Parry Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History


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Blazons & Genealogy Notes

1) (Jones-Parry, Madryn Castle, co. Carnarvon). (Jones-Parry, Llwyn Onn, co. Denbigh). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges az., for Parry; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, 1st and 4th, erm. a lion ramp. sa., for Jones, 2nd and 3rd, per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or, armed and langued az., for Tudor Trevor. Crests— 1st: Three battle axes erect staves gu. headed or, for Parry; 2nd: On a chapeau gu. turned up erm. a demi lion ramp. or, for Jones; 3rd: A stag trippant ar. attired and unguled or; 4th: A nag’s head and neck erased ar. maned or. Mottoes—Gofal Dyn Duw ai gwerid; A prudent man God will guard. Over the battle axes, Heb Dduw heb Ddym, Duw a Dygon; over the stag. Nil desperandum.
2) Same Arms, &c.
3) (Hamsted Marshall, co. Berks). Sa. a chev. betw. three boys’ heads couped at the shoulders ppr. crined or, round each neck a snake tied vert. Crest—A cubit arm ppr. grasping a snake vert biting the hand.
4) (Twysog, co. Denbigh; exemplified to Edward William Grainger, Esq., resident in Bavaria, only son and heirofthe late Edward William Grainger, and grandson of Edward Francis Grainger, Esq., who was son of William Grainger, Esq , of Causestown, co. Meath. The first named Edward William Grainger, Esq., and the other descendants of his grandfather, Edward Francis Grainger, by Rose Parry, his wife were authorised by royal licence, 1864, to take the surname and arms of Parry in lieu of Grainger). Gu. a lion ramp. ar. Crest—A demi lion ramp, ar. charged on the shoulder with a cross gu. Motto—Si Deus nobiscum.
5) (Exeter, Old Court, and Wormbridge, co. Hereford, and co. Warwick; Beg. Her. Coll.). Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges sa.
6) (Segar-Parry, Little Haddam, co. Hertford). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Parry, ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges az.; 2nd and 3rd, Segar, az. across moline ar. Crests— 1st, Parry: A buck’s head couped ar. holding in the mouth a sprig ppr.; 2nd, Segar: On a ducal coronet or, two snakes vert, entwined round a sceptre of the first, betw. two winge, the dexter or, the other ar.
7) (co. Hereford). Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges az. within a bordure of the last. Crest—Three battle axes erect ppr.
8) (Highnam Court, co. Gloucester). Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges sa. Crest—Three battle axes erect ppr. Motto—Tu ne cede malis.
9) (Lord Mayor of London, 1739). Quarterly, or and sa. on a bend gu. cotised erm. three lions pass. ar.
10) Ar. on a chev. betw. three lions ramp. az. as many garbs or. Chest—A demi lion ramp. az. on the head a garb as in the arms.
11) Ar. a fesse betw. three lozenges sa. Crest—A lamb ar. bearing a banner or.
12) Ar. three boars’ heads cabossed sa.
13) Sa. a fesse betw. two bars dancettée ar.
14) (Noyadd, co. Cardigan; descended from the ancient Lords of Cardigan). Sa. a spear’s head ar. embrued gu. betw. three scaling ladders of the second, two and one, on a chief gu a castle triple-towered ppr.
15) (Trevor Issa, near Llangollen, descended from Owen, of Treveilir, wlio derived from Gwalchmai ap Meilir, Lord of Treveilir, co. Anglesey, in 1170). Ar. three saddles sa. stirrups and leathers or.
16) (John Parry, Bishop of Ossory, 1672-77; Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office). Az. a cinquefoil ar. betw. three ducal coronets or.
