Lopez Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Lopez Origin:

Portugal, Spain

Origins of Name:

The surname of Lopez can be derived from the ancient Latin words “lupus” and the word “lobo,” which was a 5th Century word which can be translated to mean “the wolf.” It is possible that this surname of Lopez is a nickname, or a tribal given name. Due to the notoriety of this surname, it is believed that the name was given to a tribe or clan in history. The wolf was regarded for both it’s cunning nature and overall bravery. It is possible that this clan or tribe was so named because the wolf was the animal that they hunted; which would make this technically an occupational surname. In this case, it means that all those who hunted the wolves, or honored the wolves were given this surname, and then it became hereditary as time went on.


More common variations are: Lopezz, Llopez, Loopez, Loppez, Lopeez, Lopeza, Lopezi, Lopeza, Lopeze



The first recorded spelling of the surname of Lopez was found in the country of Spain. One person by the name of Catalina Lopez was named as marrying one Diego de Palacios at Santa Maria Magdalena which is located in Valladolid, Spain in the year of 1566, on June 20th. This recorded spelling of the surname of Lopez occurred under the reign of King Philip II of Spain, who was known as, and commonly referred to throughout his life, and throughout history as The Emperor of Mexico. King Philip II ruled from the year 1556 to the year 1598.


The surname of Lopez was found in the country of Mexico throughout history. One of the first recorded spellings was one Alonso Juan Lopez who was baptized at Asuncion, Mexico in the year 1637 on February 8th. One person by the name of Ramirez Lopes who was recorded a Santa Catarina, Mexico, on September 6th 1709.


The first recorded spelling of the surname of Lopez in the country of England was in the year 1622. One person by the name of Dominicus Lopes married one Jane Baker on September 23, at St. Dunstan’s Church, which is located in Stepney, London.

United States of America:

Throughout the 17th Century, it was common for European citizens to emigrate out of their own countries. Due to the poor living conditions, cramped living quarters, the inability to purchase land, and the religious powers of the governments, European citizens looked for a new place to settle down. Many of these people came to The United States of America, which at that time was commonly known as The New World, or The Colonies. This movement was called the European Migration, and included settlers from most countries throughout Europe who were looking to change their lives. The first person who bore the surname of Lopez who landed in the United States of America were both Eliah Lopez and Rachel Lopez who landed in America in the year 1679. It was many years before another person who carried the surname of Lopez arrived in the United States of America. In the year 1740, Moses Lopez settled down in the state of New York. It is possible that people who bore the surname of Lopez were attempting to come to the United States of America and passed away en route, or that they were immigrating to different countries at this time. The areas with the largest concentrations of those who have the Lopez surname are Arizona, Texas, Florida and New Mexico.

Here is the population distribution of the last name Lopez: Mexico 2,151,072; Spain 893,278; Colombia 553,665; United States 549,210; Guatemala 371,525; Argentina 332,014; Venezuela 277,457; Nicaragua 219,063; Peru 211,155; Honduras 137,834

Notable People:

Vito Joseph Lopez (1941-2015) who was a politician from America, and served on the New York State Assembly from the year 1985 to the year 2013

Jennifer Lynn Lopez (born in 1969) who is an actress, singer, dancer, TV personality, record producer, TV producer, and fashion designer

Donald S. Lopez Sr. (1923-2008) who was a U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force fighter, as well as a pilot for these branches of the military, also served as the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Deputy Director until his death in the year 2008

Marco Antonio Lopez (born in 1978) who is a politician and the Chief of Staff for Customs and Border Protection from 2009 to present

Steven López (born in 1978) who was a gold medalist in the 2000 and 2004 Olympics in the martial art of taekwondo

Àngel de Andrés Lopez (1951-2016) who was an actor from Spain who starred in over 60 TV shows and movies

Jesús López Cobos (born in 1940) who was a conductor from Spain

Feliciano López (born in 1981) who was a professional tennis player from Spain

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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

