Young Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History

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Learn MoreMeaning, Origin, Etymology
The surname of Young is of an Anglo-Saxon Pre 7th Century derivative of the word “geong” which can be translated to the Middle English word “yunge” or “yonge” and all are literally translated to mean “the young one.” Derived from the Middle English yunge or yonge (Old English word geong), meaning “young,” the Young surname was used as a descriptive name to distinguish father from son or to the younger of two relatives with the same first name (similar to the usage of Junior). This surname also possibly derives from the Old Gaelic “og” which can be translated to mean “young.” This surname may have stemmed from a nickname for someone who was the youngest member of their family, or someone who looked young in their appearance. Either way, this surname was only considered to be hereditary in some cases, whereas in other cases it was a byname used to describe the youngest member of a family, to differentiate their order, as in Medieval times families often named all of their children with the same given name, and added a byname following this identical given name, to differentiate the children. It was also said that this surname was used to distinguish both a father and son who were both named with the same personal given name. This name is one of the oldest to appear in the records, and references to it go back well before the Norman Conquest. Those who carry the surname of Young can be found in large quantities throughout the English countryside. The areas with the largest concentrations of those who bear the surname of Young include Somerset, Dorset, Hants, Gloucestershire, and Kent. The first recorded spelling of the surname of Young in the country of Scotland was one John Yong de Dyngvale. This person John Yong de Dyngvale was said to be a witness of a charter by the Earl of Ross to Reginald, Son of Roderick of the Isles in the year of 1342. During the 1600’s many European citizens began to migrate to the United States of America in search of a new life. Many of these European citizens were dissatisfied with the government of their home country, because of the living conditions and religious persecution. This movement was referred to as The European Migration. The first people who arrived in the United States who bore the surname of Young were one Richard Young and his wife, who arrived in the state of Virginia in the year 1623. In the year of 1635, Joseph and Margaret Young, and their two young sons arrived in New England.
The Young—Helmholtz theory explains colour vision as resulting from separate retina fibres for red, green and blue light. The theory is named after Thomas Young (1773—1829) and, of course, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821—94). Young also established the wave theory of light, and assisted in deciphering the Rosetta Stone.
Jazz great, Lester ‘Pres’ Young, got an early start: at the age of 10 he became a drummer in his father’s New Orleans Show. Switching to the saxophone at 13, he made his name when he started playing with the legendary trumpeter, Joe ‘King’ Oliver, in Kansas City, later joining Count Basie’s band for 10 years. His unique, sparse but buoyant sound triggered a bitter controversy which ranged through the jazz world for 15 years. Young’s long-term love affair with Billie Holiday led to a series of recordings still regarded as masterpieces.
US astronaut John Young joined Virgil Grisson on the first two-man space flight, Gemini 3. Seventeen years later he orbited the moon on the final check-out of the Apollo systems before the successful Apollo 11 flight.
The United Kingdom has one related place name-Young’s End, while Canada has 2 (Young and Youngstown) and the United States has 10 including 5 Youngsvilles. Australia has a town called Young, and so does Uruguay. The name is common for geographic features and sometimes refers to the geologic age of the mountain or body of water so named.
Spelling Variations
Young, Yonge, Youngson, Younge, Younga, Yoeung, Ayoung, Yeoung, Youngo, Oyoung, Youing, Yooung, Eyoung, Younng
Early Marriage Records for Young
Sarah Young married John Marsh March 22,1662 in Salem, Massachusetts
Edward Young married Hannah Whittier May 30, 1683 in Haverhill, Massachusetts
David Young married Anne Doane January 20, 1687 in Eastham, Massachusetts
Thomas Young married Sarah White January 1689 in Scituate, Massachusetts
Sarah Young married Isaac Loreing August 5, 1691 in Boston, Massachusetts
Robert Young married Lydia Hicks March 22, 1694 in Eastham, Massachusetts
William Young married Sarah Whiteache October 11, 1694 in Boston, Massachusetts
Simon Young married Ann Elum May 10, 1695 in New York
Sarah Young married William Codner November 21, 1697 in Boston, Massachusetts
John Young married Sarah Runnals March 16, 1698 in Northwood, New Hampshire
Daniel Young married Judith Frink January 12, 1699 in New London, Connecticut
Alse Young married Robert Abright July 14, 1550 in Wartling, Sussex, England
William Young married Margaret February 14, 1550 in Aldringham, Suffolk, England
Thomas Young married Eme Taylor May 27, 1549 in Saint Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, London, England
William Young married Alice Avise October 5, 1549 in Binfield, Berkshire, England
John Young married Johane Honye January 24, 1551 in Binfield, Berkshire, England
Alice Young married Thomas Mattingley November 26, 1553 in Binfield, Berkshire, England
Thomas Young married Angnes 1546 in Calne, Wiltshire, England
Agnes Young married John Swaine January 17, 1554 in Binfield, Berkshire, England
John Young married Alicia Inskippe September 18, 1556 in Piddinghoe, Sussex, England
Elizabethe Young married Henry Willms January 26, 1556 in Binfield, Berkshire, England
Joane Young married Robert Potter July 28, 1556 in Saint Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, London, England
Johnes Young married Alicia Weytham 1543 in Calne, Wiltshire, England
Popularity & Geographic Distribution
The last name Young ranks 576th in popularity worldwide as of the 2014 Census and approximately 942,083 people carry the Young surname worldwide. The name ranks particularly high in the following six states: California, Texas, Georgia, Florida, New York and Ohio. It ranks highest in the following countries: United States (616, 416), England (88,481), Canada (54.016), Australia (48,085), Scotland (20,647), and South Africa (16,318).
Early Bearers of Surname
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in the records for Essex. Here, in 744, one Wilferth seo Iunga
Malmor dictus Juvenis and Ade dictus Juvenis were assizers at Dumbarton in 1271 (RMP., p. 191)
John Yong de Dyngvale witnessed a charter by the earl of Ross to Reginald, son of Roderick of the Isles, in 1342 (TGSI., VI p. 165)
Symone Yong was burgess of Elgin in 1343 (REM., p. 290)
John Yhung was a tenant of the earl of Douglas in Moffat in 1376 (RHM., I, p. lxiii)
Adam lung witnessed a notarial instrument in 1413 (Pollok, I, p. 146)
Walter Young served on an assize at Edinburgh in 1428 (RAA., II, 61)
Alexander Yong was chaplain and procurator of the house of the Holy Trinity of Aberdeen in 1439 (CRA., p. 6)
John Zung was a presbyter in Glasgow in 1442 (REG., 346)
William Yhonge and Walter Yhonge, Scottish merchants, had safe conducts into England in 1446 (Bain, IV, 1187)
Patrick Yunge (Yonge, or Yhong), dean of Dunkeld in 1449 (ibid., 1212, 1218)
William Zhong was vicar of Cragy in 1449 (RMP., p. 83)
Robert Yhunge held a tenement in Glasgow in 1454 (LCD., p. 174)
John loung was bailie of William, earl of Orkney in 1462 (Cambus., 89)
Alexander Yonge, a native of Scotland, had letters of denization in England in 1482 (Bain, IV, 1473)
William Zung is recorded in Newburgh, Fife, in 1479 (LAC., 153)
Mongw Young was tenant in Stobo in 1528 (Rental)
Hugh le Yunge, Oxfordshire, 1273. Hundred Rolls.
Ralph le Younge, Staffordshire, ibid.
William le Yunge, Northumberland, 30 Edward I: Placita de Quo Warranto, temp. Edward I-III.
Baptised 1561— John, son of Gregory Yong, grocer: St. Peter, Cornhill.
William Juven or Juvenis, and Robert, Normandy 1180- 95 (Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae)
Hubert Jouvin, 1198 (Ib.)
Adam, Gilbert, &c. Juvenis, Engl. c. 1272
History, Genealogy & Ancestry
Young, Harry, Esq. of Cleish, co. Kinross, J.P. and D.L., Vice-Lieut, and Convener of co. Kinross; b. 29 March, 1816 ; m. 20 March, 1844, Mary, dau. of Laurence Johnston, Esq. of Sands, Kincardine CO. Perth, s. his uncle, John Young, Esq. Cleish, Feb. 1840. He is eldest son William Young, Esq., -who m. 7 Oct. 1811, Johnston, dau. Of Alexander Cunningham, Esq. of Edinburg, att who d. 7 Jan. 1831 (she d. 19 March, 1873), and grandson of Harry Young, Esq. of Cleish, m. Margaret Chalmers his -wife, -who were in. 25 Feb 1768 ; and great-grandson of John Young, Esq. ‘ Warrock, and Elizabeth Henderson his wife. Mr Young has had four brothers and two sisters I. Fordyce, h. 23 July, 1812 ; m. 25 April, 1836, Capt. Luxmore, R.E., and d. 16 July, 1839, haying had issue, Fordyce Johnston, b. 1 July, 1837, d. 27 Aug 1837, and Thomas Fordyce, b. 14 July, 1839,rf. 7 Aug 1856 ; II. Alexander, M.D., b. 16 Nov. 1817 ; m. Aug. 1847, Margaret Johnston, dau. of Rev. C Nicholson, of Whithorn, and d. 20 Aug. 1848 William, of London, b. 8 Aug. 1819, m. 14 July, .1852, Emily, dau. of T. G. Margary, Esq. of London ; IV. John, of Liverpool, Merchant, b. 1821, d. 11 Nov. 1865 ; T. Charles, b. 9 Feb. 1823, and d. 29 April, 1841; and i. Margaret. Arms—Arg., on three piles sa. as many annulets or. Crest—dexter arm, the hand grasping a spear in bend ppr. Motto—Press through Seat—Cleish Castle, near Kinross.
