Kendrick Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

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Learn MoreKendrick Origin:
England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales
Origins of Name:
The Kendrick surname derives from a number of various sources. The Old English word “Cyneric” is the combination of words “cyne” meaning royal and “ric” meaning power. The surname Kendrick in England derives from Cenric or Kendrich which in turn derive from Cyneric. Possibly evolving into the name Kenwrite which would be an occupational surname. In Wales, the name “Cynwrig” is the combination of the words “cyn” meaning chief and “gwr” meaning man. The surname Kendrick in Wales derives from the name Cynwrig. In Scotland the surname Kendrick derives from Machendrie or Mackendrick or Mac Eanraig, all meaning “son of Henry”, a variant for the surname Henderson. In Ireland the surname is the anglicized version of the name Indreachtach which means the attacker.
More common variations are: Kenrick, Kenwrick, Kenwright, MacKendrick, McKendrick, Henryson, Henderson, McHenry, McHendry
The first instance of the surname was in Fife where the family was medieval lords before the Norman Conquest. The surname is possibly derived from the ancestor Kenwrec, creating the surname Kendrick meaning “son of Kenwrec”.
The first known recorded instance of the name is John Kendrich in 1279 in Cambridgeshire in the Hundred Rolls. John Kerrych was recorded in Suffolk in 1297 in the Calendar of Inquisitiones.
The surname Kendrick is the 1341st most common name in Great Britain. The highest concentrations are in Lancashire, Staffordshire, and Essex.
In Berkshire county existed a ‘old family line’ of Kendrick who had influence in the region.
In 1682 William Kendrick was high sheriff for Reading county.
The earliest ancestor of the surname Kendrick is though tto be Eanruig Mor Mac Righ Neachtan, King of the Picts in 710. It is believed all Kendricks of Scotland descended from him.
John McKendrik was recorded in 1601 for being a traitor to Scotland. His name was alternatively spelled John M’Inrig.
Females of the clan took the surname “nic Eanruig”, also meaning ‘daughter of Henry’.
The surname Kendrick is found widely in counties bordering England. It is found mainly in north Wales and eventually evolved into a patronymic surname.
United States:
John Kendrick was one of the first of the Kendrick line to arrive in the New World. He landed in Boston in 1639. Edwd Kendrick settled in Virginia in 1644.
In the year 1702, Eliza Kendrick arrived in Virginia. 40 years later, the next Kendrick, Henry Kendrick landed in Pennsylvania.
The 19th century would see a large migration of Kendrick families to the United States. In 1812, Walter Kendrick at the age of 47 arrived in New York. In 1835, Isaac Kendrick arrived in Texas.
By 1840 there were 240 Kendrick families living in the United States, mostly in Massachusetts and Georgia.
In 1892, A. Kendrick at the age of 25 emigrated to the United States, but where he settled was not known. At the age of 6, Edward Kendrick emigrated to the United States alone from Manchester.
By the 20th century, more Kendricks would arrive. C. Kendrick at the age of 26 emigrated from Leamington to the United States. At 43, Arthur Kendrick settled in America from Birmingham. A Scottish Kendrick, Edward Kendrick at the age of 51 settled in America from Glasgow. Ellen M. Kendrick arrived from Eastbourne England in 1908, and finally Ethel Kendrick at the age of 18 would arrive from Smethwick, England. More Kendricks would arrive throughout the 20th century.
Kendrick Today:
30,000 in the United States (mainly in Texas), 5,000 in England, 1,000 in Canada, 1,000 in Australia
Notable People:
Helen Kendrick Johnson (1844), American anti-suffragist activist. Her father was a professor in Greek, and her mother died after the birth of her third sister. She would go on to write childrens literature and travel articles. Her and her husband were active suffragists.
John Kendrick (1573 – 1624), English cloth merchant. He was educated at Reading School at Oxford. He moved to London and amassed a fortune trading with the Netherlands.
John Kendrick (1740–1794), American explorer. He was a sea captain during the American Revolutionary War, and explored the Pacific Northwest along with Robert Gray.
William Kenrick (1725 – 1779), an English novelist. He was also a novelist, translator, and playwright. He received a doctorate degree from Leiden University.
T. D. Kendrick (1895), archaeologist. He was also a British historian. He went to Oxford for a year before World War I. He was injured in the war, where he rose to the rank of being a captain.
Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) (Reading, co. Berks). Erm. a lion ramp. sa.
2) (Warrington, co. Lancaster). Motto—Virtue is honour. Same Arms. Crest—On a sheaf of arrows a falcon jessed and belled all ppr.
3) (Suckley, co. Worcester). Ar. five palets sa. Crest—A hawk’s head erased jessed and belled all ppr.