Durward Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Durward Origin:

England, Scotland

Origins of Durward:

This most interesting surname is an English alternative of “Durward” itself found mainly in Scotland. It is of Anglo-Saxon origin and is a professional name from the Olde English term “duru-weard”, door-keeper, transporter. In Scotland the office of door-ward to the King was a very important one and in the start of the 13th Century was inherited in the powerful family of “de Lundin”, who moved to Aberdeenshire because of a lengthy discussion between the family and Duncan, Earl of Mar, from whom Thomas de Lundin required the earldom through his mother. The discussion, during which the family had the support of the Scottish Kings William the Lion and Alexander II was settled in 1228 and appeared in the de Lundins or Durwards obtaining an enormous lordship in the dale of the Dee. Alan Durward, son of the first person to take his name from the office, Thomas de Lundyn (circa 1204), was one of the great characters in Scottish history during the 13th Century. He married Marjorie, a natural daughter of Alexander II, and during the opposition of Alexander III was Regent of the kingdom. “Dorward,” famous around Arbroath, is perhaps from the office of door-ward of the Abbey. William Doreward noted in the Pipe Rolls of Hampshire in 1230, and Richard Doreward showed in the Feet of Fines of Essex in 1255. Ann, daughter of Gerorge and Ann Darwood, named in March 1727 in London. The name may also found as Durward, Dorwood, Durrad, and Durrett.


More common variations are: Durard, Dorward, Darward, Duarard, Draward, Derward, Durardo, Dreward, Daurad, Drard.


The surname Durward first appeared in the Valley of the River Dee, where they held a family seat in their regions. The Pictish impact on Scottish history declined after Kenneth Macalpine became King of all Scotland.

The very first recording spelling of the family was shown to be that of Reiner Dureward , dated about 1208, in the “Curia Rolls of Norfolk.” It was during the time of King John, dated 1199 – 1216. The origin of surnames during this period became a necessity with the introduction of personal taxation. It came to be known as Poll Tax in England.

United States of America:

Some of the people with the name Durward who arrived in the United States in the 20th century included ChristinaJ. Durward, who moved to the United States from Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1907. Elizabeth Durward, who settled in America from Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1907. Grace Durward, who landed in America from Monifieth, Scotland, in 1907. James Durward, who shifted to the United States from Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1907. Jane Durward, who landed in America from Glasgow, Scotland, in 1907.

Here is the population distribution of the last name Durward: Canada 252; United States 235; England 215; Australia 169; Scotland 164; South Africa 146; New Zealand 12; Cambodia 2; Czech Republic 2; Turkey 2.

Notable People:

Durward Knowles (born 1917), was an Olympic champion pilot from the Bahamas.

Durward Lely (1852-1944), was a Scottish opera musician.

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Bocking, co. Essex). Erm. a chev. betw. three crescents or.
2) Same Arms. Crest—A demi man ppr. vested gu. holding up a gem ring.
3) (co. Essex, and Cloughton, co. York). Erm. on a chev. sa. (another, az.) three crescents or.
4) (co. Norfolk). Ar. on a chev. sa. three crescents or.
5) (Scotland). Ar. a cross gu.
6) Erm. on a chev. sa. three annulets or. Crest—A dexter hand holding a scimetar indented on the back and cutting at a pen all ppr.

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