Youn, Richard James Caldwell, Esq., Coolkeiragh, co. Londonderry, J.P., late Lieut of Inniskilling Dragoons, b. 2 Dec. 1845; s. his grandfather, the late Richard Young, Esq., J.P., Dec. 1858; m. 22 May, 1872, Catherine Elizabeth Cochrane, 2nd dau. of Thomas Cochrane, Esq. of Singland, co. Limerick, and by her has issue, 1) Richard Ashmur Blair Young, b. 15 May, 1877. 2) Beatrice Frances Elizabeth, b. 22 June, 1873.
Lineage—The Youngs of Coolkeiragh claim to be a branch of the ancient Scottish family of the same name, of which was Sir Peter Young, of Auldbar, who acted so distinguished a part in the political and diplomatic affairs of the Reign of James VI. The first of this family who settled in the North of Ireland was Rev. John Young, Rector of Urney, near Strabane, co. Tyrone, m. Elspa Douglas, and by her had a numerous family, of whom the eldest son, James Young, Esq. of the Castle of Mullenbuoy, co. Donegal, was father of John Young, Esq., whose eldest son, William Young, Esq., m. Letitia Hamilton, and was s. by his eldest son, Alexander Young, Esq. of Coolkeiragh, m. 1st, Catherine Hassard, of Garden Hill, co. Fermanagh, and by her (who d. 1782) had issue, 1) Richard his heir 2) William Hamilton, d. unm. 25 Sept. 1793. 3) Thomas d. unm. 8 July, 1835. 4) Jane m. 1790, Rev. John Benjamin Story, of Corrick Clogher, co. Tyrone. 5) Letitia, m. 1795, Capt. Valentine Munbee, of Horringer, Suffolk. 6) Anne, deceased. Mr. Young m. 2ndly, Elizabeth, relict of John Cunningham, Esq. of Londonderry, by whom he had two sons, both deceased. He d. 15 Dec. 1819, and was s. by his eldest son, Richard Young, Esq. of Coolkeiragh, J.P., late Major in the army, m. 25 Feb. 1817, Eliza, only surviving child of the late John Caldwell, Esq., M.D. of Londonderry, and by her (who d. 16 June, 1847) had issue, 1) Alexander Thomas, J.P., b. 4 June, 1821; d. 19 Aug. 1851; m. 13 Feb. 1844, Frances Mary, youngest dau. of the late Rev. James Ashmur Johnston, of Coalisland, co. Tyrone, and left issue, i) Richard James Caldwell, the present representative. ii) Alexander Thomas, b. 25 Feb. 1849 iii) Ashmur Johnston, b. 1 Oct. 1850. iv) Francis Alexander, b. 9 Oct. 1851. v) Anne Catherine Frances. vi) Elizabeth Emily Charlotte vii) Inez Alexa. 2) Richard John, b. 17 Dec. 1825; d. 21 Jan. 1837. 3) Mary Elizabeth, d. young. 4) Catharine Jane, m. 24 Sept. 1842, George Tomkins, Esq. of Mobuoy, co. Londonderry. 5) Eliza Letitia, m. 19 May, 1859, James Forsyth. Esq., M.D., of Londonderry, and has issue a dau., Eliza Letitia Young. 6) Anne, m. 23 Oct. 1860, Edward Augustus Wiliiamson, Esq., R.N., and has issue three sons and a dau., Edward Augustus, b. 10 Sept. 1862; Richard Edward, b. 17 Dec. 1864; William Alexander Finiston, b. 15 May, 1867; and Anne Susan Elizabeth. Mr. Young d. 4 Dec. 1858. Arms~Arg., three piles sa. on a chief of the last, as many annulets or. Crest~ A demi-lion rampany gu. holding a sword in pale ppr. Motto~ Robori prudentia praestat. Seat~ Coolkeiragh House, Eglinton, co. Londonderry.
Young, Robert George, Esq. of Culdaff House co. Donegal, A.M., J. P. co. Donegal, b. 30 Nov. 1834 ; m. 23 Sept. 1858, Letitia, youngest dau. Of the late Rev. Robert Staveley, of St. Munchins, Limerick, and has issue, 1) George Lawrence, b. 1 Oct. 1859. 2) Robert Staveley, b. 26 March, 1862 3) Henry Crofton, b. 27 Sept. 1867. 4) John Mollitt, b. 13 March, 1870. 5) Mary Anne, b. 1 Aug. 1863. 6) Frances Sarah, b. 22 June, 1865.
Lineage.—Rev. Robert Young, Rector of the parish of Culdaff 1661, and of the adjoining parish of Cloncah 1669, is supposed to have passed over to Ireland from Devon under the auspices of the Donegal family, the parishes to which he was instituted being in the gift of the Chichesters. He m. about 1667, Anne Cary, and had issue two sons and five daus. He ra. 2ndly, 1679, Elizabeth Hart, of Kilderry, and had issue by her one son, George, and four daus. He d. about 1705. His son, by his 2nd wife, George Young, Esq., 6. circa 1680, m. 1702, Elizabeth, sister of Rev. George McLaughlin, Rector of the parish of Clonmanny, and a near relative of Sir Cahir O’Doherty, formerly proprietor of the barony of Ennishowen, and d. 1730, leaving with three younger sons and three daus., an elder son, Robert Young, Esq. 6. 1703; m. 1731, Hatton, dau. Of Thomas Hart, of the city of Londonderry, Alderman, and d. about 1747, having had four sons and two daus. The eldest son, George Young, Esq. of Culdaff, m. 1763, Rebecca Lamy (of French origin, and nearly related to the Croftons, Whalleys, and other Dublin families), and d. Dec. 1789, leaving a son, Robert Young, Esq. of Culdaff, b. 1764, m. 20 Sept. 1790, Marcia, dau. of George Nesbit, Esq. of Woodhill, co. Donegal, and by her (who d. 28 May, 1839) had issue, George, late of Culdaff House.Robert James, d. unm. 7 Aug. 1827. James William, m. 1824; d. 30 Kov. 1839, leaving issue five sons and one dau. Catherine, ,m. 1812, Rev. Edward Chichester, Pector of Culdaff and Cloncah, and has issue three sons, Rev. William Chichester, now Lord O’Neill, of Shanes Castle, co. Antrim; Rev. Robert Chichester; and the Rev. George Vaughan Chichester. Marcia, in. 1817, Lieut.-Col. Brooke Young, and d. 11 Jan. 1869, having had issue one son, George, d. unm. 1849. Anne Angel. Mr. Young d. 11 Oct. 1823, and was s. by his eldest son, George Young, Esq. of Culdaff House, J. P. and D.L., &. 12 Aug. 1792 ; vi. 17 Jan. 1332, Mary Anne, eldest dau. of the late John Molliot, Esq. of Hollybrook, co. Sligo, and has issue, I. Robert George, now of Culdaff. 1. Frances, b. 12 July, 1833, and d. same year. Mr.Young d. 31 May, 1S77, and was s. by his only child, now of Culdaff..Arms—Arg., three piles sa. on a chief of the last as many annulets or. Crest—An arm in armour erect holding a broken spear all ppr. Motto—Fortitudine et prudentia. Seat—Culdaff House (Londonderry), co. Donegal.
Young, Owen Waller O’Grady, Esq. of Harristown, co. Roscommon, b. Feb. 1864.
