Kaufmann Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

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Learn MoreOrigins, Meaning, History
This is a German and Jewish surname from the ancient personal (first name) Kaufman, which in turns derives from the Yiddish word koyfman, meaning merchant (or trader of business man). Another source states it comes from the Middle High German word koufman. One source states this last name was first found in Hanover, Germany
Spelling Variants
Some common spelling variants of this surname are Kauffmann, Kauffman, Kaufman, Kofmann, Kofman, Coffman, and Caughman, as well as numerous others. The English equivalent is Chapman (a shop keeper). Other versions include Koopman (Danish) and Coopman or Copeman (Flemisdh)
Popularity & Geographic Distribution
As of the 2000 census, the surname ranked 4,834th. The variant Kauffmann is 25,896th, Coffman is 1,304th, Caughman is 22,326th, and Kauffman is ranked 1,602th. The name is popular in Germany and Liechtenstein.
Early Bearers of the Last Name
The earliest known bearer of this surname was Herbort Kofmanni recorded in Koln (Cologne) Germany in 1135 AD. A one Berchtoldus Kofman of Weinzberg, Germany was recorded in the year 1287 AD.
Early Settlers to the New World
Some early settlers in the United States include George Kaufmann who arrived in Texas in 1846. The name is also
A one Ulrich Kaufman was born in Grindelwald, Switzerland in 1735 AD. He had a daughter named Ana who was born in 1758 and married Hansen Bohren. Another Ulrich Kaufman was born in 1766 in the same city. He married Ana Brawand in 1791 and had three sons with her: Ulrich, Hans, and Peter. Peter was born in 1810 and he married Susanna Bauman in 1836. He had three issue with her: Peter, Susannna, and Ulrich. A one David Henry Kaufman was born in 1854 in Jay County, Indiana. He married Abigal Desira Miller and had one daughter with her: Ida May, who was born in 1878 and married Frank Elzie Collins.
A one Jude Kaufman was born in Germany in 1825. He married Caroline Heineman and had two issue with her: Sigmund and Hannah. Sigmund was born in 1847 in Frankfurt, Germany. He married Caroline Stern Abrams and had the following children with her: Julia (Levy), Abraham, Mina (Beck), Florence (Winkler), Clara, Rose (Levy), and Helen (Broda). Abraham was born in 1875 in Pine Hill, Alabama. George Kaufmann was born in 1810 in Prussia and later married Mary Walberga Fedder. He had a son named Frederick who was born in 1862 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He married a woman named Elizabeth and had the following issue with her prior to his death in 1951: Carrie (Smith), Charles, Elmer, John, Albert Nicholas, and Russell.
There are numerous famous people bearing this surname, including, but not limited to: 1) Aloys P. Kaufmann (1902-1984) who was the 36th Mayor of St. Louis from the Republican Party, 2) David Kaufmann (1852-1899) who was a Jewish-Austrian scholar from the modern day Czech Republic, 3) Georg Friedrich Kauffmann (1679-1735) who was a German Baroque composer and organist, and 4) Konstantin Petrovich von Kaufmann (1818-1882) who was a Russian General and Governor of Turkestan.
Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) Danemark, Holstein – (Nob. du St-Empire, 5 avril 1784) – Écartelé au 1 de gueules à un dextrochère mouvant du flanc et au 4 de gueules à un senestrochère mouvant du flanc parés d’argent les mains de carnation tenant chacune un marteau d’argent aux 2 et 3 coupé a de gueules à une bague d’or chatonnée d’un rubis b losangé d’or et de gueules coupé de l’un en l’autre Deux casques le 1 couronné Cimiers 1° un demi-vol aux armes du 1 Lambrequin d’argent et de gueules 2° un lion issant de gueules tenant de sa patte dextre un marteau d’argent. English: Quarterly: 1st – gules with a right arm coming from the flank and 4th – gules with a left arm coming from the flank, both arms clothed [dressed] argent the hands carnation, holding each a hammer argent; 2nd and 3rd per fess a) gules with a ring [jewellery] or covered with rubies; b) lozengy or and gules per fess counterchanged; Two helmets, the 1st crowned; Crests: 1st a single wing with the arms from the 1st quarter; 2nd a lion issuant gules holding in its dexter paw a hammer argent; Mantling: argent and gules
2) Prusse – (Ren. de nob., 7 mars 1805. M. ét) – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 de sable au lion d’or tenant un annelet du même aux 2 et 3 de gueules à six pointes d’argent disposées sur deux rangs s’entretouchants L’écu bordé d’or Casque couronné Cimier le lion du 1 issant entre deux proboscides celle à dextre d’or plein celle à senestre coupée d’argent sur gueules Lambrequin à dextre d’or et de sable à senestre d’argent et de gueules (V Kaufmann de Kauffberg). English: Quarterly: 1st and 4th sable a lion or, holding an annulet of the same; 2nd and 3rd gules with six points argent arranged in two rows touching in the midle, the shield with a bordure or; Crowned with a helmet – Crest: the lion of the 1st issuant between two proboscides, that to the dexter or plain [uncharged], that to the sinister per fess argent over gules; Mantling: to the dexter or and sable, to the sinister argent and gules.
3) Wurtemberg – (An., 2 janv. 1807.- M; ét. le 23 fév. 1863) – D’argent à la figure allégorique de la Justice posée sur un tertre de sinople représentée sous les traits d’une femme de carnation les yeux bandés de gueules et d’argent habillée d’une jupe d’azur et d’une tunique de gueules ceinte d’or tenant de sa main dextre une épée d’argent garnie d’or en pal et de sa senestre une balance d’or Casque couronné Cimier une étoile d’argent entre un vol de sable Lambrequin à dextre d’argent et de sable à senestre d’argent et de gueules. English: Argent the allegory figure of Justice placed on a hillock vert, represented by a woman carnation, the eye cover bendy gules and argent, dressed with a skirt azure and a tunic gules belted or, holding in her dexter hand a sword argent hilt and pommell or palewise and in her sinister a set of scales or; Crowned with a helmet – Crest: an estoile argent between a pair of wings sable; Mantling: to the dexter – argent and sable, to the sinister – argent and gules.
