Crockett Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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The surname Crockett is thought to have derived from one of two sources. The first states the name or any variation of its spelling possibly came about from the Medieval English word “croket”, a descriptive phrase or word for a hairstyle made up of large curls. The second source of origin theorizes the surname comes from the Scottish name Macriocaird. The Scots Gaelic in which the name is written, breaks down and translates as “mac” which means son and “riocaird” meaning the proper name Richard.

Variations of this name include; Crockett, Crokat, Crokkat, and Croket among others. The variation in spelling of names during this time period can be attributed to a lack of continuity regarding guidelines for spelling which was compounded by the diversity of languages in use in European countries at this time.

The first records of any variation of the name Crockett can be found in public records dated 1296, wherein it is documented Huwe Croket pledged fealty to John Balliol, King of Scotland. Balliol was an unpopular king having been chosen by a group of auditors when the heir apparent to the Scottish throne, Alexander III died. Edward I of England disliked Balliol immensely and took every opportunity to sabotage his reign. The Scots soon grew tired of him, his ineffectual leadership, and rivalry with King Edward. The Scots elected a council of twelve to rule in his stead, all but revoking any power Balliol may have exercised. The council entered into an alliance with France which infuriated King Edward, as a result, Edward invaded Scotland which marked the beginning of the War for Scottish Independence.

Public records from 1634 also list an individual with an alternate spelling of the surname, John Crokkit from Achinkyle.

The first recorded immigrant to America bearing the surname Crockett or any variation of its spelling was Thomas Crockett who landed and settled in Maine in 1630. Richard Crockett landed and settled in Maryland in 1664.

Worldwide, the highest concentration of people with the surname Crockett live in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Canada. By state, the largest percentile of those with the surname Crockett live in Maine.

People of note who bear the surname Crockett include, David “Davy” Crockett an American politician, frontiersman, and folk hero. He was from Tennessee where he was a Colonel in the local militia. In 1825, he ran for and was elected as a Congressman to the U.S. House of Representatives where served until 1836. After his defeat in the election of 1836, Crockett moved west to Texas which at that time was still part of Mexico. In the same year, he fought in the Mexican Revolution against Santa Ana’s overwhelming forces. Crockett was garrisoned with James Bowie, William Travis, and approximately 250 Texans at a mission known as the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. Crockett and all those who fought with him at the Battle of the Alamo perished.

Antony Crockett is a highly regarded British physician who specializes in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He a noted authority on these subjects and has written many works on respiratory illness. For his expertise, Doctor Crockett, is a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners in the United Kingdom.

Basil Edwin Crockett was a member of the British Army, wherein he served as a senior officer. As one of his many and varied commissions during his time in the British Army, Crockett was given command of the 11th Battalion, Hampshire Regiment during World War I. During this period of service, Colonel Crockett refused to take a rear position, as most commanding officers would do, instead he remained stationed with his men at the front lines. His gallant conduct during battle was noted in numerous dispatches earning him the Distinguished Service Order with two bars, an indication that he had performed numerous acts of merit, each worthy of citation.

Molly J. Crockett is a noted American neuroscientist for her research into human decision making, altruism, and morality. Dr. Crockett received her Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of California Los Angeles. She was a recipient of a Gates Cambridge Scholarship under which she attend King’s College at Cambridge University where she received her PhD. Dr. Crockett currently teaches at the University of Oxford where she is an Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology. In the past, she counts among her accomplishments having been a fellow at University College in London and at the University of Zurich. She has had works published several noteworthy journals and major well respected publications.

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Scotland). Ar. a chev. betw. three mullets az. Crest—On a rock a solan goose ppr.
2) (Scotland). Motto—Tak tent. Ar. a chev. az. betw. three mullets of the last in chief, and in base a crescent gu. Crest—A dog sleeping sa. spotted ar.
3) (Little Onn Hall, co. Stafford). Ar. three Cornish choughs ppr. Crest—A Cornish chough ppr. Motto—Crow not, croke not.
4) (Scotland). Ar. a chev. betw. three mullets az. Crest—On a rock a solan goose ppr.