Lineage—The first of this family of whom mention is made in Ireland was Owen Young, b. 1682, a member, it is stated, of a Yorkshire family of that name. He went to Ireland with three brothers, and settled at Castlerea, co. Roscommon, 1706. His sons became possessed of property in the COS. of Sligo and Roscommon. Owen Young m. Bridget, dau. of Very Rev. James Wilson, Dean of Tuam, and had issue, Owen, m. Olivia Bell, 1736, and became ancestor of the elder branch of the family. Amongst his descendants was Matthew Young, the eminent Natural Philosopher and Mathematician, consecrated Bishop of Clonfert in 1799. John, of whom presently. Matthew m. Phebe, dau. of Gen. Robinson. Nicholas. Eleanor, m. Thomas Daly, Esq. of Mornington, co. Westineath. Bridget, m. Rev. Nathaniel Barton. The 2nd son, John Young, became proprietor of Harristown, near Castlerea, and settled there in 1744. He m. Rebecca Gonne, and had issue, Owes, m. Rebecca, dau. of George Brabazon, Esq. of Brabazon Park, co. Mayo. He was High Sheriff for co. Roscommon in 1795, and d. without issue. Robert, d. young. Mathew, of whom presently. Rebecca, m. John Barton, Esq. of Castlerea. Dorothea, m. General Bettesworth. Bridget, m. Robert Miller, Esq. of Ballinue, co. Mayo. Letitia, d. unm. Phebe, d. Unm. The 3rd son, Mathew Young, Esq. of Harristown, s. his brother Owen. He was appointed Cadet in the Royal Irish Artillery 1762,; and afterwards Capt. in that regt. He m. Elizabeth, dau. Of “William Finch, Esq. of Kilcolman, co. Tipperary, and had issue, Owen, of whom presently. Mathew, an officer in the 53rd regt., m. Miss Bushe, and had issue a son. Finch, d. Unm. William (Rev.), m. Rebecca, dau. of William Minchin, Esq. of Greenhills, co. Tipperary, and had issue, William, Capt. in the 49ih regt., m. Anna, dau. of Rev.William Jelly, of Portarlington. John Owen, Capt. 60th regt. m. Annie Catherine, dau. Of Augustus Hartford, Esq., J.P. of Portarlington, late Capt. 59th regt. John, d. young. Rebecca, m. her cousin, John Young, Esq. of Castlerea. Anne, d. unm. Elizabeth, d. Unm. The eldest son, Owen Young, Esq. of Harristown, m. 1st, Rachel, dau. Of William Hunter, Esq., and by her had issue, Mathew, d. unm. John Barton, d. Unm. Jane, m. Humphrey Minchin, Esq. Elizabeth, d. Young. Mr. Young m. 2ndly, Marianne, dau. of James Atkinson, Esq. of Eathangan, and by her had issue, James, late of Harristown. Mary, m. Godfrey George Massy, Esq. of Ballynakill, co. Limerick, and has issue. He d. Sept. 1843, and was s. By his only son, James Young, Esq. of Harristown, J.P., A.B. of Trin. Coll. Dublin, 6. 1834; m. 1863, Grace Elizabeth, dau. of the late Hon. Waller O’Grady, of Castlegarde, co. Limerick, 2nd son of Stamlish, 1st Viscount Guillamore, by Grace Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Hugh, 3rd Lord Massy, and had issue, 1) Owen Waller O’Grady, now of Harristown. 2). William Mathew O’Grady b. March, 1872. 3) Rosa Julia Maria Victoria. 4) Grace Elizabeth Massy. 5) Phoebe Mary 6) Dorothea. 7) Constance Katherine Matilda. 8) Ida Ethel Isabella. 9) Evelyn Maud Henrietta. Mr. Young was shot in his own demesne June, 1877. Arms (As registered in the Office of Arms, Dublin Castle)— gu., a fess or, charged with a trefoil vert in chief three lioncels rampant of the second. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an an ibex’s head arg. horned and tufted gold and charged on the neck with a trefoil vert. Motto—Victoria fortitudo virtus. Seat—Harristown, near Castlerea.
Young, Thomas Arthur, Esq. of Kingerby, co. Lincoln, s. his brother April, 1876.
Lineage.—This family, which claims to be a branch of the family of Yonge of Brynyorkyn, escended from Tudor Trevor, Lord of Hereford, settled at West Easen, co. Lincoln, soon after the Restoration. On the occasion of the death of the 1st John Young, Popish Recusant at West Rasen, the parish register records that the parson took oath of his death and burial before the Magistrate. His son, by his wife Alice Weaver, the 2nd, John Young, of West Easen, d. 1719. He m. Elizabeth Thornburgh, of Kendal, Westmorland, and had two sons, John, m. Jane, dau. of Dr. Peter Vavasour, brother of Sir Walter Vavasor, 2nd bart. ot Haslewood, and was father of Ann, m. Thomos Martin, Esq. of St. Marylebone, and was mother of Mary Martin, wife of her cousin, James Young, Esq. of Kingerby, co. Lincoln. David, of whom we treat. David Young, Esq. of Normanby, co. Lincoln, the 2nd son, m. Mary, dau. of Isaac Farebrother, Gent, of Worksop, Notts, and d. 1793, leaving a son and heir, Isaac Young, Esq. of West Rasen, who purchased the parish and estate of Kingerby, with the manor, and all its rights and privileges. Mr. Young in. Ann, dau. of Thomas Champney. Esq. of West Rasen, and left at his decease, 1793, a son and successor, James Young, Esq. of Kingerby, co. Lincoln, m. 23 April. 1798, Mary, dau. And co-heiress of Thomas Martin, Esq. of Middlesex, and had issue, 1) James, late of Kingerby. 2) Thomas Arthur, now of Kingerby. 3) George, m. 19 Feb. 1852, Sophia Mary, eldest dau. of Henry Owen, Esq. of Worksopp, Notts. 4). Maria Teresa, d. unm. 1 Oct. 1872. Mr. Young d. 1823, and was s. by his eldest son, James Young, Esq. of Kingerby, co. Lincoln, b. 1803; s. his, father 1823, and d. unm. 1 April, 1876, and was by his brother, Thomas Arthur, now of Kingerby, K.S.G. Arms—Per bend sinister enn. and crminois, a lion ranipani or. Crests—A wolf sejant reguardant sa., holding between its fore-paws the head of King Edmund, and also a lion rampant Motto—Toujours jeune. Seal—Kingerby Hall, Market Rasen, co. Lincoln.
Young, Allen Alicocke, Esq. of Olringbury, co. Northampton, J.P., b. 6 Feb. 1806; m. 19 July, 1832, Eliza, dau. of Rev. John Young, Rector of Thorpe Malsor, in same co., and has issue, 1) Allen Allicocke, b. 10 April, 1833, late Lieut. 73rd Foot 2) Richard Newton, b. 1 June, 1834. 3) Eliza Amelia 4) Louisa Martha.
Lineage~ Richard Young, Esq. m. Elizabeth dau. of John Allicocke, Esq. of Loddington, co. Northampton and had issue, Allen, John, Frances, Elizabeth, Mary and Catherine. The elder son, Allen Young, Esq. m. Mary, dau. of Charles Boddam, Esq. and had issue, two sons, Allen Edward and John, and two daus., Mary, m. Rev. John Barton, and Frances d. unm. The eldest son, Allen Edward Young, Esq. of Orlingbury, m. 7 Feb. 1804 Amelia, dau. of Thomas Neate, Esq. of Binfield, co. Berks and had issue, 1) Allen Allicocke, of Orlingbury 2) Newton Barton (Rev.), b. 9 Feb. 1809, Fellow of New Coll. Oxon, Rector of Tilbrook, Beds, Rural Dean. 3) Charlotte m. 16 May, 1832, William Somerset Rose, Esq. of Cransley, co. Northampton, and d. 10 Sept. 1833. Arms—Arg., on a bend sa. three griffins’ heads erased or Crest—A boar’s head and neck erased ppr. Seat— Orlingbury, Wellingborough. Clubs—Carlton, S.W., and Garrick, W.C.
