Wylie Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) Az. a bend betw. three mullets ar. Crest—On a rock a fort in flames all ppr.
2) (John Wylie. Esq., M.D., C.B.). Gu. a fox pass. betw. two bars gemel or, on a canton of the last a staff entwined with a serpent surmounted by a sabre saltirewise all ppr. Crest—A staff entwined with a serpent surmounted by a sabre saltirewise all ppr. Motto—In utroque paratus.
3) (Edinburgh, 1672, and Blackwater, co. Hants). Az. a bend betw. a fox courant in chief and two mullets in base ar. Motto—Victrix fortunae sapientia.
4) (bart., extinct 1854; Sir James Wylie, first Physician to the late Emperor of Russia, was so created 1814, and d. s.p ). Az. a bend ar. betw. a fox pass. in chief and two mullets in base of the second, on a chief of honourable augmentation or, the imperial eagle of Bussia. Crest—A Cossack on horseback at full speed holding a spear fessways ppr. Supporters—Two Russian foot soldiers sustaining by the exterior side a gun with bayonet fixed ppr. Motto—Labore et scientiâ.
5) (Largs, co. Ayr, 1870). Ar. a fess az. betw. a fox courant in chief ppr. and a mullet in base of the second. Crest—A stag’s head ppr. Motto—Mentes consciae recti.
6) (Glasgow, 1875). Az. on a bend or, betw. two boars’ heads erased in chief and a mullet in base of the second a fox courant ppr. Crest—A knight on a black horse in full armour wielding in his dexter hand a battle axe ppr. Motto—Fortes fortuna juvat.
7) (Twynersh, Chertsey, co. Surrey, as borne by Alexander Henry Wylie, Esq., of a branch of the family of Wylie, Bart., and of Wylie, of Corlock). Az. a bend ar. betw. a fox pass. in chief and two mullets in base of the second. Crest—A fox courant ppr.
8) (Gen. Sir William Wyllie, K.C.B., 1868). Az. on a bend betw. two Eastern crowns or, a fox courant ppr. Crest— A fox courant ppr. Motto—Spes.
9) Ar. on a bend sa. betw. six roses gu. three mullets pierced or.
10) same as no. 9
11) Ar. a chev. ermines betw. three fish-weels, their hoops upward vert.
12) Ar. three griffins pass. in pale sa.
13) (co. Essex). Ar. three griffins pass. sa. a border engr. gu. bezantée.

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