2) (Garcia-Carpintero). Espagne (Cité de Palencia), rameau à Matauzas (Cuba) – Executoria de D. Manuel Garcia, vecino de Colmenar Viejo. Provincia de Madrid. 1781 De gueules à un pélican d’or la poitrine ouverte de gueules à la bordure d’or chargée de huit tourteaux de sinople (Alias D’autres ont usé au lieu de huit tourteaux de huit panelles du même (coeurs). English: Gules a pelican or the chest open gules, a bordure or charged with eight pommes (roundels vert) (Some others use instead of the eight roundels eight leaves of the same tincture).
3) (Garcia-Cuesta). Salamanque – Michel 1861 Écartelé au 1 d’or à un pont sommé d’une tour crénelée d’où sort un bras armé tenant la hampe d’une banderole en bande et accostée de deux loups passants et affrontés le pont jeté sur une eau dans laquelle surnage une tête coupée coiffée d’un turban orné d’un croissant à la bordure du quartier chargé des mots POR PASAR EL PUENTE ME PUSE A LA MUERTE au 2 parti a) coupé d’or au lion de sur argent à l’aigle de sable b) d’argent à quatre fasces d’azur au 3 d’argent au loup de sable passant sur une terrasse de sinople au chef d’azur chargé de deux fleurs-de-lys de au 4 d’azur à une étoile (6) à la bordure d’argent chargée de huit roses tigées et feuillées posées dans le sens de la bande L’écu bordé de gueules. English: Quarterly, 1st a bridge surmounted by a tower crenellated from out of which an armoured arm holds the pole of a banner bendwise and alongside two wolves passant affronte, the bridge crosses a river in which floats a severed head wearing a turban decorated with a crescent, a bordure in this quarter charged with the words “POR PASAR EL PUENTE ME PUSE A LA MUERTE”, 2nd per pale, a) per fess or a lion (tincture missing???) over argent an eagle sable, b) argent four bars azure a wolf passant sable on a mount vert on a chief azure two fleur-de-lys (tincture missing???) 4th azure an etoile of six points a bordure argent charged with eight roses stemmed and leaved placed bendwise, overall a bordure gules.
4) de Arrafan – Andalousie Parti au 1 de gueules à un héron d’argent dans l’attitude de l’aigle héraldique s’ouvrant du bec la poitrine ensanglantée (Garcia) au 2 d’or à une tour de gueules sommée d’un drapeau du même ch d’une croix alésée d’argent et une bordure d’or ch de huit flanchis de gueules (Arrafan). English: Per pale 1st gules a heron argent displayed (in the style of a heraldic eagle) opening its beak and its chest bloody (for Garcia), 2nd or a tower gules surmounted by a flag of the same charge with a cross couped argent, a bordure or charged with eight saltires gules (for Arrafan).
5) de Càceres – Espagne, Estrémadure – Pleito de Hidalguia ganado en la Real Audiencia de Granada en el ano 1545 D’azur au château d’or surmonté de trois colombes essorantes d’argent en pal le château ouvert et ajouré de gueules maçonné de sable. English: Azure a castle surmounted by three doves soaring in pale argent the castle openings and portcullis gules, masoned sable.
6) de Cáceres – Murcie D’azur à une tour sommée de trois tourelles celle du milieu plus élevée et surmontée de trois hérons volants en fasces l’un sur l’autre le tout d’or. English: Azure a tower triple towered that in the middle tallest and surmounted by three herons flying fesswise in pale or.
7) de Cardenas – Royaume de Valence D’azur à un arbre terrassé de sinople acc d’un lion couché d’or brochant sur le pied du fût et d’une aigle d’or brochant sur le milieu du fût le feuillage de l’arbre ch d’une autre aigle d’or l’aigle sur le fût adextrée de cinq fleurs-de-lis d’or 2 1 et 2 et senestrée de cinq croissants versés du même 2 1 et 2 à la bordure partie d’or et de gueules l’or chargé de huit flanchis de gueules et le gueules de huit coquilles d’or. English: Azure a tree on a mount vert accompanied by a lion couchant or covering with its foot the body of an eagle or, covering in the middle the leaves of the tree, charged with another eagle or, the eagle under the foot has to the dexter five fleur-de-lys or 2, 1 and 2 all argent and to the sinister five crescents inverted of the same 2, 1 and 2, a bordure per pale or and gules the or charged with eight saltires gules and the gules with eight saltires or.