Before attempting to portray with reasonable accuracy the genealogy of a family, where few family records have been preserved, a vast amount of research is necessary. Fortunately, a variety of records are available in the New York State Library at Albany. Unfortunately, many valuable records have been destroyed by fire, through wanton destruction by the Indians and Tories in Revolutionary days, and also through just plain carelessness. Such a stud, to say the least proves to be fascinating and becomes an excellent hobby for a person of leisure. Some historical retrospect should precede a tracing of the genealogy of any of the early Mohawk and Schoharie Valley families, which will show their origin, nationality and something of their outstanding characteristics. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the Holland Dutch were in New York City, as is well known, and also in some parts of the lower Hudson Valley; in Albany and in Schenectady; and perhaps there may have been a few small settlement in the lower Mohawk Valley. West of this was a wilderness inhabited largely by Red Men. In 1710 a large body of immigrants of German stock arrived in New York from the Palatinate on the Rhine and were settled temporarily at East and West Camps on the Hudson River, in what are now Columbia, Greene and Ulster counties. From this stock came the families under consideration here, and many others in Schoharie, Montgomery, Herkimer and neighboring counties, descendants of which reside in those localities today. The historical detail concerning the persecution and extreme hardship borne by these Palatines, their flight from the homeland and the difficulties experience in finally settling in peace in the New World is a most interesting story. Rev. Sanford H. Cobb’s “Palatine Immigration”, Dr. Walter A. Knittle’s “Early Eighteenth Century Emigration”, and other writers tell the story after exhaustive study and research. It is not the purpose of this article to repeat these details which are already in print, but to briefly outline the thread of the story to show the background of the families in question. Cobb says: “The story of their coming hither, with the bitterness of their antecedent suffering and endurance, and the sturdiness of their unconquerable faith and determination to wrest fortune and happiness ou the very talons of despair is one that should be better known to the students of the American history.” …………… In 1730 Hendrick Young purchased 103 acres (Lot 14) from Col. Philip Schuyler, situated on the north side of the river and abutting property of Van Slyck and DePuyster. This tract must have been located between Nelliston and Stone Arabia and extended northeast. In 1732 Hendrick Young deeded this land to Stephanis Groesbeck. Theobald Young and Rutger Bleecker witnessed the signature of Hendrick Young on the deed, which leads one to the conclusion that at that early date these two Young families were residing in the vicinity of what became Canajoharie and Fort Plain. In 1752 we find Theobald Young and three sons- Adam, Frederick and Andreas, securing the Young land patent of 14,000 acres at what is known as the Kyle or Chuyl and Little Lakes section in Herkimer county. The name of Theobald Young does not appear on the large list of names of those who secured the German Flats patent in 1725, as he was probably located at that time in the vicinity of Canajoharie, and probably remained there for several years, as the marriage of Adam is show in the Stone Arabia church record in 1742 (born 1717), and Frederick became a road commissioner and one of the justices of Tryon county, appointed by Governor Tryon. While Frederick has an interest in the Theobald Young land grant, the record is not clear that he ever lived in Herkimer county, but rather south of Canajoharie. Adam did reside in the “Kyle” as elsewhere indicated. About twenty years after the Theobald Young land grant was consummated, Jacob Young, son of Hendrick Young, in 1772, purchased several lots in the Bleecker patent (granted 1729). These lots were located in the western section of Fort Plain and in Freysbush. The two families mentioned Theobald and Hendrick Jung (Young) appear to have been the only families bearing that name who came to the Mohawk Valley at the time of the early land grants mentioned, but there is some indication that Hendrick might have returned to Schoharie. Some of his children were apparently married in Schoharie as indicated by church records there, which was several years after his land deal mentioned above. If his family had been still living in the Mohawk Valley at the time of the marriages of the children, no doubt such marriages would have been recorded in the Stone Arabia church. …………. Hendrick Young and Anna Margaretha (probably Timmerman) arrived in America with the Palatines in 1710 and went to the Camps on the Hudson. He was one of the Palatine volunteers in Col. Nicholson’s expedition against the French in 1711, which apparently amounted to only a long march to the Canadian border and return. The records show that Hendrick and family migrated to Schoharie with that large group settling there about 1712. He and Theobald Young (probably brothers) are the only ones of record (Immigrants) bearing the name “Jung”, who went to Schoharie. Their further migration to the Mohawk Valley is discussed elsewhere in this record. It is regretted that the parentage of Hendrick Jung and the maiden name of Anna Margaretha were not given in any of the early records. Jacob Young was undoubtedly their first born (1710). Perhaps he was born on the high seas or in England before they sailed that year, as church records do not show his birth, except that at the time of his death the records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Sand Hill (Fort Plain) say he was born in 1710. Maria Catherine was born to Hendrick and Margaretha October 28, 1711 (Kocherthal Record). John Hendrick and Anna Margaretha (twins) were born to this couple in Schoharie January 24, 1716. (Kocherthal Record). It should be noted that the Simmendinger Register of 1717 states that Hendrick Jung and Anna Margaretha had four children up to this time, which accounts for Jacob’s birth in 1710, which was not recorded. Peter, birth date not recorded was born this couple probably after 1719, when Rev. Kocherthal had died. John Frederick birth date not found was born to Hendrick and Anna Margaretha Young. It is probable that both Peter and Johann Frederick were born after the twins during that period immediately following the death of Rev. Joshua Kocherthal when records were not well kept; or they may have been born in the Mohawks Country and their births recorded in early churches of either Stone Arabia or German Flats. These churches were destroyed and most of their records lost, so that few baptismal records of that period exist.
YOUNG, SIR CHARLES LAWRENCE, BART.., of (See Carthew-Yorston.) Marlow Park, Bucks (cr. 1769). Third but only surviving son of the late Sir William Lawrence Young, Bart., of Marlow Park (who was some time M.P. for Bucks, and d. 1842), by Caroline, dau. of John Norris, Esq., of Hughenden, Bucks; b. 1839; s. his brother as 7th Bart. 1854; m. 1863 Mary Florence, youngest dau. of Henry Heyman Toulmin, Esq., of Childwickbury, Herts. Educated at New Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1863); called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1865, and goes the Home Circuit.—80, Inverness Terrace, w.; 8, Mitre Court Chambers, Temple, E.c. Heir, his son William Lawrence, b. 1864.
YOUNG, SIR GEORGE, BART., of Formosa, Berks (cr.1813). Eldest son of the late Sir George Young, Bart., of Formosa, by Susan, dau. of the late William Mackworth Praed, Esq., Serjeant-at-Law, of Bitton, Teignmouth, Devon; b. 1837; s. as 3rd Bart. 1848. Educated at Eton and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. 1860, M.A. 1863); called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn 1864; is Fellow of Trinity Coll.—Formosa Cottage, Maidenhead; 3, Plowden Buildings, Temple, E.c. Heir Pres., is brother Edward Mallet, educated at Eton, M.A. and Fellow of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, Assistant Master at Harrow ; b. 1839.
YOUNG, THE RIGHT HON. SIR JOHN, BART., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., of Bailieborough, co. Cavan (cr.1821). Eldest son of the late Lieut.-Col. Sir William Young, Bart., of Bailieborough, by Lucy, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Charles Frederick; b. 1807; s. 1848; m. 1835 Adelaide Annabella, dau. of Edward Tuite Dalton, Esq. Educated at Eton and C.C.C., Oxford (B.A. 1829); called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn 1834; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Cavan ; was M.P. for co. Cavan 1831–55; has been successively a Lord of the Treasury 1841, Secretary of the Treasury 1844, and Chief Secretary for Ireland 1852–5, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands 1855–9, Governor of New South Wales 1861–7, appointed Governor-General of Canada, and Governor of Prince Edward Island 1868.-Bailieborough Castle, co. Cavan ; Government House, Toronto. Heir Pres., his nephew Thomas Muston Need (only son of the late Thomas Young, Esq., of the H.E.I.C.’s Service, who d. 1846, by Mary Jane, dau. of W. P. Muston, Esq.), b. Post
YOUNG, SIR CHARLES GEORGE, KNT., F.S.A., D.C.L. (cr.1842). Son of the late J. Young, Esq., M.D., of Lambeth, Surrey; b. 1795; m. 1854 Frances Susannah, youngest dau. of the Rev. Samuel Lovick Cooper (widow of Frederick Tyrrell, Esq.). Educated at the Charterhouse; is Garter King of Arms. – Athenaeum Club, s.w.; Heralds’ College, E.c.; 9, Prince’s Terrace, Hyde Park, w.
YOUNG, SIR HENRY EDWARD FOX, KNT., C.B. (cr.1847). Third son of the late Lieut.-Col. Sir Aretas William Young, some time Governor of Prince Edward’s Isle, by Mary, dau. of the late John Cox, Esq., of Coolcliffe, co. Wexford; b. 1810; m. 1848 Augusta Sophia, dau. of Charles Marryat, Esq. Was Governor of Tasmania 1854–61; late Lieut.-Governor of the Cape of Good Hope and South Australia; was formerly a Judge at St. Lucia. — Windham Club, s.w.; 77, Kensington Gardens Square, w.
YOUNG, SIR WILLIAM, KNT., (cr.1869). Son of the late W. Young, Esq.; b. 18–; is Chief Justice and President of the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia.
YOUNG, LADY FLORENCE, 2nd dau. of Erving Clark, Esq., of Efford Manor (whom see), by Anne Laetitia, 3rd dau. of Paul Treby Treby, Esq., of Goodamoor and Plympton, Devon; m. 1st 1854, Sir William Norris Young, Bart., of the 23rd R. W. Fusiliers, who d. 1854; 2nd 1860 John Soltau, Esq., of Little Efford, Devon.—Efford, Plymouth.
