Burrows Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Suffolk). Ar. two chev. vert betw. three chaplets gu.
2) (Alton Priors, co. Wilts). Gu. the stem and trunk of a tree eradicated and couped in pale, sprouting out two branches or.
3) or Borough (Lincolnshire). Az. three fleurs de-lis erm. Crest—An eagle with wings expanded erm.
4) (Burlingham Hall and Long Stratton, co. Norfolk). Ar. two chevronels betw. three chaplets vert. Crest—A griffin’s head erased ar. charged with two chevs. vert. Motto—Animo et fide.
5) (Ramsey, Orkney, N.B.). Gu. the stump of a laurel tree eradicated and sprouted ppr. Crest—A lion pass. gu. Motto—Audaces fortuna juvat.
6) (Castle Bagshaw, co. Cavan, bart.). Gu. the stump of a laurel tree eradicated ppr. on a chief or, an eastern crown of the field, betw. two annulets az. Crest—On an eastern crown or, a lion pass. gu. Motto—Audaces fortuna juvat.
7) (Port-Glasgow, 1773). Az. a fesse indented ar. betw. three bezants. Crest—A lion pass. guard. ar. Motto—Deus nobis haec otia fecit.
8) Az. three fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest—A falcon erm. with wings expanded.
9) or Borough (Suffolk). Or, on a cross gu. five mullets ar.
10) or Burrows – Or, on a cross gu. five mullets ar. on a canton of the second a lion pass. of the first. Crest—A lion sejant ar. ducally crowned or
11) (Stradone co. Cavan). Or, on a cross gu. five mullets ar. in each chief quarter a lion pass. sa. ducally crowned and langued gu. Crest—A lion sejant guard. sa. ducally crowned or, langued gu. Motto—Non vi sed virtute.
12) Az. a bend wavy betw. three fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest—Two wings endorsed erm.
13) Az. three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest—An eagle, wings displ. erm. ducally gorged or.
14) (Sydenham, Oxfordshire; Rev. Henry William Burrows, B.D., Canon of Rochester Cathedral, son of Lieut.- Gen. Montagu Burrows, by Mary Anne, his wife, dau. of Capt. Joseph Larcom, R.N., Resident Naval Commissioner at Malta, and sister of Major-Gen. Right Hon. Sir Thomas Askew Larcom, Bart., K.C.B., Under-Secretary of State for Ireland). Az. a sword in pale point upwards ppr. pommel and hilt or, betw. three fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest—Betw. two fleurs-de-lis erminois an eagle, wings elevated and addorsed ppr. ducally gorged and charged on the breast w ith a cinquefoil or. Motto—Together.
15) Per fesse gu. and ar. over all a lion ramp, double queued or. Crest—Out of a tower per pale, ar. and gu. a demi lion ramp, double queued or.
16) (Baseldon Park, co. Berks, bart.). (Limerick, granted 1813). Or, in base a dolphin naiant in waves of the sea ppr. on a chief az. three mullets ar. Crest—Three plates surmounted by a plume of five ostrich feathers ar. Motto—Suivez moi.
17) (Norham, co. Devon, and Kent). Az. a bend wavy ar. betw. two fleurs-de-lis erm (another, or). Crest—A pair of wings in dorso erm.
18) (Devonshire). Ar. on a fesse dancettee sa. three bezants (another, the fesse plain).
19) (Devonshire). Erm. a falcon’s head erased az. beaked or, betw. three fleurs-de-lis of the second.
20) (Sandwich, co. Kent). Or, on a cross gu. five mullets pierced of the field. Crest—A dove standing on a snake, all ppr.
21) (Borough, co. Leicester). Gu. the stem and trunk of a tree eradicated, and couped in pale, sprouting out two branches ar.
22) (Chetwynd Park, co. Stafford, and Egmond, co. Salop). Gu. the stem and trunk of a tree eradicated and couped in pale sprouting two branches or, quartering az. a fesse or, betw. three talbots heads erased ar., for Burton; and sa. three horseshoes, and a label of three points in chief ar., for Smitheson. Crest—An eagle reguard. wings expanded ppr. the dexter claw supporting a circular shield thereon a gorgon’s head. Motto—Virtute et Robore.
23) (St. Breward, Cornwall; Monument at St. Breward, 1728). A chev. betw. three fleurs-de-lis.
24) alias Stockden (Ireland). Or, a cross gu. (another, adds a lion pass. of the second).
25) (Lincolnshire, and Richmond, co. York). Ar. on a saltire sa. five swans of the field. Crest—A swan’s head and neck ar. beaked gu.
26) Sa. two swords in saltire ar. betw. four fleurs- de-lis or.
27) Per chev. ar. and erm. two chev. sa. betw. three chaplets gu.
28) (Shipdenham, co. Norfolk). Gu. two swords in saltire ar. hilts and pomels or, betw. four fleurs-de-lis of the third, within a bordure gobonated of the second and purp.
29) Quarterly, or and az. a bend gu.
30) or Burgh – Az. three fleurs-de-lis erm. Crest—A falcon rising erm. billed or, ducally gorged of the last.
31) Ar. a chev. erm. fimbriated sa. betw. three chaplets of flowers gu.
32) (Derbyshire, granted 1702). Ar. on a mount in base the trunk of an oak tree, sprouting out two branches ppr., with the shield of Pallas hanging thereon or, fastened by a belt gu. Crest—An eagle reguard. with wings expanded, standing on a mount ppr. supporting with the dexter foot the like shield as in the arms.
33) (Bart, of Gilltown. co. Kildare. Granted by Roberts, Ulster, to Sir Erasmus Borrowes, Bart.). Or, on a cross gu. (the red cross of De Burgh), five mullets ar. on a canton of the second a lion pass. of the third. Crest—A lion sejant ar. ducally crowned or. Motto—Non vi virtute.

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