8) de Casielles – Espagne – Chancellerie de Valladolid, 1771 D’azur à deux tours d’or donjonnées du même accostées sur une terrasse d’argent celle de dextre senestrée d’un chevalier armé l’épée haute montant sur une échelle appuyée contre les créneaux chaque tour surmontée de trois étoiles (8) mal-ordonnées et au point du chef un tau entre quatre fleurs-de-lis 1 2 et 1 le tout d’argent la terrasse chargée à dextre d’une tête de Maure tortillée couchée et saignante et à senestre d’un croissant versé de sable. English: Azure two tours or each surmounted by turret of the same on a mount argent that on the dexter having to the sinister a knight armed with a sword held upright on a ladder leaning against the crenellations each tower surmounted by three etoiles of 8 points 1 & 2 (dis-ordered) and in chief point a tau cross between 4 fleur-de-lys 1, 2 and 1 all argent, The mount charged on the dexter with a Moor’s head recumbent and bloody and on the sinister a crescent inverted sable.
9) de Cerezuela – Espagne – Branches de Morole et de Priego. (Arch. de D. Manuel Perez Dâvila, Roy d’Armes de S. M. le Roi Ferdinand VII.). Originaire de Lorca D’azur à un pélican essorant d’or la poitrine ouverte de gueules sur un arbre de sinople issant de trois ondes d’argent à la bordure partie à dextre d’or chargée de huit flanchis de gueules à senestre de gueules chargée de huit coquilles d’or. English: Azure a pelican soaring or the chest open gules over a tree vert issuant from three waves argent, a bordure per pale, to the dexter or charged with eight saltires gules and to the sinister gules charged with eight saltires or.
10) de Cueto – Biscaye De gueules à une tour de deux étages d’or sommée d’un héron contourné de sable becquetant la hampe d’or d’un guidon d’argent flottant à senestre la hampe posée en barre à la bordure d’argent ch de quatre chaudières de sable 1 en chef 2 en flancs et 1 en pointe. English: Gules a tower of two floors or surmounted by a heron reversed sable pecking at its breast or, a pennant argent flying to the sinister the shaft bendwise sinister, a bordure argent charged with four cauldrons sable, 1 in chief, 2 in the flanks and 1 in base.
11) de Guimarân – Espagne D’or au pélican de sable qui se blesse la poitrine saignant de gueules accosté d’un monde d’azur cintré et croisé d’argent à la bordure d’argent chargée de vingt-quatre écussons de sable. English: Or a pelican sable with an injured chest bleeding gules alongside a globe azure criss-crossed argent, a bordure argent charged with twenty four inescutcheons sable (In English heraldry it would be a “Pelican in her piety”).
12) de Laspra – Asturies (Paroisse de Paredes) – (Arch. des Garcia de Paredes.) XVIe s Coupé au 1 d’argent à la rose de gueules au 2 d’azur à un pélican d’or qui se blesse le coeur d’où sortent quelques gouttes de sang de gueules à la bordure de l’écu échiqueté d’argent et d’azur en trois tires. English: Per fess, 1st argent a rose gules, 2nd azure a pelican or which is injured in the heart from where comes some drops of blood gules (In English Heraldry “a pelican in her piety”), over the entire shield a bordure checky argent and azure of three rows.
13) (de) de La Vega. P. de Namur – Rec. de nob. 25 juillet 1845 et Conc. du titre de baron, 3o aoùt 1871 Écartelé en sautoir en chef et en pointe barré d’or et de gueules de six pièces chargé sur le quartier inférieur d’une tête de More tortillée d’argent aux flancs d’or au cimeterre d’argent acc au quartier dextre des mots AVE MARIA et au quartier senestre des mots GRATIA PLENA en lettres capitales d’azur mises en orle Couronne de comte Supports deux lions contournés au naturel. English: Quarterly per saltire, in chief and in base barry of six or and gules charged in the lower quarter with a Moor’s head filleted argent (i.e. a silver headband), the flank (quarters) or a scimitar argent surounded by, in the dexter quarter by the words “AVE MARIA” and in the sinister quarter by the words “GRATIA PLENA” in capital letters azure placed in orle. Crowned with an earl’s crown. Supporters two lions facing sinister proper.