YOUNG, ADOLPHUS WILLIAM, ESQ., of Hare Hatch, Berks. Son of the late John Adolphus Young, Esq., of Hare Hatch (who d. 1862), by Frances, dau. of William Henry Haggard, Esq., of Bradenham Hall, Norfolk; b. 1814; m. 1st 1837 Anne Eliza, dau. of Edward Smith, Esq., of Woodford, Essex; 2nd 1847 Jane, dau. of Charles Throsby, Esq., of Throsby Park, N. S. Wales, and has, with other surviving issue, * Charles Throsby, b. 1852. Mr. Young, who is a J.P. and D.L. for Berks, was formerly High Sheriff of New South Wales, and represented Port Phillip in the Legislative Council of that Colony; he was M.P. for Great Yarmouth 1857–9, and for Helston 1865–6, re-elected 1868. — Hare Hatch House, Twyford; Reform Club, s.w.; 49, Harley Street, W.
YOUNG, ALLEN ALLICOCKE, ESQ., of Orlingbury, Northamptonshire. Son of the late Allen Edward Young, Esq., of Orlingbury, by Amelia, dau. of Thomas Neate, Esq.; b. 1808; m. 1832 Eliza, dau. of the Rev. John Young, and has, with other issue, * Allen Allicocke, late Lieut. 73rd Foot; b. 1834. Mr. Young, who is a J.P. and D.L. for Berks, was formerly High Sheriff of New South Wales, and represented Port Phillip in the Legislative Council of that Colony; he was M.P. for Great Yarmouth 1857–9, and for Helston 1865–6, re-elected 1868. — Hare Hatch House, Twyford; Reform Club, s.w.; 49, Harley Street, W.
YOUNG, ANDREW KNIGHT, ESQ., Of Monaghan. Eldest son of the late Andrew Young, Esq., JP, and Capt. In the Irish Volunteers, Elizabeth, dan. Andrew Knight, Esq .; b. 1804; s. 1818; m. 1829, Martha Augusta dan. of the late Thomas Walsh, Esq., of Lower Dominick Street, Dublin, and has, with other issue, Thomas Andrew, late Lieut. Tyrone Royal Fusiliers; b. 1831. Mr. Young, who was educated at Dublin and Edinburgh Burgh (1500 1828), is a magistrate for co. Monaghan, a Fellow of the RC of Surgeons in Ireland, and Surgeon and Physician to the county of Monaghan lowest Mary. This family is of Scottish extraction. – The Terrace, Monaghan, Ireland. Young, Arthur John, Esq., Of Bradfield, Suffolk. Son of the late Rev. Arthur Young, of Bradfield Hall; b. 1826; s. 1852; m. 1855 Sarah, only dan. of William de St. St. Croix, Esq., Of Windsor, Berks; is a Magistrate for Suffolk.-Brad Hall, Bury St. Edmund’s.
YOUNG, CHARLES BARING, ESQ., Of Oakhill, Herts. Second son of the late Sir Samuel Young, Bart., Of Formosa, Berks, by Emily, dan. Charles Baring, Esq., of Larkbeare, near Exeter; b. 1801; m 1843 Elizabeth dau. of the late Stephen Winthrop, Esq., M.D., of Little Bounds, Tunbridge, Kent, and has, with other issue, * Charles Edward Baring, b. 1850. Mr. Young is a Merchant in London.— Oakhill, East Barnet ; 4, Hyde Park Terrace, w. YOUNG, the Rev. Edward Newton, of Quainton, Bucks. Second son of the late Rev. John Young, by Mary, dau. of Col. Wood, of the H.E.I.C.’s Service; b. 1755: m. 1829 Anne Catherine, dau. of William Travis, Esq., M.D., of Scarborough, co. York, (she d. 1859). Educated at Rugby, Charterhouse, and Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1819); appointed Rector of Quainton 1822; is a Magistrate for Bucks.-Quainton, Winslow; Herne Bay, Canterbury.
YOUNG, GEORGE, ESQ., of Silverknowe, Midlothian. Eldest son of the late Alexander Young, Esq., of Rose field, co. Kirkcudbright, by Marian, i. of William Corson, Esq.; b. 1819; m. 1847 Janet, dau. of George Graham Bell, Esq., of Cruvie, co. Aberdeen. Educated at Edinburgh; called to the Scottish Bar 1840; is a Magistrate for co. Dumfries and the city of Edinburgh; has been M.P. for Wigton since 1865; was Solicitor General for Scotland 1862–6, re-appointed 1868; for merly. Sheriff of co. Inverness, and subsequently of cos. Haddington, and Berwick. — Silverknowe, Edinburgh, N.B.; 47, Murray Place, Edinburgh; Reform Club, sw.
YOUNG, GEORGE, ESQ., of Culdaff, co. Donegal. Eldest son of the late Robert Young, Esq., of Culdaff House, by Marcia, dau. of the late George Nesbitt, Esq., of Woodhill, co. Donegal; b. 1792; s. 1823; m. 1832 Mary Anne, dau. of the late John Ffolliott, Esq., of Hollybrook, co. Sligo, and has issue, * Robert George, b. 1834; m. 1858 Letitia, dau. of the late Rev. Robert Staveley, of Limerick, and has, with other issue, “George Lawrence, b. 1859. Mr. Young is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Donegal.—Culdaff House, Carndonagh, co. Donegal.
YOUNG, GEORGE AUGUSTUS, ESQ., of Westbere, Kent. Fourth son of the late Sir William Lawrence Young, Bart., of Marlow Park, Bucks (who d. 1824), by Anna Louisa, dau. of the late William Tufnell, Esq., of Langleys, Essex; b. 1822; m. 1848 Isabella Marianne, dau. of the Rev. George Moore, Canon of Canterbury. Is a Magistrate for Bucks and Kent; was formerly in the 8th Foot, and Royal Canadian Rifles.—Westbere, Sturry, Canterbury; Junior United Service Club, s.w. +
YOUNG, GEORGE FREDERICK, ESQ., of Oak field Lodge, Surrey. Eldest son of the late Vice-Admiral William Young, by Ann Spencer his wife; b. 1790; m. 1814 Mary, youngest dau. of the late John Abbot, Esq., of Canterbury, and has issue. Is a Magistrate for Middlesex, and a Dep.- Lieut. for the Tower Hamlets; a Shipowner and a Merchant in the City; was M.P. for Tynemouth 1831–8, for Scarborough 1851–2–Oakfield Lodge, Reigate; Gresham and City Clubs, E.c.
YOUNG, HARRY, ESQ., of Cleish, Kinross-shire. Eldest son of the late William Young, Esq., by Johnston, dau. of Alexander Cunningham, Esq., of Edinburgh; b. 1816; s, his uncle 1840; m. 1844 Mary, dau. of Laurence Johnston, Esq., of Sands, co. Perth. Educated at Eton and University of Edinburgh; is a Magistrate, Vice-Lieut., and Convener of co. Kinross.—Cleish Castle, Kinross, N.B.; Caledonian United Service Club, Edinburgh.
YOUNG, THE REV. HENRY TUFNELL, of Mallard’s Court, Oxon. Eldest surviving son of the late Sir William Lawrence Young, Bart. (who d. 1824), by Anna Louisa, dau. of the late John Jolliffe Tufnell, Esq., of Langleys, Essex; b. 1810; m. 1st 1841 Josephine Isabella, dau. of J. Savill, Esq.; 2nd 1854 Sarah Anne, only dau. of the late Rev. Thomas Leigh, Rector of Wickham-Bishops, Essex (she d. 1859); 3rd 1862 Emma, dau. of the late Philip Hills, Esq., of Colne Park, Essex, and has, with other issue, * Henry Savill, a Barrister-at-Law, educated at Brasenose Coll., Oxford; b. 1843. Mr. Young, who was educated at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1832, M.A. 1856), is a Magistrate for Bucks and Essex; was formerly Vicar of Mundon, Essex. This family descends from Sir John de Yonne, and takes its name from “Yonne,’ one of the departments of France. —Mallard’s Court, Stokenchurch, Oron ; Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
YOUNG, JAMES, ESQ., of Harristown, co. Ros common. Only son of the late Owen Young, Esq., of Harristown, by his 2nd wife Marianne, dau. of James Atkinson, Esq., of Rathangan, co. Kildare; b. 1834; s. 1843; m. 1863 Grace Elizabeth, dau. of the late Hon. Waller O’Grady, of Castlegarde, co. Limerick, and has, with other issue, * Owen Waller O’Grady, b. 1864. Mr. Young, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1856), is a Magistrate for co. Roscommon.—Harristown, Castlerea, co. Roscommon.
YOUNG, JAMES ESQ., of Kingerby, Lincolnshire. Eldest son of the late James Young, Esq., of Kingerby, by Mary, dau. and co-heir of Thomas Martin, Esq., of Harley Place, London; b. 1803; s. 1823. Is Lord of the Manor and Patron of Kingerby.— Kingerly Hall, Market Rasen. Heir Pres., his brother Thomas Arthur, b. 1805.
