinct 1783; Francis Vernon, fifth in descent from Ralph Vernon, cecond son of Ralph Vernon, Esq., of Haslington, co. Chester, was created, 1762, Baron Orwell, of Newry, and Earl of Shipbrook 1777, d. s. p.). Or, on a fess az. three garbs of the field. Crest—A demi Ceres ppr. vested az. in the dexter hand a sickle also ppr. and in the sinister a garb or, wreathed about the temples with wheat gold. Supporters—Two Ceres ppr. vested ar. robed gu. wreathed about the temples with wheat or, and holding in their exterior hands a sickle of the first. Motto—Semper ut te digna sequare.
4) (Haddon, co. Derby; Sir Henry Vernon, Knt., of Haddon, temp. Henry VII., d. 1511, leaving four sons: 1) Sir Richard, his heir, whose son. Sir George, left two daus. co-heirs to Haddon; 2) Thomas, of Stocksey, whose grandson, Henry, d. s. p. 1606; 3) Humphry, ancestor of Vernon, Bart., of Hodnet, and Vernon, Baron Vernon, 4) Sir John, ancestor of Vernon, of Sudbury). Ar. a fret sa.
5) (Hodnet, co. Salop, bart., extinct 1723; descended from George Vernon, eldest son of Humphry Vernon. third son of Sir Henry Vernon, Knt., of Haddon, temp. Henry VII., who m. 1493, Alice, “The Ladye of Hodnet,” dau. and heir of Sir John Ludlow, Knt., of Hodnet). Ar. a fret sa.
6) (Venables-Vernon, Baron Vernon; descended from Thomas Vernon, second son of Humphry Vernon and Alice Ludlow, his wife. “The Ladye of Hodnet”). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a fret sa., 2nd and 3rd, or, on a fess az. three garbs of the field, both for Vernon; 2nd and 3rd, az. two bars ar., for Venables. Crests—1st, Vernon: A boar’s head erased sa. ducally gorged or; 2nd, Venables: A wyvern ar. standing on a weir of the last, banded az. pierced through the body in fess by an arrow, and devouring a child ppr. Supporters— Dexter, a lion gu. gorged with a collar and chain reflexed over the back or; sinister, a boar sa. gorged with a ducal coronet and chain reflexed over the back or. Motto—Vernon semper viret.
7) (Hilton Park, co. Stafford; descended from Henry Vernon, younger brother of George Vernon, the grandfather of the first Baron Vernon). Ar. fretty sa. Crest—A boar’s head erased sa. ducally gorged or. Motto—Vernon semper viret.
“8) (Baron Lyveden; Richard Vernon, b. 1726, fifth son of Henry Vernon, Esq., of Hilton, d. s. p. in.; his second dau. and co-heir, Caroline Maria. Vernon, m. 1793, Robert Percy Smith, Esq., and her son, Robert Smith, assumed the surname of Vernon by royal licence, 1846. and was created a peer 1859). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a fret sa., for Vernon; 2nd and 3rd, gu. three bars gemel ar. a chev. erm. on a chief of the second three blackamoors’ heads ppr. a canton of the field charged with a battle axe or, all within a border counter-compony of the second and az., for Smith. Crests—1st, Vernon: A boar’s head erased sa. ducally gorged or; 2nd, Smith: A cubit arm erect in aitnour ppr. charged with a battle axe sa. the hand grasping two wreaths of laurel pendent on either side also ppr. Supporters—Dexter, a boar sa. ducally gorged, and suspended therefrom by a chain an escutcheon or, charged with a rose gu. slipped ppr.; sinister, a wyvern vert, plain collared, and suspended therefrom by a chain an escutcheon
or, charged with a rose gu. slipped ppr. Motto—Vernon semper viret.”
9) (Clontarf Castle, co. Dublin; descended from John Vernon, Esq., younger son of Sir Edward Vernon, Knt., 6. 1584, ancestor of Lord Vernon. Pedigree registered and arms entered with sixty-three quarterings in Ulster’s Office). Ar. a fret sa. a mullet az. for diff. Crest—A boar’s head and neck erased sa. ducally gorged and charged on the neck with a mullet or, for diff. Motto—Vernon semper viret.
10) (Sudbury, co. Derby; descended from Sir John Vernon, fourth son of Sir Henry Vernon, Knt., of Haddon, temp. Henry VII., who m. Ellen, dau. and co-heir of Sir John de Mongomerie, Knt., of Sudbury; the heiress of this line, Margaret, dau. of Henry Vernon, to. Sir Edward Vernon, ancestor of Baron Vernon). Ar. a fret sa. Crest—A boar’s head erased sa. ducally gorged or. Motto—Vernon semper viret.
11) (Hanbury, co. Worcester; descended from Rev. Richard Vernon, Rector of Hanbury for forty-six years, d. 1627, aged 77, second son of Ralph Vernon, of Cranage and Twemlow, co. Chester; his eldest son, Edward Vernon, purchased the estate of Hanbury, and recorded his pedigree at Visit. Worcester, 1634). Or, on a fess az. three garbs of the first, in chief a cross crosslet fitchée gu. Crest—A demi Ceres ppr. habited or and purp. crined gold, wreathed about the temples with wheat and holding in her arms a garb ppr. Motto—Vernon semper viret.
12) (Little Beligh, co. Essex, and co. Nottingham). Ar. fretty sa. on a canton of the last a maunch or. Crest—A boar’s head erased per fess sa. and gu. ducally gorged or. Another Crest—A tiger’s head erased gu. ducally gorged or, charged on the neck with a martlet of the last.
13) (Whatcroft, co. Chester). Or, on a fess az. three garbs ppr.
14) (London; “The Blind Marchant Stapler,’’ a great benefactor to the Merchant Tailors’ Company, d. Nov. 1616. Visit. London, 1563). Or, on a fess az. three garbs of the field, in chief two mullets gu. Crest—A stag sejant or.
15) (London). Ar. a fret sa. a canton gu.
16) Or, a cinquefoil gu.
17) Or, a bend az.
18) Sa. a lion pass. ar.
19) (Sir Thomas Vernon, knighted at Dublin by Robert, Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant, 12 July, 1599). Ar. fretty sa. a canton az.
20) (impaled by Beaghan; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1675). Ar. a fret sa.
21) (Rev. Charles Vernon, D.D., of Herringswell, co. Suffolk). Or, on a fess az. three garbs of the field, a cross crosslet in chief of the second for distinction. Crest—A demi Ceres ppr. vested az. holding in the dexter arm a garb, and in the sinister hand a sickle, about her head a wreath of wheat all ppr. charged on the vest with a cross crosslet or.
22) (Borlase-Warren-Venables-Vernon; exemplified to Hon. William John Venables-Vernon, scoond son of George John, fifth Lord Vernon, who assumed, by royal licence, 1856, the additional surnames of Borlase and Warren). Quarterly, 1st, Vernon, 2nd, Venables, both same as Lord Vernon; 3rd, Warren, chequy or and az. on a canton gu. a lion ramp. ar. betw. the forepaws a crest of the first; 4th, Borlase, erm. on a bend na. two arms issuant from clouds ppr. the hands also ppr. rending u horseshoe or. Crest—1st, Vernon; 2nd, Venables; both same as Lord Vernon; 3rd, Warren: Out of a ducal crown or, a double plume of ostrich feathers ar. in the centre an eagle’s leig inverted sa.; 4th, Borlase, On a wreath a wolf pass. reguard. ar. in the mouth an arrow or, vulning the neck ppr.

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