14) de La Vega. Namur – (Rec. de nob., et titre de baron, 15 juillet 1845 et 30 août 1871) Écartelé en sautoir au 1 bandé d’or et de gueules au 2 d’or à un badelaire au naturel en pal la pointe en bas adextré des mots AVE MARIA d’azur en orle au 3 d’or à un badelaire pareil la pointe en bas senestré des mots GRATIA PLENA d’azur en orle au 4 bandé de gueules et d’or à une tête de More posée de front tortillée d’argent brochant sur ledit bandé Supports deux lions regardants au naturel. English: Quarterly per saltire, 1st bendy or and gules, 2nd or a sabre proper in pale the point to dexter base the words “AVE MARIA” azure in orle, 3rd or a similar sable the point to sinister base the words “GRATIA PLENA” azure in orle, 4th bendy gules and or a Moor’s head facing the front filletted (headband) argent covering over the said bends. Supporters two lion regardant proper..
15) de La Vega. Asturies – (Arch. du marquis de Valbuena et des comtes de Alcudia.) Coupé au 1 d’argent à trois pins de sinople terrassés du même au 2 d’azur à un lion d’argent. English: Per fess 1st argent three pin trees vert on a mount of the same, 2nd azure a lion argent.
16) del Salto – Espagne De sinople à une tour d’argent sommée d’une aigle issante du même et senestrée d’un lion d’or rampant contre la tour à la bordure de gueules ch de huit flanchis d’argent. English: Vert a tower argent surmounted by an eagle issuant of the same and to the sinister a lion rampant or against the tower, a bordure charged with eight saltires argent.
17) de Parra – Espagne – (Diccionario Heraldicos vol. VII, 1864.). Originaire de Léon De gueules au lion couronné d’argent armé de sable. English: Gules a lion crowned argent, armed sable.
18) de Penalosa – Navarre, Asturies (Trasmiera) – Sgr. de Loide; Une branche de cette famille, établie à Cangas de Tineo en Galice, porte d’or à la bande d’azur. Executoria de Nobleza ganada en la Real Audiencia de Pamplona, en 1447 D’or à la bande de gueules. English: Or a bend gules.
19) de San Pedro – Asturies Coupé au 1 de gueules à un cygne d’argent posé sur une terrasse de sinople au 2 d’argent à deux lions de sable l’un en chef à senestre et l’autre en pointe à dextre L’écu entouré d’une bordure de gueules ch en flancs de deux clés d’argent en pals les pannetons en bas et à senestre. English: Per fess 1st gules a swan argent on a mount vert, 2nd argent two lions sable the one in chief to the sinister and the other pointing to the dexter. Over the entire shield a bordure gules charged with two keys argent in the flanks in pale, the web (or bit, of the key) downwards and to the sinister.
20) de Valdenoceda – Arroyo (Espagne) – (Dict. héral. des Familles de la monarchie espagnole, vol. VII. Arch. de D. Luis Vilar Écartelé aux 1 et 4 de gueules à la main appaumée d’argent issant d’une mer ondée d’azur et d’argent aux 2 et 3 d’azur à l’étoile (8) d’or. English: Quarterly 1st & 4th gules a hand appaume (open) argent issuant from a wavy sea (bars wavy in base) azure and argent, 2nd & 3rd azure an etoile of eight points or.
21) de Valdivieso – Vallée de Valdivieso en Asturies (Espagne) – Diccionario Heraldico, vol. VII De gueules à la main appaumée d’argent issant d’une mer ondée d’azur et d’argent à la bordure d’argent chargée de la devise DE GARCIA ARRIBA NADIE DIGA (De Carcia en haut personne en parle) de sable. English: Gules, a hand appaume (open) argent issuant from a wvy sea (bars wavy in base) azure and argent, a bordure argent charged with the motto “DE GARCIA ARRIBA NADIE DIGA” (De Garcia is the nobleman of which we speak) sable.
22) Los de Aragón, traen: En campo de oro, un lobo, de sable, bordura de gules, con siete aspas, de plata. English: Or, a wolf sa., within bordure gu., charged with seven saltires ar.