YOUNG, JOHN, ESQ., of Galgorm, co. Antrim. Eldest son of the late William Young, M.D., Esq., of Galgorm, by Anne, dau. of Wm. Gihon, Esq., of Hill head, co. Antrim ; b. 1827; s. 1854; m. 1855 Grace, dau. of Patrick Savage, Esq., and has, with other issue, * William Robert, b. 1856. Mr. Young, who was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1848), is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Antrim (High Sheriff 1863).-Galgorm Castle, Ballymena, co. Antrim ; Sackville Street Club, Dublin.
YOUNG, JOHN, ESQ., of Stanwick, Northamptonshire. Eldest son of the late Rev. John Young, Rector of Thorpe Malsor, co. Northampton, by Mary, dau. of Col. John Wood, of Madras; b. 1792; m. 1839 Ann Mary, dau. of George Ranking, Esq., of Cavendish Square, London. Mr. Young, who was educated at the Charter house, Haileybury Coll., and Trinity Hall, Cambridge (B.C.L. 1838), and was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple 1825… is a Magistrate for co. Northampton. —Stanwick, Higham Ferrers.
YOUNG, LIEUT.-COL. JOHN SMITH, of Ness House, Inverness-shire. Second son of the late Edward Young, Esq., by Margaret Fraser, dau. of D. Smith, Esq., and niece of Alexander, 15th Lord Saltoun; b. 1796; m. 1st 1834 Fran cos, dau. of C. Treasure, Esq.; 2nd 1894 Jane Ogilvy, dau. of the late Patrick Grant, Esq., of Corrimony, co. Inverness, and has by the former, with other issue, • Donald Smith, formerly in the Madras Army; b. 1836. This family represents the ancient family of the Youngs of Auldbar, co. Forfar.—Ness House, Inverness, N.L.; Junior Carlton Club, s.w.
YOUNG, JOSEPH, ESQ., of Hartford House, Northumberland. Son of the late J. Young, Esq., of Hartford House; b. 1800; is married, and has, with other issue, an only Son, • William Joseph (of Ryhope House, near Sunderland), b. 1830; m. 1864 Mary Frances, eldest dau. of C. M. Webster, Esq., of Pallion Hall, co. Durham (whom see). Mr. Young is a Magistrate for Northumberland, and Lord of the Manor of Hartford.—Hartford House, Morpeth.
YOUNG, RICHARD, ESQ., of Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. Eldest son of the late Mr. John Young, by Mary, dau. of Mr. John Spikings, of Tydd St. Giles’s, co. Cambridge; b. 1809; m. 1834 Harriet Emma, dau. of Mr. John Pear, of Tydd St. Mary. Is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Cambridge, a Merchant and Shipowner, and Lieut. Wisbech Volunteer Corps; was M.P. for co. Cam bridge 1865–8.; has been five times Mayor of Wisbech.-Osborne House, Wisbech; City Club, E.c.; Reform Club, s,w.
YOUNG, RICHARD JAMES CALDWELL, ESQ., of Coolkeiragh, co. Londonderry. Son of the late Alexander Thomas Young, Esq., J.P., of Coolkeiragh (who d. 1851), by Frances Mary, dau. of the Rev. James Johnston, of Coal Island, co. Ty rone; b. 1845; s. his grandfather 1858. This family are of Scottish extraction.—Coolkeiragh, near Muff. Heir Pres., his brother Alexander, b. 1847.
YOUNG, WILLIAM HENRY, of The Oaks, Cumberland. Only son of the late Rev. William Young, Rector of Aller, Somerset (who d. 1857), by Sarah Susannah, youngest and only surviving child of the late William Blamire, Esq., of Thackwood, Cumberland; b. 1832; s. his mother 1866.-The Oaks, Dalston, Carlisle; Residence: Crowcombe, Taunton.
At servata fides perfectius amorgue ditabunt. But faith kept, and perfect love will enrich.
Be right, and persist.
El servata fides petfectus amorque ditabunt. Both tried faith and perfect love will enrich.
Fortitudine et prudentid. By fortitude and prudence
llumoni nihil alieuvm. (Ter. Hcaut. i. 1. 25.) Nothing that relates to man is indifferent to me.
Nullius in verba. At the dictation of no man.
Potius ingenio quam vi. Rather by skill than by force.
Press through.
Toujours jeunc. Always young.
Victoria, fortitudo, virtus. Victory, fortitude,and virtue.
YONGE, Doctor . . . ., of Oxon. and Berks, Hen, VIII. Add. MS. 26,702, fo, 49.
YONGE„ . . . ., crest, a demi-squirrell . . . . ? of Oxford. (? If this is a crest to the coat of Henry Young, see Harl. MS. 1422, fo. 32”, and Add, MS. 26,702, fo. 69”.) Harl. MS, 5846, fo. 60 ; Stowe MS. 692, fo. 58” ; Barker’s Grants, 1526—49, see Stowe MS. 702.
YOUNG, …. of Colliton, Devon, from Bassingbourne, Berks [?], granted …. 1583, by Cooke. C. 1 [Visit. Devon, 1620], 107, Her. Coll. ; Guil. 268.
YONG, . . . ., of Dornford, Wilts, …. 1572, by Cooke : vair, on a chief gu. Three lions ramp, reguardant or. Crest, a demi-greyhound erased arg. (or). The same coat Yong of Wilts. Cains Coll. Camb. MS. 551, fo. 31** ; Harl. MS. 1422, fo. 44, but see Harl. MS. 1441, fo. 149**.
YONG, Sir George, of city of York, …. 1G12, by St. George, Norr. Harl. MSS. 1422, fo. 44, and 0140, fo. 73.
YOUNG, Gregory, of Yorkshire, 10 Nov. 1009, by Segar. Add. MS. 12,225, fo. 124*’ ; Harl. MS. 5887, fo. 00*’.
YOUNG„ Henry, . . . ., Arg., a chevron chequy sa. and or, betw. 3 griffins’ heads erased gu., on a chief vert a ducal coronet arg. betw. 2 bezants ; no crest. {See crest, a demi-squirrel, Harl. MS. 5840, fo. 00 ; Stowe MS. 092, fo. 58*’) ; Harl. MS. 1422, fo. 32*’ ; Add. MS. 20,702, fo. 09*’.
YOUNG„ Henry, of Poulton-cum-Seacomb, Cheshire, s. of Richard, of the same, s. Of Maurice, of Flints., 10 .June 1025, by Segar. Add. MS. 12,225, fo. 124 ; Guil. 385 ; Harl. MS. 0140, fo. 05.
YONGE (John, of Bristowe, esquire for the body of K. Hen. YIII., Stowe MS. 092, fo. 90), coat lozengy arg. and vert, a bend az., thereon an annulet, etc., crest, an Ibex head. Barker’s Grants, Harl. MS. 5840, fo. 115*’; Stowe MS. 092, fo. 96.
YOUNG, John, D.D., Bp. of Rochester, 7 April 1578, by Sir G. Dethick, Gart. Harl. MSS. 1441, fo. 88*’, and 1422, fo. 20 ; Q’s Coll. Oxf. MS. 145, fo. 46.
YOUNGE, John, of Axminster, Devon, . . . ., by Cooke. Harl. MSS. 1359, fo. 93*’, and 1422, fo. 44 ; Add. MS. 4966, fo. 36^
YOUNG, John, of Roxwell, Essex, gift 12 March 1607-8, by Camden. Harl. MSS. 1359, fo. 24^ and 1422, fo. 44 ; Add. MS. 14,295, fo. 52.
YOUNGE, John, s. and h. of John, Bp. of Rochester, coat granted, by G. Dethick, Gart., crest, Feb. 1609, by Camden. Harl. MSS. 1422, fo. 20, and 6059, fo. 9.
YOUNGE„ John, of London (who mar. Ann, dau. of Thomas Garway), s. of George, of Draycott, co. Staff., s. of Robert, of the same, quarterly . . . ., by Segar. C. 24 [Visit, of London, 1634], fo. 375*’, Her. Coll. ; Guil. 320.
YOUNGE„ Lancelot, the Queen’s glasier, . . . ., by Cooke’s Deputy. Stowe MS. 670, fo. 34. YONGE, Robert, a fishmonger of London, arms given by W. Dethick, Gart., after Yonge was dead, being his wife’s father, entered by R. Brooke, York Herald. Harl. MS. 1453, fo. 33.
YOUNG, Lionel, of London, gen., 8 May 1558, by Ro. Cooke, Clar. Proc. Soc. of Antiq., 1897, 2nd S., xvi., 349 ; see Le Neve’s MS. 515. [Foster marks this grant “ ? forgery.” Is the date wrong ? Cooke became Clarenceux in 1567.]
