Grape Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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The distinguished German surname Grape acquired from the Old High German “graban,” meaning “to dig.” The name was originally used to indicate “a digger of graves or ditches.”  Spelling variations of this family name include: Grabner, Grabber, Graeber, Graebner, Gravner, Grabbne, Grabne, Grubner, Grappner, Grapner, Grabere, Graben, Grabel, Grabert, Grable, Grabnere, Grabnen, Grabnel, Grabbere, Grabben, Grabbel, Greber, Grebere, Greben, Graebner, Graebnere, Graebnen, Graebber, Graebbere, Graebben, Craver and much more.

The surname Grape first found in Austria, where in old times the Graber family played an important role within the region’s feudal society.  The name Grabner became prominent in local affairs and often intermarried with other great families, some of whom played important roles in the territorial disputes of the period. Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were like Christian Grabert, who settled in Louisiana in 1724.  Hans Graber, who settled in Pennsylvania in 1749. Emanuel Grabner, who arrived in Carolina in 1752.

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

Notes: (New Windsor, co. Berks; granted 1764). Blazon: Vert a talbot pass, in base or, in chief two pheons of the last. Crest—A stag erminois, collared gu. grazing on a mount vert.

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