23) Otros de Aragón, traen: En campo de oro, un castillo, de púrpura; bordura de plata, con ocho escudetes, de azur, cargados de una banda, de oro. English: Or, a castle purp., within bordure ar, charged with eight escutcheons az, bend or.
24) Otros de Aragón, traen: Escudo cuartelado: 1º y 4º, de plata, con un lobo, de sable; y 2º y 3º, de azur, con cinco estrellas, de oro, puestas en sotuer. English: Quaterly Ar and Az., 1st and 4th a wolf sa., 2nd and 3rd five stars or, saltirewise.
25) Originario de las montañas de Jaca y Valle de Tena en Huesca, extendido por Aragón , traen: En campo de oro, un roble, de sinople, frutado de oro, y un lobo pasante, de sable, al pie de su tronco. English: Or, an oak vert, fructed of the first, close to the trunk a wolf passant sa.
26) Originario de las montañas de Jaca y Valle de Tena en Huesca, extendido por Aragón y con radicaciones en Madrid, Ciudad Real, Toledo y Carrión de Calatrava, traen: En campo de oro, un roble, de sinople, con un lobo pasante, de sable, atravesado a su tronco. English: Or, an oak vert, close to the trunk a wolf passant sa.
27) Otros de Aragón, traen: En campo de gules, un árbol, de oro, frutado de sinople. English: Gu, a tree or, fructed vert.
28) Otros de Aragón, traen: En campo de plata, un árbol, de sinople, arrancado y frutado, de oro, sumado de una cruz, de gules. English: Ar, a tree vert, eredicted and fructed or, surrmounted by cross gu.
29) Originario de Santa Eulalia (Santolarieta), y radicado en varias poblaciones aragonesas: En campo de plata, dos lobos andantes, de sable, dispuestos en palo y mirando el flanco siniestro. English: Ar, two wolves passant sa, in pale, face to sinister.
30) Originario de Ansó y radicado en Ansó, Aquilué, Aniés y Tauste, todos de Aragón: Escudo cuartelado: 1º, de azur, la cabeza de un rey, barbado y coronado, 2º y 3º, de gules, un lobo, de sable, y 4º, de oro, los cuatro bastones de gules aragoneses. English: Quaterly, 1st Az, a head of King, bearded and crowned, 2nd and 3rd Gu, a wolf sa., 4th Or, four sticks of Aragonese ( four palets) gu.
31) Originario de Junzano y radicado en varias poblaciones aragonesas: Escudo partido: 1º, de gules, un lobo, de oro, y 2º, de gules, un lobo, de oro. English: Per pale, 1st gu, a wolf or., 2nd gu, a wolf or
32) Originario de Arresa y radicado en varias poblaciones aragonesas: Escudo partido: 1º, de plata, dos lobos andantes, de sable, dispuestos en palo, y 2º, partido en faja, primero, de plata, un árbol, de sinople, y segundo, de oro, los cuatro bastones de gules aragoneses. English: Per pale, 1 st Ar, two wolves passant sa, in pale, 2nd per fesse 1st Ar, a tree vert, 2nd Or, four sticks of Aragones (four palets) gu.
33) Originario de Aragón, radicado en Sevilla: En campo de gules, dos lobos pasantes, de sable, puestos en palo; bordura de azur, con ocho aspas, de plata. English: Gu, two wolves passant sa, in pale, within bordure az, charged with eight saltires ar.
34) Radicado en Beteta (Cuenca) y extendido a Madrid y Barcelona: En campo de oro, cinco dados de azur, marcados, de plata; bordura de sinople, con ocho lises, de oro. English: Or, five dices az, marked ar., within bordure vert, charged with eight fleur de lis of the first.
35) Los de Álava y Soria, traen: En campo de plata, dos pinos, de sinople, y al pie de cada uno de ellos, un lobo, de sable; bordura de sinople, con cinco aspas, de plata y cinco castillos de oro, alternando. English: Ar, two pine trees vert, at the foot at each of them a wolf sa., within bordure of the second charged with eight saltires of the fisrt and eight castles or, alternately.
36) Otros de Andalucía, traen: En campo de oro, un sauce, de sinople, y a su pie, dos lobos andantes, de sable; bordura de gules con ocho aspas, de plata. English: Or, a willow tree vert, at his foot, two wolves passant sa, within bordure gu, chraged with eight saltires ar.
37) Oriundo de Cantabria, radicado en Ampuero: En campo de plata, dos lobos, de sable, pasantes y puestos en palo; bordura de azur, con ocho flores de lis, de oro. Estas armas traen también las casas de Castropol y Vegadeo (Asturias). English: Ar, two wolves passant sa, in pale, within bordure az, charged with eight fleur de lis or.