YOUNG„ Thomas, then at Florence in Italy, testified the antiquity of his family, and that he was born in the north of England, gu., a fesse betw. 3 lions ramp, or, . . . ., by Segar, Add. MS. 12,225, fo. 125.
YOUNG„ William, of Trent (Trent), Somerset, Esq., being descended from Young, of Wilts, Confirmed April 1615, by Camden. Harl. MSS. 1422, fo. 39*’, and 6059, fo. 32; Guil. 119.
YOUNG„ William, of Kettleston, Norfolk, 1664, an escotcheon, by Camden. Harl. MS. 1085, fo. 44.
YOUNG„ William, of Balleston (Basildon), Berks, Esq., attested by Camden and approved 1007, by Segar. Guil. 361 ; Add. MS. 12,225, fo. 124; Harl. MS. 6140, fo. 46*’.
YONGER, Capt. Henry, Comptroller gent, of H.M.’s trayne of Artillery, augmentation . . . ., by Walker. Add. MS. 14,294, fo. 31 ; at Oxford 10 May 1645, Her. Coll., fo. 25.
YOUNG, . . . ., nat. s. of Lord Elibank. (See Murray.) [1787 ?] Vol. XVI, fol. 207.
YOUNG„ . . . ., of London, Rec.-Gen. Arch. Canterbury, [1810] Vol. XXV, fol. 355.
YOUNG„ [Sir Samuel] (Bart.) [24 Nov. 1813], of Formosa Place, Berks. [1813] Vol.XXVII, fol. 374.
YOUNG„ Adm. Sir William [K.B., 1814]. Supporters, [1815] Vol. XXVIII, fol. 269.
YOUNG„ [William] Capt., R.N. (See Jeynes [Anne], Lady [wife of Adm. Sir William] Hothara, K.C.B. [1815] and her sisters). (Match), [1815] Vol. XXVIII, fol. 352.
YOUNG„ . . . ., of London, [1817] Vol. XXX, fol. 167.
YOUNG, [Jonathan], M.R.S., of Lambeth, co. Surrey, Apothecary [Surgeon ?], father to Charles George Young. [1804] Vol. XXIl, fol. 418. Alteration of Arms, [1822] Vol. XXXIII, fol. 253.
YOUNG„ Charles George, Koiige Dragon Pursuivant of Arms. Crest, [1818] Vol. XXX, fol. 333. Arms for wife [?] and [a new .-‘] Crest for Young, [1826] Vol. XXXV, fols. 329 and 330.
YOUNG-JAMIESON, . . . ., of co. Northumberland, [1848] Vol. XLIX, fol. 18.
YOUNG, [Sir John, 2ud Bart.], Baron Lisgar [1870], Irish peer, [1871] Vol. LVIII, fol. 56.
YOUNG„ Mrs. Eylesden, of Chart, nr. Sutton Valence, co. Kent, 1894, Vol. LXVIII,fol. 89.
John Thomas Young (1949-2016) who was an MLB player from America, who played for the Detroit Tigers in the year 1971
Clarence Clifton “Cliff” Young (1922-2016) who was a jurist and politician from America, served as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the year 1953 to the year 1957, served on the Nevada State House of Representatives from the year 1966 to the year 1980, and served on the Nevada Supreme Court from the year 1985 to the year 2002
Quentin Young 9(1923-2016) who was a physician from America, and believed in and advocated for single-payer healthcare throughout the United States of America
Leonidas Bernard “Lee” Young II (1953-2016) who was a Baptist minister from America, and who was also a politician, and served as the 74th Mayor of Richmond, Virginia in the year 1994 to the year 1996
Walter Earnest Young Jr. (1980-2015) who was an MLB player from America who played as a first baseman and designated hitter for the Baltimore Orioles in the year 2005
George Cressler Young (1916-2015) who was a lawyer and judge from America, and who served as the Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida from the year 1981 to the year 2015
Murat Bernard “Chic” Young (1901-1973) who was a cartoonist from America who is most well known for his creation of the long-running comic strip “Blondie”
Sir Charles Young, Garter King of Arms; Walter Yonge of Colyton and Devon (1579-1649), an English lawyer, merchant and diaris
American Revolution Veterans
There were over 2,900 men that served in the American Revolution with the Young surname. Below you will find just a few of these men.
Aaron Young, New Hampshire, Rank of Sergeant
Abraham Young, Massachusetts, Rank of Private
Caff Young, Connecticut, Rank of Private
Caleb Young, Massachusetts, Rank of Private
Charles Young, New York, Rank of Sergeant
Christian Young, Pennsylvania, Rank of Sergeant
Daniel Young, New Hampshire, Rank of Private
David Young, Connecticut, Rank of Drummer
David Young, Connecticut, Rank of Sergeant
Edward Young, Pennsylvania, Rank of 1st Lieutenant
Ezra Young, New Hampshire, Rank of 1st Sergeant
Frietrich Young, New York, Rank of Pryfit
Gasper Young, Virginia, Rank of Private
Godfrey Young, New York, Rank of Corporal
Henry Young, New York, Rank of 1st Lieutenant
Hugh Young, Virginia, Rank of Sergeant
Jacob Young, Pennsylvania, Rank of Sergeant
Jessee Young, New Hampshire, Rank of Sergeant Major
John Young, Virginia, Rank of Corporal
Matthias Young, Pennsylvania, Rank of Sergeant
Nathan Young, Virginia, Rank of Ensign
Peter Young, New York, Rank of Private
Robert Young, Virginia, Rank of Captain
Samuel Young, Virginia, Rank of Private
Simeon Young, Massachusetts, Rank of Rank and File
Thomas Young, Virginia, Rank of Private
Walter Young, Virginia, Rank of Fift Musick
Willis Young, Virginia, Rank of Fife
Zapole Young, New Jersey, Rank of Private
Civil War Veterans
There were over 12,600 men that served in the Civil War with the Young surname. Below you will find just a few of these men.
Abraham Young, 8th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry, Confederate, Arkansas
Berry Young, 61st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Caleb Young, 46th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry, Union, Pennsylvania
David Young, 1st Battery, Missouri Light Artillery, Confederate, Missouri
Ebenezer Young, 104th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Ferdinand Young, 8th Regiment, Maine Infantry, Union, Maine
Gabriel Young, 41st Regiment, Tennessee Infantry, Confederate, Tennessee
Harrison Young, 119th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Intrepid Young, 12th Regiment, West Virginia Infantry, Union, West Virginia
Jackson Young, Ward’s Company, South Carolina Artillery, Confederate, South Carolina
Kenny Young, 95th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Lawrence Young, 27th Regiment, Michigan Infantry, Union, Michigan
Marcus Young, 11th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, Confederate, North Carolina
Newton Young, 57th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Olin Young, 48th Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Confederate, Georgia
Patrick Young, 76th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Reece Young, 14th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry, Union, Kentucky
Samuel Young, Battery E, New Jersey Light Artillery, Union, New Jersey
Thomas Young, 12th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Ultimus Young, 13th Regiment, West Virginia Infantry, Union, West Virginia
Valentine Young, 19th Regiment, Texas Cavalry, confederate, Texas
Wallace Young, 16th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry, Union, U.S. Colored Troops
Zachariah Young, 13th Regiment, Maryland Infantry, Union, Maryland
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Blazons & Genealogy Notes
1) (alias Morgan) (John Young, alias Morgan, Bishop of St. David’s 1496-1504). Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, a griffin segreant sa.; 2nd and 3rd, az. a chev. betw. three greyhounds ar.
2) (John Young, Bishop of Rochester 1578-1605; confirmed by Dethick, Garter, 1578). Per saltire az. and gu. a lion pass. guard. or. Crest—A lion’s head guard. or, betw. two wings ar. each charged with a fleur-de-lis az.
3) (Sir Charles George Young, Garter King of Arms, d. 1869). Motto—Nullius in verba. Erm. on a bend betw. two eagles displ. sa. three griffins’ heads erased or. Crests—1st: A dragon couchant, wings elevated gu. collared and chain reflexed over the back or, in the mouth a rose per pale gold and ar. seeded and slipped ppr.; 2nd: In water representing the sea an anchor erect sa. ring and stock or, the shank entwined by a serpent ppr.
4) (North Dean, co. Bucks, bart.). Motto—Press through. Or, three piles sa. on a chief of the first as many annulets of the second. Crest—A cubit arm erect, the hand grasping an arrow all ppr.
5) (Formosa Place, co. Berks, bart.). Motto—Be right and persist. Per fess sa. and ar. in chief two lions ramp. guard. and in base an anchor erect with cable all counterchanged. Crest—A demi unicorn couped erm. maned, armed, and hoofed or, gorged with a naval crown az. supporting an anchor erect sa.