4) Allemagne – D’azur à trois aigles d’or couronnées du même Casque couronné Cimier un vol à l’antique aux armes de l’écu. English: Azure three eagles or crowned of the same; Crowned with a helmet – Crest: a pair of ancient wings with the arms of from the shield.
5) Bavière – (An., 10 janv. 1811) – De gueules à une ancre d’argent sans trabe Casque couronné Cimier l’ancre entre un vol coupé alternativement d’argent et de gueules. English: Gules with an anchor argent without a stock; Crowned with a helmet – Crest: the anchor between a pair of wings per fess, alternately argent and gules.
6) Berne – De gueules à un croissant versé d’or acc en chef de trois étoiles rangées du même et en pointe d’un tertre de sinople Cimier une étoile d’or. English: Gules a crescent inverted or, accompanied in chief by three etoiles in fesse of the same, and in base a hillock vert; Crest: an estoile or.
7) Hanovre – (Nob. du St-Empire, 27 sept. 1773) – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 de gueules à une Fortune de carnation tenant au-dessus de sa tête un voile d’argent posée sur une boule d’azur ailée d’or aux 2 et 3 d’azur à trois étoiles d’or Casque couronné Lambrequin à dextre d’argent et de gueules à senestre d’or et d’azur. English: Quarterly: 1st and 4th gules with a representation of Fortune carnation, holding above of its head a cloak argent, placed on a ball azure winged or; 2nd and 3rd azure three etoiles or; Mantling: to the dexter – argent and gules, to the sinister – or and azure.
8) Soleure – De gueules à une marque d’or en forme de coeur vidé sommé d’un 4 dont le montant est croisé d’une traverse ladite marque acc en chef de deux étoiles d’or et d’un K d’or posé dans le coeur vidé Cimier le 4 d’or le montant de la traverse croisé. English: Gules a mark in the form of a heart or voided, surmounted by the number 4 whose vertical column is crossed trough horizontally, the aforesaid mark accompanied in chief by two etoiles or and the letter K or placed inside it; Crest: the number 4 from the shield.
9) Winterthür – D’azur au lion naissant le corps entouré d’une ceinture à laquelle est attachée une chaîne mouvante d’un anneau au canton senestre du chef de l’écu le tout d’argent Cimier un lion issant d’argent. English: Azure a lion naissant, the body surrounded by a ringed belt to which is attached a chain, the chain comming out of the sinister chief point of the shield, all argent; Crest: a lion issuant argent.
10) Coire – Parti au 1 d’azur à trois poissons nageants et contournés d’or l’un sur l’autre au 2 d’or à une ancre de sable le sommet de la trabe réuni au bas dextre de la trabe en forme de 4 au moyen d’un trait de sable. English: Per pale: 1st azure three fish, free-swimming and reversed or, arranged in pale; 2nd or with an anchor sable, the head and the stock of the anchor connected together by a line to the dexter, thus forming the number 4, also sable.
11) Baden (Argovie) – De sinople au lion naissant d’argent Cimier le lion issant. English: Vert a lion naissant argent; Crest: the lion issuant.
12) Bâle – D’argent à la bande de gueules côtoyée en haut de trois étoiles d’or et acc en bas de deux 4 adossés et réunis de sable Cimier une étoile d’or entre un vol d’argent et de gueules Lambrequin d’argent et de gueules. English: Argent a bend gules surrounded by in chief of three etoiles[with the same orientation as the bend] or, and in base by two numbers 4 addorsed [back to back] and joined together sable; Crest: an estoile or between a pair of wings argent and gules; Mantling: argent and gules.
13) Bâle – Écartelé d’un fuselé en barre de sable et d’argent et de gueules à une étoile d’argent l’écu ch d’une bordure d’or Cimier un homme issant habillé de sable au rabat d’argent coiffé d’une toque plate de sable supp de sa main dextre une étoile d’argent la senestre appuyée sur sa hanche Lambrequin d’argent et de sable. English: Quarterly: 1st and 4th fusilly bendwise sinister sable and argent; 2nd and 3rd gules with an estoile argent, the shield within a bordure or; Crest: a man issuant dressed sable with flaps argent, wearing on the head a flat cap sable, holding in his dexter hand an estoile argent, and the sinister resting on his hip; Mantling: argent and sable.
14) de Kauffberg, Prusse, Principauté de Schwarzbourg, Saxe – (Ren. de la nob. du St-Empire, 1707) – Kaufmann de Lobenthal ou de Löwenfeld, Bohême, Franconie – Écartelé aux 1 et 4 de sable au lion d’or tenant un annelet du même aux 2 et 3 de gueules à six pointes d’argent disposées sur deux rangs Deux casques couronnés Cimiers 1° une pointe d’argent entre un vol de sable Lambrequin d’or et de sable 2° le lion issant entre deux proboscides coupées à dextre d’or sur sable à senestre d’argent sur gueules Lambrequin d’argent et de gueules. English: Quarterly: 1st and 4th sable a lion or, holding an annulet of the same; 2nd and 3rd gules six points argent, arranged on two rows; Crowned with two helments – Crests: 1st – a point argent between a pair of wings sable; Mantling: or and sable; 2nd – the lion issuant, between two proboscides per fess – to the dexter or over sable, to the sinister argent over gules; Mantling: argent and gules.