38) Otros de Galicia, traen: Escudo cortado en faja: 1º, de azur, un cordero, de plata, con una bandera del mismo metal, 2º, de gules, con un castillo, y 3º, de azur, una lis, de oro. English: Az, on fesse gu, between lamb ar holding a banner of the same in chief, and fleur de lis or in base, a castle of the third.
39) Los de Guipúzcoa, traen: En campo de oro, un lobo, de sable, armado y linguado de gules. English: Or, a wolf sa., armed and langued gu.
40) Los de Sobaqueira (Lugo), traen: En campo de oro, una encina, de sinople y dos lobos andantes, de sable, al pie del tronco, uno por delante y otro por detrás; bordura de azur con ocho aspas, de oro. English: Or, an oak vert, near his foot, two wolves passant sa, one in front of and another behind, within bordure az, charged with eight saltires of the first.
41) Los de Córdoba, traen: En campo de oro, tres bandas, de gules. English: Or, three bends gu.
42) Los de León, traen: Escudo partido: 1º, en oro, un roble, de sinople, frutado, y un jabalí pasante, y 2º, cinco cabezas de jabalíes, de sable, goteando sangre. English: Per pale, 1st Or, an oak tree vert fructed or and boar passant, 2nd. Five boar’s heads sa, dripping blood.
43) Otros traen: En campo de azur, un castillo, de plata, acompañado a la izquierda de un lebrel empinante, de oro, acollarado de gules.  English: Az, a castle ar, accompanied on the left side by greyhound or collared gu., steep on it.
44) Los de Tuy (Pontevedra), traen: En campo de gules, un castillo, de oro, de dos torres. English: Gu, a castle with two towers or.
45) Originario de Niñodaguía, pasado a Buenos Aires (Argentina), radicado en Madrid y Ávila: En campo de gules, trece bezantes, de oro. English: Gu, thirteen bezants.
46) Otros de Asturias, traen: En campo de plata, tres lobos, de sable, en palo. English: Ar, three wolves sa, in pale.
47) Otros de Asturias, traen: En campo de oro, dos lobos, de sable, pasantes; bordura de azur, con ocho lises, de oro. English: Or, two wolves passant sa, in pale, within bordure az, charged with eight fleur de lis of the first.
48) Los de Argentina, traen: En campo de plata, dos lobos, de sable, surmontado cada uno de ellos de una estrella, de azur. English: Ar, two wolves sa., each one surmounted by star az.
49) Los de México, traen: En campo de gules, trece roeles, de oro; bordura de gules, con ocho aspas, de oro. English: Gu, thirteen bezants, within bordure of the fisrt charged with eight saltires of the second.
50) Los de Toledo, Ciudad Real, Guadalajara y Albacete, traen: En campo de plata, dos lobos, de sable; bordura de oro, con ocho aspas, de azur. English: Ar, two wolves sa, within bordure or, charged with eight saltires az.
51) Otros López, traen: En campo de gules, trece roeles, de plata. English: Gu, thirteen plates.
52) Los de Extremadura, traen: En campo de plata, cinco lobos, de sable, en aspa; bordura de gules, con ocho aspas, de oro. English: Ar, five wolves sa, saltirewise, within bordure gu, charged with eight saltires or.
53) Otros de Andalucía, traen: En campo de oro, un lobo, de sable, cebado, de gules, surmontado de tres cabezas de moro, de su color. English: Or, a wolf sa,(priming?) gu, surmounted by three Moors heads ppr.
54) Los de Rioja, traen: Escudo cortado: 1º, de azur, un lobo, de sable, perfilado, de oro, y 2º, de oro, cinco panelas, de azur. English: Per fesse az and or, 1st a wolf sa, profiled of the second, 2nd five leaf of tilia of the first.
55) Otros de Argentina, traen: En campo de oro, cinco lobos en cruz; bordura de sinople, con ocho aspas, de oro. English: Or, five wolves sa, in cross, within bordure vert, charged with eight saltires of the first.
56) Los de Cuba, traen: En campo de plata, dos lobos, de sable, puestos en palo. English: Ar, two wolves sa., in pale.
57) Otros de Andalucía, traen: En campo de plata, un muro, en azur, almenado y mazonado, de sable. English: Ar, wall az., masoned sa.