6) (Poulton-cum-Seacomb, co. Chester, and co. Flint; confirmed 10 June, 1625). Per pale erm. and ermines a Iion ramp. or. Crest—A demi lion or, collared per pale erm. and ermines.
7) (Hawkhurst, co. Kent). Per pale vert and or, on a bend engr. erm. plain cotised ar. betw. two escallops of the last as many griffins’ heads erased ppr. Crest—A griffin’s head erased per fess vert and or, charged with two escallops counterchanged.
8) (Kingerby, co. Lincoln). Motto—Toujours jeune. Per bend sinister erm. and ermines a lion ramp. or. Crest—A wolf sejant reguard. sa. holding betw. the forepaws the head of King Edmund ppr. and also a lion ramp. or.
9) (London; Robert Young, of London, gent., was father of a dau., Ann, wife of Sir William Dethick, Garter King of Arms, and a son, Thomas Young, whose dau. and heir, Ann Young, m. Charles Merrick, Esq. of Norcot, co. Middlesex. Visit. Middlesex, 1663). Erm. on a chief az. three lions ramp. ar.
10) (Orlingbury, co. Northampton; descended from Young, of Crombe D’Abitot, co. Worcester). Ar. on a bend sa. three griffins’ heads erased or. Crest—A boar’s head and neck erased ppr.
11) (co. Northumberland). Gu. a fess betw. three lions ramp. or. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an ibex ar. attired gold.
12) (co. Salop). Ar. three roses gu.
13) (Trent, co. Somerset; arms on the monument in St. Mary Magdalene’s Church, Taunton, to John Young, gent, of Trent, d. 1629). Or, three roses gu. a canton of the second. Crest—A cubit arm erect habited az. holding a. staff or.
14) (Kerno, co. Stafford). Az. a buck’s head couped ar. attired or, betw. two annulets in bend sinister of the last.
15) (Clare, co. Suffolk; the daus. and co-heirs of James Young, Esq., of Clare, son of Rev. James Young, Rector of Tolpuddle, co. Dorset, and grandson of George Young, Esq.; of Beare Regis, were, Elizabeth, wife of The Rev. N. Cook, and Mary, wife of Sir Lachlan M’Lean, Knt., of Sudbury, M.D.). Per fess sa. and ar. three lions ramp. counterchanged.
16) (Kenton, co. Suffolk). Or, three roses gu.
17) (Lambeth, co. Surrey). Erm. on a bend betw. two eagles displ. sa. three griffins’ heads erased ar. Crest—From water ppr. an anchor erect sa. stock and ring or, the stem entwined by a serpent also ppr.
18) (Westminster). Erm. on a chief az. three lions ramp. or.
19) (Croome D’Abitot, co. Worcester, and Stratton Audley, co. Oxford; descended from John Young, of Croome, temp. Henry VIII.). Ar. on a bend sa. three griffins’ heads erased or, quartering Jennett. Crest—A stork, wings expanded ar. beaked gu. holding in the beak a snake ppr.
20) (Poole House, co. Worcester; a branch of Young, of Croome D’Abitot. Visit. Worcester, 1682). Same Arms, quartering, Or, three roses gu., another coat of Young. Crest—A wolf pass. sa.
21) (co. York). Gu. a fess or, in chief three lions ramp. of the last. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an ibex head ar. armed and tufted gold.
22) Az. a martlet betw. three mullets or, a border invecked gobonee ar. and gu. Crest—A lion ramp. guard. per fess or and gu. supporting a battle-axe gold.
23) Lozengy ar. and vert on a chev. az. three bezants, on a chief gu. a goat’s head erased or, enclosed by two cinquefoils of the last. Crest—A squirrel sejant gu. charged on the body with a chev. componee or and az. holding a nut branch vert, fructed gold.
24) (Stancombe, England; Reg. Ulster’s Office). Erm. on a bend cotised sa. three griffins’ heads erased or.
25) (Newton-a-More, co. Kildare, formerly of Youngstown, in same co., settled for many generations at the latter place. Visit, city of Dublin, 1607). (Dublin; Gerrot Young, Mayor of Dublin, 1599, second son of John Young, Esq., of Newton-a-More. Visit, city of Dublin, 1607). Bendy of six ar. and gu. a lion ramp. sa. armed and langued az.
26) (Bailieborough Castle, co. Cavan, bart.) Motto—Robori prudentia praestat. Ar. three piles sa. each charged with a trefoil slipped or, on a chief of the second as many annulets of the third. Crest (granted 1821)—A demi lion ramp. gu. on the shoulder a trefoil slipped or, the dexter paw grasping a sword ppr.
27) (Baron Lisgar, extinct 1876; Right Hon. Sir John Young, second bart. of Bailieborough Castle, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., chief Secretary for Ireland 1852-55, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Isles 1855-59, Governor of New South Wales 1860-67, Governor-General of Canada 1868-72, was created a peer 1870 , and d. s. p., when the peerage expired, and the baronetcy reverted to his nephew). Motto—Prudentia. Same Arms. Crest (granted 1871)—A demi lion ramp. gu. armed and langued az. charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped, and holding in the dexter paw a sprig of three maple leaves also slipped or. Supporters—Dexter, a female figure ppr. vested ar. mantled az. holding in the exterior hand a paddle or; sinister, a like figure vested ar. mantled vert, holding in the exterior hand a crook or.
28) (Harristown, co. Roscommon; confirmed to James Young, Esq., of Harristown, only surviving son of Owen Young, Esq., of Harristown, and to the descendants of his ancestor, Owen Young, of Castlerea, the first of the family who settled in Ireland from co. York). Motto—Victoria fortitudo virtus. Gu. on a fess or, a trefoil vert, in chief three lioncels ramp, of the second. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet or, an ibex’s head ar. horned and tufted gold, and charged on the neck with a trefoil vert.
29) (Tully, co. Cavan; confirmed by Fortescue, Ulster, to Richard Young, Esq., of Tully). Gu. on a chev. ar. three trefoils slipped vert, a chief or, charged with three pellets. Crest—A horse’s head couped sa.
30) (Auldbar, co. Forfar). Motto—Roberi prudentia præstat. Ar. three piles sa. on a chief of the last as many annulets or. Crest—A lion issuing out of a wreath gu. holding a sword in pale ppr.
31) (Leny, Scotland). Motto—Press through. Ar. on three piles sa. as many annulets or. Crest—A dexter arm holding a lance in bend ppr.
32) (Rosebank, Scotland). Ar. three piles indented sa. on a chief of the last aa many annulets or. Crest—An anchor placed in the sea and surmounted of a dove holding an olive branch in the beak all ppr.
33) (Eastfield, Scotland, 1672). Motto—Scripta manant. Ar. on three piles sa. as many annulets or, within the midmost a star of six points of the first. Crest—A dexter hand holding a pen ppr.
34) (Lindbank, Scotland, 1672). Ar. on three piles sa. as many annulets or, within the midmost a quatrefoil of the first. Crest—A dexter hand ppr. holding a bezant.
35) (Sheriff Clerk of co. Kircardine 1732). Mottoes—Pro patria semper; and, Dominus providebit. Ar. three piles sa. on a chief of the last as many annulets or, and on the middle pile a bear’s head couped ar. muzzled gu. Crest—A sword and writing pen saltireways ppr.
36) (co. Berks). (Bassildon, co. Berks; granted 1607). Ar. on a chev. az. three bezants, on a chief gu. two cinquefoils or. Crest—Out of a mural crown gu. a goat’s head or.
37) (Buckhorne and Colbrooke, co. Dorset). Per fess sa. and ar. three lions ramp. guard. counterchanged. Crest—A demi sea unicorn ar. armed and finned gu.
38) (co. Dorset). Per pale sa. and ar. three lions ramp. guard. counterchanged. Crest—A sea unicorn ar. finned and horned gu.
39) (Raxwell and Roxhall, co. Essex). Ar. on a bend sa. three griffins’ heads erased of the first, a border engr. of the second bezantée. Crest—A griffin’s head erased or, within a chaplet vert.
40) (co. Hants). Lozengy or and vert a chev. az. Crest—A stag’s head erased per fess erm. and gu.
41) (London, and Drayton, co. Stafford; confirmed by Segar, Garter). Ar. fretty vert, on a chief az. three roses or, barbed of the second. Crest—A Cornish chough perched on a rock all ppr.
42) (Grenford, co. Middlesex, and Durnford, co. Wilts; granted to John Younge, of Durnford, 1572). Vair on a chief gu. three lions ramp. or. Crest—A demi greyhound erased ar.
43) (Margaret Younge, wife of Simon Brangley, of Dublin; impalement Fun. Ent. Ulster’s Office, 1610). Sa. on a bend cotised ar. three griffins’ heads erased of the field, langued gu.
44) (Metheley, co. York). Ar. on a chief gu. three lions ramp. guard. of the first.