Carnegie Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Kinnaird, co. Forfar, Earl of Southesk). Or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu. charged on tho breast with a covered cup of the field. Crest—A thunderbolt ppr. Motto—Dread God. Supporters—Two greyhounds ppr. collared gu.
2) (Pitarrow, co. Forfar, a cadet line which eventually succeeded to the representation of Kinnaird, and of the Earldom of Southesk). Per pale or and ar. an eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu. Crest—A demi eagle displ. as in the arms. Motto—Video alta seqnorque.
3) (Earl of Northesk, as borne by the first six earls). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and membered sd.; 2nd and 3rd, ar. a pale gu. Crest—A leopard’s head fullfaced ppr. Motto—Tache sans tache.
4) (Earl of Northesk, as now borne). Or, an eagle displ. sa. armed and membered gu. and as an honourable augmentation, charged on the breast with a naval crown gold, over the eagle the word “Trafalgar.” Crests—1st: The stern of a naval line-of-battle ship on fire ppr.; 2nd: Out of a naval crown or, a demi leopard ppr. Supporters—Two leopards reguard. ppr. each supporting a banner ar. charged with a cross of St. George, and thereon inscribed Britannia Victrix, staff ppr. chains round their necks, from which is suspended on the breast the medal of merit. Motto: Tache sans tache.
5) (Finhaven, co. Forfar, from James, second son of the 2nd Earl of Northesk). The quartered coat of the Earls of Northesk, within a bordure per pale gu. and ar. charged with eight escallops counterchanged. Crest—A leopard’s head full faced ppr. Motto—Tache sans tache.
6) (Kinfauns, co. Perth, descended from Alexander, fourth son of the 2nd Earl of Northesk, and now represented by Baroness Gray, as heir of line). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, the quartered coat of the Earls of Northesk within a bordure per pale gu. and ar. charged with eight escallops counterchanged; 2nd and 3rd, per fess ar. and sa. on a chev. counterchanged betw. two torteaux in chief, and a plate in base a fleur-de-lis of the third, for Blair. Crest—A leopard from the shoulder with a collar gu. charged with escallops ar.
7) (Craigo, co. Forfar). Or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu. charged on the breast with a book of the first. Crest—A star ppr. Motto—Ales aspicit astra.
8) (Leuchland, co. Forfar). Or, an eagle displ. az. holding in his dexter talon a rose slipped in pale ppr.
9) (Ballindarg, representative of Gallery, co. Forfar, 1740). Or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu. holding in the dexter talon a thistle of the last. Crest—A dexter arm vambraced ppr. holding an escutcheon az. charged with a St. Andrew’s cross ar. Motto—Loyal in adversity.
10) (Newgate). Or, an eagle displ. az. in chief a buckle betw. two annulets of the second. Crest—Two dexter hands gauntletted issuing out of a cloud conjoined, and supporting a flaming heart ppr. Motto—Armis et animis.
11) (Major-General Nicholas Carnnegie, H.E. I.C.S., 1815). Or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu. within a bordure engr. of the second. Crest—A demi eagle displ. az. beaked gu. looking to a star or. Motto—Video alta sequorque.
12) (John Allan Carnegy, third son of James Carnegy, of Prince of Wales’ Island, 1826). Or, an eagle displ. az. armed and membered gu. surmounted on the breast with a star of eight points ar. a bordure engr. of the third, charged with eight bezants. Crest—A demi leopard ppr. Motto—Tache sans tache.
13) (granted 3 November, 1830, to John Allan Carnegy, Esq., 92nd Regiment). Or, an eagle displ. az. beaked and membered gu. within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second. Crests—1st: A lion pass. ppr. holding in his dexter forepaw a banner az. charged with a saltire ar.; 2nd: A demi leopard ppr. Motto—Tache sans tache.

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