58) Los de Murcia, traen: En campo de gules, una banda, de oro, engolada en dragantes del mismo metal. English: Gu, a bend or, swallowed by dragons of the same.
59) Radicado en San Francisco (Estados Unidos): En campo de plata, cinco cabezas degolladas y sangrantes de lobos, puestos en aspa; bordura de gules, con cuatro cabezas de lobo. English: Ar, five wolves heads couped and dripping blood, saltirewise, within bordure gu, four wolves heads.
60) Los de Valladolid, traen: En campo de plata, un árbol, de sinople, con dos lobos pasantes y en palo, uno por delante y otro por detrás del tronco, en sable. English: Ar, a tree vert with two wolves passant sa, one in front and another behind of it.
61) Otros López, traen: En campo de oro, trece roeles azules colocados tres, tres, tres, tres y uno. English: Or, thirteen hurst in order 3,3,3,3,1.
62) Los de Vizcaya, traen: En campo de oro, un árbol, de sable, frutado, y pasante a su tronco un lobo al natural. English: Or, a tree sa, fructed, near the trunk a wolf passant ppr.
63) Otros López, traen: En campo de plata, cuatro lobos pardos con las cabezas contornadas, puestos en dos palos; bordura de gules, con ocho aspas, de oro. English: Ar, four wolves regardant arranged in two pales, within bordure gu charged with eight saltires or.
64) Otros López, traen: En campo de plata, cuatro fajas, de azur. English: Ar, four bars az.
65) Otros López, traen: En campo de oro, una cruz flordelisada, de azur. English: Or, a cross flory az.
66) Originario de de Valduerna (León) y radicado en México y California: En campo de oro, tres fajas, de gules, cargada la del centro de cinco copones, de plata. English: Or, three bars gu, central one charged with five cups ar.
67) Radicado en Fuenmayor (Logroño): En campo de sinople, doce lises, de oro, puestas en cuatro fajas de a tres cada una de ellas. English: Vert, twelve fleur de lis aranged in four rows, three in each one.
68) Originario de Castejón de Arbaniés y radicado en varias poblaciones aragonesas: En campo de oro, dos lobos, de sable, juntos y pasantes. English: Or, two wolves passant sa, side by side.
69) Radicado en Quintanar de la Orden: En campo de oro, un monte, de sinople, surmontada de un águila, de sable. English: Or, a mount vert, surrmounted by eagle sa.
70) Vecino de Lueña: En campo de azur, una mano que sale del flanco siniestro, empuñando una espada, de plata. English: Az, an arm issuing from sinister, holding an arm ar.
71) Originario de Ahedo de Brutón y radicado en Barcelona: En campo de sinople, cinco puntas de alabarda, puestas en aspa. English: Vert, five points of halbard, saltirewise.
72) Vecino de Carballeda: En campo de oro, un lobo de sable, acosado de tres lebreles, de plata, manchados de sable. English: Or, a wolf sa, harrased of three greyhounds ar, spotted of the second.
73) Vecino de Barcenillas: En campo de oro, una rueda de molino, de azur. English: Or, a will wheel az.
74) Vecino de Remolina: En campo de oro, una garra, de sable. English: Or, a claw sa.
75) Los López, de Comillas, traen: En campo de azur, una torre, de plata, aclarada de sable; bordura de plata, cargada de ocho escudetes, de azur, con una banda, de oro. English: Or, a tower ar., within bordure ar, charged with eight escutcheons az, bend or.
76) Los de Martos (Jaén) y algunos de Asturias, traen: En campo de oro, cuatro fajas, de gules. English: Or, four bars gu.
77) Otros de Asturias, traen: En campo de plata, cuatro lobos, andantes, de sable, con las cabezas contornadas. English: Ar, four wolves passant regardant sa.
78) Otros López de Galicia, traen: Escudo cortado: 1º, de azur, un cordero, de plata, con una bandera del mismo metal, y 2º, de gules, un castillo y una flor de lis, de oro. English: Per fesse az and gu, in chief a lamb ar holding a banner of the same, in base a castle and fleur de lis or.
79) Originario de Santiago de Compostela, radicado en Jaén: En campo de plata, sobre ondas de azur y plata, un pez, de oro. English: Ar, on waves of azure and silver a fish or.

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